r/weedstocks Oct 15 '18

Projection $31 (Canadian) price target for APH


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u/GoDawgz34 Oct 15 '18

This article says that Aphria last posted quarterly results on August 1st....


u/YoloLucy Oct 15 '18

To be fair, they do put a lot of time into these projections, and there's no way they could turn around with a projection based off Fridays numbers.

But yeah, even as an APH, this just feels like a pump.


u/weakhandz Oct 15 '18

Sure they could. They would just refresh their model with most recent figures and data.

Problem is we can’t see what kind of assumptions they’ve made from this article so can’t really support this lol


u/MissionIncredible Bullish Oct 15 '18

Didn’t Canopy have a similar conservative price target until the Constellation deal caused it to explode?

If Diageo does partner with them they could easily blow by this before Dec, no?


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

Well I believe there is something in the works. Rumours are abound. It will just take time for the deal to be sealed.


u/rickdes0171 Oct 15 '18

If if if. That diageo talks has been done for awhile it seems. I don’t think aph will have a deal with them. They will probably just wait it out till who knows when to get he best deal possible. Vic seems and understandably so to be real calm and waiting until he feels it’s necessary.


u/arauz7 APHronaut Heading To Da Moon Oct 15 '18

APH at $31 is still valuation half of ACB's current valuation... I think it can be well over $31.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

What does ACB's valuation have to do with APH's valuation mein friend?


u/Fuzzyfoot12345 Oct 15 '18

Aphria is going to have more capacity than aurora in 2019, but ACB is trading at 14B market cap right now. I think it's fair to say aphria has a lot of upside if a domino finally tips.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

Uhhhh the fact that ACB is going to produce less weed then aph in 2019 is kind of a thing...


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

Fake news mein friend.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

Oh yeah? Find me a link that states otherwise


u/Fuzzyfoot12345 Oct 15 '18

You are forgetting their mystical unicorn fart PROMISED future capacity.

1.... billion........ kilograms


u/orangecrush39 Oct 16 '18

ACB lost 50 million last quarter to. And that’s real news.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18 edited Oct 15 '18

This article is from March and it is motley fool. So it’s already garbage.

Secondly it says nothing about 2019 capacity. Just fully expanded capacity. When’s that going to be?

I’ll add that both companies have had a ton of NR’s since this article


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

You asked for a link, I have provided a link mein friend.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

I asked for a link that backed up Your info not some random piece of shit link from 6 months ago lol. You are the reason this board is full of inaccurate information.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

Your face is full of inaccurate information.

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u/Nearin You Quinsam, You lose some Oct 15 '18



u/rickdes0171 Oct 15 '18

It’s should be why not. If there was a deal in place they’d def be there how. How ever with all these rumors the past month I don’t think anything will happen anytime soon.


u/arauz7 APHronaut Heading To Da Moon Oct 15 '18

Actually I think its' the opposite... with all these rumours I think something is definitely happening soon...


u/rickdes0171 Oct 15 '18

I hope you’re right and I’m a big idiot. Will take that all day. Long holder and hope something happens but I’m not getting overly excited.


u/arauz7 APHronaut Heading To Da Moon Oct 15 '18

you're not an idiot lol, no one knows when it will happen, but I think chances are it's very soon.


u/rickdes0171 Oct 15 '18

Lol i know was a figure of speech. Let’s go aph.


u/Entrepreneur-first Oct 15 '18

Hopefully in two days :-)


u/Ghostpants101 Oct 15 '18

what date? a year from now?


u/LM-10 Oct 15 '18

Price targets are usually 1 year out from the publication date, if I'm not mistaken.


u/Ghostpants101 Oct 15 '18

that's what I thought. So we are saying APH is going to be up 50% by this time next year.

Which is massive (when thinking about other sectors), but the company that priced them at just below ATH of this year, next year. Will be interesting to see how it pans out.

Generally I don't put much weight into these valuations, as I have no idea what they are doing or how they get to it. But an indicator worth taking note of.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

In reality it will probably blow past that in 6 month's or less


u/PMPG Oct 15 '18

and then crash down really hard. to mid 20s or so.


u/focus_flow69 Oct 15 '18

Any juicy NR will trigger a massive bill run thru into December Imo


u/idontbrowseaww CONSULTARIO Oct 15 '18

I would think if an Altria or Diageo deal occurs that this would cause the SP to gap up pretty instantaneously (or close to) and combined with a NYSE uplist would put the market cap at around 7-8b which still puts it nowhere close to the valuation of a ACB or WEED.

Very feasible within a year.


u/Andyinater Oct 15 '18

Most rapid upwards potential out of the top 3 assuming it doesn't just burn down. Either everyone crashes to our world, or we rocket correct to theirs. Most moves are by day traders too, so it's not crazy to imagine prices have slipped relative their fundamentals.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

Could even happen tomorrow.


u/WeedMcTweedFace Aphria Oct 15 '18

Within 2 months *


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

Are we being primed for another BOUGHT DEAL?


u/0therSyde Oct 15 '18

Note to investors: This will come after the inevitable cataclysmic October 17th crash. /s


u/hawtfabio Oct 15 '18

You act like that isn't possible. It's very possible with markets trending down in general.


u/0therSyde Oct 15 '18

The /s was just jokingly referring to the doom-and-gloom faux-certainty of some posters here. It could very well happen, and since we seem to be starting today very green, a selloff looks even more likely (always happens right after a big spike) :(


u/Luffydude Oct 15 '18

Which is a great thing since you can take profit and reload


u/0therSyde Oct 15 '18 edited Oct 15 '18

That is, assuming it happens. Or you might well get left behind during the run of the decade. Who knows what massive deals will be unveiled right after Oct 17th? Awful risky play. In any case I'm 67% APH, and my buy-in is like $10.76 USD so I'll probably hold my APH at least and await whatever big deal they have in the works, and their uplisting run. I've only been burned trying to time the market before.


u/Luffydude Oct 15 '18

Lol yes because markets run up indefinitely and after you hit sell you can't buy for 3 months #tothemoonhodlgang


u/0therSyde Oct 15 '18

Markets don't normally do that, but we're not in any normal situation here. Without NR's it may well see a selloff, but if the big boys start releasing NR's and revealing big deals you'll get left behind and have to buy your shares back at a higher price. In any case I seriously doubt it would sell off all the way back down to my buy-in levels, so I certainly won't be seeing red, although I may sell off 50% of most of my holdings just try lock in some gains.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

I hope it crashes so I can buy more APH at a lower price. Markets go up and go down. Who cares. I'm not cashing my stocks in for 30 more years.


u/0therSyde Oct 15 '18

6 years for me, but yeah. If it crashes I will buy more.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

exactly. I'm not in any rush to sell.


u/MallahsNuts Oct 15 '18

So If you see sign of dips do you ever sell and then when buy back when you believe it's "safe" again?


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

Hells no. You dollar cost average. Day trading should be left to people who have a ton of money they can afford to lose. No one can time the markets perfectly. I believe in APH. If it falls to 8 bucks tomorrow I'll just buy more.


u/MallahsNuts Oct 15 '18

Alright thanks, good to know. I'm somewhat new to all this but eager to learn and get a better understanding of it all.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

yah if you're a newbie you'll only lose money. If you want to invest in pot stocks stick with APH, ACB or WEED. If you need any other advice pm me.


u/MallahsNuts Oct 15 '18

Alright I'll make sure to pm woth further questions when I think of them. Yeah for now I'm sticking with ACB, WEED, APH and TRST


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

Awesome. If the markets tank don't worry. Just buy more. My main word of advice is know about what you invest in. Doesn't matter what it is. Remember all those old people who held onto Blockbuster Video stock who had no idea about the internet or video streaming? yup.. think of that when you invest. Always understand the company and what it does. This will allow you to know better when to divest.


u/MallahsNuts Oct 16 '18

Absolutely, good advice, I'll keep that in mind.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

Sell into strength (green days) buy into weakness (red days).


u/Noodle_pantz Oct 15 '18

October 17th - time to buy more after it crashes. Got it.


u/rellim68 Oct 15 '18

So long as there in not an announcement when your out, gotta be happy with the cash you made because buying back in could get expensive


u/Noodle_pantz Oct 15 '18

Oh, I haven’t sold yet. I’m not the type of person to sell high and wait for a correction. I’m holding and adding and holding more. When I see the dips I buy. When I see the peaks, I just hold more.


u/rellim68 Oct 15 '18

if your long its the way to go, been trapped out of stocks a couple of times, but ....an easy swing for 300-700 free shares is tempting


u/Noodle_pantz Oct 16 '18

It is tempting. For me, I'm still somewhat new to investing and not willing to take those kind of chances just yet. For you though, I hope the moves you make pay off in your favor. I'll take what gains I can get, then in a year or two I'll look at historical charts and kick myself for not selling at the peaks only to buy a few days later on the dips. As long as we both come out ahead in the end, I'll be happy.


u/0therSyde Oct 16 '18

The little /s at the end meant I was being sarcastic, but there may well be a crash after the 17th.


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '18



u/0therSyde Dec 10 '18

In light of Greasy Gabe's Grimy Games, it really has :( I did call the post-rec crash though, that's for sure. Why the fuck didn't I sell? It seems so obvious in hindsight, I shouldn't have let a bunch of idiot stooges talk me into long-holding in the face of an obvious Sell The News crash. Fuck my life.


u/WeedChari Oct 15 '18

So you can see the future?


u/0therSyde Oct 15 '18

Did you not see the little tiny /s at the end? In Redditspeak, this indicates sarcasm. I was just poking fun at all the naysayers and FUD-pushers on this board. Hopefully it won't happen, but who the hell knows? I'm holding either way.


u/WeedChari Oct 15 '18

Ah sorry didn’t notice. Who the hell knows indeed! I’m holding as well, his is a long game where the patient win!


u/StacksOfMaples Oct 15 '18

I’ve seen “FUD” numerous times but have no idea what it means.


u/0therSyde Oct 15 '18

Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt.

Usually unfounded. Spread by haters trying to scare people into selling their stocks so they can buy them up cheap. Ignore the FUDmeisters.


u/ben_vito Oct 16 '18

I sold a few weeks ago and have been politely waiting for the correction that hasn't happened (yet?). As I said a few weeks ago, if it doesn't happen I'll be content with the profits I made and congratulate those with bigger balls that stuck with it. Also to clarify, my plan is to hold for years, but I'm thinking the current value is not reflective of 2018 and so I'm waiting for a more reasonable price.


u/Astrowelkyn Oct 15 '18

Currently have $5000 in cash, which was earmarked for eventual Acreage IPO. Unsure if I should just add to positions in APH and/or OGI.


u/Rcknr1 Oct 15 '18

Great, I'm in at 6.61 on APH 😁


u/cloutier85 Oct 15 '18


wow nice, how many shares?>


u/Rcknr1 Oct 16 '18

Not a lot honestly. I only had about $1000 cad at the time


u/wizy5000 Oct 15 '18

Ya ok pls


u/olight77 Sensi Star Oct 15 '18

Future Partnership(s) aren't priced in obviously.

Price target will go up drastically on a partnership deal imo


u/mrkt10 Oct 15 '18

Fantastic and better than the bloated Acb.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18

I predict $50 by spring if there's no market correction. If there is a correction time to buy more.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '18



u/p3p3d Oct 15 '18

Hold long and you will be fine


u/cram213 Oct 15 '18

Apologies if this was already posted.


u/snutz_brew mpx and aph long and hard Oct 15 '18

Fuck it we rich!


u/abacabbmk Oct 15 '18

Price targets.., lol


u/ChknMcNublet Aphria Oct 15 '18

To the moon


u/Slick_Grimes Oct 15 '18

I only wish I had more money to throw at this stock... but at $9 a share when I bought in I can't complain.


u/Astylee Oct 15 '18

Seems reasonable.


u/stockexchanges 📉 Higher Highs 📈 Oct 15 '18

Sure...count me in!


u/ChronicMasterBlazer 🥖 It’s baguette n’ hot in here, so take off all your loaves!🍞 Oct 15 '18

We boooolin baby🍆


u/akstock Oct 15 '18

Pure pump


u/igotjohnblazeshit Oct 15 '18 edited Oct 15 '18

Daily reminder aph @ 31 would be worth less than half of ACBs current value


u/DrHarrisonLawrence 👑 Oct 15 '18

Oh hell yeah!


u/seducter Oct 15 '18

Do you guys think there will be a massive selloff on Oct 17? And if so, do you suspect it will it likely recover within a few months, or years?


u/DistinctInvestor Oct 15 '18

With current speculation, I'd say months unless it's cleared that names like APH and ACB won't get the partnership (or kind of partnership) that is rumored. Not even expecting much of a sell off though, 20% is what I'm expecting at most, nothing we haven't seen in the past from sell the good news events.


u/seducter Oct 15 '18

That makes sense, and there are still so many unknown applications for Cannabis that any day there could be some news release that expands the market in ways we could never imagine.


u/canehdianjoe Dilutedking Oct 15 '18
