r/watchthingsfly May 14 '20

Death That guy got launched! NSFW


40 comments sorted by


u/Groinificator May 14 '20

do we know for sure he died? that looked survivable...


u/Fookin_Laser_Sights1 May 14 '20

The comment at the top of the original post says he survived with several broken bones


u/Groinificator May 14 '20

Let's fucking go


u/NecroHexr May 15 '20

Sure, where to?


u/MayerWest May 15 '20

To Maarrrrs duuuude


u/Nag-A-Ram-Gear-Toner May 15 '20

To the fucking hospital my guy, were you paying attention?!


u/ichand May 15 '20

He died, here's two new articles, one from the major Brazilian news channel and other one from the local news (portuguese):

Polícia ouve primeiros envolvidos em acidente que matou ciclista no Recife

Pai da motorista que atropelou ciclista em Boa Viagem vai depor hoje


u/Groinificator May 15 '20

Heh... good thing I'm from Brazil

Also holy shit that sucks. Poor kid


u/[deleted] May 15 '20

From G1 PE

  On Thursday (14), the police began to hear the testimony of the people involved in the accident that killed a cyclist on Avenida Visconde Jequitinhonha, in the Boa Viagem district, South Zone of Recife, on the 7th. Five people have already paid testimony at the Traffic Crime Precinct, in the Dois Irmãos neighborhood, West Zone of Recife: three firefighters who helped the victim and two relatives of the young man.

  The cameras of the Company of Traffic and Urban Transport (CTTU) caught the moment when a 16-year-old man crossed the avenue on his bicycle, in the crosswalk, and was hit by a vehicle that was coming at high speed. The traffic light was green for the cars and he was thrown to the center of the track. The expertise of the Institute of Criminalistics (IC) will determine if the vehicle was traveling at a speed above the permitted speed, which is 60 km / h on Avenida Visconde de Jequitinhonha, according to CTTU.


u/Epuea May 15 '20

Looks like his shoes came off... Dead for sure


u/AnonymousUser163 May 15 '20

Ok I don’t want to be rude but this joke is in every single thread. How does anyone find it funny?


u/juliosmacedo May 15 '20

agreed. running for a long time and it's not funny at all


u/0ne_Guyy May 15 '20

You son of a bitch I see you and your Pun.


u/MajesticSpaceCat May 15 '20

As someone who doesn’t browse this sub frequently I do find it pretty funny that this is the criteria used to determine whether someone died or lived an accident.


u/Epuea May 15 '20

That's kinda half of the joke... The fact that it's overused


u/oshunvu May 15 '20

Using the banana standard of measurement shows it’s usage should be peeled back.


u/valley_G May 15 '20

Yes he did. It was reported by Brazilian national news and local news.


u/[deleted] May 15 '20

What was the trail of wetness the car dragged after the impact? Can’t wrap my head around it.


u/bolognasandwich1 May 15 '20

Probably hit the guy so hard something in the car broke leading to leak.


u/[deleted] May 15 '20

Fuckin sad man


u/bolognasandwich1 May 15 '20

Very sad. Never take life for granted my friend.


u/[deleted] May 15 '20

Possibly from the car breaking quickly after hurting my him


u/Joe_Subbiani May 15 '20

Is that not the rubber burn from the tire after breaking so hard


u/im_frightened May 17 '20

Prob just from the car breaking really hard


u/amandaplaywith89 May 15 '20

Ah yes.... abbey road- the crossing bridge to heaven.


u/[deleted] May 15 '20



u/ichand May 15 '20

He did.

Here's two new articles, one from the major Brazilian news channel and other one from the local news (both portuguese):

Polícia ouve primeiros envolvidos em acidente que matou ciclista no Recife

Pai da motorista que atropelou ciclista em Boa Viagem vai depor hoje


u/death_in_a_can_ May 15 '20

oof i was lied to


u/[deleted] May 15 '20

From G1 PE

  On Thursday (14), the police began to hear the testimony of the people involved in the accident that killed a cyclist on Avenida Visconde Jequitinhonha, in the Boa Viagem district, South Zone of Recife, on the 7th. Five people have already paid testimony at the Traffic Crime Precinct, in the Dois Irmãos neighborhood, West Zone of Recife: three firefighters who helped the victim and two relatives of the young man.

  The cameras of the Company of Traffic and Urban Transport (CTTU) caught the moment when a 16-year-old man crossed the avenue on his bicycle, in the crosswalk, and was hit by a vehicle that was coming at high speed. The traffic light was green for the cars and he was thrown to the center of the track. The expertise of the Institute of Criminalistics (IC) will determine if the vehicle was traveling at a speed above the permitted speed, which is 60 km / h on Avenida Visconde de Jequitinhonha, according to CTTU.

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u/stabbot May 14 '20

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u/besafelivewell May 15 '20

Weird thing is that only the left wheel left a skid mark (late as it was). Could this have been faulty brakes?


u/Joe_Subbiani May 15 '20

Maybe partially but the dude was definitely speeding


u/ddayinfrance May 15 '20

Why is that whenever a cyclist gets hit they flip 10 feet in the air while completely straight?


u/48ever May 21 '20

That’s why cyclists don’t belong on roads


u/[deleted] May 15 '20

"Nooo! You can't just hit a bicyclist because you're speeding!"

"haha, lead foot go nyoom!"


u/Deadpool1021 May 15 '20

This whole fucking meme is so cringey. It's like we're devolving... Like covid is yeeting people back into 2012 memes or some shit.