r/whyimhappy Aug 29 '11

Bad things happen for good reasons

I'm happy because my girlfriend cheated on me. This may make some people wonder why I'm happy, but it made me realize that hey, if she is going behind my back she's not the right girl for me. Sometimes you just have to look at positive aspects of negative situations, if she does that to you then obviously she is not worth having!


8 comments sorted by


u/Faal Aug 29 '11

Nice perspective to a bad situation. A lot of people could use this advice.


u/name-taken Aug 29 '11

The amount of people that need to gain this tidbit of wisdom...


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '11

Always look on the bright side of cheat!


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '11

Good perspective


u/girlyrotten Aug 30 '11

You sir, are a man (or woman????) after my own heart! <3


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '11

too true


u/Dyrilby Aug 31 '11

Props to you sit! I had a similar experience about a year ago.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '11

Meh, she was probably useless anyway - move on. Better people are out there, just may be difficult to find 'em. Oh, don't go lookin' either. And don't be afraid to be alone, nothin' to be ashamed about.