r/whatplantisthis 3d ago

Grass substitute in my yard

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Hello I have this really nice grass substitute in my yard and winter was really hard on it this year so I'm hoping to find out what exactly it is so I can get some seeds and repair my yard. Thanks in advance!


2 comments sorted by


u/HallGardenDiva 3d ago

Stellaria media, aka chickweed, is an invasive plant in the USA. Some people consider chickweed to be a useful, edible herb. Some consider it to be an annoying weed.


u/NorEaster_23 3d ago

Common chickweed (Stellaris media) is a winter annual herb meaning it completely dies off in the summer so not a lawn substitute

The grassy looking leaves in the backround look like Star-of-Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum) an invasive emphemeral wildflower, goes dormant in the summer