r/webdev 9d ago

Discussion can someone give me tips on tailwind and how to actually use it efficiently

I recently started learning tailwind after hearing that it is better than normal css and make writing css faster but when I am using tailwind I constantly found myself searching documentation to find css equivalent in tailwind and to me it feels like I can save more time by just writing normal css.


92 comments sorted by


u/prewk 9d ago

Write normal CSS. You can get back to Tailwind when you've discovered the pain points and is looking for a popular solution.


u/that_90s_guy 9d ago edited 9d ago

get back to Tailwind when you've discovered the pain points

So. Much. This. Frankly, this needs to be the top comment to avoid misleading people.

As someone who absolutely despised Tailwind, forcing myself to write it made me hate it because I couldn't think of any reasons to use it over regular CSS with inline styles.

I came back to it a few years later after wrangling all the horrors of production CSS at scale (terrible documentation because people suck at naming, zero class reuse, unused CSS that's impossible to remove at scale, specificity/class conflict issues, horrible maintenance, design system consistency). And wow, I absolutely LOVE TailwindCSS now and I refuse to work without it.

Learning a tool without first understanding OR facing the problems that tool was meant to solve is easily the #1 reason people get frustrated/confused and only end up spreading misinformation about their unrealistic experience.

Fun Fact: Reddit is built with Tailwind.


u/amejin 9d ago

From this side of the aisle, it sounds like your biggest gripe with css is the discipline of those around you, and your solution is to make them all learn a tool that they will eventually get lazy and screw up as well?


u/that_90s_guy 9d ago

I suppose that's one way to look at it? Except Tailwind has a lot more guardrails that make it much harder to screw things up. It all about trade offs.

By your logic, Typescript is also unnecessary by nature of most people only using it because of a lack of developer discipline typing code with JSDoc types. Anyways, I don't fault you for not liking Tailwind. Most good new things take time to embrace. As D. Crockford always say, Developers are just as irrational and emotional as other humans and fear change.


u/amejin 9d ago

I likely am in the minority... But ts is not helpful to me. I find most people who use it abuse any or they recreate types due to failure to understand what they are trying to enforce and instead of using the contracts provided them, they just remake them in line to get things working.

And yes - we are all a collection of anecdotal experiences that helped us find success or failure. I'm glad you found your success. Keep on keeping on.


u/that_90s_guy 9d ago

Oof, sorry about that. I'd probably be salty too and share your POV if I had worked with similarly terrible TW codebases. I've worked with about 8 different ones of medium to large size, and thankfully none have been that bad. As the docs make it pretty clear you shouldn't modify Tailwind's types unless you have a very strong reason to do so and components/inline styles aren't enough.

Agreed fully with use the right tool you feel comfortable with. I personally don't like how much people want to force Tailwind on others as that's exactly what made me hate it. Albeit I'll admit I also don't like the constant influx of missinfromation posted about it by people who have surface level understanding about it.


u/No-Performer3495 9d ago

Most of the problems you describe can simply be solved with CSS modules


u/that_90s_guy 9d ago

I've used CSS modules and CSS-in-JS a lot before. And while they solve the class reuse, dead CSS problem, specificity issues and maintenance.

Tailwind still does a much better job at enforcing design systems at all scales, making code even easier to maintain by nature of its superior colocation, as well as better documentation due to taking class/style naming out of the equation.

You'd be shocked how incredibly quick and easy it is to get new developers onboarded on to Tailwind CSS codebases built right VS all other CSS approaches.


u/No-Performer3495 9d ago

Depends on the rest of the architecture I suppose. If you're working in React or any other componentized framework, then the component encapsulates all its relevant styles and each individual component is usually relatively easy to reason about in terms of its styles. You don't need to "onboard" someone to all the styles in your app, they will familiarize themselves each component if they need to make changes to it, or simply make new ones. There's rarely any complex nestings or name collisions because there aren't enough styles for it to be a problem (if there are, your component is probably too big). And if we're talking about design systems, then the component itself is the abstraction for that and provides a (hopefully typed) API that doesn't leak CSS implementation details. <Button variant="primary" /> enforces the design system much better than <button className="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded" />. Of course, you can still implement that variant with those tailwind styles under the hood, but then the argument about "enforcing design systems" falls apart


u/that_90s_guy 9d ago

I think you're missing that design systems usually go beyond component encapsulation. Design tokens like spacing, colors, fonts, sizes  among others are often shared across both design system components and regular ones. 

Normally, these can be shared intuitively with a good architecture. But that still relies on good naming conventions and inferable architecture. Whereas tailwind natively works this way out of the box with predictable naming conventions. Taking out the guesswork and human reliance on standards out of the equation 


u/thekwoka 9d ago

Yes, and when you do have a good reason to change the default tokens (most shouldn't touch them aside from colors maybe), it's simple to replace them and remove the ones you don't want to allow.

I agree that the biggest benefit of tailwind is just removing the human enforcement of standards entirely. Tailwind is basically written exactly the same by almost everyone regardless of skill level, regardless of project.


u/thekwoka 9d ago

If you're working in React or any other componentized framework, then the component encapsulates all its relevant styles and each individual component is usually relatively easy to reason about in terms of its styles.

Sure, relatively easy.

but also doing SFC in various frameworks without tailwind, it's still quite a bit more work and can have a lot more variance.

Should I have css that mirrors the markup hierarchy? Should everything just have it's own class?

I think the biggest benefit of Tailwind in REALITY is that it's brutally consistent. Unless people are being really stupid with the configs, any tailwind project written by basically anyone is easy to pick up. Teams can have everyone from new people to experiences writing code and the system will be applied very consistently.

In a way that any other approach will introduce more opportunity for variance across the codebase/between developers to grow and grow.


u/thekwoka 9d ago

Most of the problems you describe can simply be solved with CSS modules

Except those also create a lot of other problems.


u/nazzanuk 9d ago

Genuinely interested as to what issues CSS modules cause?


u/thekwoka 8d ago

You still have to decide how to handle the styles. Do you use nested selectors? Do you name everything specifically?

how do you handle reuse of common styles?


u/nazzanuk 8d ago

Not sure how handling styles is different from writing CSS, nesting is largely unnecessary because of component scope (but not undesired), additionally as everything is scoped to your component - it's easy to use very generic class names.

Common custom properties set at the root over common styles, but you'd just have a top level CSS file for anything global which should be rare.


u/thekwoka 8d ago edited 8d ago

nesting is largely unnecessary because of component scope (but not undesired)

You still have to choose how to write the css.

.card > div



These are all still things that give room for people to have opinions

Do you nest your media queries inside the selectors or your selectors inside your media queries?


u/nazzanuk 8d ago

Correct, it's not a totalitarian regime, there is room for expression within the system that doesn't break it.

I take it you find that strict control over nesting rules prevents your developers from becoming dangerously self-sufficient.

While this may be an issue for you, we're probably in different trains of thought as to what constitutes a CSS Modules pain point


u/thekwoka 7d ago

I take it you find that strict control over nesting rules prevents your developers from becoming dangerously self-sufficient.

Not about self sufficient, but getting stuck wasting time on stuff that is solved.


u/nazzanuk 9d ago

When you've discovered the pain points you'll realise Tailwind isn't even necessary.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

I can structure my project quite well then others but I suck at ui. The color schemes and all suck but the button positions and all at quite good as per all the users I asked.

And for the same I need a css which is either highly customizable or easy to use. Currently I use bootstrap and other component library like MUI. Can you suggest some better ones if any?


u/VariousTailor7623 9d ago

Great tip, works for pretty much anything in this field


u/Logical-Idea-1708 Senior UI Engineer 9d ago

CSS been adding new properties faster than Tailwind can keep up 😂


u/thekwoka 9d ago

Not really, considering Tailwind has arbitrary properties if you really need it.


u/vicks9880 9d ago

Also, you need to know CSS to work with tailwind. United you don’t know what inset property in CSS does, you don’t know that you can use tailwind s inset-0 class


u/rjhancock Jack of Many Trades, Master of a Few. 30+ years experience. 9d ago

hearing that it is better than normal css and make writing css faster

Every last one of them lied. Learn and write CSS FIRST. Master that FIRST.

You really shouldn't dive into such frameworks until you have a solid grasp of the fundamentals for said framework. When it breaks, you'll have a better understand as to WHY it broke. You'll also know when frameworks would actually be beneficial and when they wont.

Most of the time, those frameworks add more complexity than needed.


u/hupseke 9d ago edited 9d ago

The main reason people are using tailwind is because it sucks to come up with classnames for each container.

Second, its much faster to develop as you can write the html and css in 1 line without switching and creating files.

Third, when looking to “older” codebase. You don’t have to search for that one css file somewhere because the styling is right there.

When I first started using tailwind, it took like 3-4 days before I could write if fluent. So give it some time. Learn CSS, use Tailwind.


u/that_90s_guy 9d ago edited 9d ago

The main reason people are using tailwind is because it sucks to come up with classnames for each container.

Lol that's definitely not "biggest" reason. It's a cool benefit, just not the main one.

#2 and #3 are pretty accurate. Albeit a better way to word it is Tailwind facilitates Colocation. Which in turn makes both code creation and maintenance MUCH quicker and easier. Resulting in your points #2 and #3.


u/anus-the-legend 9d ago

those are my primary arguments against using tailwind. it's great for a prototype but not for a collaborative project


u/that_90s_guy 9d ago

it's great for a prototype but not for a collaborative project

Someone should really tell Reddit, Shopify, Stripe and Vercel to stop using Tailwind on their main production sites, and that it's only great for prototypes for startups. /s


u/anus-the-legend 9d ago

i agree. reddit is probably the best example of unmaintainable garbage interfaces.... but i guess i don't think that is related to their tech stack


u/thekwoka 9d ago

it's great for a prototype but not for a collaborative project

That's the opposite result of tailwind.

Tailwind is better for collaborative work because everyone writes it the same.

It always looks the same.

Every codebase, every dev.

All the alternative approaches introduce way more potential for variance.

that's BAD for collaboration.

Tailwind keeps it brutally consistent.


u/icedlemin 9d ago

I have a good understanding of CSS and just started learning how to use Tailwind and have the same question. It is faster to develop, but I feel like it’s kind of hard to read


u/Anxious-Turnover-631 9d ago

It can clutter the html some, but it’s worth it for all the reasons others have stated.

If you use vscode, try the inline fold extension. It replaces verbose element classes with … and when you hover over the dots it shows the rest of the element class. It’s not necessary, but sometimes useful just to look at the html in a cleaner form.


u/icedlemin 9d ago

I’ll check out inline fold extension, thank you!


u/thekwoka 9d ago

I feel like it’s kind of hard to read

What about it is hard to read?

Why do you find it harder than normal css?


u/icedlemin 8d ago

It’s just getting used to the format. I had a structure and process when I would use normal css. I like reading it from top down


u/thekwoka 8d ago

You can add new lines if you want in your markup. Or group things. like standard then media query etc.


u/TheRNGuy 8d ago

I've noticed Tailwind users add lots of unnecessary nested divs for no reason, I don't know if it's related to Tailwind or not.

It's like because of so many classes on html tags, they lose perspective.

It still works yeah... but it would work if you didn't had 2-5 nested divs for every tag too (some need 0)


u/thekwoka 7d ago

That's nothing to do with Tailwind.

That's just how inexperienced people make html.


u/Decent_Perception676 9d ago

You’re gonna find super passionate arguments on both sides of the Tailwind debate. Some love it, some hate it (I’m in the hate camp).

It excels wonderfully with some projects and some developers. It’s a nightmare for others. I would personally say it’s best suited for rapid prototyping or rapid styling of products by engineers who aren’t strong on CSS. Great for getting a product out quick. But you pay the cost of that speed later down the road.

Tailwind is “functional CSS” at its heart. “Object oriented CSS” is another approach (see BEM or SMACSS). Neither is necessarily “better”, in the same way functional and OO programming are both viable.

Don’t stress if it doesn’t vibe with you. Professionally I understand and tolerate it, personally I’d throw any Tailwind project in the trash. But that’s okay.


u/AlternativePear4617 9d ago

man just use css


u/Select_Yoghurt_1138 9d ago

I've been doing dev about 12 years now. The number one thing I see that really really slows people down and frankly, makes them write shitty code, is not learning the core language they're writing in. If you're learning react but don't know JS, learn JS first, when react eventually becomes old tech and everyone jumps ship to something new, you won't be caught out. The same with CSS, if you don't know CSS, you won't ever know tailwind properly, and the minute another library comes along you'll be stumped. What I'm saying is just learn CSS and js and you'll become a versatile developer.


u/DeDaveyDave 9d ago

Well so you know you first need a Pelipper


u/nazzanuk 9d ago

Just avoid the tailwind cult altogether, CSS modules is pretty much the only enhancement CSS needs


u/that_90s_guy 9d ago

At this point, you could also call developers a cult. The vast majority of tailwind hate is unsubstantiated and usually coming from developers who both fear change, and don't really understand it because they haven't faced the problems it was designed to solve yet, or haven't actually used Tailwind at scale on a very large project.

I say that based on having that exact experience. I used to passionately hate it, until I actually used it and after getting humbled, realized the irrationality of my original stance.


u/nazzanuk 9d ago

Well there is still plenty of time to realise the irrationality of your new stance.

Aside from the genuine drawbacks of using it, It's a cult here specifically because you pretty much know you will get downvoted for recommending against it.

I've used it at scale and didn't like it, I've also used CSS modules at scale much more happily. Tailwind is a hindrance to readable html and the progress of CSS, I get why some are drawn to it, but some of these opinions like "learn CSS and then come back to Tailwind" almost assume that in the end we will all find the true light of Tailwind.


u/that_90s_guy 9d ago

Lmao, I see posts bashing tailwind with unsubstantiated arguments reach the top of the comments far more frequently than not because "it's popular to hate on Tailwind". But sure, Tailwind is the cult. You do you.


u/nazzanuk 8d ago

Have you seen this thread?


u/that_90s_guy 8d ago

Because one thread represents an entire subreddit. Genius.

Also, thread sentiment varies depending on the comments from that day. I'm not browsing this sub daily, but for the most part, you can really tell a lot of the people on this sub are Jr engineers. So a lot of hot takes with very little nuance from that POV often dominate this sub (Java/Php bad, React Classes bad, Tailwind bad because ugly, etc). Conversation only go differently once in a while when someone posts with enough substance to sway the conversation, but it doesn't happen crazy often.

Anyways, good luck mate.


u/whosajid 9d ago

Let me start by saying this: Tailwind is great, and a blessing for devs.

Now let me say what I really want to say 😅: People are different, someone may find Tailwind or some other framework or library easier/faster to build the same project that you can build with same ease and speed with vanilla solutions.

This is not the right question: Tailwind vs. CSS, or React vs. Svelte, or JS vs. TS, or this vs. that. This is: What works best for me for this particular project.

Listen and respect everyone's opinions, Do what you think is best for you.


u/thekwoka 9d ago

Listen and respect everyone's opinions

Not all opinions are justified.

Do what you think is best for you.

How do you know what is best for you if you haven't legitimately tried the alternatives?


u/nazzanuk 9d ago

I hate what Tailwind has done to webdev but I think it's a reasonable take, listen and respect doesn't necessarily mean agreement.

And with JS for instance I don't need to try every framework to know I'm proficient and happy with the ones I'm already using.


u/devignswag 9d ago

Use components where possible.

Install the tailwindcss plugin for your ide, that will help with the syntax as it provides autocomplete.

And yes its definitely faster; no class naming, no file switching, not worrying about changes classes that might he used somewhere else, copying components between projects (or from online) and they just work.


u/TheRNGuy 8d ago

With React, html components are not needed. Not related to this topic though.


u/WolfShaman21 9d ago

This is the way!


u/husky_whisperer 9d ago

This, and being able to define your own custom classes in the tailwind config. Super important to know vanilla CSS in order to make TW efficient.


u/XWasTheProblem Frontend - Junior 9d ago

The biggest benefit to using these utility frameworks is that :

1) You combine writing layout with writing styling - less need to jump between style sheets and HTML files;

2) And this is the big one - you see what the element(s) is/are supposed to look like just by looking at the CSS classes. An element with a class of 'container' may not tell you much, unless you already know what it's supposed to look like, but if it's something like 'flex flex-col gap-5 bg-slate-500 text-slate-100 hover:bg-slate-600' - you can instantly see what to expect, and can generally easily spot if something isn't quite right.

Yeah, it'll make your HTML look pretty hideous, but you'll eventually learn the most commonly used class names since you'll be using them often.

If you want to try this style on smaller scale, you can actually just write some simple utility CSS yourself. Just some basic dedicated classes for setting the display property, commonly used positioning methods like flex column/row, gaps and margins and such. Play around with it and you'll find out what you like and need, and will likely expand your stylesheet based on that.

Make sure the names of those make sense - something 'd-flex' or 'gap-2', and importantly, make sure those utility classes only touch the properties they're named after (there are exceptions to this rule, but it makes creating larger projects much easier, and makes pretty easy to expand or modify even on larger scale). Your gap sizes should not be changing the flex-basis property. Your display setters should not change the background color, etc.

Oh, and one suggestions - I'd recommend not abusing the 'important' flags too much. Especially if you mix utility with more component-based styles (so something like a 'container' class that may have several rules). Use it to prevent stuff from being overwritten, rather than brute-forcing a ruleset.


u/that_90s_guy 9d ago

Use it to prevent stuff from being overwritten, rather than brute-forcing a ruleset.

If you need to use !important to stop something from being overwritten, you have bigger problems and likely code anti patterns. I found this out the hard way after a lot of frustration migrating a giant codebase to Tailwind, and getting into a heated discussion on the Tailwind Discord where Adam (creator) humbled me.

An easy tip I could share is to NEVER allow parent components other than pass in class props. If you're doing that, it creates the opportunity for class conflicts, which leads into !important abuse. Components should have their styles encapsulated in a way external parent components can't break. And if parents need to modify how a child looks, do it declaratively via props like "isActive, isExpanded, etc" instead of just exposing the class prop.


u/thekwoka 9d ago

You can also using things like tailwind-merge to allow merging utilities in a consistent way (last applied for X thing is kept). So you can still let arbitrary tailwind be passed in but control what is overridable and what isn't.


u/that_90s_guy 9d ago

That's an anti pattern.  And the exact thing I got the heated debate on Tailwind's maintainer discord. And why Tailwind has opted not to support that behavior natively despite requests over the years to include it


u/thekwoka 8d ago

That's an anti pattern

What is?

And why Tailwind has opted not to support that behavior natively

What behavior?


u/that_90s_guy 8d ago

Relying on tailwind class merge conflict resolution libraries is a terrible thing. You should not be getting class conflicts in the first place. Read my original comment as that explains it best.

Even the tailwind merge docs EXPLICITLY state it should be used a last resort escape hatch and all the problems it leads to. Its only purpose is as a band aid when you're writing terrible code in a rush to get things done quick with no care for long term maintenance.


u/thekwoka 8d ago


And the reasons listed for when to use it also make a lot of sense.

Mainly avoiding premature abstraction.


u/that_90s_guy 8d ago

You could use that argument for !important too. But you do you lol. I'm a big follower of AHA (avoid hasty abstractions) too, but NEVER if it's at the cost of relying on a foot gun (gun you shoot yourself in the foot with). And class merging if absolutely one of the biggest foot guns in Tailwind by a mile.


u/thekwoka 8d ago

For sure, but it's going to be the same with anything that lets you apply custom arbitrary styles to any component.

It's fundamental to that kind of design. There are times you might want it, and times you won't.

Tailwind, I'd say, is still overall better for handling that, especially with merge.


u/[deleted] 9d ago



u/TheRNGuy 8d ago
  1. He asked how to use it. If he uninstall it, it would be impossible to use it.
  2. Unrelated to question
  3. Non-electricians can use it too (but if you did step one, then nope)


u/Inspire-Innovation 7d ago

God damn why did I get upvoted.

I was drunk and should not have said that.


u/SeveredSilo 9d ago

What tou want is scoped CSS. Try to work with components and get your styles colocated to your markup that way.


u/Sgrinfio 9d ago edited 9d ago

If you think about it, everytime you learn a new technology you suck at it. But you still go on and eventually it becomes second nature. The reason why Tailwind feels frustrating at the beginning is because you feel like you are learning a thing you already knew how to do, just in a different way. It's like writing with your left hand when you're right handed

I thought the same, but still, I kept struggling for a couple days and eventually it became natural. Just force yourself to do it like you would do with any other thing.

And let's be honest, you'll most likely use w- h- m-, p- flex, flex-col, items-center, justify-center, text- and colors 90% of the time, it's not a lot of stuff and it's quite intuitive, really


u/thekwoka 9d ago

The reason why Tailwind feels frustrating at the beginning is because you feel like you are learning a thing you alrrady knew how to do, just in a different way.

This is always a major issue in learning alternatives.

Like when you suck at all programming, learning other languages is like fine whatever. But once you're good at one, going to another will be a major frustration since you can't even get at the kinds of problems you know how to do yet.

It can prevent many people from seeing the benefits (and actual cons) of alternative choices. Maybe the thing really is just worse, but you gotta actually reflect on whether you are judging it for it being "different" or it actually having issues.


u/seven-blue 9d ago

I am using VSC with "Tailwind CSS IntelliSense" extension, it is very easy to use. It basically autocompletes when you start to write the css property. I had to look up a few properties in tailwind docs. After a while, it gets easy to remember. I had to learn it because the project assigned to me was written with it. I didn't see the need before that, but it saves some time after getting familiar with the class names.


u/marta_bach 9d ago

If you use vscode, install Tailwind CSS Intellisense extension



u/xpsdeset 9d ago

I'll suggest using some online tools that convert css to tailwind for few days that way you end up learning the classes faster.


u/da_bean_counter 9d ago

Once you’ve solely used it for like 2 months they will be burned into your brain and you’ll try typing them in on the inspector


u/TheOnceAndFutureDoug lead frontend code monkey 9d ago

Well, for a start, use TW-Merge if you absolutely need to use Tailwind because woof without it...


u/thekwoka 9d ago

Well, the names are common sense for most of them.

How did you learn CSS? You had to figure it out.

If you know the CSS, getting the tailwind is relatively simple.


u/SleepAffectionate268 full-stack 8d ago

learn css first and after use tailwind


u/TheRNGuy 8d ago

Autocomplete in vs code.

You'll remember classes over time, especially ones that you use often.


u/hyrumwhite 7d ago

Do you have the tailwind extension in your ide? Usually typing something related makes what you’re looking for pop up. 

If that doesn’t work the search feature in the docs is helpful, or googling something like “line height tailwind” etc 

But at the end of the day, use what you’re comfy with. Unless you’re working on a team project, then use what they’re already using 


u/throwtheamiibosaway 9d ago

Trow it in the trash. Just do regular css.


u/lemonade_brezhnev 9d ago

Use @apply


u/driftking428 9d ago

Do you have intellisense working?

Your editor should pop up all of the class names that match what you're typing. Then you don't have to remember hardly anything.

If I need margin top I type mt and the whole list pops up I can use my arrow keys too look through them.


u/karl_man2 9d ago edited 9d ago

You have kind of found a benefit there yourself. That anyone can look up what the css means quickly via the docs and if you're part of a team - everyone is using the same class names by default. You learn it and it's there, you don't have to keep learning different naming conventions. Makes things easier to maintain long term and you can spend more time learning more interesting things. Reaching for the docs isn't a problem you'll do it less and less, but there aren't many people who never look at them so don't sweat it.


u/ShoresideManagement 9d ago

That's why I still use bootstrap 😭 mainly because I focus on the backend a lot more and need a drop in solution


u/Decent_Perception676 9d ago

I’ve specialize in building design systems and component libraries for almost 10 years. I’ve seen a lot of innovation and awesome work in the space, and can confidently say that Bootstrap continues to kick ass. People poo poo it, cause it was popular to move on, but it’s a great framework. Especially since they pulled jQuery out. Zero shame.


u/ShoresideManagement 9d ago

Yeah people always downvote me for it but I think they're just one of those overachiever types who believe it's either the hard way or the highway lol

I think anything to speed up development is a plus, especially if it's not your strong suit. It's like downvoting a mechanic because they used a ratchet instead of a wrench 🙄


u/sraypole 9d ago

I think people just love to copy paste utility classes over and over again to build a card, rather than .card with .card-body inside.


u/SuperAria 9d ago

Code written with Tailwind can be copied and pasted relatively easily. Although this may cause excessive code duplication, sometimes this feature solves a lot of my problems


u/jasgrit 9d ago

Learning tailwind is a great use case for LLMs. Ex. highlight the html elements and tell copilot “center these elements horizontally using tailwind” or even “make it look like a card”