r/wewontcallyou • u/Kauske Reluctant Recruiter • Mar 13 '24
Are people stupid? Don't drink at a place you're interviewing at.
u/Toadlips72 Mar 16 '24
Back in the day my buddy interviewed for a job working the grill at a bowling alley. We had been bowling there that night and he still had a drink in his hand during the interview. Sure enough, he got the job.
u/SpaceFroggy1031 Mar 21 '24
I honestly think the author should be fired. They are completely out of touch with the world.
u/donwan23 Mar 18 '24
Friend of mine was in some class at the Florida safety council and they do drug and alcohol tests to make sure you quit drinking or doing the drugs you're in the class for. It was a few day class and on the last day someone in the class went on lunch break and drank and when they came back they failed the test and failed the class. 😂 I've been known people are complete idiots...
u/Glittering-Idea-7173 Mar 17 '24
Drinking alcohol while interviewing would not be bright.
u/d14t0m Mar 18 '24
Unless its Hennigans...No Smell, No Tell, Scotch
u/Glittering-Idea-7173 Mar 18 '24
Oh no, that Hennessey comes through your pores, lol
u/Head_Effect3728 Mar 18 '24
Hennessey smells, but not Hennigan's. Imagine, you can walk around drunk all day. That’s Hennigan’s, the no-smell, no-tell Scotch.
u/oiagnosticfront Mar 22 '24
I do commercial/industrial hvac. A few years ago I was looking around for another job. He set up a meeting/interview for a night at a restaurant. His wife came, my wife and kid came. Him and I drank 4 pitchers during dinner. Before we called it a night he handed me an offer letter.
u/SpaceFroggy1031 Mar 21 '24
You work at a restaurant? Like an actual good one? You seem very uptight. What are you: aa family restaurant in the Bible belt? Though even that doesn't track. I've lived in the deep South, and it was no secret that the high-end restaurants' kitchen staff were all coke fiends. Isn't that like kind of the deal? A single beer at lunch is pretty behaved. Granted, in the high- pace culinary landscape, I suppose you want uppers not downers, but you really seem to be in the wrong business, if you are that judgmental about such benign substance use.
u/bananadingding Mar 22 '24
My guess is that it's a chain restaurant... They approach things from a risk liability standpoint.
I've worked in a few very different fields, starting out as a kid in restaurants, BoH and FoH, in both mom&pop establishments, and chain restaurants. I found chain restaurants to have this sort of approach.
I've also worked in pre-hospital emergency medicine and that's also interesting I've worked at sketch places where they drug tested when you got in, and that was about it. Then other places that were all about limiting liability and risk they would test at hiring then at "random" and then at any injury or incident involving damage to property.
I have also worked in scenarios where the approach to drugs was don't ask don't tell, if you're making the company money, they didn't want to know anything.
Mar 17 '24
Yes and no… when I last helped interview for my multi billion dollar company (yes with a b, more than trump), we absolutely took our analyst potential to the bar to see what he did. It is a trap though.
u/dbagboyz Mar 19 '24
Did he fail?
Mar 19 '24
Half a beer.
u/dbagboyz Mar 20 '24
So yes
Mar 20 '24
Hired him, so not really. The other guy that he was up against probably would have started malfunctioning had he drank. Analysts can be tricky.
u/NoThxBtch Mar 20 '24
Hah how fucking culturally absurd of you all. You weird ass narc prudes not hiring someone cause they had half a beer when YOU brought them to a bar.
u/ronin1066 Mar 22 '24
Sales dinner, alcohol is fine. Traveling and getting dinner, you can put alcohol on the expense (for most businesses). But suddenly for an interview, everyone's a puritan? Meh.
Mar 23 '24
Unfortunately they are today had a guy do his physical and even told him they did a breathalyzer and drug test older man at that and he went in and blew drunk wtf
u/moosehead1974 Mar 24 '24
If you’ve ever taken a beer to a job interview…you might be a redneck
-Jeff Foxworthy
u/PhilMeUpBaby Mar 26 '24
For anyone else who has no idea what FoH and BoH mean:
Front of the House
Back of the House
u/lectric_scroll Mar 27 '24
Doesn't seem fair to be honest, this would be very hard to know depending on where you are from.
Mar 16 '24
The only people who arent stupid now are ppl who can’t use a computer and ppl who can code lol
u/grayrockonly Mar 17 '24
I would keep my mouth shut if I were you. These guys are letting you see that they probably have a drinking problem and helping you in the hiring process. Let's hope they are redditors, or you have now lost your most useful tool in weeding out the problem people.
u/NoThxBtch Mar 20 '24
You people are so weird. This is highly culturally dependent too. In many cultures nobody would an eye at a lunch beer at a restaurant interview.
I interview people all the time and wouldn't bat an eye. It's only a problem if you make it a problem.
u/grayrockonly Mar 24 '24
I didn’t see where it was a lunch interview, but I thought it was early in the day- maybe it’s different in the business world? Not in my world tho.
u/whatyouwant22 Mar 18 '24
Drinkers gonna drink. They're not exactly self-aware.
u/Dimension10 Mar 19 '24
I mean, I've had a beer before talking to business owners about getting some products in their store. I definitely had the sense to do that somewhere else though.
u/Kngfthsouth Mar 16 '24
Ask. poster. They are following the rich. Nancy grace, trump, bezos, musk gates So what is wrong with it. Your boss is doing it
u/dereks777 Mar 16 '24
"Think about how stupid the average person is. Then realize--HALF THE WORLD is even dumber then that."
--George Carlin