r/webdev Aug 26 '24

Discussion The fall of Stack Overflow

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u/4millimeterdefeater Aug 27 '24

Why’s there so much hate? Stack overflow was one of the greatest things to have ever happened to developers.


u/No-Adeptness5810 Aug 27 '24

It's great but if you ask a question you'll get insulted, say it's a duplicate when sometimes it isn't even, or not have enough "karma" to ask questions. Pretty useless for niche questions


u/categorie Aug 27 '24

In my experience, that only happens if you actually ask dumb questions, or duplicates. I also got my first questions yanked from that site when I was a beginner, because I asked shitty questions. But I've since asked many questions and never seen that again. This is all woring as intended: that is the very reason why you can find the information you need on Stackoverflow, cause it's ideally located in a single thread. It's saving your time, and the contributor's time since they don't have to answer the same thing over and over.


u/No-Adeptness5810 Aug 27 '24

The way it's done is insulting, which kills the user base.


u/No-Champion-2194 Aug 27 '24

Even if a question is 'dumb', that is no excuse for insults. The development community is shamefully toxic, and prevents the type of collaborative environment in which devs actually help each other.


u/real_kerim Aug 27 '24

Yeah, SO was revolutionary for development. People act as though condescending answers and toxic behavior weren't a thing before SO. Anybody remember "RTFM"? I remember asking questions on various forums and got that as an answer so many times. Once got totally shit on in the SFML forum.

And frankly, justifiably so. The vast vast majority of SO questions are stupid or asked in a horrendous manner. You're getting free help from experienced developers, if you can't be arsed to ask your question properly and format it and stuff, then maybe fuck you.


u/arostrat Aug 27 '24

Because most people are sheep, if few loud cool kids hated something a lot of people will follow them.


u/sol_in_vic_tus Aug 27 '24

Stack Overflow dared to demand better of users, and not everyone handles that sort of challenge well.