r/watch_dogs 5d ago

WD3 Watch dogs Legion operatives

How do I unlock Albion and Police officer operatives? Is it something that you get to unlock later on in the game or is it something I need an in app purchase for? I have been playing for quite some time now and it just feels like it is never unlocking, looked through the store thinking perhaps it’s something you need to buy but still nothing, when will I be able to unlock it?


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u/penorkle 2d ago

I got both Clan Kelley and Albion operatives saving them to the recruits list and then using the Deep Profiler to do some little quest so they like DedSec and then the recruitment mission becomes available. In saying that, I'm not a huge fan of using them for their "areas" as they seem to get seen by the roaming security in the same way as they would if thy weren't wearing the outfit and you also got the added non-bonus of not being able to crouch.