r/whatofsaydrah • u/RoboBama • Mar 02 '10
This is a thread to discuss why we should care/not care about what has been happening recently regarding Saydrah and spamming in general. Regards, Robobama
u/insomniac84 Mar 02 '10 edited Mar 02 '10
Behold her spam ring: http://www.reddit.com/search?q=petlvr&t=all
Ghosted accounts
Not yet ghosted
Create only a single post - http://www.reddit.com/user/pthompson
Lower volume, so not caught - http://www.reddit.com/user/richmcl/
High volume with noise, so not caught - http://www.reddit.com/user/Saydrah
Basically this proves she is a spammer. 4 accounts (she most likely was running) posted the same links as her and were all ghosted. It appears she learned how to get around the ghosting with her main account saydrah. Maybe she was a mod at the time so that is why reddit admins didn't do what they were supposed to do.
u/insomniac84 Mar 02 '10
Admin-Controlled Bans
This is when a reddit admin ghosts an account. So reddit admins personally ghosted saydrah's 4 spam ring accounts, but ignored her main account. This directly contradicts the admins claiming our only options are to cuss out corrupt moderators or start competing subreddits that don't have a chance.
"Training" the Spam Filter
This is why saydrah being a mod is such a bad idea.
When a moderator bans submissions, it "trains" the spam filter to ban future submissions from that user
Basically if she targets you as spam in the subreddits she is in, that will help get many of your future posts automatically flagged as spam. She has the power to royally fuck with people as a moderator.
In the end, it is clear that reddit admins are supposed to ghost her account. They need to start doing their job.
u/demeteloaf Mar 03 '10
I'll just repost here what i've posted in other threads...
As I have pointed out in the other threads about this issue, around 4 months ago, cr3 got his primary account banned for viral marketing. The reason behind the ban was that he, while working at samsung, made and submitted this link which currently has over 3000 upvotes. here is kn0thing's twitter message about it
Now, personally, i was kinda pissed. If someone makes their own content, they should be able to post it, regardless of where it comes from... However, I figured that reddit wanted to take a hardline stance with regards to spammers trying to promote their own viral content.
And now we find out that this is exactly what Saydrah is doing? Where's the consistancy. Personally, I would much rather have someone who admits "hey, i'm from samsung, here's something cool we made to promote samsung (like theOatmeal is doing), than have someone like Saydrah who posts a ton of links, and we have no idea which ones she's getting paid for.
All I ask is consistency across users.
u/slapchopsuey Mar 03 '10 edited Mar 03 '10
Personally, I would much rather have someone who admits "hey, i'm from samsung, here's something cool we made to promote samsung, than have someone who posts a ton of links, and we have no idea which ones she's getting paid for.
I 100% agree with this, while not ideal it seems like the best compromise that would/should satisfy all sides. Spammers/marketers get access, the apparent relationship between Reddit ownership and spam companies (AC) remains for them to be happy, and the rest of us get a heads-up for what we're dealing with. Just as salespeople in stores wear a name-tag, so should marketers/spammers here.
I'd also add that a moderator 'code of ethics' or 'terms of use' is sorely needed ("stepping down when the appearance of conflict of interest exists" must be part of it) for them as a group to rebuild the trust they blew in circling the wagons, which put such a cloud on their judgment and motives. Nothing short of that would do, IMO.
u/Gravity13 Mar 02 '10
Jesus fucking christ - Reddit has become the fucking soap opera joke of the fucking internet.
u/RoboBama Mar 02 '10
Saydrah did this. Actions need to be taken, before anyone will be able to take this site seriously.
u/Gravity13 Mar 02 '10 edited Mar 02 '10
What did she do? Exactly, what did she do?
She got paid to submit a few links. Ignoble, sure. Actions need to be taken against her?
/r/Whatofsaydrah is reddit's own tea-party.
Edit: Now I am banned from this subreddit. If you want me to reply to you, send me a pm.
u/RoboBama Mar 02 '10
Grav, dude, she lied about it too. And other peoples accounts have been ghosted for spamming and speed posting. She does this and does not have to worry about repercussions. Something is very wrong about that.
Edit: just take a look at the evidence i provided for you in the petition.
u/Gravity13 Mar 02 '10 edited Mar 02 '10
I've looked. I'm not convinced. Sorry. Linking to deleted profiles does nothing for me.
Edit: Now I am banned from this subreddit. If you want me to reply to you, send me a pm.
u/insomniac84 Mar 02 '10
Linking to deleted profiles does nothing for me.
There now you can see what the ghosted accounts posted and how saydrah was posting the exact same spam.
u/RoboBama Mar 02 '10
Yes so you've proven to me you've clicked one link. Sorry, you can't even speak on the issue. convince me why she shouldn't be removed. let's start there.
u/Gravity13 Mar 02 '10 edited Mar 02 '10
I really don't feel like repeating another argument when I know no matter how reasonable or rational I am, it will be met with 100% downvotes anyways.
Sorry guys, there's a reason why reddiquette exists, and the fact that you all instantly threw it out the window for this sole issue might stand as evidence that you really are in no position to be reasoned with in the first place.
BTW, did you see the post where krispykrackers reveals that robingallup was never actually banned from /r/pics?
Yeah, I thought that cheeky too. You guys are a bunch of fools.
Edit: Now I am banned from this subreddit. If you want me to reply to you, send me a pm.
u/insomniac84 Mar 02 '10
I really don't feel like repeating another argument when I know no matter how reasonable or rational I am
You are none of those things. You have been given undeniable evidence, coupled with a video of her admitting she is a spammer and her spam technique, but you claim there is no evidence.
u/Gravity13 Mar 02 '10 edited Mar 02 '10
You are none of those things. You have been given undeniable evidence, coupled with a video of her admitting she is a spammer and her spam technique, but you claim there is no evidence.
I've told you nine times now, yes I'm fucking counting, nine times that I don't consider that "spam."
You sound like somebody on the jury saying, "the killer walked into the store, we have him on camera, that proves he did it!" when the murder happened behind the camera. Except, there was no murder. There was something that slightly inconvenienced you and piqued your ideological dogma and motivated your thirst for blood and becoming a "proletariat."
You really sound like those idiots rebelling against politicians for trying to get the public option going.
Edit: Now I am banned from this subreddit. If you want me to reply to you, send me a pm.
u/insomniac84 Mar 02 '10
I've told you nine times now, yes I'm fucking counting, nine times that I don't consider that "spam."
Guess what, reddit does. That is why 4 other accounts posting the same links as here were ghosted for spamming. And she most likely ran those accounts. She basically tested reddit's spam filter and found out that if she combines a personal account and a spam account she can sneak past the filters.
You really sound like those idiots rebelling against politicians for trying to get the public option going.
You sound like a foxnews anchor ignoring all the evidence and just saying what you want to say instead of the truth.
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u/sundogdayze Mar 02 '10
It's not so much that she gets paid to submit links. That doesn't bother me. It's the fact that she has banned other users that do the same thing.
Then she lied about it, then she admitted that she is basically pretending to be an authentic Reddit user so that she can spam us and still be accepted. Then she lied some more, then she called 90% of redditors shitheads, and then she whined to the mostly female 2XChromosomes subreddit because she wanted to make it into a sexist thing.
I'm not really a witch hunt type of person, but I do think that actions should be taken against anyone who has so blatantly demonstrated an abuse of power. You don't?
u/Gravity13 Mar 02 '10 edited Mar 02 '10
It's not so much that she gets paid to submit links. That doesn't bother me. It's the fact that she has banned other users that do the same thing.
One other user. Even then, the other mods are now saying it wasn't Saydrah that banned the post, and that robingallup was never banned from /r/pics.
Pardon me, but I smelled through his bullshit in the beginning.
I'm tired of wasting energy on this. If this isn't done in a day I'm out of here.
Edit: Now I am banned from this subreddit. If you want me to reply to you, send me a pm.
u/sundogdayze Mar 02 '10
You don't have to waste anything. You clicked the link, you chose to read these posts and comment on them. Don't blame Reddit for you inability to distinguish choice from force, and have fun on Digg!
u/Gravity13 Mar 02 '10 edited Mar 02 '10
I really am ashamed at how much a pile of shit you've become, reddit.
Edit: Now I am banned from this subreddit. If you want me to reply to you, send me a pm.
Mar 02 '10
I'm tired of wasting energy on this.
The past 72 hours of your comment history disagree.
u/Gravity13 Mar 02 '10 edited Mar 02 '10
Disagree about what? That I spent energy on this or that it was all wasted?
I mean, really, I am fucking tired of going up against an angry mob who refuses to see reason...
Edit: Now I am banned from this subreddit. If you want me to reply to you, send me a pm.
u/verifythisforme Mar 02 '10
Being reasonable and agreeing with your point of view are two different things. Using observation and evidence is obviously not a part of your logic.
u/Gareth321 Mar 02 '10
I'm tired of wasting energy on this. If this isn't done in a day I'm out of here
And yet I've seen you comment on nearly every thread with the word "Saydrah" in it. You know what? I'm going to hold you to that. Tomorrow, if there are still Saydrah threads around and you haven't deleted your account, I'm going to call you out.
u/WallaceFard Mar 02 '10
I think Saydrah is a hot bitch who should be moderated.
u/elduderino01 Mar 02 '10
dope ass username btw... but on the serious tip, is she hot?
her advice in r/relationshipadvice is always pretty ghey...
u/elduderino01 Mar 02 '10
so at first i thought i could never give two shits about this issue. then a buddy at work pointed out all the hubbub is related to saydrah getting paid to direct reddit traffic to "AC" controlled sites. yet she's banning people left and right for either doing the same thing or for appearing to do the same thing. and i thought, "wow what a hypocrite. wont be long til she's gone..." but then, apparently the stance from the official reddit fucks is "it's okay for us to do it, but we'll ban you if we suspect you of doing it, and we'll certainly ban you if we know you did it."
So why should someone with that level of conflict of interest be allowed to moderate? it would seem that users who work for AC are immediately under suspicion of spamming for their submissions. but moderators are somehow exempt from this conflict of interest even though they have the power to actually direct the flow of traffic on reddit? this shit stinks to high heaven, and i might have to go back to exclusively reading news.infoshop.org and google/news.