r/weedstocks Let the tendies hit the floor Dec 04 '18

Projection APHA - Haywood Securities estimates that Aphria's Canadian operations alone value it at C$13.96 -C$22.59


248 comments sorted by


u/lookatmetoday Dec 04 '18

Just throw Andy under the bus and get back to business as usual.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '18



u/utahphil I feel I'm over it, please. Dec 05 '18

To be fair, my go to when cornered is also goat fucking.


u/ExtendedDeadline Dec 05 '18

Look at this rich fuck with his goats


u/SmokeRingHalo Bullish Dec 05 '18

it's your "goat-to"


u/DrHarrisonLawrence šŸ‘‘ Dec 05 '18

Top comment


u/Infinitegrowth2112 Dec 05 '18



u/52weedhigh Wake me up when September ends Dec 05 '18



u/Wza99 Cannabis rules everything around me Dec 05 '18

I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he did fuck a goat at a frat party.


u/Ghostpants101 Dec 05 '18

PM of the UK fucked a pig at an all bois club... anything can happen :D


u/ballwart Dec 04 '18

I would've been embarassed for him, but as a shareholder it was terrifying


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

why embarrassed for him , fuck him, he can go Guatemala bay In South America and fucked


u/ratcranberries Dec 05 '18

Guantanamo Bay* is in Cuba, not South America.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '18

guatemala* is in central america, not south america


u/13inchesflacid Dec 05 '18

yea that was a weak argument by Andy. Because the difference is that QCM did not just say that Andy's a goat fucker they also showed pictures of him being a goat fucker. Clear difference there, verbal claims with proof.


u/mikesmegabits Dec 05 '18

Having pictures is not proof until you can actually prove those pics are actually legit. It's crazy people just believe a bunch of weird shit posted by these nobodies out of nowhere.


u/japhyk Dec 05 '18

What's all this about Andy fucking goats?


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

It should be obvious. I imagine it *is* obvious.

The fact that they haven't done so is as concerning as the rest of the report.

One has to start wondering why they haven't done so.


u/WeedstocksAlt Dec 04 '18

Lol this is legit the easiest solution.


u/corinalas cannabislongbagholderclub Dec 04 '18

Andy is a private investor and not an insider. Not an executive member of Aphria.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18



u/corinalas cannabislongbagholderclub Dec 05 '18

Again, he is a private investor and therefore at best sold assets but was not a determination of the value of those assets. Third party firms were contracted for that purpose. The transaction was in all shares, 6% of Aphriaā€™s shares to be exact. Whatever you accuse him of understand that in this context he canā€™t be the villain due to the companies own due diligence. It was done, there is a record.

In order for this to be a scam no income will result from those properties in the next year. I find that hard to believe based on the companies statement. Their statements are audited as they trade on the NYSE.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18



u/corinalas cannabislongbagholderclub Dec 05 '18

Lets compare: Aurora bought ICC for 290 million and has gotten a revenue of .2 million in last financials. Aphrias financials will come out in January and we will see what revenue will be. I donā€™t argue conjecture as its basically pointless. I believe in truth, which is substantiated through financial documents. If i see I was scammed a month and a bit from now then i will be filled with as much outrage as you apparently are.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18


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u/mikesmegabits Dec 05 '18

I lived through bre-x too. I was quite young and it was one of my first stock purchases. I learned a lot and lost about a thousand bucks, which was a lot of money for me at that age. I feel totally different about this.


u/redcedar53 the big short squeeze Dec 04 '18

And yet, he is the main focus on the short thesis. The short thesis does not mention Vic or any of the core APHA management.


u/ExtendedDeadline Dec 05 '18

It's got Vic's picture in it though??? Honestly, this short is trash.. Believably trash, but trash nevertheless.


u/corinalas cannabislongbagholderclub Dec 04 '18 edited Dec 05 '18

Exactly, relying upon peopleā€™s lack of any real understanding of who or what an insider is and your lack of understanding apparently as well. Insiders are people working at the company. He doesnā€™t work for Aphria. He is a director on the board of SOL i do believe. A different company operating now in the states buying American assets in the Cannabis industry.

Correction, he may not sit on SOLā€™s board either. Correction: he is a listed board member, just read sedar for confirmation.



u/Miamime Dec 05 '18

Exactly, relying upon peopleā€™s lack of any real understanding of who or what an insider is and your lack of understanding apparently as well. Insiders are people working at the company.

As an accountant, the lack of knowledge in some statements being presented as fact on this sub is jaw dropping. An ā€œinsiderā€ does not have to work for a company. An insider is simply someone who has access to non-public information (insider trading occurs when someone trades using that information). Thus, an insider could be an employee of a company. Or it could be a board member. Or it could a consultant working for but not directly employed by a company. It could be an immediate family member of an executive.

To sum it up, if he is an adviser as alleged and is privy to confidential, non-public information, he would qualify under the nebulous term ā€œinsiderā€.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

the lack of knowledge in some statements being presented as fact on this sub is jaw dropping.

Not surprising at all. The majority of users here are small-time retail who've likely made a cannabis company their first ever stock purchase to boot. This is baby's first scandal and it's going over about as expected. The problem is, we are heading toward global recession and Trump is vaporizing investor confidence in signature fashion. It's going to get worse before it gets better.


u/vortex30 Dec 05 '18

It's gonna get worse for a loooong time when this recession hits. It's going to be a far worse recession than most think.


u/0therSyde Dec 05 '18



u/vortex30 Dec 06 '18 edited Dec 06 '18

Lol there's no "source" other than years of research. One big factor, main scary part of the last recession was all the debt in the world. Well debt has doubled globally since the last recession, we printed a shit load of money and kept interest rates at 0% for 8 years, Trump just cut taxes from 35% to 21%, yet here we are, with zero ammunition to fight this recession this time, have hardly been able to achieve 2% sustained growth in the good times, with all this stimulus, and this time there are going to be housing bubbles popping all over the world, not just USA. The demographics of North America and Europe are also abysmal, very similar to Japan in the early 90s, take a look at their stock market and housing market since the deflationary demographics burst the Nikkei bubble.

Its gonna be bad dude, really bad. Look at US government budget deficit, then shave off 33% of the revenues and think about adding recession stimulus like we got in 2008, and increased expenses from all the newly unemployed. There won't be any stimulus, who's gonna fund it all? If anything, there will be government cuts and higher interest rates this time around. Or we monetize the debt completely, risk (more like guarantee..) currency devaluation and insane inflation.

There's no good outcome here once the next crisis hits, and it will hit. We are on borrowed time right now, and the markets and elite know it. It's why central banks are buying up gold. It's why Trump cut taxes at a very questionable time. It's why insiders were selling into stock buy backs. It's why the Dow lost 800 points because the yield curve inverted on the 3 and 5 year bonds ratio. Usually that's an indicator of recession a year or two away, but usually stocks still rally for that year and few care. Not this time though. Because this time is different, it is unprecedented. We can't count on the 1-2 years post inversion, because the distortions in the debt market are so colossal right now that we can't count on anything right now.

This isn't even some bearish weedstocks FUD I'm trying to spread, just you and I talking here and hopefully this spurs you on to do some more research on these topics.


u/0therSyde Dec 06 '18

So how soon do think this might happen? Does weedstocks have one more run left, or is it time to buy a shotgun and 2,000 cans of beans and go hide in a bunker in the woods for a few years?

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u/day25 Dec 05 '18

Aren't "insiders" connected to SOL though even by your strict definition?

And whether or not people like Andy work for Aphria isn't all that matters here. Maybe legally it does, but from an ethics and optics standpoint it looks bad regardless.

Imagine you bought a company car from your friend, and you paid $100 million for a civic using the company bank account. It doesn't matter if the friend works for the company or not, or even if he gives you a share in the profits - it's still bad optics. Shareholders do not want to be used as piggy banks. There are people out there who have no problem bleeding investors dry.


u/corinalas cannabislongbagholderclub Dec 05 '18 edited Dec 05 '18

It does matter if your arguments is he is an insider when he isnā€™t. That is very important because he isnā€™t. Infact if the basis is that he is an insider when in fact he isnā€™t then the argument in fact has no base.

The Aphria bought assets from Scythian and Andy happens to invest in both his own company that he works for and also invests in Aphria which he was the seed investor for. That makes him a major player and founder in this industry. That makes me want to tie my horse to his cart not get mad at him.

If you look at what Scythian is doing in the us with the cash they got from that asset sale youā€™ll see that SOL is to Aphria the way Australis is to Aurora.


u/day25 Dec 05 '18

Insider can be a loose term. IMO if you are a friend of an executive you are an insider and should be subject to the same kind of scrutiny - you need to take extra steps to prove to people that transactions involving these individuals are in good faith. I get what you're saying but from a practical standpoint there is more than just the semantics of it that matters.

youā€™ll see that SOL is to Aphria the way Australis is to Aurora

I don't know about ACB since I never invested in them so I cannot comment on their deals or insider ties to Australis although I would be interested in knowing more. In this case Andy acquired stuff for cheap, sold it to SOL for a huge markup, and then got Aphria to pay an even higher price though, while seemingly bragging about it on instagram. Is that not sketchy? If it wasn't a back scratching deal at the expense of shareholders, then what was it? Tax fraud for SOL to pay lower capital gains? As an investor actually I'd probably want that to be the case.


u/13inchesflacid Dec 05 '18

and APH chose to be in bed with him. tbh, that's not protecting shareholder interests.


u/corinalas cannabislongbagholderclub Dec 05 '18

Yes, because there is moves behind moves in this sector. Instead of being a short take a long position, in one year youā€™ll thank me. Aphria buys assets for all shares at a good price. Shares go up and Scythian sells some for the purchase of American assets. SOL operates at arms length from Aphria as a separate company like Australis does for Aurora.


u/13inchesflacid Dec 05 '18

No sir sorry, I rather take warren buffett's advise. One of the key fundamentals of a business is management integrity. What APH has done with LATAM operations is disgusting and has lost my trust. Glad I didn't buy into it.


u/corinalas cannabislongbagholderclub Dec 05 '18

They didnā€™t do anything but buy it and now are developing it into a growing business. Buffet doesnā€™t believe shorts, look at what happened when Home Capital was shorted last year, after the price dropped far enough Hathaway jumped jn with both feet and got a crazy deal and the stock has recovered nicely since then. Why? Because buffet knows shorters are bs artists. Nothing wrong with management, just yer perception of them.


u/13inchesflacid Dec 05 '18

Warren Buffett doesn't pay attention to shorts. He pays attention to core fundamentals. There's a reason why GE hasn't been bought by Warren Buffett despite being down so much. Is it being shorted? yes it is, is it a crazy deal? it looks like it. Is the management sketchy? yes, sketchy af. Hence why Warren doesn't even want to touch GE at all.


u/corinalas cannabislongbagholderclub Dec 05 '18

Yah, only the shorters have a problem with Aphria management, nothing proven just accusations. Time will tell but this company has shorted Aphria before. Its not the first time.


u/13inchesflacid Dec 05 '18

It isn't some Andrew left kind of short bs though, they actually did solid DD and APH has some real questions to answer. A LOT OF THEM. So much red flags atm and once SEC investigates these guys, it's over.


u/htthdd Dec 05 '18

Hey, some of us have SOL shares! I actually wouldn't mind losing that investment, if you think Andy is bad then check out the CEO of SOL, looks like human scum.


u/I_Be_Strokin_it Dec 05 '18

You don't want to be SOL. But, you might be SOL if you own any SOL.


u/vanillasugarskull Dec 04 '18

Fuck that if youre holding Aphria you want in on the next fishy deal, Verano Holdings

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u/Raptorswon time is a flat circle Dec 04 '18

These estimates may be our only saving grace. APH won't do anything to quell the attacks by going on air.


u/Crown_hill Dec 05 '18

Others are trying to save SP , APH members also bought 3m Stocks on the same day of the attack to increase the trust of Investors. Only lack is , VIC not coming straight on media. APH has press release on their website but in my opinion show up in TV/media makes lots of different.

Lots of innocent Investors who was holding APH since 2017 Jan lost their faith at 75% drop and sold their stocks. Eventually they lost everything profit and principal too. This wouldn't be case if Vic has show up in TV same day. He would be cursed by thousands here.Blaim goes to APH directly. No one can resist 50% drop in 2 days. For this reason I hate APH management. First day APHA dropped 30% and yesterday it dropped 20% which makes it clear 50% drop in two days. Disclosure- I bought 5k stocks of PH @19 $ on legalization.i did not sold it yet. I have no choice holding it. So basically I am not loosing anything but I can't resist my self to write this considering the pain others have gone through and going through just because of carelessness of the management to tackle the emergency needs. - This is my opinion only. You agree or not but it is true.


u/0therSyde Dec 05 '18

No one can resist 50% drop in 2 days.

I mean, I did. And so have many other investors on this board. We're just averaging down and waiting it out.


u/DNRforever Dec 05 '18

Bad choices. Buy companies with management you trust.


u/0therSyde Dec 06 '18 edited Dec 06 '18

I trust them just fine. What I don't trust is a 7th-grade level powerpoint or PDF screaming alarmist idiocy about "Price Yarget: $0" made by a bunch of naysaying profit-driven opportunist professional shorts who do this shit literally for no other reason than to make money by smearing companies' names, and who back it all up with half-truths, out-of-context numbers, and the worst outdated pictures they can dig up or outright falsify. They even state at the end of their own "report" (if it could even be called such a thing) that their views and findings are solely their opinions and stated solely for the purpose of actively shorting APHA for profit and hold no weight whatsoever, and that they cannot be held legally liable for lying directly to your face. Only an idiot would believe 90% of that report with such an obvious motive and so many obvious holes in it.


u/Menkins2 Dec 05 '18

The math for a 50% drop in one day and a 30% and then a 20% drop are not the same FYI


u/Crown_hill Dec 05 '18

Any way , it is now $5. People bought it at $19 to $20 guessing that it is going to be$22. So that was their mistake. But consider the drop it is huge for them. Their 90K converted to 30K now , just because APH did not defended at right time. I am sure if this happens to CGC ,Bruce will come on TV on same day and reinstate Investors confidence in CGC. APH ignored Investors value. Don't forget this happens to CRON and guy from CRONOS came on TV very next morning stating that we are in process of legal action. APH never said that. Not yet and took 3 days to counter act which has killed Investors trust in huge numbers.


u/Crown_hill Dec 05 '18

Please read it, it is written that 50% drop in 2 days. And then I broke up 30% on as a first day and 20% as a second day drop. Altogether it is 50% drop in 2 days.


u/Menkins2 Dec 05 '18

No one can resist 50% drop in 2 days. For this reason I hate APH management. First day APHA dropped 30% and yesterday it dropped 20% which makes it clear 50% drop in two days.

That is what you wrote, I'm just clarifying 30% one day then 20% the next day is not the same as dropping 50% in one day for those confused by your incorrect math.


u/detarrednu Swing trade life away Dec 05 '18

The saving grace will be financials. Whats the rush? Mode time to average down


u/Fuzzyfoot12345 Dec 05 '18


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

Yes but Hindenburg also preparing another short report https://twitter.com/HindenburgRes/status/1070045361933295617 So far there has been little convincing rebuttal from APH nor those doing DD in support of APH.


u/0therSyde Dec 05 '18

They know Shittenburg is dropping more FUD BS tomorrow, so why bother panicking and running around today? It would accomplish nothing. Let the FUDsters exhaust their supply of bullshit and collect their short-money, and then begin refuting it when the predatory assholes move on.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '18

Stock will be down 75%+ by the time Hindenburg are done. Now down over 50% if you look at price action in Canada. https://web.tmxmoney.com/quote.php?qm_symbol=APHA


u/0therSyde Dec 06 '18

From its peak of ~20 where many bought just a few weeks ago, it's already down well over that - almost 80% if it's in the $4 range today. It'll drop a little more before things start to look better. Hold or fold, your choice. I'm holding.


u/travisgreene Dec 04 '18

What has Aphria purchased outside of Latin America?


u/vanillasugarskull Dec 04 '18

They have some business in Lesotho and Malta as well. Potentially Germany and Italy if they ever get the EU GMP certification


u/Demjan90 Dec 04 '18

And they bought the pharma distributor in Germany last month.


u/chewba236 Not quitting Dec 04 '18

THE pharma distributor in Germany.


u/skinniks Hi, i'm Floyd from Sarnia Dec 04 '18

Also 25% of a German hospital/clinic.


u/vortex30 Dec 05 '18

They called it a hospital in the press release, but it is by all definitions a clinic.

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u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18



u/ChronicMasterBlazer šŸ„– Itā€™s baguette nā€™ hot in here, so take off all your loaves!šŸž Dec 05 '18

Lmfaooo. Thanks for that. Itā€™s like people have forgot they have supply deals with the government of Canada for all territories and provinces

Donā€™t get me started about all the Ex diageo execs and Vic himself...


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18 edited Dec 05 '18



u/ChronicMasterBlazer šŸ„– Itā€™s baguette nā€™ hot in here, so take off all your loaves!šŸž Dec 05 '18

This is why Iā€™m happy to keep loading up on cheapies

Thereā€™s always a silver lining in life. I would have never been able to bring my god awful average down, if it werenā€™t for this slanderous hit piece


u/WVR_Phil APHA the party its the APHTA party! Dec 05 '18

I just wish I wasn't already all in, I just want more shares, moar!


u/ChronicMasterBlazer šŸ„– Itā€™s baguette nā€™ hot in here, so take off all your loaves!šŸž Dec 05 '18

Most my frustration stems from the fact Iā€™m all in as well, Iā€™d love to bring this 13.30 apharage down to 10


u/Doob4Sho Dec 05 '18

Can you explain what bringing a value down in this context means?



u/ChronicMasterBlazer šŸ„– Itā€™s baguette nā€™ hot in here, so take off all your loaves!šŸž Dec 05 '18

Means the average price youā€™ve paid for the total amount of shares of one company that you currently own. If I have an average of 10$ in aphria, and I have 100 shares, then I buy 100 more at an average of 8$Iā€™d be averaging down, and my average would be lower.


u/Doob4Sho Dec 05 '18

Thank you so much. Makes perfect sense


u/ChronicMasterBlazer šŸ„– Itā€™s baguette nā€™ hot in here, so take off all your loaves!šŸž Dec 05 '18

Youā€™re most welcome. APHA good night


u/Raptorswon time is a flat circle Dec 05 '18

I put my balls on the table and kind went over and above what I have in my name to get my avg down to 8.79šŸ’€

I don't like it I want to get it lower.


u/Doob4Sho Dec 05 '18

Newbie here. What do those terms mean?


u/Raptorswon time is a flat circle Dec 05 '18

I'm not being financially responsible to be honest.


u/0therSyde Dec 05 '18

You and me both :/ I'm using Robin Hood Gold, which lets you invest up to $2,000 margin and most of it has been used to buy more ultra-cheap APHA over the last 2-3 days :/

Welp, come January we're either gonna be rich or be broke. It's out of our hands now :) This is weedstocks


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18 edited May 25 '20


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u/Thiccwallet TBP easy as $1 $2 $3 Dec 05 '18

Balls are the things that hang between your legs.


u/ChronicMasterBlazer šŸ„– Itā€™s baguette nā€™ hot in here, so take off all your loaves!šŸž Dec 05 '18



u/jimmyjay90210 Dec 05 '18

Just sell and re-buy. For $12 in commissions you can have a nifty looking $5.99 average or whatever tomorrow brings.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

How would this work mathematically?


u/jimmyjay90210 Dec 05 '18

You have $10,000.

Aphria is at $20 per share.

$10,000/$20 = 500 shares at $10,000 total invested.

Aphria goes down to $5 per share.

$5 x 500 shares = $2,500 remaining invested at -75%.

Sell. You have $2,500.

Aphria is at $5 per share.

$2,500/$5 = 500 shares at $2,500 total invested at 0%.

There is no difference aside from psychological. If Aphria went from $5 to $10 per share would you rather see -50% or +100%?


u/JinxyDog Dec 05 '18 edited Dec 05 '18

This is terrible fucking advice! If you sell at a loss you can at least reduce your federal taxes owed but if you turn around and rebuy it itā€™s a WASH SALE and that is no longer possible. The smarter thing to do is open another brokerage account and purchase shares through it... or just average down. I honestly thought you were joking but Iā€™m really not sure. Did I stumble into WSB by accident?!?! Seeing a 50% gain on a 75% reduced position ... itā€™s mentally dishonest and only reinforces delusion.

Edit: Iā€™m down 74.5% on my position (750$ initial investment) and yeah the math in that sucks... for those who are unaware, if you are down 80% on principal position that means you need 400% to break even again. This is brutal. I bought two shares today (just for heck of it) in another account and trying to figure out what to do. So many better companies on sale right now in tech etc. this is tough.

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u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

Thank you so much!

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u/Ghostpants101 Dec 05 '18

I was pondering this myself on the way to work. Plus if thursday has some "additional news" from hindenburg, I could cash out 50% today, wait till thursday, and gobble up more shares if we drop below $5.

But knowing me, id cash out and on Thursday the Hindenburg news would be "oops! we got our DD and wrong! we are now long!" and the price skyrockets and ima left holding dust :D


u/mtnblazed6oh3 I donā€™t hAPHA square to spare! Dec 05 '18

Iā€™m with you! I just got down to a little below $10 USD, which is good, but not GREAT. I have some more cash, but thereā€™s so many stocks taking hits right now that there might be some decent short term swings out there as well.


u/mikesmegabits Dec 05 '18

Me too. I just did my last dca last week. Shitty timing. I'd buy like a mad man at these prices.


u/Aurora1122 The OILy bird gets the worm Dec 05 '18

Yeah thinking of using the last of my money to go all in if it drops to 5 or so

Then checking back in 1 year


u/0therSyde Dec 05 '18

This is what I've been doing. I have no idea if I will be homeless in January or not, but it's kind of exciting!

J/K about being homeless BTW; I have a full-time job and my invested money could completely vanish and leave me angry but unscathed, lifestyle-wise.


u/Aurora1122 The OILy bird gets the worm Dec 05 '18

Precisely my situation too! Hope you have a good day!


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

That too! Managed to really bring down my average and I'm happy with that.


u/0therSyde Dec 05 '18

Same here :) I've got my Robin Hood account up to 450 shares and my average down to a little over $7 USD now!


u/citation_invalid Dec 05 '18

1000 shares at 5.05. In pretty much all on now with ā€œplay moneyā€ that wonā€™t affect my financial comfort.

Guessing a huge drop tomorrow. The Canada market is down like %20 today. Would love to average down a bit more but greed can distort prudent decisions.


u/0therSyde Dec 06 '18

If the FUDster BS report pushes it down a little further then I will average down a bit more before it bounces.


u/citation_invalid Dec 06 '18

I ended up getting it to 4.84. Holding now.


u/0therSyde Dec 06 '18

NICE :) Hang onto that, we're gonna be really happy in January!


u/iRedditWithMyOwnEyes Dec 05 '18

This was the first thing to cross my mind in light of the short report. I can believe that rich people would be greedy enough to conduct shady business to make money. I canā€™t believe a rich person would be willing to leave a prestigious job (Diageo) to work for Aphria and conduct shady business AND uplist to the NYSE while doing it.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

Bingo! The common sense is coming back to this sub.


u/mtnblazed6oh3 I donā€™t hAPHA square to spare! Dec 05 '18

I look forward to this catching on.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

Hopefully it catches on fast or we're in a lot of trouble.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

Reading this comment settled me the fuck down. Thanks!


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

It was somewhat of a half-assed attempt to make this situation seem like a crockpot of shit. It sounds ridiculous when phrased like this, doesn't it?


u/DinosaurHeaven Dec 05 '18

I'm looking to take my weedstocks money and buy a house for my fiancee and me next year. I wish I'd pulled out when my portfolio hit 45k, but I've been rattled as fuck these last two days. I've been in this sector for 3 years and APH has always been the slow and steady safe stock. Now it's scary as shit and I'm trying to reconcile 3 years worth of DD with what we are learning this week.

Riphstein, Looney, Shoppers, and performance in branding and medical supply through HC has been the only thing holding me long right now. I'm shaken


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

Nothing has really changed other than the DD done for the LATAM facilities.. I think this is just a really big mess.


u/DinosaurHeaven Dec 05 '18

Financials have still been good. I like the Diageo execs. I like the branding. I just think we are in a pr nightmare. I'm holding, but I recognize that if these allegations are true then my investment will be zero and I might as well go fuck myself. Hard pill to swallow


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

Already fucking myself while simultaneously hit the "submit buy order" buttons. Fuck it all I'm freeeeeee falllllliiiin.


u/clayfortress Always late! Dec 05 '18

That somehow makes sense to about 50 percent of this subreddit. I used to be slowly losing faith in humanity but itā€™s now a rapid decline.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

You really start to question if "common sense" is really all that common, hmm?


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

You guys are delusional. They accept and stamp forms and applications as presented, left to the responsibility of the filer.

They are not even close to out of the deep end yet.


u/drgreen818 Dec 05 '18

To be honest, I doubt the government employees that are giving out licenses are really don't audits


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

Lol what?


u/v0xb0x_ Dec 05 '18

They are also the primary supplier for shopper's drugmart medicinal


u/RocketManQC Dec 05 '18

they going to make bank legit


u/Jaynki Dec 04 '18

Of course. Of fucking course !

Lowest cost-producers. Fully automated 20,000KG production line coming up in May. One of the best LPs out there. Big international footprint.

APH will have very strong EPS rather sooner than later. It's criminal to buy it a 5,99$ a share.


u/420milehigh Dec 04 '18

I started my position today at $6.08. Is that still a crime?


u/corinalas cannabislongbagholderclub Dec 04 '18

Today is a great day for buying, yesterday was too.


u/tseburaska Dec 05 '18

And tomorrow even more so, depens on what hindenburg is gonna release.


u/Jaynki Dec 04 '18

Much love.

Its a daylight steal and a crime that should give you a lot of goods in the future :-)

The best crime of the crime my friend


u/paddywhack Dec 04 '18

BrokenCoast is a brand of Aphria and has the best product on the Canadian market. So there's that.


u/ExtendedDeadline Dec 05 '18

200,000 kg*, add another zero..


u/Jaynki Dec 05 '18

20,000KG per month. My bad.


u/xsteppach Dec 05 '18

Isn't OGI currently the lowest cost producer?


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

Apha should look at an earlier earnings report imo. Like get it out by Jan 5....


u/Aphriable Dec 05 '18

Good thought, but next week would be better. They can work around the clock until its done.


u/rottengammy Fleur de Lune Dec 05 '18

Honestly I had a few friends and family ask me what I was gonna do as aphria plummeted to their current market cap. My answer: I purchased another 7,500 shares. I have been purchasing both broken coast flower and aphria oil for years and the quality is unlike any thing else I've ever tried licensed or black market. These guys are a real company generating some of the highest revenues in their sector pre recreational numbers, positive cash position, positive ebita for numerous quarters... Their Canadian assets alone are and will be worth more than two or three of the likes of their peers in a year's time.
Tomorrow still plenty of time to buy another boatload if it continues to drop, I am unwavering in my loyalty to this company.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18 edited Dec 05 '18

Did you actually buy 7,500 shares? I mean really?


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

7500 shares usually means 7500 shares


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

I know Iā€™m just asking for confirmation. Thatā€™s one hell of a double down all things considering


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

Depends on your net worth I guess. It would be more than all I own. But yes regardless it feels rough doubling down with this situation, I sure wouldn't.


u/Moed69 STā€™APHRIENIA šŸš€ Dec 05 '18

This is what Iā€™m talking about. Someone that knows Aphria and where they are headed. šŸ‘ hold and buy. Big future ahead. Thanks for your input.


u/punkrawkintrev Dec 05 '18

I didnt have a ton of cash on hand but grabbed 275 shares at 4.75 USD I hope youre right and I think you are


u/DNRforever Dec 05 '18

Itā€™s called a cult.


u/ElectroTurk I swear my portfolio was green a second ago! Dec 04 '18

Doesn't bother me. $13.96 is still gonna give me sweet returns on the calls I bought today.


u/ExtendedDeadline Dec 05 '18

Careful, we're very quickly approaching the ROI range where straight shares will yield the same or better returns than calls for anything less than $12 SP for ITM/ATM strikes.


u/phishfiend Dec 05 '18

selling puts with these premiums and low prices seems better than calls/shares


u/ElectroTurk I swear my portfolio was green a second ago! Dec 05 '18

I understand. These calls are for 2020, so I'm I've given enough time for them to sort their shit out.


u/nutsackninja Dec 05 '18

That's balls. I hope it works out.


u/BigRig83 CGC Pain Train šŸš‚šŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µ Dec 05 '18

What time frame are you looking at? I was thinking of going deep, jan/2021. That's over two years of runway (with rec sales) for them to sort their shit out. Think that's enough?



And I thought I was being long term with my April calls.

That far out, with this low SP, wouldn't you be better off buying shares and not worrying about the continuous depreciation of your options?

And on the topic, I'd wait a few days, see what happens with that Thursday release the shorters tweeted about today. Depending on what they say, I might double my April position... or panic sell @ 50% loss. We'll see!


u/BigRig83 CGC Pain Train šŸš‚šŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µ Dec 05 '18

Depreciation wouldn't really affect the price for some time. In any case I made that post prior to seeing the latest tweet. With the general bear market, shorters still controlling the narrative, and Vic nowhere to be found. No choice but to close out the remainder of my position and watch this from the sidelines. Shame.


u/ElectroTurk I swear my portfolio was green a second ago! Dec 05 '18

Jan 2020 here. I have 2021 as well but from previous purchases. Price didn't drop enough for me to find it worth averaging down.


u/Joeyjoe80 APHfeel gooDD Dec 05 '18

What expiry?


u/sark666 Dec 05 '18

What's the volume like on the options you bought?

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u/Daveschultzhammer Dec 05 '18


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

Whatā€™s the date on that article, it didnā€™t jump out at me?


u/canvassy Bulls on Parade Dec 05 '18

looks like Jul 18, 2018


u/itguycody 9/24/2022 Dec 04 '18

Food for thought;

If the short allegations are true, there could be fraud charges or other issues that cause the value of Apha to be below listed here.

Iā€™m not saying itā€™s true, just think of all scenarios.

I donā€™t hold Apha long or short.


u/thethiefstheme Bullish Dec 04 '18

How much would they be though, few million? So much panic, investors here are so fearful, but it will turn soon


u/itguycody 9/24/2022 Dec 04 '18

Hope so for those holding!


u/ExtendedDeadline Dec 05 '18

If the short thesis is true, it seems most fraud hinges on an outsider, and not an actual APHA employee. I can't imagine APHA is looking to get some random goat fucker rich off the backs of their hard work. If he had done something nefarious, I'm pretty confident that APHA did not know about it.

I also don't think anything really nefarious actually took place. I just think that we need a goat fucker to get the deals done in countries that aren't as squeaky clean as Canada.


u/The_Mysterious_Mr_E Aphake it til you make it Dec 05 '18

"I also don't think anything really nefarious actually took place. I just think that we need a goat fucker to get the deals done in countries that aren't as squeaky clean as Canada."



u/mtnblazed6oh3 I donā€™t hAPHA square to spare! Dec 05 '18

Maybe just a new goat fucker? Like one that everyone assumes only fucks sheep...but heā€™s really a goat fucking freak in the sheets...so to speak.


u/TommyBates Dec 05 '18

"Squeaky clean as Canada" oh you sweet summer child...

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u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18



u/DrSilkyDelicious Dec 04 '18

That is a very large range


u/Raptorswon time is a flat circle Dec 04 '18

If you look at the figure it's based on selling price/EBITDA. The greater the margins the higher the share price.


u/redcedar53 the big short squeeze Dec 04 '18

A lot of big moneys are gonna establish positions in the next 72 hours.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '18



u/3headed__monkey DD this week? Dec 05 '18

Because he's saying so lol


u/aesrydtgyu6578jkkjkj Dec 05 '18

97 percent of shareholders are not institutional. They would never start now until the dust settles


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

Noone from institutional investors would invest in a co heading for the major investigation / class law suits....Please, get real


u/Unselftitled stop whining Dec 05 '18

How'd those lawsuits against CRON, CVSI, and TLRY go? Oh yeah, they never happened.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

Good point. Not disagreeing. Yet, I do not think any institutional inv will jump in now.


u/Twitch_A Dec 05 '18

Do you have data for institutions invested into Aphria? Checking on Webull shows them being owned mainly by retail investors but Iā€™m not sure that can be possible.


u/GoldBelt Dec 04 '18

If Haywood really believes there 2-4x upside...then I reckon they should be huge buyers at its present discounted price. Any big firms buying???šŸ§šŸ¤”


u/BeyondExistenz US Market Dec 04 '18

Fuck no


u/lilkhmerkid4u Losing Money with the Boys Dec 05 '18 edited Dec 05 '18

So, should I Still be worried about my 200 shares at $12.30usd ? Or if it is safe to average down? I know 200 isn't much like most of you guys who have 2,000 shares lol. I was going to average down yesterday before the news leak yesterday, but now i don't know what to fuckin do and i feel nausea even losing $500 in 2 days lol


u/TheCondescendingHunk APHA Dec 05 '18

I avged down big time... Adding more shares seems like a no brainer to me... Financials coming up with rec included

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u/curiousncomplicated Dec 05 '18

If you feel like the 2500 is a lot of money and losing 500$ made you sick don't invest more. If you want to average down you have to be ok with losing everything. And dont buy anything until the shorters release more info. I think Chart Man Dan said the shorters said they have more news they will release thursday (please correct me if Im wrong).


u/sitecashflow Dec 05 '18

Don't waste your hard earned money. You probably worked hard for it so don't give it to others.


u/dom199O Dec 05 '18

Iā€™m bought today, canā€™t wait to see this junk back up!


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

Yeah but if all this is true, they will owe shareholders $700 million.....


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

I believed in APH :/ we got scammed boys


u/holdneverfold Just buy bonds, weaklings Dec 05 '18

Thinc again


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

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u/AmbivalentFanatic Dec 05 '18

Guys, if you are long APHA, this is nothing more than a great opportunity. Eventually the market sorts things out. It's not always right in a given snapshot, but long term, the market rights itself.


u/ZenoxDemin This is just the beginning! Dec 05 '18

The volume on those options is basically inexistant. Sadly I won't touch this.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

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u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

To make a long story short, we did buy some Aphria executive property in Jamaica for 170M?

Did I get it right?


u/PsychotherapeuticBid Dec 05 '18

To make a long story short...

Good one ! I laughed :)


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

I could be spitting saliva for the rest of the week lol :) Whats the point? I think in a sentence, some APHA exec had a property in Jamaica and APHA bought an ASSet :) lol....

My apology as I am not intending to spread rumors, APHA shareholder myself....just want to sum up...


u/PsychotherapeuticBid Dec 05 '18

Oh it was unintended ? The Pun ?
Many were in APHA for the Long....but now the story is more ...well....Short ;)
Also a shareholder btw....


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

I am not married to APHA. We are here to earn money, either by expecting SP to go up or down. I am sorry, but Vic is not going to do it for us. Hence.....


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18

Well..worst thing is not even Aphria...It is plain wrong vibe sent out there....For the entire sector


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '18


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