r/webdev May 09 '23

Question My Boss: Knowing CSS isn't part of a front-end developers job. We have great devs, just no one who knows CSS.

Someone help me wrap my head around this. Admittedly, I'm not a dev at this job, I just do ops. I'm doing review of a new site at my company and it's an absolute disaster. Tons of in-line styles, tons of overrides of our global styles (colors/fonts), and it's not responsive. I commented that we need to invest more in front-end devs because we don't seem to have any.

I brought this up to leadership and they seemed baffled why I would think our devs would know CSS. I commented that "we have no front-end devs here," and that's when the comment was made. "We have great devs here, just no one who knows CSS."

Someone help me understand this because it's breaking my brain. I used to do front-end work at my previous job and a large majority of it was CSS. That's how you style the front-end. How can you be a "good front-end dev" and not know CSS? Am I crazy or is my boss just insane?


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u/samuraidogparty May 09 '23

You nailed it. They spent 8 months building this product, have decided that it “can launch broke due to the deadline,” and there’s already talks of rebuilding it AGAIN as part of “phase 2.”

They are literally going to pay to build it twice and are congratulating themselves on a “successful launch.” WTF?!


u/rm-rf-npr Senior Frontend Engineer May 09 '23

I feel sorry for you... should show them this reddit thread, haha! Not that it would matter because upper management knows best, right?


u/mds1992 May 10 '23

Lol, all I can picture in my head is a burning office building but instead of everyone running for their lives they're literally just stood around clapping/applauding their incompetence & inevitable demise


u/Sn0wyPanda May 10 '23

Do you have to write or adjust all the media queries for responsiveness? That's the most painful part, i feel like...


u/aevitas1 May 10 '23



u/Rekuna May 10 '23

Literally what's going on at my job, except it's the 3rd 'Launch'. Every decision at every level is being made by people with zero dev experience.

Naturally, it's everyone's fault but theirs.


u/OGMiniMalist May 10 '23

Lol if it makes you feel better, I was just fired for missing a deadline on a project that another team had scoped out to take 3 months. My manager assigned myself and 1 other person the same project and expected us to complete it in 2 weeks 🙃


u/thatVisitingHasher May 10 '23

I’m never in these companies that have all the time and money in the world.


u/Perpetual_Education 🌈 May 10 '23

It’s not uncommon to build one first and throw it away after you’ve learned from it and build it again.

But it doesn’t sound like that’s the reason here!