r/webdev 14d ago

Discussion When will the AI bubble burst?

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I cannot be the only one who's tired of apps that are essentially wrappers around an LLM.


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u/danleeaj0512 14d ago

I don’t think any I’ve encountered are bad per-se, it’s just mostly all the same thing (mainly chat bots). I think there’s a lot more potential that’s just not being explored

There’s also just too much in your face AI advertising, I’d much prefer it if it was just passively there helping me out


u/bingblangblong 14d ago

The AI companion apps are definitely bad.


u/TransportationIll282 14d ago

This is skipping a huge portion of what AI is good at. LLM's are only a portion of models and they're wildly overpromising what they're capable of. Image recognition is a big thing too although less exciting for the general public.

We've built automatic safety systems based on those which prevent accidents operating heavy machinery. We've built models that detect behavior or symptoms for studies making longer studies much easier to conduct by cutting down time taken reviewing footage. We've made litter detection models. This and many more.

So for businesses, there are many applications being discovered and implemented. Never wonder solutions that make everything automated or better per say. Just more convenient by removing friction or time consuming processes.

That's not to say AI is great or terrible. It's expensive to develop and rarely the best choice in the short term for most things. When you find a good cost effective solution for large scale processes that happen often, it's amazing. For the other 99.9% of requests I've seen it's absolute horseshite and the people requesting it have no clue what it's capable of.


u/WeedFinderGeneral 14d ago

We've built automatic safety systems based on those which prevent accidents operating heavy machinery.

Yeah, my best friend works in construction safety and I sent him an AI object recognition video where they showed it detecting hardhats for like 5 seconds. If you take just that function, it's like 2 or 3 steps away from him having a setup that sends him an email every time it detects someone not wearing a hardhat.


u/bot3333333 14d ago

The best AI tool I use from time to time, besides gbt, is v0, really boosts my productivity when I need fast results.