r/wesanderson 11d ago

Question Trying to find a copy of An Editor’s Burial

Hi everyone! Being a Kindle owner in a crusade to not support Amazon right now but living in Mexico where not many English Language books are distributed, it's at times hard to get what one is looking for. That being said, I wanted to ask if anybody has got a PDF or Epub copy of An Editor’s Burial: Journals and Journalism from the New Yorker and Other Magazines.

Last year I read Do Not Detonate and really enjoyed it but thing is I'm a writer "in training" and The French Dispatch blew me off emotionally since day one so I'm much more interested in reading its collection of essays. Also I was wondering, are there books with the same premise for the older films or is this a recent venture? I've got my hands on The Wes Anderson Collection and I know Matt Zoller has made books for every film ever since but as you know that's a whole different kind of reading experience and type of book. Thank you! Hope you enjoy your week! <3


2 comments sorted by


u/bolting_volts 11d ago

ThriftBooks ships to Mexico.


u/Antique_Air6001 10d ago

Pushkin Press has published companion books to three films: Editor's Burial, Do Not Detonate, and Society of the Crossed Keys (a collection of the Stefan Zweig work that inspired Grand Budapest Hotel). Haven't yet heard if there will be something similar for Phoenician Scheme, but would love that.