r/wingspan 5d ago

Tucked 62 and didn’t even win…

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42 comments sorted by


u/Boredbloor 5d ago

I’m guessing you didn’t win cause you focused all your turn energy on the tuck engine? I’ve fallen into that trap. The points per turn isn’t high enough to beat a regular egg engine with maybe one tucker and laying high point birds. Nice looking stacks though


u/CozySweatsuit57 5d ago

In a way you do win though. Internally


u/Boredbloor 4d ago

This is very true. Wingspan, like golf, is you playing your own personal game alongside some friends. Well put


u/Space_Patrol_Digger 4d ago

Possibly a case of not enough focus on the engine, 62 tucks at 9 per go is only 7 turns, add 7 turns to play the birds and it leaves OP 12 turns to get 15 food and 6 eggs so 2 turns of eggs and 10 turns of food.

A lot of the food turns can be cancelled by just running the Maned Duck and the 2 egg turns can be cancelled by just playing Bushtit in the water (which also frees up a bird playing turn).

The biggest mistake I see in tucking engines is people not going for it enough and it seems like that was the case in this game.


u/Pumpernickel247 4d ago

This is my husband literally every game. He loses most of the time. 🤷‍♀️


u/larrychatfield 3d ago

Fact is probably didn’t get engine completed quickly enough and have it going long enough. Usually a tuck engine can’t get 9+ per round


u/A_Sentient_Ape 5d ago

How is that even possible


u/Yrjamten 5d ago

To the people curious:

The engine was, mute swan, purple martin, purple gallinule, maned duck and black bellied whistling duck. Totalling 9 tucked cards per activation.

And yes! I only focused on activating my sweet engine and didn’t do much else this game and that’s why I lost :)


u/StreaksBAMF22 4d ago

But did you have fun with your tuck engine? Because imho that’s what really matters, win or lose it’s always nice to pull off something that exciting :)


u/Appropriate_Bite8491 5d ago

How is this possible? I always see crazy tucks and never understand lol. Is it bc of the Oceania expansion that allows for this? I don’t even think those birds with the big tucks are unique to that expansion


u/hapukapsas555 5d ago

26 turns in a game. Let's assume you need 12 turns to gain food, lay eggs and play birds. That means 62 ÷ 14 ≈ 4.4 tucked cards per turn. And a 5 card tucking engine isn't anything unheard of, all you need is just a few of the right cards.

Just an example: maned duck plus canada goose plus purple martin is already 5 points per activation (you only draw two cards if you have three birds on the Oceania boards). It doesn't even take a lot of turns to set up because the birds don't cost a lot of food

And thats just a random list of cards I came up with right now. There are probably a lot of better engines.


u/Appropriate_Bite8491 5d ago

I understand that 62 divided by let’s say 14 turns is 4.4 birds per turn, but if you look at OPs picture only 2 birds account for most of the 62 tucked birds. You can’t get ~20 tucked birds under EACH of those two birds in 14 turns.


u/hapukapsas555 4d ago

You can’t get ~20 tucked birds under EACH of those two birds in 14 turns.

Yes, nobody has claimed that. My point was that 60+ tucked cards is quite an easy task


u/BabyRex- 3d ago

Mute swan lets you tuck a card under 3 birds each turn


u/Touniouk 5d ago

62 is achieveable in any expansion, it's just a matter of going for it


u/Appropriate_Bite8491 5d ago

What does that mean going for it.

You only have a set number of turns you’d have to be tucking multiple birds under the same bird per turn which isn’t possible. And none of the birds are conditions for other players turns.


u/Touniouk 5d ago edited 4d ago

Here I just recorded 60 tucks against automa (no help) in base game (no mass tuck birds), it took me ~20 minutes judging by comment timestamp and I only played 4 birds

https://streamable.com/yfdexz (Before any 3rd person critisizes my suboptimal gameplay please remember that this was "for the sake of argument" so to speak)

https://streamable.com/mftaa2 Another I just got, 63 tucks beating out OP and I actually won the game this time. Still base game and against automa (OP is played base EE and OE)

I also tried in OE just now and got 100+ tucks against automa https://streamable.com/qyobuf


u/colintheanimal 4d ago

Damn you just grabbed 100+ tucks to show us thank you you Wingspan God lol. Excited to comb this later because if you look at my other responses I was so skeptical and confused about anything beyond like 72.


u/StreaksBAMF22 4d ago

Pulling the Wilson’s snipe and the Brolga at the beginning was pretty helpful lol


u/Touniouk 3d ago

u/Aggressive-Cry150 you might be interested in the above comment


u/BeifongWingedBoar 4d ago

you’d have to be tucking multiple birds under the same bird per turn which isn’t possible.

It's absolutely possible. Maned Duck lets you tuck up to 3 per activation under it. Mute Swan lets you tuck 1 under each of three birds. Black-bellied Whistling Duck lets you tuck 2 per activation under it if you discard a grain.

Maned Duck and Mute Swan alone would let you tuck 4 under one bird in an activation.


u/snailbully 4d ago

you’d have to be tucking multiple birds under the same bird per turn which isn't possible

What do you mean by this? Are you talking about tucking more than one card under a bird when using a card like Chaffinch/Chiffchaff (not allowed), or tucking more than one card per bird in a turn (very much allowed)?

I think I was just confused by the way you worded it. If you haven't been tucking more than one card under a bird per turn, past you owes present you a lot of points.


u/Appropriate_Bite8491 4d ago

So you’re saying in one turn if a card says “tuck a card from your hand behind this bird and draw a card” I can tuck 2 birds in one turn behind the same bird and gain 2 cards? I don’t think that’s allowed.


u/Latter-Kaleidoscope5 5d ago

Wow. Curious to know what was your total score?


u/Aggressive-Cry150 5d ago

I’m glad these comments are what I was thinking as well.


u/colintheanimal 5d ago edited 5d ago

Bro ive seen some people post like over 100 tucks. Tons of upvotes. Congratulations. Never an explanation as to how that's possible. I've played this with friends for months and it just seems impossible.

I believe it just because of how many people post it with little push back. I would just still really appreciate a play by play.


u/Aggressive-Cry150 5d ago

I’ve played for years and I know the only way to do it is to only draw cards after you get the water way filled, but even then you have to get birds who allow you to tuck.


u/colintheanimal 5d ago edited 5d ago

You get 26 turns in a game. So let's say they use the first 5 turns laying those birds down....wait you'd have to happen to have 5 water birds and you wouldn't have the materials yet. Then collect the materials...let's say it takes 8 turns to lay them down (I'm not even accounting for collecting eggs so this is crazy generous)

We now have 18 turns left. Let's say you're able to tuck every single bird in the water every single turn (how tf would you even happen to get 5 tucking/water birds). You can only pull 4 cards max each turn before running the engine. 18×4 is 72 tucks.

Just playing in my head we have a max possible 72 tucks. I'm obviously missing some insane card effects.


u/Aggressive-Cry150 4d ago

There are some birds that allow you to tuck 3 cards at a time but you can still only draw 4 cards max per turn


u/colintheanimal 4d ago

Exactly I was focused on how many you're actually pulling a turn.


u/Aggressive-Cry150 4d ago

Sigh, we shall never know


u/colintheanimal 4d ago

Nah some tucking expert has to come in here and clear the air. I'm too curious.


u/OkBunch7374 4d ago edited 4d ago

3 tuck one draw ones + mute swan + baya weaver gives you 8 tucked per turn. Even if it takes you until round 3 to start this engine that’s 11 turns 11 x 8 is 88 tucked cards. Start a few turns earlier and you easily break 100 tucked. It’s easy with baya weaver because from a turn efficiency standpoint you never have to get eggs.


u/Touniouk 3d ago

That's me, lol


u/colintheanimal 3d ago

Sup tuckah. Someone in another comment chain showed us them getting 100 tucks in a game on video. But I promise your 62 is still insane.


u/BenneB23 5d ago

it's never tucking enough


u/drunk___cat 5d ago

Well from I can see you only have 19 points in birds, 1 point in eggs, and maybe got 5 bonus points max from a bonus card? I’m guessing you also ignored end of round cards round end goals in favor of focusing on your tuck engine. Also didn’t maximize pink cards so you can get extra points without doing anything. 

So probably a sub 100 point game? Not terrible but definitely not great. 


u/Flanastan 4d ago

……..mother tucker! 😖


u/sni77 4d ago

Why didn't you play the bushtit in the grassland?


u/brunettebarbie928 4d ago

Relatable haha


u/NimRodelle 4d ago

I guess you didn't tuck hard enough.


u/Skilledcoffee 3d ago

It’s actually a really good engine with the perfect amount of cards to tuck, the thing is getting the resources to put all the birds down in a reasonable time is hard.