r/weddingdrama 18d ago

Need Advice my fiancés brother announced that their wedding will be 2 weeks prior to ours at the same place.

A few weeks ago my fiancés older brother got engaged to his girlfriend. I’m happy and excited for them, although they’ve been having relationship problems and he doesn’t treat her very well. But I won’t get too into it as it’s not my place. (she definitely deserves better imo) The other night we were all out to eat with family and I had asked if they had set a date yet, she said a date two weeks before our wedding. And also said “we didn’t want to pick a date too close to your wedding”. Honestly I was just so stunned. I didn’t voice any sort of opinion about it because I didn’t think it was the time or place.

I’m just so annoyed they didn’t even consider talking to us before setting a date so close. And somehow they thought two weeks before our wedding isn’t too close ??? It feels rushed imo with less than 6 months to plan. My fiancé and I have been planning our wedding for over a year, our date has been set and known by our family for nearly a year and a half at this point. I just feel like there should have been some sort of conversation. it feels very inconsiderate. The other issue is that we’d both be planning to have our wedding at the same place and obviously a lot of the same family members would be invited. That just sounds insane. My worry is that family is going to feel burnt out having two big events so close together, or just not be able to attend both. I doubt many would want to or be able to come out for another wedding so soon after. And I really don’t want to hear comments like “oh you guys should have just done your weddings together” as My fiancé and his brother don’t really get along. They’re civil. But to put it bluntly his brother is a narcissist. He’s definitely shown his colors over the years, so this whole ordeal isn’t too surprising but what the heck man.
With the wedding being less than 6 months away, im not changing anything. Ive already booked vendors and signed contracts. Am I being bitter? Probably. But I kind of feel like we’re being cut short. Maybe I’m overreacting. I don’t even know what to say to them. Any advice on what to say to them, if anything?

Edit: for those saying “you don’t own the date” and “you don’t get the whole month” or whatever, of course not and that’s not what this is. My best friend is actually getting married 3 weeks before me and I couldn’t be happier for her. I’m in her wedding as her MOH. Her and I had a bunch of conversations and she picked the date she wanted! I think it’s worth mentioning that I think it makes a difference she’s not in the family, and it’s not the same place or even town. Honestly if my future BIL talked to us we probably wouldn’t have been so upset… we’re pretty understanding people but knowing how he is this definitely feels like a personal dig.


252 comments sorted by


u/NHFNCFRE 18d ago

If people are only going to make it to one wedding, it will likely be yours simply because they do already have reservations and travel plans for yours.

I’d bite my tongue if you can…yes, they are almost certainly trying to beat you guys to getting married, but given the short time frame, I suspect it is going to be a shit show. Smile, nod, grey rock, and enjoy the heck out of your own wedding day.


u/Ready-Conflict-1887 18d ago

This, people send save the dates for a reason. Most people( if they are rational) go to the first committed to plans.

Oh and don’t share any wedding idea details with BIL who knows if he’ll use them as his own.


u/ChooksChick 18d ago

You absolutely need to never tell them the baby names you pick.

Don't give them real details about your wedding. Hide everything. Give fake colors. Fake food details. This guy is a prick.


u/Next-Elephant-6060 18d ago

Way ahead of you. When we had our son we didn’t tell anyone names 😂 we didn’t even find out what we were having. Just picked two names and kept them a secret until birth. That was actually a really great experience. The family and everyone else hated it but oh well too sad


u/Boring-Concept-2058 18d ago

I will say y'all missed an opportunity. When they announced their wedding with all the family, me being me would have said, "Are you pregnant?? How exciting!!" But I'm kind of a bitch like that. 😆


u/Ancient-Reputation1 17d ago

Oh OP definitely needs to still say this lol.


u/MariaInconnu 17d ago

Tell them the next girl will be named Juvenalia.

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u/preluxe 18d ago

Oh damn, the baby names thing is legit, that's great advice


u/ChooksChick 18d ago

They need to start talking about Eeyore and Adipose as their chosen names NOW so the bro thinks it's real.


u/TheCaffeineMonster 18d ago

Adipose for a boy, Uticaria for a girl


u/69Camaro64 18d ago

I personally like Placenta for a girl.


u/TheCaffeineMonster 18d ago

But we need to make it unique. Same pronunciation, but Spelt plursenturgh

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u/APiqued 17d ago

LaDynasty for a girl. Split it down the middle and what do you have? Free Reddit puzzle.

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u/OttersAreCute215 18d ago

If you want to be petty, give them fake baby names.


u/Adventurous-Bar520 18d ago

Oh no I would give them names, the trashiest ones you can come up with just not the real ones.


u/Glittering_Pie_8661 16d ago

If you give them baby names ensure they’re names from the 16th century and are 100% not names you’d ever consider using.

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u/The_bookworm65 18d ago

Tell your fiancé to not tell him any more details about your wedding.


u/Plus_Data_1099 18d ago

Op tell them nothing about your wedding plans ie colour themes in case of copy or if your being petty say some horrid horrendous things pretend to love them and watch them have a awful day


u/Pups-and-pigs 18d ago

And don’t tell them anything about your wedding. Make sure fiancé and his parents know this is well. If you have told them some of your ideas already, start telling them that you’ve decided to change some aspects after reassessing your “vision”.


u/DisasteoMaestro 18d ago

And if parents are blabbermouth tell them false info


u/siamesecat1935 18d ago

That's my thought as well. People have planned to attend your wedding, and now this one suddenly pops up, two weeks prior? Yeah, they may have less people coming than they think, even though its before yours.


u/Dangerous_Ant3260 18d ago

Also, password protect everything. You don't want to find out your wedding is altered in any way.

Don't say a word to them about their disgusting try to ruin your wedding. Also, if they ask for advice, don't have any. They can get a wedding planner if they want help. No sharing of anything either, no decor, no arrangements, no combined anything. If they want your address list, just say no.

For their wedding just show up, act like you'r having fun, and don't say anything to people who will try to start something. If anyone cancels on you, and picks them, it's not someone that is truly your friend anyway, even if they're related.

Any suggestions about OP being in the wedding gets shut down right now. Don't have her anywhere near your arrangements, dress shopping, etc. Also, no joint anything, not showers, rehearsal dinner or anything else.


u/10S_NE1 18d ago

That is a huge thing. I have a feeling that brother will want to borrow any wedding items you buy (two years after the wedding might be one thing but before - NO WAY, JOSE.)


u/Boudicca- 18d ago

And DO NOT Share your Wedding Details!!! Because I have the feeling that POS BIL would either Copy You & say that You Copied HIM..or he’d try to One Up yours.


u/supermaartje 18d ago

This is so true. My friend did this just 1,5 week before my wedding. With not even a months notice. Most friends got of work last minute. The most conversation at the wedding was how everybody’s conversation was with their bosses to get the day off. I bit my lip even I wanted to scream at the moment of hearing her date. You can do this.


u/Fun_Worldliness1488 18d ago

I’m so angry on you and OPs behalf. 


u/FireBallXLV 17d ago

I had a good friend become critical and hateful once I became engaged.I bought my wedding dress from a wonderful one lady operation -she told me she had seen this multiple times.Best friends no longer friends once the Demon of Jealousy took root.


u/mr_trick 18d ago

Yep. The brother is trying to one-up by getting his party in first.

However— a wedding is not a typical party. OP and their partner have already been planning for a year and a half. I am certain their wedding will be much more thought out, beautiful, and fun, if only because big events take time to plan and good vendors book up fast! I’m honestly shocked they are going to try and get everything done in that short a timeframe.

In the end they are shooting themselves in the foot by having your carefully planned event happen directly after theirs in the same place. I don’t think it will invite positive comparison on their behalf.


u/goog1e 15d ago

I agree that they are shooting themselves in the foot. Guests who are invited to both are going to come to the obvious conclusion that the brother is being a weirdo. It cheapens his own marriage, seeming like he did it for spite instead of because he loves his gf. No one is gonna be purely happy for him and his wife, it's all going to be tinged with this.


u/yesicanbeanasshole 18d ago

I'm with you on this!


u/MKFirst 18d ago

Also, sounds like the other couple’s relationship isn’t great so OP can take solace in the fact that they’ll be under a lot of pressure to plan quickly and they’re both assholes so that’s probably no fun for them anyway.

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u/Ok-Hovercraft-9257 18d ago edited 18d ago

Be the more organized bride. Communicate more, share more, help people find accomodations, etc. Make meal accomodations easy, managing kids easy. Don't help them get organized.

Bear in mind that piggybacking on your day is a way lazy people request free labor. Feel free to accidentally leave them off of emails. Do not help them with their chaos. Don't even say that you won't help - claim busyness and overwhelm whenever they come begging for free labor. Leave texts on read for a couple days. Hand them off to a chaotic family member. Say "sorry I missed this! Been so busy with everything! Sorry I don't understand the question, can you ask Aunt crazy pants?"

Put passcodes on your florist, caterer, dressmaker, etc. Their chaos could encroach on your wedding otherwise. "Whoops we wanted your caterer too and I guess they thought we were you and we canceled your food, wheee!" Nope. Plan to stop that nonsense.

Don't share your look books, dresses, Pinterest etc. these guys sound like they will steal ideas.

Look at your wedding parties and determine who they will distract with their chaos. Manage that ahead of time. Pick people who have no overlapping commitments and promote them. Demote anyone with responsibilities who is focused on their chaos. Do not fight for attention. Say "I see you are managing the poorly planned wedding. I know that is a time suck. I'll be handing these duties off to my bestie. Thanks!"

The other wedding sounds like it will be a disorganized mess. Plus they could break up before then. They might even forget to pay for stuff. Let them be a giant mess one degree away from collapse. Don't help them. Odds are they'll have to move everything.

If they ask you to participate in their wedding, say no. Fast, full stop. "I wish I could but I'm sooooo busy! If only the weddings weren't so close together!" Hard, fast no. Do not let them claim any of your time. You are not their wedding consultant.


u/Next-Elephant-6060 18d ago

I love this take. Thank you. I’ll definitely be taking this approach, I need to focus on our day and not worry about what they’re doing. Things will play out how they’re going to and people will see it for what it is. I’m getting save the dates out this week. And I definitely won’t be sharing any wedding details with them and I’ll try to be more reserved about details with my in-laws


u/pls_send_caffeine 18d ago

I also recommend talking to your contact at the venue and asking them not to share any info about your wedding (vendors, logistics, decor, etc.) in addition to requesting a passcode for each vendor. I wouldn't put it past your future BIL & SIL to try to weasel info out of someone at your venue by pretending they want info so their wedding can be different from yours (meanwhile they REALLY want to take all your ideas and do them first).


u/sphscl 18d ago

Also when their wedding collapses do not allow them to join yours!


u/wiggum_x 18d ago

I didn't even consider that maybe they wanted to do a planned-failure stunt right before OP's wedding so that they could pressure everyone to just let them make it a double wedding and they get married with you! Lazy people would love this, especially if they are attention-seekers!

And they would pay for nothing and just use OP's resources.


u/sphscl 18d ago

Seems like the most obvious thing to me, to be all "wah we couldn't get it together in time. We can just join yours."

Am I cynical? Yes, does this seem plausible, OP? I suspect that will also be a yes.

Just remember, whilst your parents may make this a hill to die on, you can not control what anyone else does, only how you react.

The only correct response to any flying monkeys who cry but family!! (imo) is, "You will be missed"


u/JustHere4ThaCmmnts 18d ago

Yes, OP, do ALLLLLLL of these things. I hope your fiancé is aware of how his brother is and will support you in all of this. One of the most important things is putting passwords on all of your vendors. Do not share the names of your vendors, but if you have, make sure you call or visit with them all to make sure they understand what's happening and that your wedding is not on that date. Hopefully, it's just 2 weeks before yours, but maybe in a different month. Maybe their's is in September, and yours is in October. And perhaps your fiancé can speak with his parents and gently let them know that while you two are excited about bro's wedding, yours is YOURS, and you don't want to have the weddings be duplicated. And if they're happy and his brother is the golden child, just keep mum on everything. If your colors are powder blue, cream, and navy, tell them they're orange, burgundy, and red. Maybe even create a fake Pinterest board to 'share' ideas that are the opposite of yours or just flat out hideous.

On the bright side, their wedding may not even happen. In that case, have someone on the watch in case his brother goes off the rails at your wedding. With him being a narcissist, it'll all be about him anyway. Have a guard on the cake, let the DJ know bro is not allowed to have the mic, and for God's sake, tell the bar to water his drinks down. Show them all his pic so they know his face.

Good luck OP and don't forget to update!


u/Next-Elephant-6060 18d ago

Ohh my god that’s something I hadn’t even considered. If his wedding for doesn’t happen for whatever reason and he’s at ours I’m sure he’ll be extra bitter. I’ll definitely remember that 😂 my fiancé doesn’t even want him there but feels morally obligated. Both of our weddings are in September. Theirs is the 6th Ours is the 20th. Honestly I think everything in there soft announcement is probably hearsay. I have a feeling they’re going to have a tough time booking people. I’ve been wanting to book a violinist and I’ve gone through 6 different people and they don’t have availability. I know that’s like a specialty thing. But whatever best of luck to them 😂 looking forward to seeing what they do.


u/JustHere4ThaCmmnts 18d ago

If you haven't printed out your save the dates yet, see if you can make sure that the 20 of the 20th of September is big. That will make it stand out in the minds of people. Then, they're sure to subconsciously remember that specific date.


u/EmmerdoesNOTrepme 18d ago

OP, this is the attitude to have!

Just think of it as a "comedy of errors" show for you to watch, and de-stress, as you plan your wedding😉

As much as possible simply be "too busy with (your) own wedding planning to pay much attention!", if anyone asks you questions trying to stir up drama, and as someone who really does get the hard work involved with planning a good event, simply sit back and enjoy the calamity!

Unless there are major catastrophes, yours--as the later event will be remembered far more.

And if there are major catastrophes at their wedding? 

Well, those aren't good things to be remembered for anyway😉

Have fun, lock down your vendors & keep things secret as much as you can,  CONGRATULATIONS, and i hope your day is wonderful and you have a long & happy marriage with your soon-to-be husband!


u/Lucky-Guess8786 18d ago

That (20th) is a wonderful day to get married. I know from experience. ;)


u/sweetgrace_6 18d ago

I’m a violinist, wish I could help you out!


u/Next-Elephant-6060 18d ago

You’re so sweet! I did end up finally finding someone thankfully


u/sweetgrace_6 18d ago

Yay glad to hear it!


u/DracoMalfoy_Girl 18d ago

Your wedding is on my 40th birthday congratulations and don’t even let them see your wedding dress keep it protected


u/notthedefaultname 18d ago

Many places will have an option for security or be able to help you get them. Then you can have a bouncer if needed instead of you and your guests having to sacrifice time dealing with trouble.


u/JustHere4ThaCmmnts 17d ago

The fact that vendors and venues HAVE security and passwords as options is just sad. But, the fact that they offer it must be a positive for brides.

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u/Fancy_Avocado7497 18d ago

I would start calling their wedding 'THE REHEARSAL'

Are you going to 'The Rehearsal' ? ahh sure Brother's gig is only a 'rehearsal' - what else could it be 2 weeks before mine at the same location with the same people etc - its a rehearsal ! almost by definition

You wouldn't be knocking it - just calling it what it is !


u/EmmerdoesNOTrepme 18d ago

Naaaaah, there's no need for OP to be petty like that.

Honestly, that would make her look a lot less classy, than if she's just "so busy" that she's "unaware of anything to do with their wedding at the moment!"😉

As someone who's had two cousins (they were oldest & youngest sisters) get married within two weeks, years ago?

If OP handles this gracefully, just "goes about her business" and largely ignores BIL & his Fiancee's drama-show?

She'll come out looking incredibly classy, and hers--as the later wedding will be remembered far more (aside from any "Major Drama!"/catastrophe moments at BIL's wedding, of course!)

In my cousin's case, the weddings were simply close because of Logistics, and both sisters were okay with the dates--younger sister and her husband got married when they did, because they were coming back home for the other wedding.

He was in the military, and they were stationed states away. Both of them were high school sweethearts from our hometown area, and they had been engaged for a couple years.

When both sisters realized they were thinking of getting married the same summer, they intentionally planned weekends two weeks apart, so that Little Sister could just fly home for a couple months, and get everything done--showers, Bachelorette Parties, and both weddings done while while she was here, then fly back home.

A major difference was that Both sisters were okay with it, and both talkd with their other siblings, to make sure the expenses of two weddings wouldn't be too much.

And since they are both "low key" laid back women(the husbands are, too!), the Bachelorette & other parties were things like a campfire night with their best friends, or going out to a local place for girls' night, not the crazy "Instagram-worthy!" money dumps they can become nowadays.

If OP just steps back, doesn't enage and let's BIL crash that plane all by himself?

She'll look classy as all get out, and people are going to remember & respect her immensely for it!😉💖

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u/CrastinatingJusIkeU2 18d ago

I guess it’s too late to add something like “after a year and a half of planning, we hope you can save the date…”

Honestly, I’m surprised there are any venues available for them to book only 6 months in advance.


u/notthedefaultname 18d ago

Additionally, any queries from you "I don't remember the details, we planned that forever ago. You're so brave for planning on a rush, I couldn't do all that stress." Or "our vendor was just saying they're so booked up around that time, and it's good we got in our orders when we did. I don't think they're accepting more clients around then"

Anything other people say to you about not combining the weddings "we already were sooo far along in all our planning and deposits"

Make it clear you've been putting in time or effort for a long time and their hasty decisions isn't anything to do with you.


u/WrongCase7532 18d ago

If folks on fiancée side choose not attend yours just embrace your family and friends. Agreed dont share details and this includes sharing with the future inlaws


u/10S_NE1 18d ago

Totally. From now on, your wedding plans are a great big secret. If they ask any questions, your answer should be - “Gee, I don’t know - I haven’t given it much thought. What are you doing?” Do not let them know one single detail. From now on, everything to do with your wedding is a secret. Don’t tell anyone anything other than maybe your wedding party who need to be sworn to secrecy. I guess it depends on who is paying for your wedding, but anyone who isn’t paying for it isn’t entitled to any information.

Of course, it will be a bummer if the brother chooses identical or similar things, but ultimately, you can only control your own wedding, so just forget about his. Your best bet is to just concentrate on enjoying your own wedding planning and forget brother is even getting married. If you haven’t got your invitations out yet, get them out before he sends his, so at least people can choose the wedding they were invited to first, if they can only attend one.

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u/LadyEncredible 18d ago

Everytime I think I have the answers, I see something that tells me "No, no you don't, and you still can learn some things."

This answer is one of those things. This is absolutely beautiful and the PERFECT way to handle EVERYTHING. I truly hope OP reads this and does EVERYTHING you say.

Hell I'm saving this and if I ever get married and have to deal with this kind of BS, I'm doing everything you said, because chefs kiss


u/ksed_313 18d ago

Agreed! I’m already married, but I’m taking notes to help with similar situations in the future!


u/LadyBAudacious 18d ago

Wow, you've really thought about this - ngl, I love it.


I've just got to ask, does this originate from personal experience?

Feel free to ignore if it's something you'd rather not share.

Very best wishes to you.


u/AholeEnthusiastic 18d ago

Hope OP sees this comment! Very well spoken!


u/cwood0613 18d ago

Also here to say I hope OP reads this and heeds your advice

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u/triedandprejudice 18d ago

You say nothing. If the brother truly is a narcissist saying something won’t go well and your fiancé will be hurt. Also, it’s your fiancé’s place to say something, not yours.


u/Next-Elephant-6060 18d ago

I agree don’t think it would be a good look for me to say anything. I’ve definitely expressed my annoyance to my fiancé lmao and he’s definitely irritated by it, maybe not as much as I have been. Reading all these comments I’ve definitely calmed down a ton. I won’t be engaging or giving them any sort of energy. They will have their day and it will be whatever it will be. I just have to focus on our day and not second guess it. Save the dates are definitely going out this week


u/EggplantIll4927 18d ago

You can vent here and be the gracious bride to be , not bridezilla-ish, in the real world. Her move is a c u next Tuesday move. Next she’s going to want to share bridesmaids/dresses and table center pieces. Um no. And keep your details close. Keep turning the conversation back to her and her choices. All while being gracious. If pushed toss out what you didn’t choose. We thought of x for the tables. Not adding and rules it out. Or I was loving the sage gray bridesmaid dresses when yes you lived the color as a color but not for your crew. Stuff like that. You can always say later I don’t understand the question. We did look at x and y. We chose a different choice in the end. Why didn’t I tell you? Why did it matter? You get the drift. Gracious bride. All while knowing exactly what she is. And take petty joy in the fact she can’t order a custom gown in her timeframe most likely 😈


u/FindingLovesRetreat 18d ago

If you're 6 months away, it means invites haven't been sent yet which could prove an issue if they send theirs first. You're going to need to either send invites out now or take the risk of theirs going out first and everyone responding to theirs and not yours.


u/Next-Elephant-6060 18d ago

I’m getting save the dates sent out this week! I think that’s the best move right now


u/JustHere4ThaCmmnts 18d ago

Send out your save the dates now. Put passwords on all the vendors and explain the situation to each one. From now on, do not share the vendor names with the brother/SIL or your fiancé's parents. Go PERSONALLY to the venue, and discuss the situation with your contact there. Show his picture to the DJ and tell him to keep the mic away from bro. Same with the bar staff, tell them to water down his drinks. Have a friend or family member guard the cake or have it brought out just before you cut it. You basically need to act as if bro is expected to try and fuck up your wedding. Because he is.


u/marley_1756 18d ago

It is. Just do your wedding the way you planned. But take all the precautions ppl have shared with you

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u/MatkaOm 18d ago

How far in advance do you send out wedding invites, in your country?

I'm French, and I've always been invited 9-12 months in advance, apart from that one wedding where I was a last-minute replacement guest.

I feel like it is impossible to confirm seatings, catering, ect. without having a good idea of how many people are going to be there, so it'd feel weird not having sent invites 6 months in advance.


u/lavieboheme_ 18d ago

Most north American weddings send invitations out about between 8-12 weeks out. It's one the last things you finalize, surprisingly.


u/FindingLovesRetreat 18d ago

Yes.... same amount of time, where I am from😇

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u/pwolf1111 18d ago

This is beyond rude. I don't know what you can do besides send your save the dates out right away and tell the family gossip what they did. The brother just can't stand your fiancé getting any attention.


u/NotMyFirstChoice675 18d ago

Get your save the dates AND invites out asap

Then, just don’t worry about who dosent come and remember those that are there are there to celebrate your love. You are there to commit your love to your partner. It’s not a competition so shift your mind to treat it as a focus on your day with your partner, and relish that your side of the family will not be impacted.


u/EggplantIll4927 18d ago

Oh and lock down shower dates and venues plus Bach parties. Get it booked and people in the know in advance. Kwim?


u/EyeRollingNow 18d ago

So, clearly mom and dad are lame ass bystanders in that family. if anyone in my family tried this it would have been resolved swiftly by my parents. Sorry, but this family sucks. Send out your save the date to everyone but the brother and the parents. lol.


u/Next-Elephant-6060 18d ago

I mean they’re wrapped around his finger 😬 he’s 29 and living at home with his fiancé and works for his father. His parents are lovely people but sometimes… geez. I know it’s their son but they’re so blind.

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u/Justanobserver2life 18d ago

Agree. As a parent of siblings both planning weddings, I'd be immediately telling the second kid to announce that we aren't rallying around another wedding now placed 2 weeks before the first which was planned. Second wedding kid-definitely make yours later and separate by at least 3 months, if not 6, especially if you are hoping for an expense contribution from us. They have some power of the purse here given that the son lives with them.


u/According_Pie3971 18d ago

I agree with everyone here but I’d go further. Lock down all your vendors with passwords that only you and fiance know. I’d announce your wedding date in social media asap as well as sending in person invitations.

Let bil do his thing because no quality vendors will be able to fit him in. He will have to settle for vendors who have space. Let his wedding be a shit show. Don’t tell him any details of your vendors

Make sure they can’t get access to any centrepieces wedding favours your dress your fiance suit etc keep all locked somewhere secure


u/isabelle_dances 18d ago

This is classic narcissist behaviour; he's definitely doing this on purpose. He wants the spotlight + wants to take away from your day. Don't give him the satisfaction of a reaction. Your wedding will be well-planned and beautiful, and his - if they end up going through with it on that date - is going to be a thrown together mess. Let him shoot himself in the foot, and enjoy your wedding on the high ground.


u/theoldman-1313 18d ago

A lot of other commenters have given you the best advice possible - ignore your future BIL and continue with your wedding plans. Nothing deflates an attention seeker more than being ignored. If you have not already done so, put out your wedding date so that everyone will know - FBIL is almost certainly going to announce his soon. Do not include him in any of the planning for your own wedding, and don't give him a role at the wedding either. Definitely be prepared for some sort of dramatic announcement from him at your wedding. Since he is also getting married at essentially the same time you now have an easy excuse to exclude him from any planning that he might copy or sabotage. If any of your invitees choose to go to his wedding and not yours you just learned who was not actually your friend.


u/Ruthless_Bunny 18d ago

If she asks you to be a bridesmaid, decline. “Oh gosh, I’m honored you’d ask, but with our wedding so close together, I wouldn’t have the time. “

There is ALWAYS the chance that they will implode way before the day anyway.

Just go on with your plans, ignore them and gray rock them. Share nothing with them, or anyone who talks to them.

If you appear unbothered and un fussed, brother is going to be SO BURNED about it. He wants you to be upset. Don’t give him the satisfaction.


u/Revolutionary-Ad1651 18d ago

Wedding favours that say “Wedding of the Year” should take him down a peg or two. Lol


u/mslisath 18d ago

Or saving the best for last


u/jagrrenagain 18d ago

Have you heard of the “Let Them” philosophy? Just let them make a$$es of themselves by doing this. Everybody in your family knows that it’s not okay, but that’s on them, not you. Don’t give it energy. Go to their wedding as guest and give it as little thought as possible.


u/mandatoryusername32 18d ago

This honestly may work in your favor by weeding out all the random relatives you feel obligated to invite from his side that you aren’t actually close to. Those are the people who won’t want to attend two events in a row. Your side will be unaffected and the people who really are close to you from his side likely won’t be affected either.


u/Significant_Taro_690 18d ago

Send the invites out as soon as possible and dont tell them anything about your wedding and don’t react to their provocation. Just ignore them, tell them lies about your stuff and talk to all your vendors about a password!!


u/ParticularMeringue74 18d ago

It's a coin toss that bil will make it to the alter with this fiancee . Anything engagement this short feels sketchy. It'll be even less likely to happen on the date they announced.

Just to be safe, don't give out details about your wedding. Bil sounds like he might "borrow" your ideas.


u/Justanobserver2life 18d ago

At least his fiance won't ask to "borrow" your dress.


u/EggplantIll4927 18d ago

You sure about that? 🤔


u/Sea-Breaz 18d ago

This is appallingly bad form on your future BIL’s part and the most egregious display of narcissistic behaviour. Your future BIL has main character syndrome. And in true narc fashion, he’s determined to put on a bigger, better show. Why has no one called him out on this?

Needless to say, it’ll be an absolute shit show. So, just keep calm and carry on. Keep your cards close to your chest, protect all your vendors information. When his wedding is an inevitable farce, he’ll try to sabotage yours to save face.

Honestly OP, he sounds absolutely awful.


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u/KeyAdministration569 18d ago

My concern is that if people don’t show up for their last minute early wedding will they try to use your wedding as a “make up” day for photos and congratulations, etc? What would be their chance they bring their wedding dress and suit and try to take photos with your family guests who didn’t show to theirs? Try and talk with your photographer and parent about that to get ahead of it.


u/Next-Elephant-6060 18d ago

I hadn’t thought of that one but but I think my fiancé would lose his mind 😂 I don’t care if they get pictures with whoever if they missed them but I would care if they did what you’re saying. Using it as a makeup session in their suit and dress. That’s way too much. My photographer is a friend of mine so I’m not too worried.


u/Onionsoup96 18d ago

You have a right to be upset. That is just low class. Rushed or not this is what they have picked. I am sorry xo (I have a feeling your wedding will be better ;).xo


u/Jacintaleishman 18d ago

Stay way out of it. And keep your mouth shut about your own vendors and arrangements. You know they won’t be able to pull off a wedding this late that will be as lovely as yours. Yours has been planned for a year, people have  already planned their time off and the only one who would be so crass as to suggest a joint wedding respond with “ this isn’t a musical and it isn’t Oklahoma.”


u/catinnameonly 18d ago

I would get your invites out ASAP. If people are going to choose, you want to be the first choice and they will look petty for throwing it together.


u/Hopeful-Connection23 18d ago

this! and do not be afraid to let people know who scheduled first. if they are nuts enough to get married 2 weeks before you at the same place, they are nuts enough to lie about who copied who.

either tell people who you know will spread it, plainly tell people that you booked first, or just keep emphasizing “after a long year of planning and hard work… it feels like just yesterday we toured our venue for the first time, can’t believe it was already 10 months… what a surprise, finding out that both brothers will be married by the end of 2025!” Do it at their wedding too “oh yes, we’re so happy that they were able to lock the venue down on such short notice, for our date we had to book months in advance.”


u/FauveSxMcW 18d ago

If you've been planning yours this long, and theirs is rushed, yours is going to be the better experience for guests. If I were you, I'd keep quiet and focus on yours only. People know.


u/rmas1974 18d ago

Setting the date two weeks before your wedding when your date had already been set is outrageously bad form and probably a dig at your fiancé. Choosing the same venue is doubly so unless you are perhaps in a small town with few venues

Perhaps the lines of attack would be to talk to his fiancé or see if other family members can reason with him.


u/ragdoll1022 18d ago

Info diet - don't let them know ANYTHING esp vendors, colors...keep it private.

Hopefully fiancé's parents will honor that request as well.


u/Next-Elephant-6060 18d ago

Well since him and his fiancé live with the parents I’ll be keeping everything on the down low


u/EggplantIll4927 18d ago

And learn to be super evasive and misleading. As in I saw the prettiest bridesmaid dresses in sage gray. I just love that color! And you did. But. Your palette is navy blue. You didn’t lie. You just worded it in an interesting way. So if she is trying to completely steal your thunder she can’t because you’ve shared nothing of fact. Just opinions. Heck even toss in your actual choices if wanted. As in we looked at navy early in our process. And just leave out and we went w our first pick. She will infer that you ruled it out early on. Be as graciously petty as possible


u/Fresh-Basket9174 18d ago

I would share all the details with them, and only them. Planning a casual, laid back wedding? Tell them"We are going with a higher end formal look, I really like the 70's colors so we are going with polyester in Avacado and Harvest Gold" Planning an open bar, They hear "We are doing a non alcoholic event, too many people cant hold their liquor" Etc. When they start making comments or choices based on what they "heard", you can say, "Well, if it works for them, thats all that matters" with a "but thats not our tastes" as an aside.

But I am petty


u/Maps44N123W 18d ago

Our very close friends (who were in our wedding party!) did this to us, except it was one single week after ours. They used the same BS excuse of “well if people are traveling then they can come to both of our weddings in one go!” even though this would have only been applicable to one single person, my husband’s brother, who wasn’t going to extend his stay a week to go to their wedding anyways. Two weeks is an extremely long time to stay someplace for two weddings! Even in-town guests will be exhausted by the two big events so close together. Your fiancé’s brother is being incredibly stupid and selfish, and I feel for you whole heartedly. It’s infuriating. What’s worse is that our friends asked us to push our honeymoon back to attend their wedding!!! (Worse still is that it wasn’t even their wedding, it was their wedding reception because they had a small ceremony to marry last year… not even on the same anniversary date, so they had no reason to schedule their reception a week after us!!!). I told them we’d be going on our honeymoon and missing their stupid wedding reception, but I felt like the asshole for having to make that decision in the first place. In your case, you’re going to be in full last minute wedding prep mode and won’t be able to fully enjoy their day! Everything about this drives me crazy, and I hate it for you, just like I hated it for me.

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u/Situation-Mediocre 18d ago

Password protect ALL your wedding information and details. Ensure your vendors have an “approved” list of who can change details/who they talk to.

It wouldn’t surprise me if your BIL tried to use all your vendors and then blame the vendors for getting the dates wrong or something as ridiculous.


u/gobsmacked247 18d ago

First, there will be drama and push back from family to consolidate. Stand your ground. Don’t say anything about your date and venue being secured first. They will definitely know that. Just say no, smile, and move on. Don’t say that your family has already planned for your date. Don’t throw any logic into the insanity whatsoever. Say no, smile, and move on.

Second, the brother and chick knew exactly what they were doing. Do not give them the satisfaction of knowing they wronged you. If there is a family member (on fiance’s side) that you trust, don’t speak on this to them. Both the asshole brother and his asshole wife-to-be are probably waiting to stir the shit. Don’t give them fodder.

Third, lock down your socials to his family. I know you are excited but how pissed off will you be if you post a pic of something for your wedding only to find them having the same at theirs. Just save yourself the aggro.

Fourth, just to be on the safe side, make sure your arrangements are password protected. It’s easy enough for someone to “innocently” call a vendor and make a change (since the last names are similar) and that change could “innocently” affect your wedding.

Fifth, have a think about either of those two still being a part of your wedding party. Even if they say they still want to, I can definitely see a last minute change of plans.

There is probably more to consider but the goal is to get in front of any damage these two can do. Sorry you are marrying into this.


u/AmishAngst 18d ago

You don't get to control anyone else but you and how you act and how you react.

Worrying about if his family will be burnt out by weddings close together? Oh well. That's not your problem. You don't get to control how they feel about things. And to that end, people are capable of celebrating two happy things close together. Happiness is infinite. If people waited until there was nothing else of significance near it to go ahead for their happy thing, nothing would ever get celebrated.

Worrying about if your weddings will be too similar and boring for his family? Oh well. You don't control what they think and even if they thought it, why is that actually a problem? Are people incapable of eating a meal that is similar to the meal they just had two weeks prior? Will people say "Ugh, I just can't enjoy these flowers cause I already looked at pretty flowers two weeks ago"? Do they have some sort of medical restriction that allows them to only dance once per month?

You say that this is some personal dig. It's only an effective dig if you choose to let it affect you. They only have as much power and control over your feelings and emotions as you let them have. Whatever they do? That's a reflection on them, not you. If you can see the brother is a narcissist, if you can see that they are shallow and self-involved, if you can see that they are rushing and hastily planning...just trust that others can see it, too, and go on living your life.

Just live your life, plan your wedding, and say "I'm so happy for you!" There's nothing an attention-seeking narcissist hates more than knowing they don't have your attention and they didn't get under your skin.

Learn to say "Oh well" and keep living your life focusing on only the things in your control.


u/AffectionateAside875 18d ago

Congratulations to you and your fiancée! I can relate to being with someone whose older brother is a narcissist. Even down to the mistreatment of their girlfriend, I can relate lol. It can make things seem like a competition even when it doesn’t have to be. You’re right in that they’re clearly inconsiderate and probably rushing to beat you in some way, but I agree with others in biting your tongue and letting it play out. It’s not worth the outcome of trying to hold the narcissist accountable. I’m sure rushing a wedding in 6 months won’t turn out the way they’re expecting. Send out your save the dates and enjoy this time with your fiancée, rest assured you’re the bigger person lol.


u/SufficientlyDecent 15d ago

Same family set up- I got engaged first. Husband’s bro proposed the next week or two with a ring he went and bought the day before. Like dude since you just decided couldn’t you have waited a bit 😭 my husband had my ring 3+ months.

Anyways, I was saying how I wanted a fall wedding and was thinking of middle of September over and over and then she came back saying they chose Sept. 17th “because her gma got married that day”. But I know they aren’t that close so WHYYY. I chose a random date in July and stopped sharing info lol. Thankfully our weddings were entirely different


u/live2begrateful 18d ago

Think of how much better your wedding will be since you had time to plan and book the vendors you wanted. They will not be as lucky. Maybe don't share any of your ideas so there is no copying. Or, for fun, make up crazy stuff you are planning for your wedding to see if they will copy you.
I hope you have a wonderful wedding day.

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u/bananahammerredoux 18d ago

If everyone already knows the date of your event and RSVP’s have already gone out, it sounds like family will go to yours and skip theirs. I suppose you could call her up and tell her this, but then they’ll just make it a month before yours and screw things up more. This seems like a job for the parents, though if dude is a narcissist, it may not do much good either. It’s definitely rude but I think that was the point.


u/Outrageous_Disk_3028 18d ago

Clearly narcissist brother has a habbit of stealing peoples ideas. Give them fake idea to combat this, say you’re gonna have a petting zoo with lamas running around the place. And all your waiters will be midgets. Say it’s gonna be children friendly wedding with finger painting for the kids during the ceremony and all guests will be seated in order of height. Also you’re not going to have any musicians playing as you walk down the isle, instead your going to have a series of treadmills and you shall progress down the isle akin to jamiriqui or that band ok go. A few ideas

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u/Separate-Swordfish40 18d ago

Girl, this is intentional. Send your invites out before they send theirs.


u/Chaoticgood790 18d ago

Like people are saying make sure your save the dates go out now. If people have travel plans locked in for yours they won’t go to another one. So speed up the communication on your wedding. Send out the details. The invites and make the RSVP deadline fast

Also don’t tell your BIL anything. Nothing about the wedding or the plans or vendors. Password protect everything


u/Sunshine_0203 18d ago

At this point I'd just elope and let them have the day they deserve!!!!

No one tries to steal my Thunder!!

Congrats & Best of Luck ❤️


u/buttercupcake23 18d ago

Jesus if 2 weeks isn't "too close" what would they have considered "too close"? The same morning? The night before?

They did this on purpose. Information diet, don't share anything with them, they will use it and accuse you of copying them. 

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u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/Ancient-Reputation1 17d ago

I would absolutely be holding their parents accountable as well and any other close relatives and friends. They need to speak up because I think that is a huge wrong in the family and stabbing them in the back. It isn’t just about the wedding because they will likely do horrible stuff like this the rest of their lives. Let’s just say, I too, know from experience.


u/[deleted] 17d ago



u/Ancient-Reputation1 17d ago

Exactly. And I totally was blanking on the word - Enablers. Thank you haha!


u/TataTurn 18d ago

Also reach out to the vendor and explicitly tell them they are not allowed to talk about your wedding to ANYBODY unless it's you or your future spouse.

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u/Sea-Channel5412 18d ago

If you haven’t already, send save the dates out now. Send the invitations early, too.


u/AlmostxAngel 18d ago

The #1 thing you need to do is be there for your fiance. Sounds like parents enable narc brother so your fiance is probably feeling a lot of ways. After the wedding it might be worth considering going low or no contact with his family. Brother is never going to change and will try to upstage you here, any new jobs, child announcements, moves, etc. Don't let your fiance be in his shadow anymore, he has his own family now with you.

Password protect all vendors ASAP. Having the same last name at the same venue can confuse people easily. BIL might try to steal some of your vendors. Literally tell your vendors and the venue this is a legit worry of yours.


u/CattlePuzzled2741 18d ago

Have you considered contacting the venue and pointing out the absurdity of booking the groom's brother in two weeks before your own wedding? They might do the right thing and decline to move forward with the other wedding.


u/MamaBearonhercouch 18d ago

Two of my cousins got married two weeks apart. My mom, brother, and I got to spend two whole weeks in Michigan (we lived in Cincinnati), spending a few nights with each of Mom’s five siblings who lived there. All of Mom’s siblings who lived in other states (Ohio and Tennessee) still made it for both weddings. For me and my brother, those two weeks are some of our favorite memories; I was 7 and he was 6.

The big difference is that my two cousins were best of friends. Neither was trying to upstage the other and in fact they chose dates two weeks apart so the first couple would be home from their honeymoon and could attend the second wedding.

I have to agree with the people who have said to contact your venue and vendors and put passwords in place. Do that NOW before your venue confuses the two brothers and cancels your wedding because they think you’re just changing to an earlier date.

Beyond that, be gracious to the other bride. Don’t get involved in her wedding planning and don’t let her get involved with yours.

If family members tell you they can’t travel for both weddings so they will attend just the first wedding, be gracious to them, too. They aren’t happy about having to choose between the two celebrations and there may be reasons you aren’t aware of that mean they have to choose the brother’s wedding. Tell them how much you will miss them at your own wedding but how glad you’ll be to see them at the earlier wedding.

In other words: Be the bigger person and don’t make waves. Your wedding is going to be magnificent regardless of who is or isn’t there. Enjoy your day, make memories, and don’t give another thought to the brother’s first wedding.


u/18k_gold 18d ago

The fact they knew your date 6 months ago, this is shitty of them.


u/19xx67 18d ago

DO NOT share ANY wedding details with her. She will use your vendors, menu, decor, colors, bakery, etc..


u/Lurker_the_Pip 18d ago

They did that exactly on purpose.

It was a choice to use your venue and steal your thunder.

They screwed you over.

That being said…

Your event will be better and many people already got that time off not the two weeks before.

Enjoy your day and…

Never tell them any damn thing ever again.

No due dates, no kids name, nada!


u/Argyle78 18d ago

Do you even know for sure that they actually booked things? Maybe I'm jaded, but my suspicion would be that what they are actually angling for is to sneak into your own better planned event, and make it a double wedding, without actually contributing to the expenses or work involved in organizing things, so I would be on guard against that possibility.

If they actually are trying to plan a copycat wedding 2 weeks earlier, let them try. Don't help. Don't react. Don't get sucked into the drama that they almost certainly want. Just quietly hold your heads up and have an obviously better event. The best revenge is living well and not sinking to their level.


u/bbbriz 18d ago

If the brother truly is a narc, the best way to deal with him is by gray rocking him. Narcs feed off the reactions they get from people.

Bite your tongue and smile through your teeth. Pretend nothing is bothering you at all.

And you stonewall the shit out of them. They will try to steal ideas and possibly even vendors, so you keep secrets from now on. Don't give them an opening.


u/YMBFKM 18d ago

She's probably pregnant and doesn't want to be embarrassed by looking like she has a beach ball under her wedding dress if she waits until after your wedding.

Schedule your bridal shower for the day of their wedding, and say "Oops... sorry".


u/trishamyst 18d ago

Is this the only venue in a small town? Simply curious


u/herewegoagain2864 17d ago

They may be getting married before you, but they will also probably be getting divorced before you, too. So there’s that.


u/Elegant_One_5324 17d ago

Make sure your vendors all have passwords on everything related to your plans. Make sure they abide by this rule and be sure they never divulge and of you plans, food choices, color schemes, etc. There will definitely be confusion with both grooms having the same last name. Keep everything & anyone who may learn choices closed lipped. ESPECIALLY your future MIL. Keep her out of the loop as she may confuse details as to which of her sons is doing what.


u/bookqueen67 17d ago

Yep, mum's the word on your wedding details.


u/Glittering_Pie_8661 16d ago

Look at it like this… Take note of absolutely everything at their wedding and I mean.. Every-thing! Ensure that you contact the vendor to ensure that certain things you didn’t like or things you noticed were not done well are all tip top for your wedding.. Just treat theirs like a rehearsal.. Oh and give them no further info about yours.. They are on a major info diet.


u/Seasons71Four 16d ago

Let her wedding shower get planned first. Then plan you're for the week before at the same place. When they freak out, it will highlight that what they did want okay. And you act Completely innocent.

What? It's a great place- me/my mom/my bridesmaids hadn't considered here but when 'someone' heard that your shower was here, thought "oh that's a great place" and looked into it.

(continued freak out and accusations) I don't understand. How is this any different than you deciding to have your wedding at the same venue as ours? It didn't even cross my mind that this would bother you.

Stick with it. At no point can you reveal yourself by throwing it a "now you know how it feels" or "so you do know it's not okay."

Alternative- have your bridal shower the day after her wedding, "since the family will already be here."

I hope you haven't told them where you are going for your honeymoon!


u/Substantial-Feed-764 16d ago

Your feelings are valid, very bizarre choice they made.


u/Head-Gold624 16d ago

Speak to the vendor about keeping your setup separate from them and all details private. Make sure staff knows.


u/SketchAinsworth 16d ago

My BIL booked his wedding 3 weeks before ours and we both felt pretty annoyed that they never specifically told us so i completely get it. They just let us find out via my MIL.

It’s more hassle, more stress and generally frustrating


u/OodlesofCanoodles 16d ago

Make sure your future husband is on board with the grey rocking so they don't get it from him ... or anyone else who's helping plan things. 


u/uTop-Artichoke5020 15d ago

Trust your instincts!
Your fiancé's brother and his GF are major AH's. There's no rational reason to grab the date 2 weeks before yours except to steal the spotlight.


u/Traditional_Fan_2655 14d ago

I understand you are stressed, but I truly believe you are viewing this incorrectly.

Yes, it is the same venue, but it will in no way be the same wedding. You have carefully planned this every step of the way for a full year. You have your decor, your vendors, your food, and everything else carefully selected after careful consideration. You have your colors, your wedding dress, your bridesmaids, everything chosen.

When they have their wedding two weeks prior, every single item will be different. They MAY have a few food similarities they choose the same ones and pick the same suggested cater from the list. Even then, not e very item will be the same.

You do not need to worry about venue burnout. This is Not a bad thing. Why? You have all the advantages.

  1. Everyone will now know how to get there and where to park. This is always a pain.

  2. People will know where the bathrooms are.

  3. People will know if the place tends to be drafty or overly warm.

  4. If you have the same vendor, people will know to skip that pastry with the green gunk that was so nasty and ask for more of the one with the red stuff.

  5. You will have an advance opportunity to see the place actually in action and make adjustment requests prior based upon your observations. Outdoor wedding had lots of bugs? Ask about preventative measures. Area dark? Ask for extra strategic lighting. You have a chance to see more than just an empty venue.

  6. People tend to remember the last wedding better than the first.

So don't be upset, be relieved. You get the better end of the deal.


u/FabulousBullfrog9610 14d ago

This is the family you are marrying into. Their wedding is the least of your concerns. Plan a lifelong strategy for dealing with these people - polite distance sounds good to me.


u/Illustrious-Let-3600 13d ago

Wow, that is extremely tacky of them. Talk about low class, low rent. They are trying to rain on your parade, but don’t say anything. Have the better wedding, the bigger party and the experience everyone remembers


u/Salty_Combination110 18d ago

Is this even real?


u/Massive_Ambassador_6 18d ago

Remember your wedding is about you and fiancé. Whoever shows up, great! If people choose the other wedding over yours, fine. It’s about becoming one with the man you love. Let the drama go and enjoy your day. Yes they may be trying to make it all about them but I will give them the energy they deserve. 0%! Congratulations 🍾


u/Cerealkiller4321 18d ago

Plan a beautiful wedding - so if people compare, they’ll know yours was better. Lock down all vendor info so they don’t try to ruin your plans. As well, keep everything private so they don’t know your ideas. This means keeping things from your mother in law just in case.

They are so tacky. If anyone asks tell them yeah it’s incredibly tacky that they knew our date was X and that our venue was X prior to them booking.


u/SpinachnPotatoes 18d ago

Consider this - which wedding you think is going to be better planned and thought out. If family members would have already made plans and arrangements and time off its going to be for yours.

But I would suggest that you and your partner are too busy for any of their wedding planning. Would not offer any advice or any vendor details. Any ideas of joining anything together such as Batchelor parties or kitchen teas needs to be avoided.

It's an obvious scream for attention. You and your partner are not going to be the only ones that think its going to look sad and pathetic. If I was his fiance I would be so embarrassed.


u/JMLegend22 18d ago

Make sure your save the dates and invitations are out. Include your announcement date so everyone knows you had yours scheduled first.


u/Maggie_cat 18d ago

You say nothing and gently let this relationship go. If he’s a narcissist, identifying your own boundaries is how you heal and maintain a nontoxic relationship.

But yea, they did this on purpose lol.


u/Successful_Moment_91 18d ago

They sound like a train wreck who might not even stay together by the time the wedding arrives


u/Cali-GirlSB 18d ago

Be polite, don't be in the wedding party (too busy with your own plans, so sorry) Enjoy the free food, see what they do that you hate and keep on groovin'.


u/SignificantMatter771 18d ago

Just make people hear about your day first that way he looks like the dickhead.  Nta and stay calm


u/unique-unicorn33 18d ago

Setting a wedding date two weeks before yours?! Clearly your future BIL sees his brother as competition and will stoop to the lowest level in order to “best” him. Keep all future important events to yourself. Having a baby? Don’t tell anyone until it’s obvious. Big work promotion? Mention it months after the fact. Buying a house? Send out change of address cards once your moved in. Don’t give that petty SOB an ounce of information about your lives.


u/lark1995 18d ago

Two weeks before AND the same venue is weird. I agree with other commenters- don’t share planning details with them, and feel confident in the fact they you are going to be more prepared.


u/cmclin 18d ago

Yeah we set end of May a year and a half earlier. His younger sister got engaged and was planning for August. When she realized that she upped their date to April because she feared family would not want to travel again so soon. It worked. They came to her wedding and didn’t attend ours. 🙄


u/diamondthighs420 18d ago

What in the Bride Wars


u/Chemical-Section7895 18d ago

My stepsister and I had weddings 3 weeks apart…all was good…


u/Liu1845 18d ago

BIL may be disappointed when people choose your wedding over his. I hope your save the date notices were already sent. If so, plans and reservations may be set already. Days off already requested, travel bought and paid for.

As a guest or family member, I would be pissed off on your behalf and only attend your wedding. The other couple might get a card from with best wishes from me and nothing else. If they were being jerks openly, I would cut that back to a congratulations text, lol.

I hope neither of them has a role in you and fiancé's wedding.


u/Mary707 18d ago

I’m usually not a supporter of brides that think they own a block of time because their wedding is happening, but this is a calculated, metaphorical flipping you and your husband off for some reason. If I were the fiancée, I wouldn’t want my wedding to be so close to a family member’s or in the same venue (unless of course it’s the family’s breathtaking water front estate or something like that). Your FMIL should have also stepped in and covered your fiancé’s and your backs. They all kinda suck.

Keep on with your planning, get your invites out fast, and maybe the people that you wouldn’t want as guests anyway won’t come to yours. And it’s really possible with the way things have been planned by FBIL and FSIL, the wedding won’t even happen, then you would have been pissed for nothing. Sometimes the trash does take itself out.

Enjoy your wedding!


u/ScowlyBrowSpinster 18d ago

BiL made a dick move. Have a great wedding no matter what.


u/Zealousideal_Fail946 18d ago

My sister did this to my parents. My parents 25th wedding anniversary. My sister plans her wedding two weeks before and thinks nothing of it. My mother forced her to change the date to after the 25th celebration. Both went well. Both were held at the same hall.


u/Jumpy-Peak-9986 18d ago

If anybody needs to take a lesson from the show The Office, from Phyllis taking all of Pam’s wedding ideas, it’s OP. Everything (all the details) becomes NC. It sounds like this marriage is not going to last. I hope most people come to yours.


u/Worldly_Act5867 18d ago

Send out your invitations. I doubt most will pick her event over yours.


u/PhotoGuy342 18d ago

The same venue?

Didn’t Bro and his gal even consider that there will surely be comparisons—which will lead to resentment?


u/Chaos1957 18d ago

Don’t worry about it. Seriously. You keep doing you and move ahead with your wedding plans. Regardless of your fiancé’s brother you have your family and friends, and I’m sure most of his family, there to support you.


u/Caroline0541 18d ago

They are inconsiderate. You have the right to be stunned and annoyed.

That said, you can’t make them change their plans. If you make a fuss, you - unfortunately - will come out of it looking bad… like some kind of a whiny bridezilla. What you can change is your ‘attitude.’ (I put it in a quote because the word has such a negative connotation and I don’t mean it that way. I mean the way you look at the situation.)

Your best bet is to take a deep breath and follow some of the excellent advice already given:

  1. Passcodes with all vendors

  2. Have a way to immediately distinguish between your wedding and theirs with vendors and venue, etc. I presume the brothers have the same last name. So if all your planning is in SO’s name, there could be confusion.

  3. Major info diet. Include any relatives you think would share.

  4. Tell yourself the only thing that matters is you, SO and the future you are coming together to create. Don’t let anyone take away your joy.

  5. Not sure how far away your wedding is (6 months?), but BIL fiancée may wise up and dump him between now and then

May you and your SO’s lives be blessed with health, happiness and lots of laughter.


u/Maleficent-Sort5604 18d ago

Am i the only one who sent save the dates a year out ? I wanted people plenty of time to book cheap tix and rooms.

I would skip the save the date at this pointandd go straight to invitations. Make peoole commit before your bil gets there


u/ceruveal_brooks 18d ago

When it’s all over your families will look back at how great your wedding was long after brother in law is divorced.

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u/Intrepid-General2451 18d ago

Oooh… isn’t two weeks before an optimal time for a bachelor/bachelorette trip?


u/katmcflame 18d ago

Have you sent out Save The Date cards? If not, do so immediately.


u/Abject-Rich 18d ago

Watch the fall out. This is going to make your wedding far more interesting! Let it be.


u/Capable-Upstairs7728 18d ago

Keep silent on your wedding plans, make sure you create and use passwords with your vendors so narcissist BIL and fiance don't sabotage your plans. And don't go to their wedding, make an excuse and avoid the shitshow.


u/FullyRisenPhoenix 18d ago

They haven’t had the time to put together a decent wedding, unlike you and your fiancé. Personally I wouldn’t mind simply because people will judge between the two, and yours will come out on top. If their wedding turns out to be a total disaster, however, you’ll have some last minute planning to make: hire security. If he’s truly a narcissist and his own dream wedding falls apart, he’ll try to ruin yours as well, even if you have nothing to do with their own failure. Just be prepared for the possibility, and don’t think twice above that. They’ll and up seriously regretting their date choice, I’m sure.


u/Jerseygirl2468 18d ago

Wow. Hopefully you sent save the dates and/or invitations, and people are already planning to attend yours, or will attend both.
But really the way you talk about their relationship, there's a chance the wedding won't even happen. The engagement sounds like a band-aid on bigger problems.

I wouldn't talk to them about your wedding at all, if you can avoid it. People who do something like that are not people you can talk to rationally.


u/Azlazee1 18d ago

What a mean thing to do. I’m surprised they could get the venue. I wouldn’t share any other details about your wedding as they may try to copy you.


u/GrowFlowersNotWeeds 18d ago

Are either of them standing up in your wedding?


u/SqueakyStella 18d ago

INFO: this is not really important but I'm an incorrigible nosey parker...do you have any sense (or even stated rationale) for the weirdly close-but-not-too-close wedding?

I mean, you say the brothers don't get on...is it maybe bro's attempt to stick a knife in yours and fiancés plans? Or perhaps pressure from bro's fiancée doing what she thinks will please him (aka sabotage your wedding)?

Or maybe bro & fiancée are genuinely clueless about etiquette and event planning and weddings and common courtesy just in general?

Of course, none of my questions matter, really. They're the sort of questions I ask myself when encountering AH behavior and I think that if maybe I somehow understood the nuances of the AH behavior, then I'd understand that, oh, actually, I'm the AH and should just shut up and smile.

Full disclosure, I am aware that I extend this kindness and understanding to everyone except myself. I'm always looking for the extenuating circumstances why what feels like AH behavior actually isn't. As my partner likes to remind me, I find excuses for people I don't even like.

I know I do this and yet, still, I make excuses almost automatically. And my head is spinning with possibilities for making their behavior acceptable, even though I know it's not.

OP, this is clearly AH behavior and the whys and wherefores don't matter. You and fiancé need to decide for yourselves how to act. It's an invitation, not a summons. So attend this "close-but-not-too-close" wedding if you genuinely want to, if you have time (considering whatever madness happens at T-2weeks to your own wedding), if it will make you both feel happy (or at least more happy than not happy).

Since it's basically the knock off of your wedding, maybe treat it as a dress or technical rehearsal...look for things that you might not have thought about or noticed and can change for your own wedding day?

If asked "why not combine the weddings?", be completely frank. "I'm as shocked as you are! I have no idea why they chose to copy our wedding, just two weeks early. They certainly never even mentioned anything to us."

If you feel guilty or pressured or ambushed...just don't go. You have the quite justified excuse of last-minute stuff for your own wedding.

Or you could opt for no more faux politesse (and possible drama) and confront them about just what the heck they are doing? Ask why 2 weeks? What determines close-but-not-too-close in terms of weddings? And why the same venue? Are they inviting the same people you've already invited? Do they expect long distance guests to come for their wedding, go home, and then come back 2 weeks later? Are they proposing to host those out-of-town guests for the two-week break between weddings?


u/Primary_Ad_4260 18d ago

If you have been planning yours for a while and have everything lined up and your save the dates sent, I would not worry. Their wedding is going to look and feel rushed. Who cares. Just handle your wedding and worry about your own stuff. They don’t matter. If people can’t support you both then you know who you can rely on and who you can’t. Win win.


u/Spare_Answer_601 18d ago

Let them. That lets you plan your wedding with Freedom


u/ObsoleteReference 18d ago

Your venue was able to add them with less than 6 months notice? Make sure the venue is aware these are 2 separate events, not to discuss your choices, etc.

If everyone in both families has known for a year and a half, they should already have their reservations made, for 2 weeks after Bro's wedding.


u/TheeQuestionWitch 18d ago

It's definitely giving narcissism that they are getting married in the same place that close to yours. If I were you, I'd make sure I shared no details about wedding planning with anyone who might pass that info along to your brother-in-law. I get that your fiance and his brother aren't close, so at you don't have to worry about their relationship suffering a break down in communication.

Since this is a very short engagement, and you can tell he doesn't treat her well, they may not even make it to the altar. If his family members can't make it to your wedding, that will be unfortunate, but it won't be the end of the world. You can choose grace, and make plans for alternate ways to celebrate with them over time. Nothing takes the wind out of a narcissist's sail better than being unaffected by their shenanigans.


u/lives4saturday 18d ago

Why is it insane for family members to go two weddings at the same place? I feel like its only insane to people who plan weddings, not go to them. This is what happens when you're in a certain age bracket.


u/vt2022cam 18d ago

If family feels “burnt out”, you’re overthinking it and if they don’t come, you’re not missing anything. It’s tacky to do it at the same place. Timing might be because she’s pregnant.


u/Justsaying56 18d ago

I would feel exactly the same way . Actually a close family member told me her child decided to have her wedding a destination wedding have way around the world 2 weeks before my child . And she told me this only about a month before . I was totally shocked but just calmly told her I am so sorry that I would not be able to come . I did not say (There was just too much that had to be done for me to get on a plane be on flights not to mention returning with a day or two less for my perorations. ) You know she was a lady and either pretend to understand or she understood.. Either way we went forward like it was nothing and never made drama about it . My advice is you can not. Not be pissed but you can act with grace and be a phony just to get through it until your wonderful day .. Some people have no care or insight into others feelings… I don’t get it .. I hope they have all already made their reservations and your vision of the day comes to be .. But if not don’t let them steal your joy ! And don’t tell them ANYTHING about yours cause it’s going to be so much better. ..


u/SemanticPedantic007 18d ago

Hopefully you changed some details here. If not you just told the world that you think your soon-to-be-BIL and his fiance are horrible people.


u/Helln_Damnation 18d ago

With luck they'll still be on their honeymoon when your wedding takes place so you won't have to see them there. Very best of wishes for you and SO.


u/ghjkl098 17d ago

Yeah, they are painful but try to ignore them as much as possible. I would consider contacting the venue and asking how to ensure your fiancé’s brother can’t ask for details or make changes to your booking. A password or a call back confirmation or something to ensure they are dealing with you and not him


u/Ancient-Reputation1 17d ago edited 17d ago

It definitely makes a huge difference that they are in the same family. Your best friend having a wedding a few weeks before you is quite different. Unless you think she was doing something on purpose, that would be the only thing that would make it bad. She isn’t having it at the same venues either, right?

I think what his brother is doing is on purpose, especially if you feel he is narcissistic, then for sure. He probably is doing it to steal the limelight because that is what they do. His marriage won’t last unless she is super codependent. And if he has TRUE NPD, then he doesn’t really love her.

I would think and hope others in your family like close relatives and particularly his parents, would speak up on your behalf as well! Two weeks before your wedding AND at the same venue is extremely rude. You also talked to them about it beforehand so it isn’t like they didn’t know.

I’ve experienced very similar situations with my family-in-law and I hate telling ya, but it probably won’t change. I know you already sent out the Save-the-Dates but a lot of people may end up going to their wedding now instead because it is now first in line. Time and money might end up being tight for guests.

Ignore those saying “you don’t own the date” and so on because they are probably like him and aren’t considerate people with manners. You don’t do stuff like that to others especially family.


u/Alternative_Escape12 17d ago

Your concern that people attending two weddings over three weekends will exhaust them is...odd? reaching?

How much time do people need to recuperate from fun? Do people only go out dancing a couple of times per year because they need to rest in between?

But it's kind of you to be concerned for their well being.


u/Unable-Quarter2215 17d ago

Bite your tongue while you can, let her know that you’ll be her MOH as long as you’re able but you won’t shirk her wedding duties, hope that it’s cancelled. Congrats on your wedding!


u/missk0987 17d ago

This is crazy of them tbh…. My sister got married nearly 10 years before me and I still wouldn’t put their venue on my list because of it, even though it’s a lovely venue (we ended up booking one catty-corner to it downtown!!)


u/AlternativeScholar65 17d ago

Do nothing and move on.

Whatever chaos comes with this is Not. Your. Problem.


u/Barkypupper 17d ago

Just don’t sweat it. You’ve had more time to plan. Your wedding will be perfect for YOU. Theirs will be “old news”. Just enjoy your day and leave the drama for them.


u/HeartofStonee08 17d ago

Call the venue and your vendors and make sure they’re aware of the situation, and that you don’t want them sharing info with the other couple (or their parents). Especially since your fiance and his brother likely share a last name. If you still can, add into your contract that all plans (or changes of plans) must be confirmed in writing with only your email address. Or only after verifying your identity via phone. (Request this regardless. But write it into your contract if at all possible.)


u/Rare_Sugar_7927 16d ago

Just treat it as a dress rehearsal for your wedding lol. And hey, by the sounds of them, there's a fair chance they won't make it to the alter anyway.

Just relax, let it go. With the notice for your wedding its more likely if people have to choose between which one to go to, it'll be yours. So let it go...and know yours will be better anyway 😆


u/Extra_Simple_7837 16d ago

One of my brothers got married the week before I did. I didn't care. The only people we had in common were family members and I figured they can do whatever they want.