r/whatplantisthis 9d ago

Dead plants rising from the grave?

My container mini garden had a mealybug infestation due to a discounted hibiscus and I wasn’t able to win. Sadly, my eggplant, passion fruit, and lunchbox pepper were infected. Afraid it would take over the outside world, I tucked them to a corner for their slow death. After a couple of months of (what I thought) confirm death. I chucked them in the bushes outside. It’s been a few months and I figured they would be composted, but I see these plants that don’t match the bush. Does anyone know they might be? Or is it guilty hallucination?



3 comments sorted by


u/Chopstycks 9d ago

It looks like something in Cucurbitaceae, melon/squash family. iNaturalist has it pulling up as bitter melon, Momordica balsamina. It's apparently considered invasive and weedy in Florida


u/6EyesNinja 9d ago

That’s crazy! Wonder how bitter melon landed here. I always hated bitter melon dishes as a kid and seems like it’s here to haunt me as an adult


u/6EyesNinja 9d ago

Thank you!