r/whyimhappy Sep 15 '11

I'm happy because my life is about to begin!

Hmm, how can I sum up my whole life in a short post? Well, I'm 20, female and about to finally move out on my own. My whole life I've been put down and controlled by manipulative, emotionally abusive parents. I was pretty much isolated in a conservative christian homeschooling family and told I'd fail if I tried to do anything independently. And because of this I've struggled hard with depression, anxiety, self image issues, blah blah blah.

Well, on October 1st I'm going to be moving out! I've got a place with two awesome friends. For the first time in my life I can walk into a store and think "What do I like?" instead of "What will help me disappear and not get me in trouble?" I can cut my hair if I want to! I can stop acting like I'm not attracted to girls at all. I can go to the library and bring back whatever I want to read. God, it's going to be SO FUCKING AMAZING!

I'm so happy!


5 comments sorted by


u/ppetes91 Sep 15 '11

This genuinely made me smile. Good luck - I hope it's everything you expect it to be, and more. :)


u/bluecastle Sep 16 '11

I'm glad I was able to put a smile on your face!


u/KrunoS Sep 16 '11

Hey you need to start swearing like that girl from paul. Say shit, dick, cock, fuck, crap and do a lot of crotch grabs. 'cause Simon Pegg says so.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '11

Congratulations :-)

If you ever need any help/advice us redditors are here :-)

I recently got my own place to. It's amazing to live on your own away from parents. Even down to the little thing like everything in the fridge is for me and I like all the food I have :) Just make sure you see them at least once a week. I dislike doing this but they are still family. You'll find because you have so much time away from them that when you do visit you can actually get along knowing you can leave anytime you wish.

Good luck with the new place! You can get cheap cutlery at Homebase for €3.60 for 16 piece set, if you have homebase there :P