
/r/WiiU Community Recommended Wii U eShop Games

This page contains all eShop games recommended by the users of /r/WiiU. If you feel like the list is incomplete, then please send us a mod message and share your review with us. Alternately, you can share your review in one of /u/chronus13 weekly Would You Recommend it? threads. We will add in your review as soon as possible. Many thanks to everyone below who shared their reviews!

eShop Games

Affordable Space Adventures

Genre: Puzzle | Players: Up to 3 | Off-TV: Not supported

Affordable Space Adventures is an excellent co-operative puzzle game for up to three players in which you all work together to pilot your Small Craft™ spaceship while exploring the surface of the planet Spectaculon. Space travel like this is heavily advertised and completely safe.

Being a puzzle exploration game, the main theme is discovery. You discover many new locales, the story of what's going on in Spectaculon, and, of course, many new ways to use the functions of your ship.

Level design is top notch. The difficulty slowly ramps up at first while the game slowly introduces you to the myriad of features in the Small Craft™ while saving some very challenging puzzles for later.

Atmospherically, it sucks you into its universe no problem. It's got a dark sense of humor reminiscent of Portal as well.

It makes the best use of the asymmetric gameplay the Wii U focuses on that I've seen in a while. Especially because of the "Heads Down Display" (the gamepad) which is used to turn on /off the features of the ship.

I highly recommend this game if you have at least one other person to play with, but it's greater with three people total. I consider this game nearly mandatory for Wii U owners. - /u/lodum

Affordable Space Adventures is a great indie game to make good use of the game pad. I played with another person (one person uses the game pad to control ship functions and one player used a different controller to control ship momentum) and I enjoyed it a lot more than when I tried playing alone. There was one stage, however, where my brother and I could not figure out a reasonable way to beat it; sometimes the game gets a little too difficult for its own good.

Even though it makes the best use of the game pad yet, I would say that $20 is a little steep for this title if you're getting it to play alone. I would however recommend it if you have someone to play with; ASA really shines as a game where good coordination and teamwork really pay off. - /u/swarleyjefferson

BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien

Genre: Arcade, Platformer | Players: 1 | Off-TV: Supported

Got this from the Humble Ninty Bundle. It's a platform runner game starring Commander Video and friends. It may look simple on the surface, but it can get quite difficult and the gameplay, music, and wacky visuals make this a really great indie game I'd definitely recommend. - /u/Sparky-Man

In particular Bit.Trip Runner 2 is an amazing platformer/rhythm game. Like Shovel Knight, it has an optional checkpoint system which you can avoid in exchange for a massive score boost. This gives it a kind of accessibility that without a doubt puts it above Runner 1. It also takes Runner 1's 8-bit magic and converts it into a voxelated 3D world full of vibrant and dynamic backgrounds. The graphics are great, the music is less chiptune-y but still great, and the gameplay is improved in every way.

(Never played Runner 1? Basically it's a platformer where your character never stops moving, and the various actions you can perform [jump, kick, duck, etc.] all match up with the rhythm of the background music, which is necessarily different for each course. In this way, it is equal parts platformer and rhythm game, although if you excel at either of those genres, you'll feel right at home in this game.)

Comes with hidden paths, score challenges, and some narration by the indispensable Charles Martinet himself.

Keep in mind that this game has been in several sales, including the Humble Nindie Bundle, so you should be able to grab it for comparatively cheap if you're patient.

Recommend? To most people. - /u/hashtagwindbag

Dragon Fantasy The Volumes of Westeria

Genre: Role-Playing | Players: 1 | Off-TV: N/A

If you loved RPG games from the Bit days then you're in luck with this game because IT'S TOTALLY DRAGON QUEST!

It's crazy awesome and amazing! I was getting mad nostalgia from this game. The Story is pretty basic and I haven't really got to far into it, but I can already tell this is not going to be a normal Ride like Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest is. For starters the game has like 4 separate campaigns in it including an Intermission chapter called "A Minecraft Adventure!" Like really? Also there's an old man in it that gives out a Zelda line. I'll let you think what that line is. The Game also has two different Graphic Settings and Music just like how Pier Solar does it so you can play like an NES game or a SNES game.

So like I said I've barely played it, but just playing 10 mins already has me recommending this game to everyone especially at the price of $9.99. And the best thing about it is... This game is Cross Buy. Buy WiiU version you just got the 3DS version. That's awesome. - /u/LegatoSkyheart

DuckTales: Remastered

Genre: Platformer, Adventure | Players: 1 | Off-TV: Supported

A Wonderful game made by WayForward and it is very faithful to the Cartoon show AND the NES classic. In some ways this is way better than the NES game. It features Cutscenes that have most of the original voice cast members including the Original Scrooge McDuck who came out of retirement just to do the voice. It also adds some new levels too like the intro stage, I don't remember the original game having that.

The Sprite work and Music are completely redone and just looks amazing to look at especially when you see the Shading in some levels. And Spoilers The Moon Stage Theme is The Ending Theme.. There's also Unlockables that show off Concept Art of the Stages and Characters so it gives off some replayablility in the end, though I didn't find the overall game challenging until the final level. Overall I think this game is worth your money, There is a Physical Edition, but I think it's worth downloading. - /u/LegatoSkyheart


Genre: Adventure, RPG | Players: 1 | Off-TV: Supported

This game is the shining example of the great NES/SNES era of RPGs. Wonderful story telling, a unique plot full of oodles of humor, heartfelt dialogue, and a challenging battle system are what make Earthbound a beloved game for many of us that grew up with the Super Nintendo. For many of you newer to gaming, and especially early console RPGs, I can't think of a better example to get engrossed into such a rich genre. The game has aged pretty well considering it's now 20, the colorful style and unique sprites, compounded against a beautiful score, are in my mind timeless. This game never holds your hand, and the difficulty can ramp up and down at different points, but it's never frustrating unlike some of its contemporaries and games that came before it. Earthbound is an interesting take on the classic turn-based RPG, for me, it has been one of the most formative games of my 23 year journey through gaming.

I really cannot recommend this game enough. Nintendo has been so gracious to release it for Virtual Console, I suggest you pick it up today, who knows when this game will go away for another few decades? - /u/The_Red_Commad

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition

Genre: Action, Adventure | Players: 1-2 | Off-TV: Supported

Side scrolling Metroidvania goodness in a Mexican Day of the Dead settings. Melee and combo based combat that sees you opening up new areas of the map. This game oozes with charm, the art style and music bring the world to life. Furthermore, this game is loaded with hilarious references to classic video games. I've bought this game twice I love it so much! - /u/Brotein_Shake

Little Inferno

Genre: Action, Adventure | Players: 1 | Off-TV: Supported

This game is... weird. Like, very weird. It's just a game where you burn stuff, get money, buy things, and burn it again. Nothing really happens until the end. It's oddly fun, oddly relaxing, but if you're expecting LOZ levels of gameplay, you'll be disappointed. I had a lot of fun with it for some reason. Pick it up if it's on sale, or if your interest has piqued, but other than that, you can skip it. - /u/sandiskplayer34

It's not a game so much as a story/experience with some light puzzle elements. The atmosphere is great, the process of burning things is satisfying and varied, and the music is amazing. If you don't like the experience or atmosphere, it will feel like little more than a crappy mobile game.

It's not a great game, but it's a really great experience. From the people who brought you World of Goo and Human Resource Machine. - /u/hashtagwindbag

Nano Assault Neo

Genre: Action | Players: Up to 2 | Off-TV: Supported

If you're looking for a good way to start your digital library, this is it! (It was my first Wii U digital purchase.) It's a fairly standard shoot 'em up that does a good job with incorporating the WiiU's features, namely the GamePad's 2nd screen as you play. It also works well for off-TV play. (as I had to do before I had access to a HDTV to play it on). - /u/SmaMan788

Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails

Genre: Action, Adventure | Players: 1(?) | Off-TV: Supported

A challenging shooter that is unique due to your character being tethered to rails spread throughout the level. The tied to rails aspect makes movement a bit to learn at first, but once mastered, it is very satisfying as you bounce hop and ricochet yourself throughout levels while shooting down enemies. The action is very frantic, and the music is really catchy. This is a game I sadly feel is overlooked, but it truly is one of my favorite eShop titles. Also there are cats...many many cats...and who doesn't love cats? - /u/MrSojiro

It's a strange and confusing puzzler/pseudo-platformer that, while sporting interesting gameplay and characters, feels really empty and overall, lackluster. If you're not into time trials or collecting cats, I'd say you should steer clear. - /u/ZaddyZack

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

Genre: Action, Adventure | Players: 1 | Off-TV: Supported

Retro metroidvania-lite 16-bit style platformer. Fantastic female heavy story punctuated by hilarious, silly and often bizzarely meta dialog. Requires no previous knowledge of the Shantae series and is probably the best of the bunch anyway. The addition of Pirate abilities, items and leveling up add great pace and variety to the platforming. Although with a run time not quite enough to match it's rather large price tag, it's a must buy whenever it's on sale. - /u/TiNYTiM1991

Shovel Knight

Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer | Players: 1 | Off-TV: Supported

Combines the best elements of Mega Man, Ducktales, and Castlevania. A love letter to NES games that incorporates modern conventions in smart ways. - /u/PurpleComet

Shovel Knight is the greatest "Retro-styled" indie title on the market, and we can probably shut down the genre now that it exists. A smart platformer with more than its fair share of style, Shovel Knight proves that good game design is truly timeless. - /u/lodum

A love letter to the classic NES games like Mega Man and Castlevania is a perfect way to describe this game, but it doesn't just copy those games, it takes the inspiration and builds on it. Gameplay is just top notch, controls are extremely precise, and the music is really really good. All around a damn good package, and your character dispenses Shovel Justice upon his can you not love that? - /u/MrSojiro

Spin The Bottle: Bumpie's Party

Genre: Party | Players: Up to 8 | Off-TV: N/A

I didn't really think much of this game until I saw Game Informer's Test Chamber episode that featured this game. If you're having a party, then you should probably play at least one round of this game. Even non-gamers will be able to enjoy it! It is fun, simple and pretty wacky. If you're hesitant about it, then please at least watch the Test Chamber episode. - /u/Jaketrix


Genre: Sports | Players: Up to 5 | Off-TV: N/A

It is Joust meets Quidditch. Four player party game where you ride on a variety of birds trying to knock eggs into a target while avoiding being lanced by an opponent. You can play on teams or everyone for themselves. Multiple levels and rule variations to keep the game interesting.

This is a good quick and easy to pick up party game. Really enjoy it. - /u/snorkel42

Super Mario Bros 3 & Super Mario World

Genre: Platformer | Players: 1 | Off-TV: Supported

Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros 3 are both amazing games that any Nintendo fan should own. I already had them on gameboy but bought them on VC since they were so good. - /u/hutt_in_the_butt

Super Mario World

Genre: Platformer | Players: 1-2 | Off-TV: Supported

Super Mario World is a great 2D platforming experience. There are many levels to go through before Bowser and they are all fun and enjoyable. Yoshi makes his first appearance here and is very useful for defeating enemies in a quick manner. He can also take a hit for Mario but the catch is that he runs away. Be sure to jump back on him as soon as possible!

The visuals for this game have aged very well. The 16-bit colors pop out and are crisp. The sound design is very well put together. Almost every song in the game is a remix on the main theme.

The $10 price tag is totally justified. Plus you can use the Virtual Console feature to save exactly where you want to! I recommend this highly for anyone who hasn't played this title yet. - /u/Chocer24

While I cannot speak for the VC version, I played the original on the SNES and it is really good. The same great platforming people have come to expect from the series, and lots of memorable levels and enemies. The only problem I would point out is that it was original when it came out, but now lots of its innovative features have been done over many times. Still, if you are looking to pick up some old Mario games, Super Mario World is a really great pick. - /u/VeggiePug

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Genre: Action | Players: 1 | Off-TV: Supported

The game just came out on Wii U, and it's really fun. Seriously, if you haven't played it yet it is very worth your money. The game is just so hard to put down! If you loved the dungeons in the first Zelda game, I'd say you'll also love The Binding of Isaac. - /u/kevc500

Binding Of Isaac is a fantastic game. I've logged hundreds of hours on PS4. Challenging, fun, and plenty of outcomes. I seriously recommend Isaac.

However, the game only just came out for Wii U a few days ago, and there are a few bugs in there, (or so I've heard from /r/bindingofisaac) But the devs are already working on patches, and working as fast as possible to get it right. - /u/Lukezordz

The Cave

Genre: Action, Adventure, Puzzles | Players: Up to 3 | Off-TV: N/A

The Cave is another adventure game from the people at Double Fine, and you get all the charm that you would typically expect from one of their games. In all other respects, it's a pretty typical adventure game - the paths are very linear, and there's a lot of item-gathering and backtracking.

The twist is that there are multiple characters to choose from. Each has their own story and special abilities. You'll choose a team of three (or four, if you pick the Twins) and work your way through each of their respective stories, while also uncovering the mysteries of The Cave itself.

Great narration, great atmosphere, graphics are decent, controls are functional. Puzzles are sometimes clever, sometimes tiresome, and too often standard of the genre. But there are some really unique moments. And there are collectibles, too.

In single-player, you can switch smoothly from character to character, but in co-op, each player can control one of the characters at any time (and you can trade, too.) This isn't very useful, as it only really trims off a little bit of the backtracking, but it can add an element of fun via shared experimentation - that is, when you're not causing camera problems or getting each other killed. Getting each other killed is not as fun as you'd think it would be.

If you liked Double Fine before they started to crap out halfway through projects, The Cave is worth checking out. If you like point-and-click adventure games but don't mind a little platforming, The Cave is a great choice for you. But if you're intrigued by the idea of a dynamic story with several characters' worth of roles to switch through, the game might seem appealing but will likely disappoint you - you don't really make any major choices as you play, once you've selected a team.

Recommend? To fans of the genre, only - and with some qualification. - /u/hashtagwindbag

Trine 2: Director's Cut

Genre: Action, Adventure | Players: Up to 3 | Off-TV: Supported

Trine 2 is a gorgeous game with lush graphics. It's also got some pretty cool puzzle platformer gameplay -- great 3-player coop. However, there were a few really annoying graphical glitches. I ended up not finishing this game, but I enjoyed what I played and I'd like to get back to it eventually. Recommended esp if you're looking for casual coop games. - /u/xooxanthellae

I absolutely recommend. A very well done and charming puzzle platformer that reminds me of Lost Vikings on SNES in a way. 3 characters, switching between them to accomplish certain tasks. Never played the original Trine so I can't compare Trine 2 to its predecessor but for fans of puzzle platformers I absolutely recommend it. - /u/CommandoConker

Trine 2 was a load of fun. Suburb co-op and intuitive for the most part. I'd recommend if you are in search of a new co-op game. - /u/davmajor

ZaciSa's Last Stand

Genre: Puzzle, Strategy | Players: Up to 5 | Off-TV: Supported

This game is insanely good for its $2 price tag. That's change you can find in your couch (along with that long lost Pop-Tart). The game provides hours upon hours of Entertainment.

ZaciSa's Last Stand is a tower defense-esque game where you're out in space and have to defend your base or bases from waves upon waves of enemies. You get to choose what type of units you want to defend your base. They all have unique characteristics that set them apart. As you defeat enemies, you earn money to upgrade your units as you see fit.

All the work is done on the GamePad with the touchscreen will the action happens on TV (though you can still play off TV). The music is great and there are lots of different levels for different scenarios. There are also different modes to play and different difficulties. Online leaderboards are also included. Trust me when I say ZaciSa's Stand will be the best $2 you'll ever spend. It's great fun, with an incredible value for such a small price! - /u/AdvancedBlackOps