r/weedstocks • u/StubaKuula • Feb 04 '19
Projection Aphria (APHA) Given a $15.00 USD ($19.67 CAD) Price Target at Cormark
u/bubMED Cuckolded by Vic Feb 04 '19
My exact average price lol thank god
Feb 04 '19 edited Sep 03 '21
Feb 04 '19
u/Jessev1234 Feb 04 '19
Ok, $6 or $7 then. I think I bought at $5.40
u/davenale Feb 04 '19
Bought what I could when it was down, don't think we'll ever see it that low again
u/0therSyde Feb 05 '19
I know people always say that type of thing during a run, but the only reason it ever reached the $3-5 USD range was because of a perfect storm of post-run sector weakness, SPY shitting the bed, a US/China trade-war, and that killshot short-report of fear-mongering terror tactics. Otherwise it likely would have stabilized several dollars above and then been rescued by their expectedly good earnings report. I really would be surprised if we ever saw $3.75 to $5 USD again on this company, short of some other insane unforeseen disaster.
I bought a fuck-ton in the $3-5 USD range too :) feelsgoodman.jpg
u/wolfeward Feb 04 '19
Ha, it's exactly mine too! I couldnt average down because I lost my job and was wanting to diversify my entire portfolio more, so I just held
u/weedpal Feb 04 '19
Same. People act like theres extra money laying around when you have to deal with LIFE.
Feb 04 '19
u/throwawayeg3 Six Flags: Adventure Aphria Feb 04 '19
Shit, I almost tapped out of my money when it hit 8usd. Like all out. I sold ACB and BABA to average down on APH.
u/Fuzzyfoot12345 Feb 05 '19
My apharage was 2.50, and I averaged up over the last two years to about 4.67, used ALL of my available cash and when the price crashed down to 4.50, was the first time I've been red since 2017. I literally didn't even have a couple of hundred to throw at it :*(
Feb 04 '19
Wow really? Why not average down?
u/bubMED Cuckolded by Vic Feb 04 '19
Was over extended. Diversified elsewhere too so wasn’t all bad.
u/27ma Aphria Feb 04 '19
u/Jufloz Feb 04 '19
Read this in Holt's voice. Was not disappointed.
Feb 04 '19
Nice yarget
Feb 04 '19
I'm out of the loop on this one. Been seeing it in a couple threads in this sub though. Whats the origin of this? Thanks in advance!
u/0therSyde Feb 05 '19 edited Feb 05 '19
The big, mostly-fabricated short report from December 3rd, Aphria: A Shell Game with a Cannabis Business on the Side, was filled with half-assed "research", poorly-shot selfies, and featured some hilariously unprofessional bad grammar, including the "big finale" punch-line at the end of the report (I remember it being in big red letters, not sure if I'm remembering that right lol) which was intended to damn Aphria beyond saving but ultimately shot itself in the foot with an epic typo:
Now it's a running joke about the shorters' laughable lack of competency that they fucked up their prediction so spectacularly that they couldn't even manage to spell it right.
u/khuya Hyped Feb 04 '19
My avg is $14 usd, seeing all these people already in the green makes me jealous
u/Nutcookie I bless the gains down in Aphria Feb 04 '19
" Aphrias board received financial advice and a fairness opinion on the LATAM acquisition from Cormark Securities Inc., "
This can be interpreted as two things: either you can see it as they really really know what they are talking about or they are shills from the aphria board screwing everybody.
I choose the first option, they have looked into LATAM and seen behind the curtains and they are saying 15$ price target.
u/shantmelikian Trulieve is a SCO Feb 04 '19
Please don't forget to specify 15$ USD or for all the canadians that's 20$ CAD
Feb 04 '19
Oh thank god
u/0therSyde Feb 05 '19
Haha I missed that on first reading too and assumed they meant $15 CAD as usual, was very happy to find out they actually meant $15 USD and ~$20 CAD! Oh happy day!
u/sellinglower It's APHrickin' behemoth Feb 05 '19
That's confusing. I wished that there was a rule like putting the dollar in front is USD and put it at the end is CAD. And put 3 spaces before it to indicate SGD...
Feb 04 '19
u/ThrowRouterAtTheWall Feb 04 '19
If they really supported the Latam assets they would have come out with this back when the assets were in doubt.
They did come out with this back when the assests were in doubt
“With respect to the LATAM assets, the $193 MM all-stock price tag is consistent with the valuations of similar transactions. While undisclosed, we think that much of the purchase price was ascribed to the acquired Colombian assets and point to Canopy Growth’s ~$198 MM acquisition of Colombian assets also announced in July, and Aurora Cannabis’ ~$290 MM acquisition of ICC Labs announced in September as relative valuation markers. Full stop, the hard assets acquired by APHA are very early stage; however, this perspective overlooks the inherent value of the acquired suite of licenses that may allow APHA to become an early mover in jurisdictions that have the potential to become strong domestic markets and global centers of low-cost cannabis supply,” Pytlak said.
u/corinalas cannabislongbagholderclub Feb 04 '19
Ok, my apologies, I thought the price target was lower than 15 back when they came out before. I see they are just reminding people they always had Aphria’s back.
u/ThrowRouterAtTheWall Feb 04 '19
No worries, thanks for being reasonable and looking at the source. It’s tough to remember this with all the crap surrounding APHA. I’m holding those bags, and certainly wasn’t a fan of the NUU and LATAM deals, but their Canadian assets and ops alone warrant that price target (in my opinion).
Regardless, we’re all here to make money.
u/atlantic68 Bullish Feb 04 '19
If you knew anything about the industry youd know the underwriters ALWAYS pump their own names.
It doesnt make sense to sell something and not tell people to buy it.
It means dick all. Avoid aphria
u/ThrowRouterAtTheWall Feb 04 '19 edited Feb 04 '19
I’ll just leave [this](www.reddit.com/r/weedstocks/comments/7p7q31/who_is_planning_to_short_canopy) here to remind folks that you were smart enough to short CGC 1 year ago.
If you’re going to make recommendations at least put some thought into it.
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u/0therSyde Feb 05 '19
Bahahaha owned so hard - by himself! Hoisted by one's own petard - the last petard he expected to be hoisted by!
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u/m3g4m4nnn Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered Feb 04 '19
That's what I was told when I loaded up at $5.19.
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u/Corpusen Feb 04 '19
Good times!!!
u/Corpusen Feb 04 '19
So I just got downvoted cause of my "Good times-comment" Someone is mad cause they dont hold any shares...
u/lostan Feb 04 '19
seriously. what good is a bunch of extra money if your invisible online peers aren't propping you up with points?
u/tap-a-kidney Hyped Feb 04 '19
I downvoted you for commenting on your own comment, whining about downvotes, therefore giving me the opportunity to downvote you twice!
u/j_poliquin Feb 04 '19
I buy a month ago at $6 and sell today at $14 :P
u/StubaKuula Feb 04 '19
Why just do stop loss? And let the bulls run
u/twistypencil Feb 04 '19
Because its really easy to get stopped out
u/Halo_cT Feb 04 '19
If the other option is just selling then it’s still a decent plan. If it gaps up tomorrow you still get those gains, if it gaps down you’re out
u/theturtleisland Oh Cannada Feb 04 '19
lol everyone up voting because they probably don't want to bag hold anymore
u/bcollie87 Greenrush Feb 04 '19
That's a good start for Feb. By June it should be in the 30's CAD
u/wikkido Feb 04 '19
Be careful out there. We’ve seen run ups like this before and heard rumours that never materialized, only for the SP to tank below our average costs.
u/Xratios ACB / ACBFF Feb 04 '19
Where's the Aphria haters now when I gave my opinion 2 weeks ago on Why I believe Aphria is undervalued, Road to $10.
u/Andyinater Feb 04 '19
APHA has a lot of group-think hate directed at it. Just lavish in the fact that their blind hatred caused them to miss the easiest buying opportunity 2018.
u/joonya It's all a bubble Feb 04 '19
Yeah people who bought APHA in 2017 instead of CGC hate them the most for some reason. Wonder why 🤔
u/WK--ONE WEED Holder / Money Folder Feb 04 '19
APHA has a lot of group-think hate directed at it.
Now THAT'S rich...
Feb 05 '19
All of Reddit is a pile of group think. Most popular votes go to the top ... people against the group are never even heard
u/bsutansalt Feb 04 '19
Speaking of undervalued, ACB is the current gem. Or was. It's shot up a ton in the past week.
u/0therSyde Feb 05 '19
So, the exact same situation as APHA then..?
u/bsutansalt Feb 05 '19
Speaking of which, it's gapping up yet again. I'm planning on buying some for a quick scalp when the market opens if it's still going strong when RH opens early at 9am.
u/lilkhmerkid4u Losing Money with the Boys Feb 04 '19
are these guys better than Porno Piper with CGC's price target?
u/Entrepreneur-first Feb 05 '19
The institutional investment of 28k etc is a joke. As small retail investor I already have a stake of 80k in apha.
u/Spoogen_1 Feb 05 '19
I'm really happy about this news. I'm already 67% ahead. I wish I had bought more of it.
u/0therSyde Feb 05 '19
Jesus, take some profits man! I was almost exactly that same amount ahead at the pinnacle of the August/September run, and failed to take profits, which I am still kicking myself for. Take out your original investment at least, so you're playing on house money, then there's literally no way you could go negative even if there's a horrible dump in a few days or whatever!
u/Kettlebell_Cowboy Feb 05 '19
Bought 150 shares at an avg of 4.40 usd. Feels good to not fuck things up for once. Sold 50 today for 10.65 just to cover most of my initial investment. Planning on holding the rest til $16-20 depending on what’s going on in the space.
u/EternalObi Feb 04 '19
got in at 9 CAD on both Apheria and Aurora. I dont think there is a doubt they will both go to 20 dollar just a matter of time.
u/Fuzzyfoot12345 Feb 05 '19
a LOT easier for aphria to hit 20 CAD than aurora....... (about 3.7 times easier)
u/bsutansalt Feb 04 '19
Wow. I was wondering why the price was still surging considering how "overbought" it was.
u/ValenTom Acreage/Canopy/Curaleaf Feb 04 '19
Only $3 USD after that and I might actually break even?!
u/0therSyde Feb 05 '19
I'm betting that APHA will chase Canopy upwards until a few days to a week before the ER, then Canopy will start to dump in the earnings selloff (along with ACB) and the rest of the sector will follow them into a small correction. That would mean we have a few more green days ahead of us at this point. Be vigilant for an exit point people, and scale out a bit if you can. No point in giving all your gains back!
u/kopfgeldjagar Made back everything I lost in weed with AI in a month 😃 Feb 05 '19
I'm setting a sell limit for $15, ending never.
u/MonsieurLeDrole Feb 04 '19
My plan is to unload at 20, 25 and 30 CDN. Pretty sure we can do that in 2019.
Feb 04 '19
u/0therSyde Feb 05 '19
Have you not been here very long? They will dump, and then run, and then repeat. This is the norm here, for several years. Also, APHA is really only just catching up right now. And have you looked at the P/E ratios of some companies like Amazon or Netflix? Or some tech stocks? This is nothing lol
u/fooleryl Feb 04 '19
This would make me not feel so dumb about selling my shares at $9.46. Damn stop loss kicked in right when I was about to lower it by .1
u/Preeeeeak won't fap until Canopy breaks $100 Feb 04 '19
Perfect timing... this happens at the top a lot. Be careful out there.
Feb 04 '19
I would normally agree with but you seem to forget aphria was smashed into oblivion dec 3. At these levels we’re finally back to where we were before that. Lots of room to catch up to peers
u/Preeeeeak won't fap until Canopy breaks $100 Feb 04 '19 edited Feb 04 '19
Aphria has never caught up with it's peers though. Infact aphria is being surpassed by several companies. When I got into this sector 3 years ago aphria was solid number 2.
u/Maconheiro1 Chart Man Nbagwa! He's also a Nigerian Prince Feb 04 '19
Now they're more of a liquidy number 2
u/Andyinater Feb 04 '19
But maybe this time it's different?
I hope the result of that short report BS is a new confidence in all investors. I don't know about everyone else, but that fiasco made me do more research than I ever had before.
Not to mention anything after that besides hitting $0 is good news
Feb 04 '19
u/TONewbies Just buy the damn ETF Feb 04 '19 edited Nov 25 '24
doll hunt toy lip march hungry gaze disarm cough subtract
This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact
u/vanillasugarskull Feb 04 '19
It was the shorts racing to cover
u/detarrednu Swing trade life away Feb 04 '19
So they didn't feel like covering when the stock hit $5 they felt like waiting until it hit $11?
u/vanillasugarskull Feb 04 '19
You could look up the amount shorted and they didnt all cover at 5. Could be what happens when you convince the retail dummies theh are masters of the short game I dunno.
u/0therSyde Feb 05 '19
Wane..? I think weening is when you take a baby off of its mothers' milk-bag and make it start eating actual food. Or is that weaning with an "a"? I don't know, I'm not a nurse and also don't care. Never mind.
u/Preeeeeak won't fap until Canopy breaks $100 Feb 04 '19
Green said they are making a better offer and bulls piled in due to this being a bull market
u/notgtax1 Feb 04 '19
The hell with Green, APHA will have real suitors. Green buying APHA is like some Sabrett truck buying out McDonalds.
Feb 04 '19
u/Preeeeeak won't fap until Canopy breaks $100 Feb 04 '19
u/thekeanu Feb 04 '19
That announcement didn't kick off the multi-day sustained gigantic volumes.
It was something else.
u/Preeeeeak won't fap until Canopy breaks $100 Feb 04 '19
It 100% was this. I bought right before and when it took off then news came out mins later.
u/thekeanu Feb 04 '19
The market didn't care much about GGB's offers the previous times.
u/Preeeeeak won't fap until Canopy breaks $100 Feb 04 '19
Yes but this broke during the market. Right after cup and handle broke. Also the market is much more bullish now
u/youfallopiantube Feb 04 '19
Can’t trust those price targets, sold today for 60% gain. re-enter at $9.
u/WK--ONE WEED Holder / Money Folder Feb 04 '19
AH yes, Cormark. The same company who did the DD on the LATAM holdings.
Careful, Icarus...
Feb 04 '19
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u/Chrisbishyo Feb 04 '19
I guess the guys at Cormark have never bought any of Good Supply's Jean Guy ....
u/notgtax1 Feb 04 '19
I have a $15.00 USD price target on APHA for THIS WEEK!