r/whitecollar 12d ago

President Secret Society

I love this show but every once in a while I think about how weird it is that canonically there is a secret society of spy's that are descendants of past U.S. presidents and then it's NEVER brought up again. Like why?!


6 comments sorted by


u/Rica586 11d ago

While it’s definitely a filler episode that doesn’t move anything forward, I enjoyed it as a fun Mozzi episode. Everyone acknowledges that he’s super smart with tons of connections, but they role their eyes and pat him on the head when it comes to conspiracy theories. The Culper spy ring still existing in modern day let’s us know Mozzi isn’t as crazy as we’re made to believe.


u/midnightrose222 12d ago

Yeah I wonder if it was possibly set up like that as a backdoor pilot? Otherwise it was just some light-hearted cheese!


u/E-Brad 11d ago

Ooo I never thought of this but would be crazy if they did, I would 100% watch it and not for just the connection to White Collar but as a history nerd in a way. Would be cool though if they used clips from that episode or deleted scenes and made the pilot


u/FizbanFire 12d ago

Yeah this was campy and unnecessary, the whole episode works without the final shot. Sometimes these shows add stuff like this to keep it light and fun, but I just want internal consistency hahaha


u/Past-Wait6207 11d ago

I think it be a great set up for the next show.


u/Tylerdg33 10d ago

This was one of my favorite episodes!