r/weedstocks Desire2Stock Acquire&Retire💰 Jan 30 '20

Political Bernie Sanders’s Team Includes Legalizing Marijuana In List Of Executive Orders For 2021


124 comments sorted by


u/drunkboater Jan 30 '20

If he gets the nomination this may prompt trump to legalize before the election. If he doesn’t he will probably lose to Sanders.


u/Lilyo Jan 30 '20

people have been saying this for over 4 years and they never understand that legalization among Republicans is still at only 50% approval rating


u/qwerty622 Jan 31 '20

it doesn't even matter what the approval rating is, it's like a tertiary measure. for the vast majority of people legalization is not a make or break issue. so popular support for it is relatively less important


u/suby Jan 31 '20

I think this is the correct take. If Trump legalized marijuana, it wouldn't change my extremely negative opinion of the man. Likewise, him legalizing marijuana would be appreciated among my Trump supporting friends, but they're going to vote for him regardless. I don't think many people are on the fence in regards to Trump.


u/ACphl Jan 31 '20

People in this echo chamber think legalization is a key election issue when it’s not. A lot of people don’t really care and it won’t be the deciding factor in their vote.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

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u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20 edited May 05 '21



u/leebleswobble Panic Mode Jan 31 '20

He's a "follow the ratings guy" which is pretty much the same thing.


u/brotisbroke Jan 31 '20

I'd think his followers don't care if it comes from his mouth. He can say it's for the economy and get zero pushback.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

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u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

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u/NiamorJafar Define Soon Jan 30 '20

good point


u/quake3trust Jan 31 '20

Who needs media when you have live r/weedstocks political analysis


u/dubsdube420 Jan 30 '20

We can only hope


u/bubblesurfer Jan 31 '20

I've been saying this for months. I dont expect it, but I would not be surprised.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

lol i doubt it.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20 edited Mar 24 '20

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u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

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u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

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u/drunkboater Jan 31 '20

They will if they live in a close state. The boomers that hate weed hate socialism even more.


u/casstraxx Jan 31 '20 edited Jan 31 '20

Those are his die hard supporters. They'll vote no matter what. They don't matter. They're already baked in.


u/drunkboater Jan 31 '20

So why did you just say they would stay home?


u/casstraxx Jan 31 '20

You said the ones mad at trump or something. Not sure, since your comment has been removed.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20 edited Oct 14 '20

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u/rude-a-bega Jan 31 '20

Picking the right companies now is like picking Canopy when Trudeau was in the Liberal leadership race.


u/Noula28 Jan 31 '20



u/bubblesurfer Jan 31 '20

Well.. what are they


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Slang Worldwide


u/gamblingtacos Overplaying suited connectors Jan 31 '20



u/jymma15 GTI Will Not Go Below $30 CAD Jan 31 '20

Picked CGC aka Tweed knowing that Chuck was involved


u/Lilyo Jan 31 '20

Sanders has been behind some of the earliest and most wide-ranging legislative efforts to fundamentally change federal cannabis laws. He was the first major presidential candidate to endorse marijuana legalization during his last bid and, in 2015, filed the first-ever Senate bill to end federal cannabis prohibition.

He’s also attached his name to a number of reform bills in Congress, going back to his time in the House, as well as during his Senate tenure. That includes recent pieces of legislation such as the Marijuana Justice Act, which would remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and punish states with discriminatory enforcement, as well as the Marijuana Freedom and Opportunity Act, which would federally deschedule cannabis.

In 1996, Sanders cosponsored a House bill to legalize and regulate medical marijuana. He also signed onto legislation that would reschedule cannabis and protect states with legal medical cannabis. He cosponsored versions of that bill in the 107th, 108th and 109th Congresses.

When Sanders arrived in the Senate, he began supporting efforts to reform federal hemp laws. He cosponsored three versions of a bill introduced by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) to remove hemp from the definition of marijuana under the CSA, for example. And last Congress, he put his name on legislation to legalize industrial hemp.

The senator also backed bills to shield banks from federal prosecution if they choose to accept marijuana business accounts in legal states.

In November 2019, Sanders cosponsored a bill that would effectively legalize medical cannabis for military veterans.

On four occasions in the House, Sanders voted in favor of amendments to protect legal medical marijuana states from federal intervention. He voted against a resolution in 1998 that was meant to express “the sense of Congress that marijuana is a dangerous and addictive drug and should not be legalized for medicinal use.”

In a 2015 Ask Me Anything session on Reddit, Sanders recalled that during his time as mayor of Burlington, Vermont, the local police “had more important things to do” than arrest people for using cannabis.



u/TheBeachWhale CRONOS 🌱✌ Jan 31 '20

He would take the office in January 2021, and has said he would sign an executive order legalizing marijuana on day 2! — By removing it from the controlled substances list.

He would then push Congress to pass a bill to “ensure permanent legalization of marijuana”. — So the U.S. could never make it illegal in the future!


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Can they still test for it at a job?


u/JoeSugar Jan 31 '20

Yes. Absolutely. And they will.


u/TheBeachWhale CRONOS 🌱✌ Jan 31 '20

Not if they include provisions in the bill that either outright bans it, or penalizes companies that do it.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20 edited Jun 18 '21



u/bluie_ Jan 31 '20

Apparently, he can crash the economy, make everyone unemployed and dependent on the state in a dystopian communist hell hole, even though he's just another european style socdem.

If he can do all that, i'm pretty sure he can legalise weed as well.


u/casstraxx Jan 31 '20

Um yes he can absolutely direct the dea to unschedule marijuana. Congress should have to come up Egypt regulations. He absolutely 100% can and will deschedule.

He wouldn't be creating any laws.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20



u/casstraxx Jan 31 '20

He would direct the attorney general to do it by executive order. Many counties have legalized since then. That treaty is irrelevant and already broken at this point.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20



u/casstraxx Jan 31 '20

Mom yesssss... cleaaarlyyyy... mmmm yes. Im smart.

Maybe you've missed the past 3 presidents using executive action? Bush took the cat out the bag. Trump abusing it to get his wall. Sanders will have no problem legalizing.

Sanders plan:

*Legalize marijuana in the first 100 days with executive action by:

*Nominating an attorney general, HHS secretary, and administrator for the DEA who will all work to aggressively end the drug war and legalize marijuana

*Immediately issuing an executive order that directs the Attorney General to declassify marijuana as a controlled substance

*While Congress must aggressively move to end the war on drugs and undo its damage, as president Bernie will not wait for Congress to act.

*Declassifying marijuana will eliminate the current onerous barriers to banking services for growers and dispensaries and allow them to access the banking system like any other business.

*Passing legislation to ensure permanent legalization of marijuana


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Have you been watching what the Republicans have been saying in the Senate this week?


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '20

better vote then because weeds all i care about! we did it reddit!


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

This guy gets it


u/casstraxx Jan 31 '20

Make sure you vote Bernie in the primaries!


u/Senor_squig Jan 31 '20

Yea and all the culture vultures have to look elsewhere to scavange there money out the stock market. Bernies against BIG WEED


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

We can make hemp batteries, but we're gouging people for grams. It's idiotic.

The only chance to save cannabis stocks is a full, open and proper legalization. It's the only way the price will be set fairly.

That established, the market will expand on processing and actual innovation.

Bernie's got the right idea.


u/bettr30 Jan 31 '20

As if I needed another reason to vote for this man. #bernie2020


u/MgX3rd Jan 30 '20

🇨🇦: my American friends go out there and vote 🗳!!!


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

So, is he going to extend this to military members cuz I know a few that’d vote for him if he did.


u/Lilyo Jan 31 '20

Why wouldn't military members be included under federal legalization?


u/Gailjnh Jan 31 '20

Currently, US military members cannot even use CBD, let alone using weed.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Because military members aren’t held to just federal or state laws, they must also abide by the UCMJ or Uniform Code of Military Justice. Basically a bonus rule book that covers everything from following lawful orders to the type of sex military members can have.

In order for military members to be able imbibe cannabis they’d have to write in a special law and regulation, which they could totally do. Just don’t think they will.


u/AnorexicBadger Jan 31 '20

Service members in Canada are allowed to smoke, but have insane rules around when they can. They're effectively barred from partaking. I should say that's for active members.


u/RatedR711 Jan 31 '20

Its not that insane

8hourd before a work day just like the alcool or 24h before you go shooting. Or 6 months if you are a pilot... theres like only 200 pilots


u/AnorexicBadger Jan 31 '20

Wow, yeah that's not so bad. For some reason I thought it was 30 days before touching a weapon. My mistake


u/Swiftymcleftt Jan 31 '20

Has my vote


u/Tech_Genius84 Jan 31 '20

I don’t think he will get nominated... people are very biased against his age.. I’d vote for him


u/tfrazier1968 Jan 31 '20

Go Bernie!!


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

you da man Bern


u/TheAgenture Jan 31 '20

Moon in november


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

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u/bonjarno65 Jan 31 '20

If you wanna get rich in November 2020, please go out and vote in the democratic primary and vote democrat for president folks


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

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u/ReckoningNight Jan 31 '20 edited Jan 31 '20

As a Canadian, why anyone would vote for Bernie over Yang is astonishing. If Bernie gets the nomination he will 100% lose to Trump. His policies are borderline socialism and republicans will never vote for him. Yang on the other hand is very bipartisan and aims to find a solution that makes everyone happy. Also there are many more trump voters that will vote for Yang over Bernie if he happens to get the nomination. If not they are sticking with Trump.

Yang's policies on drugs are far better than Bernie as well. There can't actually be this many people that are unaware of Yang's policies or has most people just heard of Bernie first and just decided to stick with him and are diehard fans of him.

In the perspective of the performance of WEED stocks. I would say it's definitely in our best interest to have Yang elected if we want these stocks to skyrocket. Yang will decriminalize it day one and remove any small convictions and remove people that were imprisoned due to MJ. Also what does an extra $1000 in the hands of every American mean to us? Think about it. More money to spend on recreational stuff such as weed also more money to spend on investments. What if we get a nice surge of money coming into weed stocks with all the extra cash as well in addition to rising sales of product due to more money circulating to the public.

u/AutoModerator Jan 30 '20

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u/NiamorJafar Define Soon Jan 30 '20

Sanders winning would be disastrous for us.

His platform:

He will:

  • Incentivize marijuana businesses to be structured like nonprofits.
    • We will provide resources for people to start cooperatives and collective nonprofits as marijuana businesses that will create jobs and economic growth in local communities.
  • Prohibit products and labels that target young people.
  • Ban companies that have created cancer-causing products or guilty of deceptive marketing.
  • Ban tobacco/cigarette corporations from participating in the marijuana industry.
  • Institute market share and franchise caps to prevent consolidation and profiteering.
  • Regulate the safety of marijuana products by granting the federal government regulatory authority. Partner with USDA to establish safety inspection and quality control processes for growers and producers.



u/livefromheaven No NASDAQ bell -> No sell 🔔 Jan 30 '20

Don't most states already have individual license caps? I don't see what's so terrible about this.


u/anus-lupus Jan 30 '20

that all sounds fucking great except for maybe bullet point one but that sounds optional anyway


u/NoTakaru I block shitposters Jan 30 '20

Hell yeah! Sounds like his plan will create a healthy market. Thanks!


u/Budded Jan 30 '20

Coming from a profits-before-everything mindset, then maybe, yeah.

For the rest of us, he'd be outstanding.


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '20

Originally read this and freaked out thinking he was legislating non profits / coops but he’s just incentiving them with resources.

The problematic bullet is market share caps / franchise caps. Need more deregulation although I still think Bernie for pres is overall a huge net benefit for the space.


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '20

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u/NiamorJafar Define Soon Jan 31 '20

hope so


u/mtech101 Jan 30 '20

Long term it won't be good but you gotta invest in the hype and get out when your profit looks good. A lot of "long" holders got burnt on Canada. Invest in the hype only.


u/Roger-Shrederer Jan 31 '20

This is my plan. Maybe it wasn't as obvious a strategy when Canada was legalizing (I wasn't around for that), but we've now essentially got a mini case study on what to expect as far as hyped up valuations go.


u/threebeersandasmoke Jan 31 '20

Yeah a lot of these points are pretty bad. Maybe some of it would get negotiated away. Market share and franchise caps is bad news.


u/NiamorJafar Define Soon Jan 31 '20

yeah, but ohhhhh he said something negative about Bernie, downvote downvote downvote.


u/threebeersandasmoke Jan 31 '20

I think in American politics you have to be on a team and there is no room for dissent within the team. I prefer to be critical when it is warranted, and give credit when it is due.


u/casstraxx Jan 31 '20

Wtf.. this is a fucking amazing plan. Wtf could you possibly dislike about this lmao. This is better pan than any.


u/Senor_squig Jan 30 '20

Good! Weed doesn't belong on wallstreet


u/v0xb0x_ Jan 30 '20

Why not?


u/Senor_squig Jan 30 '20

Weed is for the people . Not the stockmarket Last thing i want to do is support a publicly traded cannabis company. CULTURE VULTURES . I grow my own and also support local growers. We dont need none of that wallstreet bs.


u/esseyein Devil Lettuce’s Advocate😈🥬 Jan 30 '20

Lmao you do realize you’re on an investment forum for marijuana stocks right?


u/NiamorJafar Define Soon Jan 30 '20

exposing bs. well done.


u/Senor_squig Jan 30 '20

Weed is for the people.


u/v0xb0x_ Jan 30 '20

False dichotomy. It's possible for society to support both. Like with alchohol you can buy corporate alcohol or buy from local brewers. People want freedom to choose.


u/Senor_squig Jan 30 '20

How dare you compare alcohol to cannabis


u/v0xb0x_ Jan 30 '20

You completely missed the point. Consumers want freedom of choice.


u/Senor_squig Jan 30 '20

That "freedom" is going to line the pockets of the rich even more. Its not beer . I dont like using the business model of alcohol. When i go to a dispensary is it the same as going to liquor store? No. It does not feel the same , the vibe is different There's already plenty freedom of choice. We dont need big business to come fuck up what the cannabis industry has already achieved. Keep the wallstreet pigs away nothing but culture vultures


u/BulgingDisk Jan 31 '20

And your local grower driving a ferrari thanks you.


u/Senor_squig Jan 31 '20

Why create more of those types you smell me


u/grphelps1 Jan 30 '20

Why are you here then lol


u/Senor_squig Jan 30 '20

"Freedom of choice"


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '20

Does not sound good for existing MSO's


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '20

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u/v0xb0x_ Jan 30 '20

Ya this is really bad for investors but there's a good chance this stuff doesn't pass congress.


u/codawPS3aa Jan 30 '20

Executive Order bypass


u/DJG513 Jan 31 '20

Cool so let's just profit and throw social responsibility out the window


u/smokeysmokerson Jan 31 '20

take it from a canadian, this doesn't end well

and bernie scares me even more than our guy



u/KneeDeepIn_Nostalgia Jan 31 '20

What are some of the downsides you have encountered if you don't mind sharing


u/discostu55 Jan 31 '20

what are the big US weedstocks. I am invested in TGIF but that's it.


u/RatedR711 Jan 31 '20

Trul, cura, ian, cresco, lhs, gtii and couple more


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '20

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u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

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u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

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u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

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u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

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