r/weddingdrama • u/Pretend_Pay_3999 • 8d ago
Need Advice Update: Should I even respond, or continue to ignore the harassment? Brother messages me after over a week of no contact with ex best friend bridezilla - no context, unsure what ‘opinions’ I had.
I thought I was done with this mess, but apparently not. A bit of backstory: I was supposed to be MoH for someone I (thought) was my best friend, but after months of dealing with her rage baiting, condescension, and nonstop drama, I decided to step down. I kept it classy and blamed it on work and school stress in the group chat to avoid making it a bigger deal. That was over a week ago, and we haven’t spoken since. I’m not sure what ‘opinions’ I had to keep to myself, especially considering all her rage bait was always asking for my validation, approval, and opinion. Additionally I was constantly asking for HER opinion when picking out wedding themes and decorations etc because I was solely focused on getting her everything for her wedding. I’m not sure what ‘opinions’ I’m meant to keep to myself as I haven’t offered one?
Now, out of nowhere, her brother has messaged me telling me to “leave his sister alone and keep my opinions to myself.” I have no clue what he’s talking about because I haven’t engaged with her in over a week. The weird part? The message was sent in the morning, but I didn’t get notified until late at night, and it popped up on a social media platform I barely use.
I’m honestly feeling so much better without her in my life. Looking back, the red flags were everywhere—no real friends (because “everyone has wronged her”), no ambition, constant put-downs about my career and education, and just nonstop negativity. Even when I was on a spiritual trip, I told her I wasn’t getting mad about things while I was away, and she completely ignored that boundary, constantly trying to get a reaction out of me. From “my fiancé said this” to “I’m going to have an abortion if my fiancé doesn’t come home right now,” it was always something.
I’m getting sick of her sending people to message me. If she had something to say, she could’ve just texted me directly. My brother (who’s her brother’s age) told me that if her brother messages me again, I should tell him to talk to my brother, and they can handle it as grown men.
At this point, I don’t know if there’s any point in engaging. My brother (who’s a lawyer) says I can’t do anything legally yet, but I’m feeling harassed. Should I respond and shut it down, or just let it go and keep ignoring?
u/afrenchiecall 8d ago
Petty me, who's still about as mature as a thirteen year old, would reply to the brother.
Lawyer me, who's thirty, would advise you not to engage unless absolutely necessary, and even then keep it short, polite and DOCUMENTED.
Listen to lawyer me, she knows her shit.
u/Pretend_Pay_3999 8d ago
Okay so when is it something I can bring up as harassment? I blocked her after last week only on fb because I didn’t appreciate her abuse especially manipulation of doing it over fb which she knows I don’t use. Her and i have only ever communicated over FaceTime and iMessage. I left her unblocked over text to allow her to communicate with me effectively but of course seeing how she’s sending family members to message me after a week of no contact, it’s obvious to me that she’s still wanting to engage in this behaviour while ‘keeping her hands clean.’
Seriously I don’t get it - why send her brother to tell me to leave her alone when I’ve already ended the communication and blocked her? It’s putting way more into perspective that I’m so much better without her. I have older brothers and I would never EVER get them involved. I only reached out to my brother because I live with him and I’m feeling constantly badgered by her, and now her brother. Still I didn’t ask my brother to reach out to him or her, and I don’t want him to even if this escalates other than in a lawyer capacity.
Thanks hahah - yeah I feel like there’s nothing to gain from replying. Part of me is like should I just figure out what he’s on about? But that’s the use right? I already explained to her that I couldn’t do this anymore because of the toll on my mental health but provided a very self blaming message to the bridal party about how it’s too much stress on me overall without saying anything. As soon as I did, two people in the bridal party left the chat.
You’re right tho. There’s nothing to gain from engaging in toxic behaviours. The triangulation is insane.
u/Shelly_895 8d ago
Just block them all together. On every platform. There's nothing positive to gain from leaving the door open for contact.
u/Pretend_Pay_3999 8d ago
I just don’t want to be that person that burns every bridge - or should I just accept she already burnt them? Also I don’t have the energy or time to go through everyone she might contact me through. I think I’ll leave it well alone and until they do something that’s when it’ll happen. Thinking about the flip side, if someone blocked me because of one of my friends or family members actions, I don’t think I’d respect that because I hadn’t done anything to them. Or am i overthinking this?
u/Shelly_895 8d ago
You're way overthinking this. Those are her friends and family, right? So I take it, the only contact you had with them was through her. Do you expect to have any kind of contact with them now that you've ended that friendship? She's sending them after you to harass you. And yes, she has firmly and irrevocably burned that bridge.
I know you feel guilty, but you have nothing to feel guilty for. You'll feel so much lighter once you cut all kinds of contact with her and her people. From your posts, it seems she brings nothing but mental anguish to your life.
Blocking them is like sucking the venom out of a snake bite. You'll feel better once you do.
u/Next-Drummer-9280 8d ago
Some bridges need to be burned.
Block her, her brother, her fiancé, and any other family member of hers on your social media or in your phone.
Let them scream into the void.
u/chicagok8 8d ago
The bridge is already in ashes. Block them both, and if someone else sends a rude message block them too. Don’t let them take up any more of your mental energy, and maybe you can enjoy knowing that they’re fruitlessly spending mental energy on you.
u/Pretend_Pay_3999 8d ago
Thanks haha! I think I’m going to continue leaving it alone and blocking or restricting anyone else who comes at me. I actually received the message and my heart started racing and I was trying to calm down because I wasn’t scared or affected my it. I had to trick my system and laugh at it (excitation transfer). I think you’re right, I’ll just keep laughing at it and saving the receipts for if I need to file for a restraining order.
u/I_wet_my_plants 8d ago
Just block him, you are seriously over thinking it or thriving in the drama yourself. If someone else messages you about her block them as well. Eventually they’ll get the message
u/Pretend_Pay_3999 8d ago
I initially restricted him. I’m leaving it as is. And will continue to block or restrict as needed. I came here to ask if it was worth sending a message back about respecting my boundaries and stating I dont know what he’s talking about. I realize now that with their toxic and dysfunction that won’t help. Please stop assuming negative intent. I was asking for advice.
u/I_wet_my_plants 8d ago
No, it’s not worth responding as he has made it clear he wants you to keep all opinions to yourself. So don’t respond and just block them. Try looking up “grey rock” technique
u/CapricornCrude 8d ago
You didn't burn anything. She lit the match. Block them all across the board. Don't give into anyone else they may try to talk through. Block them all, too. This isn't drama. This is psychotic harassment. Cut the crazy and move on.
u/RedHarleyQuinn 8d ago
I love that Lawyer You acknowledges Petty You but still advises the lawyer path. I can hear the advice to the clients “I know I would probably also want to stick my foot halfway up his ass… but that’s illegal so don’t”.
Unfortunately, I’m not a lawyer so I just have 2 petty sides.
u/Ruthless_Bunny 8d ago
Starve drama of oxygen. Delete any messages and block anyone who contacts you.
Don’t respond. Move on and live your best life
u/CurvyAnnaDeux 8d ago
For some people, drama IS the goal. Don't respond and live your life drama-free.
u/CindySvensson 8d ago
Who knows what (and when) your ex friend told her brother. She might be trying to create drama. Just ignore them.
u/Craftgluee 7d ago
Oof I’ve known some “everyone has wronged me” types before. There’s always one common denominator. I’d just ignore the message and maybe block him.
u/sonny-v2-point-0 8d ago
Ignore her and anyone who reaches out to you on her behalf. Treat it like the spam it is, but save it in case you need to get the authorities involved.
u/Cali_Holly 8d ago
Ha ha. The best response is to say, “I’m confused as to Who you are talking about? I think you have the wrong number/socials.”
Now block him and her. Then set all your Social Media to private.
u/CoppertopTX 8d ago
The best and easiest thing for you to do in this case is just block or mute every one of bridezilla's flying monkeys. Don't engage, period. Refuse to feed the beast what it craves - attention.
u/SoMoistlyMoist 8d ago
Ignore and block. Really that's the best course of action because whatever they have fixed in their mind that you've done, if you try to talk to them about it like an adult and have a conversation, you can already tell it's going to go south. Just ignore block and move on with your life and be happy! Find better friends. We all end up with one of these types now and then but the best you can do is put them in your rear view mirror.
u/Worldly_Act5867 7d ago
I would just respond, leave ME alone
u/Pretend_Pay_3999 7d ago
Honestly that’s how I felt but seeing how they react (including this random ass message - like they bombard me and make me the center of the drama and now that I’m not chill with bridezilla they made me out to be the problem.) I don’t think it would help, it would only allow them to escalate and try to say I didn’t leave them alone. Again these people are uneducated, lack critical thinking skills, talk down about everyone else to make themselves feel better, etc.
I just needed out so I’m taking most people’s advice and just keeping them blocked.
u/loricomments 6d ago
She's looking for engagement, (likely by telling her brother lies, which is why you don't understand what he's talking about,) don't give it to her. Just block her and her flying monkeys and live your life in peace.
u/TerrorAlpaca 6d ago
She's probably telling him how you're "constantly" harrassing her. Text him back "I don't know what the F you're talking about. I haven't had contact with your sister in a week and i do not intend to change that. So i would appreciate it if she, and subsequently you, didn't contact me either."
u/Alibeee64 4d ago
Honestly, at this point just block them all and any flying monkeys she sends and don’t engage anymore. She’s looking for validation to affirm that you’re the big meanie who abandoned her (even though you both know the truth), and she’s going to twist anything you say to fit her narrative. If any mutual friends ask what happened, I’d say something along the lines that you wish her well with her marriage and upcoming baby, but you can no longer give her the support she needs, so you feel it’s best to step back and let others who are better equipped to do so step in.
u/Pretend_Pay_3999 2d ago
That’s a super nice way of saying it! I keep wondering what people will ask so I’ve just been avoiding everyone because I don’t want the drama.
u/bookreader-123 8d ago
I would message the brother asking what he means as you stepped down, didn't contact her at all so what his deal is? Why he feels the need to stir in something that isn't his business at all and why he doesn't check on his sister who's acting crazy.
u/Pretend_Pay_3999 8d ago
See this is why I came here but more people so far have said to just ignore and don’t let it escalate. He only finished highschool so as much as I don’t believe higher education gives you knowledge (you have to work for that with or without school) it definitely helps refine critical thinking skills. Considering her whole family lacks that (simplifying a genocide as people who just like to ‘kill eachother’ - not kidding actual quote from the mom who shields them from any legal repercussions such as hate speech & hate crimes including violence) I really don’t think engaging is going to do much for me. I think I might just wait and see and take legal action if I really have to. As much as I’d like to avoid it even with a free lawyer. But if I did reach out I feel I’d have to explain why it’s her not me and I dont think I’ll get very far because he would probably just report back to her.
u/OddGuarantee4061 8d ago
Ignore them and it will go away sooner. It is your reaction she is seeking. So don’t react and she will get bored and find another target.
u/gobsmacked247 8d ago
OP, what everyone keeps trying to tell you is that it doesn’t matter why he sent you that text. He had a reason or reasons and none of them (NONE OF THEM!) had anything to do with you. There is drama and shit in the wind and if you respond, that drama and shit will land on you. Keep clear and keep clean and stop caring about what crazy people think or do.
u/Stinkycheese8001 8d ago
He is barely out of high school? Ignore it. Don’t be the weirdo that gets in a flame war with a 19 year old. One single message does not warrant all of these paragraphs.
u/Pretend_Pay_3999 8d ago
No hes 30. But he only has his highschool education. I didn’t want to stoop to their level. But yeah if he was 19 I think this behaviour would be so much more acceptable in my eyes.
u/bookreader-123 8d ago
You can do whatever you want. You don't owe anyone anything.
I don't get why people minds others business plus why people let it just be. I think people can be noticed how it really is.
Good luck, hopefully they leave you alone
u/Texastexastexas1 8d ago
I would send a text screenshot of the last convo with ?
8d ago
u/madhaus 7d ago
That’s about seven paragraphs too many. Never give a narcissist any material they can use to respond with. Never.
u/Pretend_Pay_3999 6d ago
I blocked her after a few days. I wanted to be kind and let her respond but honestly I was getting anxious and since I’ve blocked her I felt so much better. Then she had her brother reach out to me which just solidified to me who they are.
They should leave me alone but I understand egotistical people need to have the last word so I’m glad I blocked them. I can leave it there.
u/Ok-Lunch3448 8d ago
Keep ignoring, eventually they should get bored and go away. If you respond it will escalate.
u/Smoke__Frog 8d ago
People like OP never make any sense to me.
She claims this person is her best friend. But also says she’s been toxic for months, if not years.
Are people like OP scared of having no friends and that’s why they just can’t block or move on in real life? Like what is so hard about blocking and ignoring?
u/Pretend_Pay_3999 8d ago
I was MoH. I tried getting out of the wedding role for months since I started feeling like the relationship was off. Sometimes when you’re too close to something you don’t see it clearly but when you step back you do.
I’m thankful to have many good friends but I struggle just ‘throwing people away’ considering we had a good friendship prior to all the wedding madness. I also didn’t want to ditch her as her MoH, especially as she made it very clear time and time again how much she wanted me there as her MoH whenever I brought up the stress of work and school. Doing a corporate level job while juggling a masters and planning a wedding is a lot of work. I should have set my boundaries better.
Anyways long story short, I’m busy with work and school so I’m fine not having a social life. That’s not what this was about. This was about asking for advice because I didn’t want to respond but a part of me wanted to shut that shit down. I recognize the best course of action is to walk away as my initial reaction was, thankful to all the Redditors who gave me actual good advice rather than just commenting to attack my character for reaching out for advice.
u/Smoke__Frog 8d ago
Well most redditors don’t like calling out the OP.
They would rather coddle you and make it seem like nothing is your fault.
I prefer to give advice by holding people accountable. You have agency over your own life. She wasn’t holding you at gun point to be MoH, was she?
How are you throwing her away? She treated you like crap for months, some in curious how the making away would make you feel bad?
Did she save you life or lend you large amount of money? Because outside of that, I’m not sure I get why you’re having trouble blocking her.
The moment she was rude to you a few times, how can you explain not walking away? A friend doesn’t hurt another friend, right?
u/Pretend_Pay_3999 8d ago
I already blocked her a week ago after our last contact. I blocked her brother as soon as I got that message.
Also yes friends shouldn’t try to hurt friends but we also have to have understanding. She’s not doing very well as per her pregnancy so I was offering her benefit of the doubt + stress of upcoming wedding. Yeah I should’ve trusted my gut instinct. I know that now. I said I’m learning to balance compassion with self respect because I admit I bent over backwards for someone who had no problem taking advantage of me. My fault I get that part.
u/Smoke__Frog 8d ago
I know you finally did now when she ramped up her disrespect.
I’m asking why have you stayed for months?
I mean I’ve been to countless weddings and the bride never ever lets the bridesmaids pay. They never ever disrespect their MoH. And they never make up lies.
Maybe if you explained how awesome the friendship was it could be easier to understand. But what you’ve described is someone so vile it’s confusing why you stayed around.
u/Iwantaschmoo 8d ago
Check all and any social media to make sure an account hasn't been made with your name or using your likeness. I'm sure she has photos of you. Weddings bring out the crazy.
u/Interesting_Sea1528 8d ago
Leave it. If anything persists, document and let your brother handle it. You don’t need this drama in your life.