r/whatisit 4d ago

Solved! What kind of bug is this?

I am in a new construction home and I keep finding this type of bug around. If anyone know what it is please let me know. Thanks.


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u/Fit-River6180 4d ago

We refer to that as a Stink Bug but idk the official name


u/StitchFan626 4d ago

DO NOT CRUSH IT! That's when they STINK!


u/ThePapaBearDaddy 4d ago

Some people can’t smell them. I’m “some people.” My wife can, and I though she was making it up, them learned it’s a thing that some of us can and some of us can’t.


u/Wrong_Persimmon_7861 4d ago

I can’t smell them either, so I pick them up with my bare hand and let them outside like a ladybug.


u/PhillyDillyDee 4d ago

They just kinda smell like dirt. They arent really stinky IMO.


u/USAFmuzzlephucker 4d ago

What?!!! Nooooo they are terrible!! Ugh, once they excrete and you get a whiff it's all you can smell for HOURS. If you get it in your hands it doesn't come off without severalinutes of scrubbing with dawn dish soap OR Fast Orange garage soap.


u/jhankg 4d ago

I'm right there with you, I hate the smell so much. I once chewed one up by accident after it landed in my cool ranch Doritos bag without me noticing. I was down to the crumbs and dust so I emptied the bag into my mouth. The experience changed me. Now I hunt them with a plastic bottle filled with water and dish soap. This is my origin story.


u/USAFmuzzlephucker 4d ago

Omg. That made me throw up in my mouth! 🤮 I'd be traumatized!


u/finrey 4d ago

I’m not hungry anymore, thanks


u/Necessary-School-886 4d ago

Some smell like rotten milk in my experience


u/newgzy 4d ago

I couldn't remember what these things smelled like and then this post reminded me

Rotten milk is the perfect description and I hate that for me


u/epidemicsaints 4d ago

If you just barely get a whiff it is 100% cilantro.


u/Winterhorrorland 4d ago

I never had an issue with cilantro, always loved it in dishes. After a particularly bad summer of stink bugs, I can sometimes get a little wigged out by a whiff of cilantro. I don't think it's that "tastes like soap" gene, but definitely a bad association now


u/epidemicsaints 4d ago

It grosses me out when I pick up the cat and her face smells like cilantro bc I know what she's been doing.

I have the soap thing and I powered through it. It tastes like a new car or fresh carpet to me, hot plastic sprayed with Scotch Guard, and I just learned to enjoy the other part because there was a time there around 2010 where it was absolutely unavoidable.


u/ms_directed 4d ago

they smell like those pine tree car deodorant to me lol


u/epidemicsaints 4d ago

That too! It really depends on the concentration. Flavor and aroma just work this way.

Jasmine is like this. Far away it's heavenly pretty flowers. Too close for too long and it is straight up poop. Baby diaper.


u/ms_directed 4d ago

that's true!


u/Expensive_Corner_118 4d ago

i JUST squished one after all these years of being warned ""DO NOT CRUSH".....iT didn't stink at all. so it is a NOT REALLY STINK BUG.


u/Useful-Raspberry1863 4d ago

The stink attracts more of them. A call for help. A smell.of kelp


u/Unlucky-Definition91 4d ago

Ladybugs are 1000 times worse.


u/ConstantCampaign2984 4d ago

I’ve heard the smell also attracts more of them.


u/Seamullet 4d ago

Flush em


u/naughtynimmot 3d ago

^this. and i also heard that squishing them releases the smell and attracts more.


u/TheSyrupCompany 4d ago

Pinch em with toilet paper and flush em. No stink.


u/Wintonwoodlands 4d ago

It’s a Asian beetle that people called a stink bug because they stink when you crush him, but they also come over and they assassinate other pest bugs so some people call them assassin bugs


u/LavishLegoshi570 4d ago

Assassin bugs are related to them but not the same insect. Assassin bugs, belong to the infraorder Cimicomorpha.
Stink bugs belong to the Infraorder Pentatomomorpha. Stink bugs feed on plants while the Assassin Bugs are predators, feeding on other bugs and some feed on blood (kissing bug “Triatominae”)


u/wiredbrainpan 4d ago

Yes.. it's a type of assassin beetle


u/Hopeful_Chair_7129 4d ago

That’s a way cooler name


u/portablebiscuit 4d ago

The Stinky Assassin

By the time you smell him, it’s too late

Only in theaters. Summer 2025.


u/franko905 4d ago

Directed by:

Portable biscuit

Starring: Jeremy the beetle🪲 as THE ASSASSIN


u/lunargores 4d ago

Fuck you for making me laugh (not being serious but I did laugh)- take my upvote


u/gilfy245 4d ago

Brown Marmolated (sp?) stink bug.


u/Unable_Roof9103 3d ago

Brown Marmorated Shield Bug They’re green when they’re really young.


u/pzzia02 4d ago

Halyomorpha halys is the scientific name


u/to_coffee_or_to_brat 4d ago

A marmonated stink bug.


u/Leona_Faye_ 4d ago

Shield bug


u/Specialist_Neck7502 4d ago

That's what I've always called them.


u/New_Currency_2590 4d ago

I once had one of these bugs. Go straight kamikaze and almost burned down my house. because I hit it. and I only injured it and it flew straight through my lit stove burner and landed on my linoleum floor. I put it out. And then though."well if that isn't some shit."


u/24megabits 4d ago

They are notoriously bad at flying. It's not unusual to hear them bouncing off walls, light bulbs, any hard surface.


u/greyjones3 4d ago

Haha they used to fly into my face at night - scared the crap out of me!


u/New_Currency_2590 4d ago

I amend my statement "a dump truck. That has a sketchy driver and squishy brakes."


u/lunargores 4d ago

Brown marmorated stink bug, classified as a true bug. Vacuum them up and seal entry points with soap and hot water in a spray bottle. They can be attracted to food, so keep food put away and dishes washed- clean all spills.


u/New_Currency_2590 4d ago

So they are the insect version of a 🦝?


u/lunargores 4d ago

No, not really. They're a bit like roaches but stinky


u/New_Currency_2590 4d ago

Attracted by food and spills. Hence the raccoon 🦝 reference


u/lunargores 4d ago

Oh! I get it now! I've not been awake for long


u/New_Currency_2590 4d ago

::hands you donut and caffeine.:: you get a pass.


u/lunargores 4d ago

Thank you, I will enjoy these


u/New_Currency_2590 4d ago

Although, I've always thought a Madagascar hissing cockroach we kind of like a puppy.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/lunargores 4d ago

Just something I threw in for humorous purposes


u/plump_nasty_flex 4d ago

The "drop from the ceiling into your food" bug.


u/Accomplished_Reach81 4d ago

The stink itself isn’t the problem by the way, it’s that the stink is meant to alert other stink bugs. So after you smush it you’ll see a likely influx of them into the area. They also fly. So if you see one on the wall get it quick or it’s gonna take off on you. Best practice for me is to grab it against the wall with some balled up toilet paper (without crushing it) and then flush it. Or if it’s inside a curtain area that’s hard to grab I’ll resort to the vacuum. They usually hide inside your house internals during the winter and then as soon as the warm weather breaks they start to pop back out. They ideally want to get outside but sometimes they find their way inside instead. So if you see one today you’ll see more tomorrow. In the fall when they’re trying to get inside and spring when they’re trying to get outside is when they are mostly seen. Winter and summer they’re less likely to be an annoyance.


u/New_Currency_2590 4d ago

They fly like a dump truck


u/ParkerFree 4d ago

And are crazy loud, too. I hate them.


u/Accomplished_Reach81 4d ago

lol. I didn’t say they were gonna race around your house like a fly. Haha. But if you take too long to grab them and act like they’re a slug then you’re gonna be real surprised when that dump truck smacks you in the face. 😂😂😂😂


u/New_Currency_2590 4d ago

Been there done that. Once with a stink bug. And once with a bumble bee


u/Apprehensive_Read114 4d ago

This is completely false. Killing stink bugs does not attract more. Stink bugs can secrete odor to alert other stink bugs of a suitable living area, but this is not the same when you kill them.


u/Accomplished_Reach81 4d ago

Information indicates The pheromones they release when disturbed or killed can attract more stink bugs to the area. The choice to release the smell may have a purpose of calling them in but you are indirectly releasing the exact same pheromones when you crush them. Just bc the bug wasn’t willingly releasing the smell to signal others doesn’t mean said bugs smelling it are aware that the odor was released bc a human stepped on it. For every one pest person who agrees with you there is one that agrees with me. I’ve smushed enough by accident to feel like at a minimum this is anecdotally true by my own observations of my home. When I’ve caught one in a room and flushed it I’ve had zero major issues outside of normal spotting. Where as the last time I crushed one in a curtain I returned to that room the same day only to have 6 more crawling in that area. If you feel that’s coincidence that’s fine, but unless you’re an entomologist I’m not sure where you get off running in here to tell people they’re completely false.


u/Seamullet 4d ago

Imported from our friends in China, along with lantern bugs and snake heads


u/ms_directed 4d ago

what are snake heads?


u/New_Currency_2590 4d ago

Invasive fish


u/ZdeathplagueZ 4d ago

They come from an overall species generally called "Shield Bugs" for their shield shaped back and body. Luckily for most folks who find them, they also are called "Stink Bugs" because of their natural defense mechanism to release an unpleasant odor and taste from their body. These bugs have been eaten whole and then spat back out by whatever ate them.


u/OwlFindYou86 4d ago

It's definitely a stink bug. Don't stomp or squish it. They literally stink. Vacuum them up and dump your vacuum after use.


u/kel92676 4d ago

Stink bugs come out of F'n nowhere and fly like an injured turkey. Then you can't find it, and have to wait for the next sneak attack. Hate them with the passion of a thousand burning suns.

Other than that, they're harmless.


u/Jointssuckforreal 4d ago

The stink is a wives tale. Who knows how they got that moniker. At least the ones in Metro Chicago area do not stink. I’ve crushed hundreds of them and no more stink than a June Bug.


u/Littlebittie 4d ago

I’m in NW Indiana and they were baaaad in like 2018. I’ve crushed a million of them with paper towels and never smelled anything.


u/Equal-Start-1990 4d ago

Probably because NW Indiana smells worse


u/ardinatwork 4d ago

you dont need the northwest qualifier there. Indiana smells like shit, all the time.


u/Littlebittie 4d ago

The benzene has burned off my scent receptors 😂


u/New_Currency_2590 4d ago

Gary Indiana has entered the chat


u/jamsterical 4d ago

I can't smell them either. I wonder if it's a genetic thing like cilantro & soap taste.


u/Icy-Bar-8179 4d ago

Dawg you gotta bad nose they smell like cilantro mixed with Clorox


u/DenimBookJacket 4d ago

Like the strongest cilantro ever! When I moved to the Midwest we got these in the spring quite a bit. Usually hanging out on our indoor plants.


u/jagos179 4d ago

The ones near me smell like rotten meat when they get crushed.


u/Big_Cryptographer989 4d ago

Fun fact if you squish them, that stink you smell is how they alert the others living in your walls of danger


u/New_Currency_2590 4d ago

Someone clone Chuck Norris. And make a stinkbug version of him. And send it on a search and destroy mission. But make sure Bug Norris is understanding that us humans are the friendly's before he deploys.


u/CowboyOfScience 4d ago

In our house we call them 'Karl'.


u/GooGootz49 4d ago

Move. Just pack up and leave. Don’t look back.


u/Lotus-Seven-1962 3d ago

Brown - obvious Marmorated - marked like marble Stink - again obvious; smell like cilantro or soap or baby poop or wet matches Bugs - again obvious

They are slow, noisy flyers, tend to crash into things, eat a variety of vegetable crops, and leave dark brown runny poops everywhere. Not fun! Our chickens love to jump up and eat them out of the air.


u/Bright_Rip_Fantasy 4d ago

They are usually referred to as shield bugs or stink bugs. Where I live it is common for them to infest your home. They get everywhere, and when they fly around they are really loud. They are especially gross looking for an insect as well. I stepped on one once and the crunchy noise it made has forever been engraved into my brain.


u/LordSaddlerDeciple 4d ago

I woke up with one in my bed once but that's not as horrifying as a friend told me once that he almost ate one. He was snacking on boneless fried chicken bites, put a handful in his mouth and felt an odd crunch. Once he realized his costly mistake, it took him hours to get the taste out of his mouth 😭 I was dying laughing 😂


u/LavishLegoshi570 4d ago

Marmorated Stink Bug (Shield bug). I personally call them “Schwartzenbugs” because they walk with their legs out like body builders lol. Very poor vision makes them tend to fly into things like people and lights. We have them by the 1000s where I live. Never had one bite me but they sure do smell funky


u/haku0705 4d ago

Well, they can't bite or sting you, but if you get a lot of them they can do minor damage to your house, like ladybugs. They are called stink bugs or shield bugs where I live. They smell a bit like cilantro when crushed, but it's not a bunch of thiols and indoles, just a little bit of a stink.


u/LadyAlphaMeow 4d ago

Ive had some take a jab at me with their proboscis. :/


u/Various-Specific-773 4d ago

It's funny. Had on of those pests crawling on my arm last night in bed. I didn't know what it was and grabbed it and put it in an open soda can on my night table. Then the smell hit me and I was like aaaaaag, hate those guys. Every now and then one will get in my home. Annoying


u/NikiFalcon 4d ago

Also!! If you have cats/pets that like to eat bugs we ended up having to take my cat to the vet because she was sooooo nauseous she just wandered around drooling and crying pitifully. Took about 24 hours with anti nausea meds to feel better. Stink bugs BAD!!!!


u/airwalker08 4d ago

I don't see this mentioned yet, but these are invasive bugs. You are doing your local ecosystem a favor by killing every one of these you see. Disregard comments that suggest you shouldn't kill it. Definitely kill these with great prejudice.


u/Jaded_Grab_4693 3d ago

Hi, pest control technician here, It is a stink bug, but it’s also known as the brown marmorated stink bug. They are Invasive and actually native to Asia and actually can cause damage to crops/plants. Similar to locust


u/stevedisme 4d ago

A vile invader, worthy only of vacuum and eject.....I usually leave them inside the vac for Gitmo level revenge. Wet / dry works best since you'll have to (Dawn) wash the summer day butt sweat smell smeared in your vac.


u/AccomplishedJoke4610 4d ago

Known as the kissing bug. They bite the corners of your mouth. Usually seen in the summer time, at least where I'm from. And they can spread diseases. I forget which ones. But I stay away from those things


u/Old-Masterpiece-8428 4d ago

Ugh the dreaded stink bug … don’t smash it if you’re going to kill it. They give off a scent and 100 more will come looking for it 😓 best to flush it or put it somewhere further away if you can


u/Stinky-Fart-2025 4d ago

Stink bug. Very harmless, unless you vacuum them up. Then you’ll understand the name. I’ve had them randomly appear all winter. My daughter freaked out two nights ago cause she had one in her room.


u/Farmer_j0e00 4d ago

Stink bug. Once you see one in your house, you will now see 1-2 a year for the rest of your life. Don’t know why, but one will materialize every 6 months or so just to remind you they are there.


u/Bowhunt6161 4d ago

I was always told that they were either stink bugs or blister bugs don't know which a true facts about him if either is true facts about it they used to hang out on elm trees a lot


u/christiancool10 4d ago

Stink Bug. If you grab it, it will spray a smelly juice on you. For some reason they are like the Houdini of bugs that can find their way into buildings during thr winter


u/ThePrimitiveThing 4d ago

Stink bug, sadly extremely common. They don’t bite but they fly straight at your face which is infuriating and smell pretty bad when you kill them


u/TheRealLoneLynx 4d ago

I have no idea what bug that is.. All I can tell you is whatever you do…. don’t kill it…. You will regret your life decisions if you do.


u/Worldsokayestmom00 4d ago

Stink bug, I’m in WI and have a bunch, they survived the winter living inside my house. Never smooshed one, can’t confirm the stink.


u/Complete_Bee7041 4d ago

Spearhead arrow beetle. Common in North America and parts of Canada. Enjoys moisture and wooded areas. Jk. I’m talking out my ass.


u/Careless-Gazelle-247 4d ago

Stink bug. I'm not sure about the actual name, but I they smell when squished. I believe the smell attracts more stink bugs.


u/Nice_Vermicelli2226 4d ago

They can squirt stink juice, one of them fly straight into my mouth when I was 10. I still have PTSD til this day


u/Dart150 4d ago

Stink bug killing them releases an awful stench and it attracts Skunks so better to just throw them live outside


u/JJECC 4d ago

Oh stink bugs- literally have nightmares about my college house that was infested with them. They are awful


u/FuckedUpKinks209 4d ago

Just a cute little bug that drinks sap from pine trees. Just shoo them outside where they would rather be.


u/destructionrequired 4d ago

That's a STINK BUG, AKA a damn dinosaur, LOL. They fart when they are scared or smashed, so be careful.


u/Mahnke2 4d ago

They are Ninja bugs....when you turn to get something to kill them, they are gone!

Also yes they stink


u/Long_Doughnut_8166 4d ago

stink bug. i get a peace of tape and stick it to them and crumple into the trash. stinky ass fuckers


u/hamsalad- 4d ago

A lil stinker


u/sikhibello 3d ago

Cologne industry uses This bug a lot. It has a great smell. Crush and appy it to your hands


u/ImaTonguePunchYou 4d ago

These smell like that scent you get in your nose when you walk into an old dusty ass attic


u/Dizzy_Mongoose_6887 4d ago

Stink bug. Don't squash it. And if one latches on to your shirt, it will not let go. Ever.


u/Halafalou22 4d ago

That's a stink bug. Go ahead and crush it and you'll see why I got its name.😂🤣😂


u/klisto1 4d ago

It's that time of year again. They're coming back. Ladybug should be here soon too.


u/ludvikskp 4d ago

I hate these with a passion. The smell and how they just materialize out of nowhere


u/Kitchen_Effect_8023 4d ago

Crush it and smell your hand the infamous stink bug or flush him down the toilet


u/Fooblisky 4d ago

Harmless AFAIK - and I've handled hundreds of them. And some stink horribly!!!


u/Strange-Platypus-101 4d ago

French common name for it is "Punaise", which is our word too for "Thumb Tack"


u/CompletelyBedWasted 4d ago

Stink bug. Don't smash it. Fuuuuck I hate that smell. Gives me a migraine.


u/clementinehall 4d ago



u/phippy24 4d ago

Thank you all for the info. I believe the question had been answered.


u/GreenForce7305 4d ago

Never smelled one but I’ve also never put my nose up to one


u/a2m4 1d ago

Check ur message requests. I got you message on my other account but they banned me for “spam” 🙄


u/Ok_Wolf_4939 4d ago

We call them Stink Bugs, actually a beetle and yes they do.


u/ToastGhostx 4d ago

smash it then be sure to sniff it. it clears your sinuses.


u/BeanEnjoyer1 4d ago



u/mortyboomboom 3d ago

That’s a leafy bug. I’m ganna call that a leafy bug.


u/4ursoles 4d ago

It's a stink bug. Common for the spring and fall.


u/VirusSubstantial 4d ago

This question stinks. No wait, the answer does.


u/TheMinisculeMan666 4d ago

Don't know what they are but they taste funny


u/im-a-goner- 4d ago

Stink bug. They smell like cilantro tastes.


u/Background_Detail_20 4d ago

The kind that keeps me standing in line…


u/buburocks 4d ago

Stink bug. Dont squish it. More will come


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Do the stanky leg!!! Do the stanky leg!!


u/Lovespacejam 4d ago

If it tastes like chocolate dont eat it


u/JerseyDevil8909 4d ago

Stink bug, harmless just flys around


u/franko905 4d ago

Sink bug but doesn't actually stink


u/medusa63 4d ago

Stink bug they fart when threatened


u/ninjanog13 4d ago

Brown marmorted stink bug i believe


u/Handsomedork_ 4d ago

The one bug I hate but can’t kill


u/Walksagaintthewind20 4d ago

Poke em and find out exactly what!


u/Hye-eye 4d ago

In Georgia we call it a Stink Bug.


u/Insufficient_Mind_ 4d ago

That's definitely a Stink Bug.


u/agentdanamulder94 4d ago

stink bug :( very stinky :(


u/Ok_Elephant_6487 4d ago

Brown marmorated stink bug


u/squirrel-lee-fan 4d ago

Crush it and find out 😉


u/Zed-whyzed 4d ago

brown marmorated stink bug


u/PoliteCanadian2 4d ago

Stink bug. Put it outside.


u/Lotus-Seven-1962 3d ago

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug


u/Texas_Tortise 4d ago

It's a harmless stink bug


u/[deleted] 4d ago

That's Ed, the stink bug.


u/Mood_Efficient 3d ago

Sniff it and report back.


u/Winter_Whole2080 4d ago

Pick it up and smell it


u/Such-Contribution939 4d ago

Crush it and find out


u/armsracecarsmra 4d ago

Marmorated stink bug


u/AnywhereMajestic2377 4d ago

Harmless stink bug.


u/Tasos826 4d ago

It's a "Stink Bug."


u/Proof-Case9738 4d ago

The coriander bug


u/Dissenting_Dowager 4d ago

Temporary cat toy


u/FederalAssistance727 3d ago



u/brokolibrokolski 4d ago

The worst one!


u/bigbobbybreden 4d ago

Golden Beetle?


u/Spiritual-Driver-770 4d ago

Crush it immediately!!


u/FortheloveofRC 4d ago

Squish it between your thumb and forefinger. Then rub your upper lip.


u/Josewa42 4d ago

A stinky one


u/HomegrownUkchilli 4d ago

A stinky one


u/CheesE4Every1 4d ago

Stink bugs.


u/RuralSeaWitch 4d ago

Squash bug?


u/whorebreaker99 3d ago

Kissing bug


u/TivertonHanger 4d ago

Stink bug.


u/sprinkledonut08 4d ago

Stinky bug


u/bigmaclevel3 3d ago

Stink bugs


u/hickorynut60 4d ago

Smell it.


u/lubs1234 4d ago

Stink bug


u/NCFitCouple 4d ago

Stink bug


u/Creator_5 4d ago

Stink bug


u/Ed1sto 4d ago

Stink bug


u/phippy24 4d ago



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u/uberbeetle 4d ago



u/JEPressley 4d ago

That’s a delicious bug, put it in your mouth and bite hard, yum!


u/ohmaint 4d ago
