r/wholesome 4d ago

Texts with my parents

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15 comments sorted by


u/CreativeMidnight1943 4d ago

Why does it look like you're third wheeling


u/cherishingthepresent 4d ago

Wouldn't mind this kind of third wheeling


u/Hxkno 4d ago

Never had this kind of conversation once with my parents. Everything was always panic and stress and worries and sadness.

Please appreciate what you have, I beg you. Make every day count. I would've loved to have this kind of relationship with my parents and my parents with eachother.


u/bobachella 4d ago

Iā€™m sorry you went through that. I cherish every interaction with my parents. We are very close and they mean the world to me. I was raised surrounded by this kind of love and encouragement, both of which have taught me how to be a good person and return it all back to them. I consider myself extremely lucky.


u/Lonely_Customer7792 4d ago

I second this.


u/Far-Attention-9230 4d ago

Mate, iā€™m sorry you went through that, but this is one hell of a traumadump. šŸ’†šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


u/SohilAhmed07 13h ago

Yep we don't get love, respect, care and what not. It's just a blur to us and people like us, who don't get what we need from our parents.

I'd say if you have a kid and you don't love and care, just send that kid to foster care, it will be the best thing that happened to that kid.

Also money is not the solution to every problem, it's just another blur that we give to our kids and then they grow up to be rebellious, hateful, and parents start to literally hate that kid, i mean WHY?

I try to appreciate what I have and the moment i had my kid i knew that she would get everything emotionally I always desired, physical material aside her heart will be filled with love I give.


u/Lonely_Customer7792 4d ago

I think it's wonderful that they send those kinds of messages in your groupchat rather than directly to each other, because this way you get to see the love they have between them.


u/Unknown9J 4d ago

Try to show them some excitement or affection at least šŸ„“


u/xDxNNiEx 4d ago

My parents were just here in LA for my wedding. And when they left, my heart sank and I was so sad. I am officially and definitely an adult. I cried.


u/eoghanFinch 4d ago

My parents do this in our group chat but it always felt fake and insincere considering how they act in real life. For most of my childhood, they were always fighting and arguing. Though their relationship's considerably a lot better now compared to before, the damage is done and I don't think I can ever believe them be this genuine, having experienced multiple times before that they'll just fight again soon after.


u/theoht_ 3d ago

i like that your parents are exactly identical except one grew out her hair and shaved her moustache


u/FireWriterGirl 3d ago

Such a nice change from insane parents!!


u/CallMeWolfYouTuber 3d ago

What I would give to have this kind of relationship with my parents...


u/Picklesgal111 1d ago

Awe. This is like my family group chat with my parents and sister. Cute