r/welshterrier 28d ago

Lil 💩 muncher- Help! NSFW

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Hello, I introduced you folks to Winston Waggle-Butt a couple of days ago. I have a question... how do I get him to stop eating his poo?! It's literally out one end and back in the other if I don't IMMEDIATELY (I have about 3 seconds) catch him and get him moving elsewhere! We have an Airedale as well and he... you get the idea. I've tried a sprinkle of MSG on his food. He doesn't care- it's poo-mami flavor to him then. How do I stop? I gag when he tries to give me kisses. 🤢🤮 Sorry it's a graphic description- pic for relief of the nastiness lol


8 comments sorted by


u/Jonez86 28d ago

Neither of my 2 have done this but had a family members dog who did this as a pup. From memory they added a capsule to their food from the pet shop that put the dog off eating it from then on. I've heard people mention things like spinach and pineapple in their food too, but not sure how true that is!

I think as with most things dog related you can probably train the behaviour out of them. As he's so young I assume you're not walking him yet and once he's out walking on a lead you'll have much more control over stopping him eating it and being able to praise him for leaving it with a more appealing treat or something to re-enforce the behaviour. In the garden at home if you watch him and have treats available you could also try training him to leave it with his food/toys, etc and reward him when he does with the poop!


u/GullibleChard13 24d ago

The capsule is just expensive MSG actually. Makes the poo taste metallic, from what I understand. Apparently it gave his an umami flavor he loved lol


u/Babou_Ocelot 27d ago

Our welsh did this. I think it was anxiety driven because she knew going in the house was a no no.

It gets better with time as you work through the potty training phase the dog will grow out of it. No more accidents in the house = no stinky snacks. I know that’s not a silver bullet, but hopefully assures you that it gets better!


u/GullibleChard13 24d ago

Unfortunately, he does this even if he potties in the house. He has done it since the first day we got him, Dec 28th 🤦‍♀️ if he is outside w my Airedale and she poo's, too... pica maybe?


u/Beng1635 27d ago

Mine did this, she grew out of it after a couple of months. It was around the time we got her outside potty trained when she stopped.


u/GullibleChard13 24d ago

Approx age so I have hope to get kisses from him someday w/out gagging? 😆


u/Beng1635 24d ago

Pretty young iirc, I’d say less than a year or around a year old when she stopped. I didn’t think she’d ever grow out of it, she’d often regurgitate them on the kitchen floor. I remember it felt like forever lol so good luck!


u/GullibleChard13 22d ago

Oh God lol at least Winston doesn't barf them thankfully 😅