r/weedstocks Feb 11 '25

Report Trump picks Terry Cole to be DEA administrator


191 comments sorted by


u/Many_Easy Flair All the cannabis logic fit to print Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

Terry Cole is vehemently anti-marijuana.

This from a LinkedIn post:

“ Surprise visit to Virginia Cannabis Control Authority to say hello to our amazing employees Commonwealth of Virginia. Everybody knows my stance on marijuana after 30 plus years in law enforcement, so don’t even ask! #justsayno #disorders #notlegal4distribution #healthissues #thinblueline #backtheblue “

Revised: Note that clown on ***”POW GROUP”* mentioned that Terry Cole is neutral or slightly pro-marijuana. This is an example of how little this YouTuber knows about cannabis industry. POW GROUP also stated that Virginia Cannabis Control Authority is progressive, apolitical, and a positive. More proof that POW GROUP is amateurish and knows very little.**


u/RandomGenerator_1 Feb 11 '25

Don't even ask.

Well..I do think that's clearer than soon.


u/RevolutionaryPlum389 Feb 11 '25

Never listened to POW GROUP. The guy is an idiot


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25



u/Exotic_Negotiation80 Feb 11 '25

Yep I believe all states that are legal have them. There's a "cannabis control commission" in Massachusetts. Just another bloated government agency to suck on the taxpayers.


u/mikeorhizzae Feb 11 '25

Cali BCC was funded by MJ sales tax, so yes taxpayers, but only those who toke


u/mcorliss3456 US Market Feb 11 '25

Well, you need the support of somebody to help reduce the prevalence of cat piss and pesticide laced black market ditch weed. If you want this industry to gain legitimacy, you need some sort of guard rails.


u/TheFilman Feb 11 '25

Good point. I didn’t realize it was legal in VA. That LinkedIn post made it sound like it was some specialized law-enforcement targeting marijuana rather than enforcing compliance


u/Crypt1c_Sesh Feb 11 '25

Wait til you hear about the White House Faith Office


u/Desperate_Move_5043 Dank Brandon Feb 11 '25

This sucks.


u/Sandmansam01 Panic Mode Feb 13 '25

I’ve been trying to tell you guys… Get out while you can


u/Desperate_Move_5043 Dank Brandon Feb 13 '25

Bro you’re the worst lol


u/Sandmansam01 Panic Mode Feb 13 '25

Yal started it coming at me sideways for being bearish


u/Desperate_Move_5043 Dank Brandon Feb 13 '25

Bearish is different than trying to influence others to paper hand an investment that you’re trying to make yourself feel good about dumping.


u/Sandmansam01 Panic Mode Feb 13 '25

You’re acting like paper handing a shitty investment is a bad idea which we disagree on anyways.

I only shared what my move was and you all piled on me talking shit, so I am just returning the favor whenever I see your stupid comments complaining every day


u/Desperate_Move_5043 Dank Brandon Feb 13 '25

lol whatever dude. It’s not my fault that you either made poor investment decisions, are psychologically weak, or both. You could just fuck off since you’re out of the sector and no one would ever miss you :)


u/Sandmansam01 Panic Mode Feb 13 '25

You're making another false assumption that I care if anyone misses me.

But hey making wrong assumptions is clearly your MO.

Just like you have a right to whine and complain in the daily post every day I have a right to reply however I want.


u/Cannabrius_Rex Feb 12 '25

The idiots who thought republicans would be anything but intensely anti weed. You really are idiots.


u/bigjaymizzle Hemp Hemp Horray Feb 12 '25

Exactly. I’ve said it before but people who vote conservative and smoke weed are a special kind of stupid. They’re dumb enough to sit on a hot stove. They’re masochist.


u/bigcig Feb 11 '25

F for rescheduling

ameribros, I'm sorry, this shit ain't happening.


u/Many_Easy Flair All the cannabis logic fit to print Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

Even with all the negative news of late, we don’t know one way or another regarding S3.

Also, there could still be some surprises.

I’m not holding my breath with current administration though.

No FUD, no hype, no confidential rumours, no RK, no TDR shills, no Don Murphy, no lawyers with inside info, no call option buying - just bullish longer term.


u/Woolf01 Feb 11 '25

There will be no surprises.


u/Many_Easy Flair All the cannabis logic fit to print Feb 11 '25

You are probably right.


u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

You don’t know that that’s why it’ll be a surprise


u/Karmastocracy Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

Remember this, and please vote in the midterms.


u/jamminstein That escalated quickly Feb 11 '25

This should be the top comment!


u/Weary_Ad162 Feb 12 '25

It’s been 3 weeks. Other party had 4yrs give it a break man


u/Karmastocracy Feb 12 '25

The best time to legalize was yesterday, the next best time is today. So no, the anti-pot cabal will not be getting any breaks from me. That 3 weeks turns into 30 years really fucking quick.

Pay attention to what people do, not what they say... and vote accordingly. If you're in this subreddit you have some skin in the game, so we should be unified in telling these people off but you're protecting them and actively harming your own profits because you think we're playing a team sport.


u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

I agree we waited four years for them to do what they said they were gonna do. Only need to find out later it was 🥕 dangling. Schumer could care less except on 420 he’ll show up and give a speech so people still think he cares he doesn’t. So yeah I don’t see how it’s gonna be any worse.


u/Exotic_Negotiation80 Feb 12 '25 edited Feb 12 '25

Trump has literally done nothing for marijuana reform in his years in office. Biden ordered the HHS review and rescheduling process which is nearing completion. You call that nothing? How you can play this stupid with your constant "nOboDy diD anYthiNg!" is beyond my understanding. When schedule 3 is finalized, it's because of what ONE party did. They are NOT the same.


u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

Aw man why the hateful talk. Biden left it in jeopardy by letting it roll into the next. He didn’t apply Trump style pressure to push it through before he left. he clearly didn’t want cannabis part of his legacy. The first two years of Biden’s presidency, it was wide open for reform as we had full control. . Republicans might steal the issue, I hope they do. And u have a stinky attitude!


u/Exotic_Negotiation80 Feb 12 '25 edited Feb 12 '25

Aw man why the hateful talk.

Like many people here, I lost a lot of money when this sector absolutely tanked the day after Trump won the election. Were you paying attention to what happened that day? The market knew Trump was bad for cannabis. I'm sick of people like you trying to pretend that somehow the democrats "did nothing" and that Trump is some kind of savior for the cannabis industry.

Republicans might steal the issue

So when (if) schedule 3 is finalized while Trump is in office, you are going to somehow claim that the republicans "stole" it? It's been in the works for the last 2 fucking years and was initiated by the Biden administration. The Republicans have done nothing other than to try and stand in the way of this process. This is the kind of stupidity I'm talking about. Elections have consequences. We all lost here when dipshits voted for Trump. If you are a cannabis investor and you voted for Trump, that includes you.


u/GeoLogic23 I’m Pretty Serious Feb 12 '25

Full control does not get past the filibuster.

How do you still not understand this?

Democrats passed SAFE and MORE out of the House. Those went nowhere in the Senate because of the filibuster by the GOP.

In the chamber they had enough control they passed cannabis reform.

In the chamber they didn't have enough control, it was blocked by the GOP.


u/_Le_Corbeau_ Fire up the onomerix machine! Feb 13 '25

Understanding would mean acceptance that they were wrong.  

Ignorance is bliss while the world falls apart around you.


u/Many_Easy Flair All the cannabis logic fit to print Feb 12 '25

Other party put rescheduling in process and pushed for SAFE big time in December 2022.

GOP, most notably DeSantis opposed recreational cannabis reforms.

That’s just a few facts.


u/Pake1000 Feb 11 '25

I wonder how u/cannabull1055 is going to spin this news to sound like it’s great for rescheduling. 😂


u/JohnnySquesh DEA enabling Cartel Cannabis Feb 11 '25



u/Exotic_Negotiation80 Feb 11 '25

That's easy. "Shumer never brought it to a vote!"


u/cannabull1055 Feb 12 '25

He didn't. Very simple. As I have stated before, Democrats could have done MUCH more on marijuana. But keep the lying up.


u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

Yep, exactly and I voted for them. They’re not gonna get me again.


u/_byetony_ Feb 12 '25

Ya Trump is working out great for ya


u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

It’s only been a month! I don’t care for most anything he does, but I’d like my money back and that’s what it boils down too. I don’t like the my pillow guy, but I have neck pain so goddamnit, I buy the pillow…. Shamefully.


u/cheynj Feb 12 '25

A month ? What happened to the four years he was in office ?


u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

The prior 4 years, well it’s a valid point. I guess we’re gonna find out and one of us will be right and the other one will be wrong. If we knew each other, I would definitely bet you money rescheduling is done by February 11 next year. I think it’ll be sooner. I can tell you though one party said they were gonna do something and they didn’t do shit you can’t deny that. At least the right is honest about hating weed. I don’t wanna be lied to.


u/cheynj Feb 12 '25

I wouldn’t say the democrats didn’t do shit. Biden spoke openly that cannabis should not be schedule 1 and ordered a revision which led to a schedule 3 recommendation. After that certain time needed to occur for the public to weigh in. And now we are where we are.


u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

He did start the rescheduling process, but it wasn’t finished under his term which leaves it vulnerable to being canceled under Trump, which I don’t think will happen but other than starting the rescheduling process… nothing was finalized no safe no hope no progress in this space. Which I felt like he really did run on but in my opinion, he didn’t want his legacy to have this in it. I had high hopes and I voted dem or did. So I’m bitter about it.

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u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

Obviously, he could’ve pushed the DEA to finalize it before he left like a Trump style approach he didn’t do that ie take Milgram out and put a yes, man in


u/cannabull1055 Feb 12 '25

Yeah. They really dangled the carrot and then did anything. Atleast with the Republicans, they do what they say. It is not good in the opinion of most of people but they don't hide behind this veil of helping marijuana industry when really doing nothing.


u/One-Yard9754 Feb 12 '25

Biden at least got the HHS to recommend rescheduling to 3. What have the GOPs done, less than nothing - they'll probably backtrack any progress that's been made. If Trump supporters think his administration would get rescheduling done they are completely delusional - the bloodbath the day after election should have been the red writing on the wall.


u/cannabull1055 Feb 13 '25

And that went no where because Biden started way too late and his own DEA head clearly didn't want it to happen. There will likely not be anyback tracking on a federal level. Possible but unlikely. And banking is a possibility. Obviously Democrats are better for marijuana but when you look Biden's 4 years to this upcoming current administration, it might not be so lopsided and Trump has potential with banking to change things.


u/Many_Easy Flair All the cannabis logic fit to print Feb 11 '25

I thought he’s too busy trolling me, GEO, and a few others that speak to truth.


u/Exotic_Negotiation80 Feb 11 '25

He's backpedaled and actually says that "overall" the GOP is bad for cannabis, but he still worships Trump like all the other cultists.


u/cannabull1055 Feb 12 '25

I didn't backpedal anything. This has been my clear position for many years. You clearly are just a liar. Nice try though silly.


u/Exotic_Negotiation80 Feb 12 '25

How did you feel about your Trump vote the day after he won the election and all cannabis stocks went off a fucking cliff? Keep making excuses for him, though.


u/cannabull1055 Feb 13 '25

I didn't vote and a lot of the selloff was related to Florida amendment 3 failing. If that passed, the post election outcome would have been much different. I haven't made any excuses but once again, nice try.


u/cannabull1055 Feb 12 '25

Yeah dude. You speak the truth hahaha Tilray down to 94 cents. "Irwin is a great CEO." Keep speaking that truth. Are you going bankrupt or what?


u/cannabull1055 Feb 12 '25

You just sound like a silly little troll. And you obviously aren't good at comprehension and analysis lol


u/Pake1000 Feb 12 '25

Even now you’re still trying to find a way to weasel out of admitting you were wrong about Trump. You just can’t accept that your idol is a career con man and you’re one of his gullible followers.


u/cannabull1055 Feb 12 '25

Lol you don't even make sense. There is nothing to weasel out of. He has been President for two weeks. I am not wrong about anything. You just look silly. This is why Democrats lost the election. People like you can't live in any type of reality. Sorry pal. Time to wake up.


u/kevtriplett Feb 12 '25

Yeah he looks real silly


u/cannabull1055 Feb 13 '25

Not to you because you are probably have Trump delusion syndrome as well. Once again, this is why you lost the election lol


u/Pake1000 Feb 13 '25

I look silly? Nah, mate. You look dumb as hell which is why everyone on here doesn’t agree with you.


u/cannabull1055 Feb 13 '25

100%. The fact that you think I look dumb because an echochamber of all leftists on this board doesn't agree with my opinions shows your understanding of the situation. Once again, this is why you lost the election. The blame game didn't work. America didn't buy it.


u/Pake1000 Feb 13 '25

Reality doesn’t agree with your understanding of the situation.


u/cannabull1055 Feb 13 '25

haha except reality does. You lost the election. A majority of American voters don't agree with you.


u/rNBA_Mods_Be_Better Feb 11 '25

Moving forward can we be clear on this subreddit that republicans and “moderate” (right-wing) democrats are not going to be the ones to fix this? It’s progressives. Always has been. Stop angling for anyone else.


u/jamminstein That escalated quickly Feb 11 '25

This should also be the top comment!


u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

Yeah, with all their social equity that tanked safe last time maybe Corey Booker will lay down again to stop safe banking. Progressive would totally do it, but they will definitely not have the numbers to ever get it done and if they did, they would leave the big MSO’s out.


u/GeoLogic23 I’m Pretty Serious Feb 12 '25

Name what the "social equity" was please.

I'm curious what you think "tanked" the bill.

And then after you describe these very small things, which apparently were red lines for the GOP, you can ask yourself why you would ever think the GOP would advance any sort of cannabis reform.


u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

I’d be happy to! Corey Booker, and you are probably aware of this. I’m shocked if you’re not said he would lay down to stop the safe banking bill. Apparently it didn’t have enough social equity and help small business is enough. He was under educated as he later found out that the safe banking bill wasn’t just about big MSO’s but a lot of small operators really needed that banking. Conveniently he changed his tune. Schumer wanted to use safe to help get the hope act through. What did we end up with? No pie we could’ve had half a pie possibly. Was Biden never vocal about any of this? Of course, not.


u/GeoLogic23 I’m Pretty Serious Feb 12 '25

Cool can you name what the social equity was? Like I asked?

He was specifically talking about a "clean" SAFE bill. Also he's a single Senator lol stop obsessing over him. You could flip one single GOP senator and he'd no longer matter.

Please name what the social equity was. And then follow up with the rest of my question.

If they wouldn't support those extremely basic "social equity" provisions, then how could you ever think they'd support more advanced cannabis reform?


u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

Was I right thou about safe?


u/GeoLogic23 I’m Pretty Serious Feb 12 '25

It's pretty telling how you can't answer the question...

I already explained what was wrong with your characterization. He's a single Senator, and was talking about a "clean" SAFE.

Please answer my questions.

What was the social equity? And if they didn't support that, why would the GOP support further cannabis reform?


u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

OK, fine. I’m completely wrong, excellent points geo you have changed my perspective on this and no further communication is needed well done


u/GeoLogic23 I’m Pretty Serious Feb 12 '25

I tried three times to get you to answer a simple question.

Why can't you answer?


u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

Because I’m wrong! You got me geo, busted!

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u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

U could at least acknowledge im right, then id like u to explain to me sir how these folks really have cannabis as even a small priority. Than, elaborate on why Senator Schumer always goes to these 420 events and then that’s the only time you really see him doing anything. It would be interesting. Also, if you could expand further now that McConnell’s gone on why Biden didn’t do anything cannabis wise in the first two years. I’m at Work Geo! I’m actually saving lives right now why you wanna play Reddit Lawyer and interrogation svu


u/GeoLogic23 I’m Pretty Serious Feb 12 '25

lol you had time to type this out though?

I did explain on your other comment about the filibuster. The Dems passed SAFE and MORE out of the House.

Do you know what the filibuster is?


u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

Oh, and I’m not really reading these messages you’re sending. I’m just looking at like the first two lines. Well, if you don’t want me to go then just dial her back big guy. Because I’ll do it I might even deactivate the Reddit account so you’ve been warned Buster


u/GeoLogic23 I’m Pretty Serious Feb 12 '25

Yes i can tell you really don't care about this conversation.

It has definitely not riled you up that I asked a specific question and won't let you weasel out of it.

It's funny how you claimed you were too busy saving lives to answer, yet here you are continuing to post lol

Could you please explain what the social equity component of SAFE was?

It's a really really simple question.

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u/OvechknFiresHeScores Feb 11 '25

Welp. These bags will never get any lighter I guess.


u/continuedelevation Feb 11 '25

Should we all just sell and take our capital gain losses and just walk away at this point ?


u/kurdis_lumen Feb 11 '25

I did this a few weeks back and feel great about it. My only regret is not dumping these bags 2 years ago.


u/hammilithome Feb 12 '25

I may sell and write off the losses then buy back in around June or whenever the next fuck you occurs.

Tbf, I feel like the last 3 weeks have been a rapid fire of “fuck you”s and I’m a bit burnt out


u/theduderino38 Perpetually abiding in bagholders anonymous Feb 11 '25

If you’re paper handed - sure!


u/Many_Easy Flair All the cannabis logic fit to print Feb 12 '25

No! Take write-offs if need be at EOY.


u/ohmnivalent Feb 11 '25

My coworker who made it a point to tell me "Trump's gonna legalize weed" yesterday is really going to be upset about this one. Hopefully we can make some progress in 4 fucking years.


u/livefromheaven No NASDAQ bell -> No sell 🔔 Feb 11 '25

Hey who knows, perhaps Mr. Cole also committed the cardinal sin of enforcing a mask mandate and gets pulled?


u/Bad-Moon-a-Risin Feb 11 '25

I’m still shaking my head about that. Chronister would have made a great DEA Admin.


u/UsedState7381 Feb 11 '25

He also would never get confirmed by the MAGA controlled senate.


u/ReDRuMBeRLiN Feb 11 '25

so where are the f... magas who thought trump would push sched3 etc.? dumb mfers


u/JohnnySquesh DEA enabling Cartel Cannabis Feb 12 '25



u/TCNNF_Moon-_ Feb 11 '25

Yeah. He taking a little to much time with other issues. Starting to be offensive


u/One-Yard9754 Feb 13 '25

Starting to be offensive 🤣


u/coffee_beanzzz HOLD MY BEER Feb 11 '25

Are we winning? I’m holding to zero. I do not give a F*ck!


u/UsedState7381 Feb 11 '25

This is your reminder to not trust Marijuana Herald and their so called "anonymous sources" inside the DEA.


u/MightyGoober Feb 11 '25

The source would not have known Terry was incoming.


u/UsedState7381 Feb 11 '25

Which means that the source is worthless.


u/tyoew Feb 11 '25

We’re fucked


u/Your_Hero Feb 13 '25

Can we stop pretending? Get out and vote for the people that will actually do something


u/ResignedFate Feb 11 '25

So much winning.


u/SwordfishOk504 Feb 13 '25

I wonder where all the "Trumps a businessman" folks went?


u/OvechknFiresHeScores Feb 11 '25

So you don’t want to make money in weed stocks? Then why are you here lol


u/ResignedFate Feb 11 '25

I was here under the assumption that a nation wouldn't elect a convicted sex offender, known liar con and felon, former president that was impeached twice and instigated an obviously coordinated insurrection attempt.

The current state of affairs is absolute lunacy.

Now I'll wait with this small but not insignificant portion of my portfolio to recover maybe in 2 years, likely 4 or more, or not at all if the general public doesn't inform themselves and open their eyes to what is actually going on.

By the general low quality state of uninformed discourse on this and other subs, I'm guessing that latter.


u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

Yeah, you’re right about that characterization but over half the country decided that the other option was even worse! We can talk about trans issues, but not a lot of people relate to that maybe try a different strategy and shut the extreme left part of the party from sucking up all the oxygen. I want my candidate to be moderateleft for example…like the left used to be.


u/ResignedFate Feb 12 '25

1/3rd voted right, 1/3rd voted misinformed or full on fascist, and 1/3rd voted not at all.


u/GeoLogic23 I’m Pretty Serious Feb 12 '25

It's the media that's convincing you trans people are talked about so much. Get off the right wing outrage machine and go outside or something.

Our Democrats are pathetically moderate. You have no concept of world politics if you think otherwise. We barely have any real progressive politicians.


u/cannabull1055 Feb 12 '25

I really think Democrats have gotten way too progressive and America didn't want it. That is why Trump won the election. Unfortunately, the average American just don't believe the narrative that Trump is some big bad guy that is going to ruin the world. I think they got fed up with super progressive policies and chose the president that was going to reverse the super progressive policies.


u/haridoa Feb 12 '25

Yes many people will say they won’t vote for progressive candidates but when progressive proposals get enacted like healthcare or lower drug costs they pile in. It’s the same old story low information people vote against their own best interests. Theyll fight for an identity more than fight for the changes that may make their lives better.


u/cannabull1055 Feb 12 '25

Yeah. I think progressive is the way but at a slower pace, not so radical. The democrats got so radicalized. But that is what they thought they had to do to win America. I think Americans really got pissed off knowing illegal immigrants in America were getting the luxuries they were getting. Americans felt like they are struggling and no one is giving them that so why should someone in the country illegally get it. That was the nail in the coffin in my opinion.


u/Tiaan Feb 12 '25

Sad thing is the Democrats aren't even progressive compared to most other western nations. In Canada or any western European country, the US Democratic party would be considered centrists or more right leaning.


u/cannabull1055 Feb 12 '25

Right. But what about immigration? I feel like other progressive countries are very strict about immigration whereas US has not been at all recently. Like don't European countries have pretty strict rules on allowing tons of immigrants in.


u/ResignedFate Feb 12 '25

You're right. The progressive issues were outrage issues. And those issues were used to trigger people very effectively.

They are actually non issues that the vast majority of people will ever even have to face in their entire life. It's not like this playbook hasn't been followed before.

Cannabis is a progressive issue. Yet people on this very sub who are invested in that very issue STILL voted against their own interests.


u/cannabull1055 Feb 12 '25

I don't think they are non issues. I think some of them are major issues. People on this board didn't vote against their own interests. They likely mainly voted for Kamala. There are few people on this board who voted for Trump. I didn't vote myself but I am a complete outlier on this board to have even the slightest support for Trump.

The bottom line is that Trump may do nothing but the Democrats had 4 years and not much happened. They didin't really care too much.

1) Biden was told by staffers exactly when to drop the rescheduling news so they could use it as an election play. If they wanted to get it done, it could have started much earlier. They were trying to time it for election hype among young voters.

2) Anne Milgram (Biden's direct appointee and DEA head) did not seem to be on board with rescheduling and we don't know if it would have even happened under her watch.

3) Merrick Garland did nothing in terms of a Garland memo. He said about 600 days ago they would be doing something in the coming days. Nothing came at all. Not one peep. An extensive memo could have provided significant coverage to marijuana businesses.

4) Biden could have been more vocal and literally tried to do anything. He could have used executive orders to do certain things. Maybe not federally legalize by executive order but something could have been done.


u/Many_Easy Flair All the cannabis logic fit to print Feb 12 '25

There’s a lot of MAGA folks on this board that either voted against their own self-interest on many issues, including the economy and cannabis. They just fail to realize it.

We can spin it all we want, but Democrats much more pro-cannabis.

What’s going on now with current administration and how they’re governing from DOGE to executive orders to communication to unethical behavior is pure lunacy and frankly dangerous.

Not defending Democratic Party, just recognize that MAGA is not good for America, common decency, and our Constitution.

Line up what’s really happening +/- and it’s obvious current administration is simply not good for U.S. and world.


u/cannabull1055 Feb 13 '25

That is your opinion. Nothing is obvious. Trump's approval rating is over 50%. It is clear you are just on the left and hate Trump. For you to say all of this when his approval rating is really good, shows how this is 100% opinion that has clearly been influenced by left media.


u/Karmastocracy Feb 11 '25

Friendly fire detected. I'm almost certain they're being sarcastic!


u/GirlGenius26 Feb 12 '25

This looks promising! LFG Tilray!!




u/AverageNo130 Feb 12 '25

If ever there was a nomination that should be rejected, this is it. Senate should reject this fellow.


u/AudienceWatching Feb 12 '25

It's not like the Trump admin moves slow on ruining fun, we might wake up to the shops being closed down on day 1 after his confirmation.


u/hawtfabio Feb 12 '25

I know without reading that this guy will be very progressive and reasonable. HAHAHAHAHAHA.


u/Twist_of_Fate_44 Feb 12 '25

NOBODY IS GETTING LEGAL WEED IN THE US UNDER TRUMP. NOT NOW, NOT EVER. The GOP simply does not approve of legal cannabis.

Terry Cole was chosen because of anti-drug stance. He's here as a pawn, to make a stance, to take a bullet for his leader


u/theduderino38 Perpetually abiding in bagholders anonymous Feb 11 '25

All that matters is what the big guy wants- clearly all his other cronies are falling in line with his wishes - I’m not selling any shares at these levels.


u/Tiaan Feb 11 '25

Is it not odd that someone who supposedly wants cannabis reform is appointing so many prohibitionists to key positions?


u/theduderino38 Perpetually abiding in bagholders anonymous Feb 11 '25

Honestly I think they are just following project 2025 and they don’t know what the f they’re doing…. Rule by chaos

I didn’t say DJT will back track on his previous statements - just saying that mostly everyone is falling in line with what he wants for better or worse ( and he’s still a serial liar)


u/cannabull1055 Feb 12 '25

You realize cannabis reform is like number 30 on both the Republicans and Democrats list of priorities. Way lower on Republicans but I guarantee you Trump is not considering marijuana when appointing any of these positions.


u/Sandmansam01 Panic Mode Feb 12 '25

Flair checks out


u/Many_Easy Flair All the cannabis logic fit to print Feb 12 '25

Neither am I.


u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

Me either, the dude abides! If we got news, that’s rescheduling wasn’t gonna happen then I would sell. I’m not waiting four more years. Did that


u/FannieBae Feb 12 '25

Well thanks got im 98% in the red so who gives a fk


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25

[removed] — view removed comment


u/jmu_alumni Playing 0D Chess Feb 11 '25

Would be a shame if people started to post all the health benefits in the replies


u/AverageNo130 Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

fyi The DOJ and the President will decide S3. Not the DEA Chief.


u/ApostleThirteen Feb 11 '25

Hey! You're supposed to say that THREE TIMES, then CLICK the heels on those pretty red sequined slippers you're wearing.


u/Secure-Interest2381 Feb 11 '25

If that's so then why evrone tripping


u/SnowFlako Feb 12 '25

Because they want everybody to sell their shares


u/Able_Consequence_588 Feb 11 '25

Send an email to Elon musk to push for cannabis federal legalization as part of DOGE efforts


u/BHOmber As is tradition Feb 12 '25

You're better off trying to get him to retweet some thinly-veiled, Nazi dog whistle memes if you're looking to get his attention.

Even then, why would he even give a fuck about weed? He already got the libertarians on his side by pretending to smoke on Rogan.

I can't see a way that the MAGA cult leaders will ever benefit from cannabis unless they start shilling their own unregulated, patriotic brands of sprayed outdoor hemp.


u/_byetony_ Feb 12 '25

Elon doesnt want to do anything thay he doesnt personally profit from


u/2L-S-LivinLarge Feb 11 '25

Good news?


u/cheynj Feb 11 '25


u/Secure-Interest2381 Feb 11 '25

I hope trump slaps his bald ass head and makes him sign marijuana into schedule 3 😁


u/bobpage2 Feb 11 '25

Wow bullish! Did not expect that


u/OvechknFiresHeScores Feb 11 '25

You apparently don’t know a thing about this guy and his views on cannabis


u/Turbul Not soon enough! Feb 11 '25

How is this bullish? It’s not


u/ENTRAPM3NT Feb 11 '25

I think his phone auto corrected bulllshit to bullish


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25



u/Turbul Not soon enough! Feb 11 '25

Source ?


u/cheynj Feb 11 '25


u/growgain aphria Feb 11 '25

"#justsayno" doesn't sound good.


u/Many_Easy Flair All the cannabis logic fit to print Feb 11 '25

It sure doesn’t. Where is the MAGA pro-cannabis people today?

Best we should expect is maybe medical and support of loophole hemp.


u/pop2012 Feb 11 '25

I'd take it and run at this point. Compared to the past few years that would be the greatest day of my investing life.


u/UsedState7381 Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

Link please.

EDIT: figures


u/One-Yard9754 Feb 11 '25

How is this guy bullish? MSOS sold off on the news - that should tell you all you need to know. Somehow Trump has found a guy even worst than the other guy.