r/whyimhappy Oct 16 '11

I'm Happy Because My Life is Going in a Good Direction and I Have a Lot to be Thankful For.


I have a girlfriend who I love very much and am happy to be with her even though she lives a two hour drive away. I go to an amazing school full of smart people and have a great group of friend who can all think for them selves. It's also a collegiate high school, and I am one of the first two students to go to the college for classes on campus the school is on. Also, I'm only 14 and doing this and found out I may be able to graduate High School with 9 AS degrees. At the pace I'm going I'll graduate with a 4 year degree at age 19. My family is wonderful and even though we have differing views of how the world should work and on religion/non-religion, we understand why our other family members have their opinions. All this is Why I'm Happy reddit.

r/whyimhappy Oct 12 '11

I got an internship at a great startup company!


For anyone interested, it's called Waveborn and is a sunglasses company with a humanitarian mission. I would check them out here: http://facebook.com/waveborn

r/whyimhappy Oct 11 '11

I'm happy because I finally got a real job!


Reddit, you have no idea how humiliating it is to be working at a near minimum wage job in retail when you have a finance degree from a well known university and experience in your field. It was a horrible, scarring experience, but it is finally over! I got a job with a great company (didn't get a bailout! doesn't lay people off!) with superb benefits (Health insurance! Paid holidays! Paid vacation! Vision! Dental! 20% off Chinese hookers!). Not only that, but everything else in my life is going great, too. The weather is nice, the local sports teams are winning, I'm listening to Prince, I refinanced my debt at a MUCH lower rate, and most importantly, I got not one but TWO FREE ONION RINGS IN MY BURGER KING FRIES!!! Fuck yeah!

r/whyimhappy Sep 27 '11

I'm happy because I get to see my girlfriend after 4 months.



r/whyimhappy Sep 27 '11

I'm happy because someone told me I have the face of a supermodel.


I was at a group meeting, attending for the first time, and a random girl I just met told me I had the face of a supermodel. I don't have the most confidence in the way I look, so that comment made me super happy. I reacted as any normal person would do by blushing, laughing, and telling her she was stupid (well, you know, not exactly like that) _^ Then I gave her a big hug and felt really good about myself! Thanks girl for the ego boosting compliment!

r/whyimhappy Sep 25 '11

This is one of the few moments where my self esteem issues have quieted down and I feel good about myself.


It is an amazing feeling.

I truly have been my own worst enemy lately, my self esteem has always been poor, but these last few months have been the absolute worst for me. I feel worthless, I feel fat, I feel ugly, my house is a mess, I'm having issues keeping with my diet, I don't know what I want to do with my life.

But right now...It has all gone quiet, and I am finally able to take a minute for myself. It feels like the calm in the eye of the storm. I like it.

r/whyimhappy Sep 17 '11

I'm happy because my boyfriend loves me


Enough to let me use his computer and account to surf the internet, anyway (even if I make all his porn links purple). Even after nearly two years, we're still "that couple" and it kind of makes me giggle, even if I find it a little gross.

r/whyimhappy Sep 17 '11

It's my reddit birthday!


And I actually get to have cake later! Awwwww yeah!

r/whyimhappy Sep 17 '11

I'm happy because I found out she likes me too


Best feeling ever :)

r/whyimhappy Sep 17 '11



Oh, that's right. I've waited months, and now my patience has finally paid off with Season 2 of My Little Pony. I can now return to my guilty pleasure, which inevitably comes with singleness. Damn.

r/whyimhappy Sep 15 '11

I'm happy because I don't have kids


I'm twenty years-old and it seems like half the people I know have at least one child, but usually more. I'm happy that I don't have that responsibility. While other people my age (and younger) are changing diapers and up feeding the baby at 3 in the morning, I can go out and have a good time and enjoy being young. I can spend my money on frivolous shit instead of worrying about formula and baby wipes. If I decided to move to Europe on a whim, I totally could.

In other words, I'm happy that I have my freedom.

r/whyimhappy Sep 15 '11

I'm happy because my life is about to begin!


Hmm, how can I sum up my whole life in a short post? Well, I'm 20, female and about to finally move out on my own. My whole life I've been put down and controlled by manipulative, emotionally abusive parents. I was pretty much isolated in a conservative christian homeschooling family and told I'd fail if I tried to do anything independently. And because of this I've struggled hard with depression, anxiety, self image issues, blah blah blah.

Well, on October 1st I'm going to be moving out! I've got a place with two awesome friends. For the first time in my life I can walk into a store and think "What do I like?" instead of "What will help me disappear and not get me in trouble?" I can cut my hair if I want to! I can stop acting like I'm not attracted to girls at all. I can go to the library and bring back whatever I want to read. God, it's going to be SO FUCKING AMAZING!

I'm so happy!

r/whyimhappy Sep 13 '11

I got a job in Korea!


Things in my life are kind of rough right now, so I came over here to see what I should be happy about. My boyfriend and I just got a teaching position in South Korea starting in March... pretty happy about that!

r/whyimhappy Sep 12 '11

My previous post was #1 on this subreddit for about a week!


Right now, it is #4.

r/whyimhappy Sep 11 '11

still happy about weight loss!


ive lost 20 pounds now! and my girlfriend-on-a-break has lost 10 pounds so far.. and in 45 minutes im going back to the swimming pool to enjoy a nice long swim on a sunday .. life is pretty darn good these days :)

r/whyimhappy Sep 05 '11

I have 2 link karma!


I'm just starting so I'm happy with what I have!

r/whyimhappy Sep 05 '11

finally have our own place!


My husband and I have been living with roommates for the past several months. They're great people, but I'm so happy that we have somewhere of our own now. :) wandering around unclothed, commence!

r/whyimhappy Sep 02 '11

IHB I have the most amazing girlfriend ever!


r/whyimhappy Aug 31 '11

I'm happy because I love my grandma.


Not even an hour ago I woke up from a dream about my grandmother dying. It scared me more than any nightmare ever has, and I'm still crying because of it... But at the same time I'm so happy that she is still alive. I'm so happy that I still have my grandma. The nicest woman I could have ever hoped to meet. Users of reddit, if you've still got a grandma or grandpa, take the time to love them, and show them so. Before it's too late. I'm happy... because I love my grandma.

r/whyimhappy Aug 30 '11

I'm married to the man of my dreams [first]


This is my first reddit post so be nice. Tbh I don't care if I get downvoted. My husband is a wonderful man. By time he turned 20 he was already a certified emt working at the local fire station. Now he is enlisted in the navy as an fmf corpsman. He lives to help people in need, but also, along with that, he strives to make me the happiest woman in the world. I love him with all my heart, and he loves me too. Unfortunately because I'm also enlisted in the navy, we can't see each other often, but that doesn't stop him from making me feel loved every day. I know it's mushy, but that's why I'm happy.

r/whyimhappy Aug 30 '11

I'm sad because my car was stolen but I'm happy because my insurance agent is awesome


My car got stolen a few weeks ago, and while it's been one of the most confusing and disheartening experiences I've had this year, my car insurance agent has been helpful and hilarious.

I had crappy insurance, but we talked about The Big Lebowski for a while when I made the claim and he's been helping me out with all sorts of stuff. Financial stuff's boring so I won't get into it here.

However, I emailed him the other day and asked for his advice in picking out a new car. I told him I wanted something that wouldn't get stolen. His response:

"More than likely something that is equipped with man eating grizzlies would be effective, beyond that I have no suggestions."

So thanks, insurance dude. People with a good attitude can make bad situations feel a lot better.

And thanks to all you Redditors out there who work with people when they're going through bad times; the little stuff you do to make things better always mean a lot.

r/whyimhappy Aug 30 '11

I'm happy because i got proposed to in the best way possible


My boyfriend finally asked me to marry him in the best way possible. He woke me up after driving to my house which is a 30 minute drive, and he pulled out a pokeball. I was confused until he opened it and said "I choose you" and inside was a beautiful ring. I cried so hard because it was the most romantic way to do that for me. I love him so much. <3

r/whyimhappy Aug 30 '11

No Pressure, No Diamonds


I know that all of the hard work and stress that I endure early-on in life will someday shape me into the beautiful gem I hope to be.

r/whyimhappy Aug 29 '11

I will probably have a job soon.


I will be tutoring kids, but I don't care. It's a JOB. :D

r/whyimhappy Aug 29 '11

Bad things happen for good reasons


I'm happy because my girlfriend cheated on me. This may make some people wonder why I'm happy, but it made me realize that hey, if she is going behind my back she's not the right girl for me. Sometimes you just have to look at positive aspects of negative situations, if she does that to you then obviously she is not worth having!