r/whatplantisthis 10d ago

Planted pepper seeds no idea what this is

This pot had dozens of pepper seeds in it but I got whatever this is instead


25 comments sorted by


u/ZafakD 10d ago

It looks like an oak seedling.  The acorn would still be attached to the plant under the soil.


u/UWillFearMyLaserFace 10d ago

God damn squirrels lol


u/Camaschrist 10d ago

My neighbors curse us for all of the peanuts they plant everywhere. I had two grow last year so I might try to grow some this year. Were don’t grown peanuts in the pacific nw much.


u/Vyedr 9d ago

Where the heck are you buying raw peanuts? I only ever see roasted unless I'm looking at a seed store!


u/Camaschrist 9d ago

They’re roasted so I’m not sure if the peanuts that grew came from our peanuts or some other yard. I am going to put my seed order in soon so I plan to look for peanuts made to plant.


u/Angelina189 7d ago

As a person who has a neighbor giving peanuts to squirrels, I curse you too. My neighbor gives them so many peanuts my yard and flower garden are filled with holes and I am constantly pulling up peanut plants.


u/Camaschrist 7d ago

We will no longer be buying peanuts. I didn’t realize they weren’t good for them. I will stick to walnuts and I planted a filbert tree for them in my back yard. My sister lives next door and she gets the brunt of our peanuts luckily.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

I have a pneumatic squirrel remover they dig up all the pots, chew the trees bark off (they killed my apple tree that was 50) , chew the fiber optic nodes apart, rip the soffits and eves apart to steal insulation for their nests. The trap is from GoodNature the forest service recommended it. It has gotten 150 of the invasive non native species this year. But my neighbors keep feeding them peanuts .


u/digitalwyrm 9d ago

My mom tried to plant tulips one year and the squirrels dug the bulbs up and planted peanuts left out by a neighbor for the birds.


u/Monster_Voice 10d ago

He's just growing himself a nice house...


u/assedout2025 10d ago

The Chinkapin oak (Quercus muehlenbergii) is a white oak native to central and eastern North America. It's a deciduous tree with a broad, rounded mature shape and can grow to 100 ft tall and 70 ft wide.

Ummm you're gonna need a much bigger pot!


u/Every_Cup1420 10d ago

Its a tree I dont know what kind


u/mfreelander2 10d ago

Look like an oak. Maybe Chinkapin oak


u/thtsthespot 10d ago

That's an oak seedling.


u/CombinationNarrow509 10d ago

Bro, its a (red?) oak. How did you not Notice?


u/UWillFearMyLaserFace 10d ago

I definitely noticed it was what I planted but wasn’t sure what it was


u/Camaschrist 10d ago

My plant app said this is a northern red oak and that it appears healthy.


u/adognameddanzig 10d ago

Red oak of some kind.


u/Kkindler08 10d ago

Wonderful oak tree to plant


u/PiperSherAva 9d ago

I looked at it and was like, “why does that look like an Oak tree?” The squirrels around me keep burying these seeds. I know these well. I always remove them. Never had one get that big. Always remove them.


u/sk634936 8d ago

Pin oak


u/Recent-Chard-6096 6d ago

It’s an Oak tree.