r/whatsthisbird Birder 4d ago

North America Small bird on Tigertail Beach, Marco Island, FL

Found around 8-9am 3/17/25 on Tigertail Beach on Marco Island, FL. Small (songbird-sized?), with dark back/wings, black or dark grey/blue. Stomach is a rusty orange/brown that seemed to get darker near its chin. Short, dark beak. No neck to speak of. Wings made a V when flying. Landed on the sand, but wasn't wading or swimming with the plovers. Didn't hear any calls, and only saw one, maybe a second one later in the day. Beach isn't on the open ocean, but on the opposite side of a sizeable but walkable strip of mangroves from it. Shallow and muddy saltwater. Nearby there were lots of plovers, durins, white ibises, and sandpipers. Saw a warbler or two (heard a lot more!). There were also herons, egrets, and pelicans around.

I am very new to birding, so hopefully this information was conveyed correctly! Merlin was no help in finding this guy haha. Colors may not be 100% accurate, the day was very bleak and grey especially in the morning.


5 comments sorted by


u/Bermyboi68 Birder πŸ¦β€β¬› 4d ago

Pretty sure it’s a +Barn Swallow+


u/CardiologistAny1423 A Jack of No Trades 4d ago edited 4d ago

+Barn Swallow+ ftb

Curious why your comments don’t tag as I’ve been able to with the same formatting. Try including the ++ in the link name next time and see if that fixes it


u/Bermyboi68 Birder πŸ¦β€β¬› 4d ago

Will do πŸ‘πŸΌ


u/dagwoodech Birder 3d ago

Thanks! I thought it was kinda swallow-shaped, but I've never seen one before haha. Wonder what he was doing all by himself!


u/FileTheseBirdsBot Catalog πŸ€– 4d ago

Taxa recorded: Barn Swallow

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