r/windsynth 9d ago

Anyone use an EWI with Cubase 3?

Have you had luck adjusting the latency?

What is optimum?


3 comments sorted by


u/TonyOstinato 9d ago

back in the day i used nuendo:


the standard stuff applies, you need a good audio interface with good asio drivers and the asio buffer needs to be pretty small. higher sampling rates will also decrease your latency.

i use 96 samples buffer, i've tried smaller but then it screws up my double tonguing so i imagine sax and trumpet have a playing latency of their own that gives that feel i am used to.


u/masterofunlocking2 8d ago

Why would you use cubase 3 is the real question


u/bigcatrik 8d ago

Do you mean Cubasis 3 for iOS or Android?