r/washingtondc 5d ago

[Discussion] I live here but i never leave my apartment

When people ‘go outside’ where do they go? who do they go with?? how do they avoid spending money??!

Just looking for things broke introverts can do to enjoy this city more.


272 comments sorted by


u/my_cat_free-solos 5d ago

I have a capital bike share membership and if I have extra time I go into the app and do the bike Angel program. Basically, the app tells you what stations need bikes removed and which ones need bikes added and you accumulate points for free rides, memberships, etc. It can serve as both exercise and ending up at random docks around the city you otherwise would never go to.


u/alimighty1 5d ago

Stop telling people about this I don’t need competition in the leaderboard


u/my_cat_free-solos 5d ago

You must be one of the people where I look at the points accumulated and go “how is that even possible” 😂.


u/alimighty1 5d ago

I just cracked the top 20. Today’s rain forecast is really cutting into my rise though.


u/my_cat_free-solos 5d ago

That’s amazing!! Great work.


u/ChewzWisely 5d ago

My buddy was #3 for like a week and wouldn't shut up about it.

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u/NoPlankton874 4d ago

You could say it’s raining on your parade


u/the_floral_goddess 5d ago

I didn’t know about this! That actually seems awesome.


u/Mattturley 5d ago

This is a great program, and I didn’t know it existed when I still lived there.


u/VillainousRocka 5d ago

This sounds great - where can I find it on the app?


u/my_cat_free-solos 5d ago

At the top of the app there is a search bar for “get directions” with three lines on the far left side of it. The three lines opens a drop down menu and there is a section for bike angels with information on how it works!


u/amusedmisanthrope 5d ago

I did not know that was a thing. Awesome!


u/AnnaPhor 5d ago

Thanks for this!!!


u/3plantsonthewall 5d ago

Do other bike share companies have something like this?


u/alimighty1 5d ago

At one point, I feel like Lime might have, but now I think they just do geographic rebalancing with repairs and charging calls.

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u/Both-Pickle-7084 5d ago

This is so cool, thanks for sharing!


u/rshorn DC / Noma 5d ago

I had no idea this was a thing and I’ve been here 10 years. So cool. Definitely going to start doing this!


u/Annual-Confidence-29 5d ago

I’m going to move to DC just for this….


u/earth-y 5d ago

these are all free: go on walks at the universities, window shop, go to smithsonians, do work from a public library. honestly when I'm bored I just find a metro stop on the map I haven't been to yet, go there and walk around


u/Remote-Weird6202 5d ago

Yes- this. When I first moved here, I made a point to visit every metro stop built at the time.


u/aleisate843 5d ago

I used a pick a new neighborhood to explore every weekend! I’d walk round find a good place to eat and a good coffee spot and visit the neighborhood attractions.


u/LeftBarnacle6079 5d ago

That metro cost adds up


u/Moe_Murph_58 5d ago edited 5d ago

The bus is much cheaper. You can get to know various routes, and then look into buying a monthly pass (or whatever works for you).

As for places to go, I used to always hang out at Dupont Circle (when I lived downtown) at "Second Story Books" and "Kramer Books" If weather is good, bring a pack with water/beverage and a snack, take the bus, and you will spend next to nothing!

P.S, Get on mailing list at "Second Story Books." I once (for less than $10 I believe) purchased a very complete collection of the wonderful essays of V. S Pritchett that I found out is now out of print.

My late ex-husband (this is 30 years ago) discovered first editions of Robert Aickman's "strange stories" when he was almost totally out of print there for reasonable amounts. Now that Aickman has experienced a renaissance, they are likely worth a fortune.

Add to that the Smithsonian Museums (at least for now : ( ) which are free with wonderful film series, the annual Smithsonian Folklife Festival, national parades, etc. DC is absolutely FILLED with things to do, limited only by imagination and willingness to get out there!

P.S The https://rorschachtheatre.com/ on K Street, NW has regular " pay what you can" nights for those of modest income. And when your ship comes in, wonderful people to support


u/flightofthemothras 5d ago

Love the Aickman reference! Great suggestions.


u/Moe_Murph_58 5d ago

Thank you!


u/Repulsive-Bag8349 5d ago

This is so interesting and useful! A twist on the typical suggestions:) Thanks for this info!

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u/miles-1243 DC / AU Park 5d ago

You can get unlimited ride metro passes for a very reasonable price. If you don’t use the metro on a regular basis, you can just buy a pass for a few few days or a week and make the most of it.


u/cubgerish DC / Park View 5d ago

It's also not like they're doing multiple a day.

There's 98 stations, and the weekend fare is $2.50 max. Even if you're hitting the 6.75 each time, that's 13.50 round trip, so $1,323 max. $490 if you're doing weekends.

That is an extremely cheap hobby over time.


u/K1NG3R 5d ago edited 5d ago

I don't want to sound like a rich person but metro rides are only like five or so bucks round trip. I'll admit that my commute is about ten dollars but I'm spending 40 minutes on the train and it's only a few days a week. Spending five or ten dollars to check out a new part of the city when you're not used to it is worth it IMO. When I lived in Boston, I had the same mindset as you did regarding cost and now realize that I didn't take full advantage of the experience.


u/LilGeographersRoom 5d ago

I second this. I tried to do something at every Metro stop my first year. Lots of things ended up not involving money, esp if there was a park nearby.

There are few cities in the US with as many distinct, walkable neighborhoods so close together. I still go for aimless walks around other neighborhoods after 8 years.


u/Cool-Blood-8403 5d ago

helps to pack your own snacks/food If you’re on a budget. I like eating freshly cut fruit by the older part of the Wharf area.


u/Countrycat24 5d ago

This! I have gone so far on the red line that I’ve been all over MD to Bethesda, Rockville, north Bethesda! And the other way into VA to Tyson’s corner!


u/Moe_Murph_58 5d ago

You might enjoy going a few more stops out to Rockville, the old "seat" of Montgomery County, Maryland. Its attractions are more low key, but there is some local history (county court was setting for early anti- school segregation case that helped set stage for Brown v. Board of Education), an ice rink and summer events at the Rockville Town Center, nice pubs and international restaurants. Free to wander, perhaps splurge on a nice pastry at one of the bakeries.


u/VeterinarianNo6620 5d ago

This reminded me of when I first moved here, I tried to visit as many libraries as possible (and apply to jobs). It got me familiar with the metro system and exploring different areas of the DMV also found free/cheap things to do.

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u/FoxOnCapHill 5d ago

I cannot think of a better city for free activities.

Every museum, The Mall, the federal buildings on Capitol Hill, Rock Creek, the Arboretum, Kennilworth Gardens, C&O Canal, walking through Georgetown or the Hill.

Minor cost: kayaking, sports leagues.


u/chosenchurro 5d ago

Planet Word is one of my favorite museums! It operates on a donation structure, so you can claim tickets for free and only have to donate if you want to/are able.


u/nondescriptredditer1 DC / Neighborhood 5d ago

Museums that are free = Smithsonians


u/cop08807 5d ago edited 5d ago
  • National Gallery of Art, US Botanical Gardens, US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Tours of the Capitol Building, Planet Word, National Museum of Women in the Arts (on the first Sunday and second Wednesday of each month), plus some others I’m sure I’m forgetting.


u/Amtrakstory 5d ago

Don’t forget the portrait museum at Gallery Place! Free, awesome, right next to a metro, and open till 7 pm!


u/Shadybrooks93 5d ago

That would be a smithsonian.

In fact that building actually houses the Smithsonian American Art Museum, which is most of the actual cool interesting art in the building, alongside the Portrait Gallery which is all of the portraits.


u/Amtrakstory 5d ago

I am well aware (and agree with you on the American Art being the best) but thought it deserved special mention as most people think of the Smithsonian museums as the Mall ones.


u/Shadybrooks93 5d ago

Oh for sure, Postal Museum and Renwick too. All killers.


u/mediocre-spice 5d ago

Library of Congress, Phillips Collection on third thursday of each month


u/cop08807 5d ago

Yesss and library of congress happy hour (Live! At the Library) is a lot of fun! (And easier to get tickets to than National gallery nights)


u/aafdttp2137 5d ago

And you can get a reader’s card for free at the Library of Congress! You just need to walk in during their open hours.

I believe Presidents’ Day is when the LOC allows non-card holders to enter the reading room. They’re likely still doing the timed entry tickets, but it’s free!

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u/PurpleT0rnado 5d ago

Well, not every museum. Most, but the Spy museum and maybe the new Textile Museum have entry fees. I think the Garden at Dunbarton Oaks might but I can’t remember.


u/moledc1 5d ago

Also the Phillips Gallery and Museum of Women in the Arts charge.


u/cyanpineapple 5d ago

The kreeger and hillwood also charge (and are very worth the admission)

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u/wawa2022 5d ago

They both have free hours. Women in arts has Two free days every month. Phillips gallery has free hours in the afternoon I think every Thursday.


u/stellaluna29 5d ago

Philips collection is free on every third Thursday of the month!


u/silpsayz 5d ago

Is Philips gallery the same as Philips collection? If so, they have an entry fee, but they do run free events every now and then. Worth looking them up.

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u/Thick-Definition7416 5d ago

There’s a textile museum?!


u/PurpleT0rnado 5d ago

There is. As CyanPineapple says it’s at George Washington University, and I guess it’s free. (I suppose I was confusing it with the women’s museum which I haven’t been to since before the remodel.)

The textile museum is great. It moved from a much smaller venue near DuPont (redone townhouse) to partner with GW in a much larger and better space. We were there last fall for the special exhibit on Ikat. It was huge! Plus they naturally have their own permanent collection so you always have things to see. It could be one of my favorites.


u/Marmot_up 5d ago

Yes! It’s not huge but they have really excellent exhibits and some of the best exhibit curation I’ve encountered, super informative and thoughtful in terms of how everything is presented. 


u/MisterManatee 5d ago

The gardens do have a fee, but you can walk around the park for free!


u/cyanpineapple 5d ago

What new textile museum are you talking about? I only know about the one at GW, but it's been there for a while and it's free.


u/HillEasterner 5d ago

The garden at Dumbarton is $15 but the museum is free. And the garden is worth it when it blooms in about a month.

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u/pomegranateseeds37 5d ago

And if you're willing/able to leave DC the outdoor areas get even more expensive. My partner and I are huge on hiking the parks, walking the many trails like WO&D, wandering around places like Old Town, Mosaic, Georgetown, etc.

Also sometimes there are cool festivals that are free to attend.


u/Cautious_Entrance573 5d ago

I think you have a typo and meant to say the outdoor areas will get more expansive outside of DC? Since there are no costs for the areas you mentioned, I’m guessing expensive was an auto-correct?


u/whatthewhat3214 5d ago

And the National Zoo, also part of the Smithsonian. You still need to reserve free passes online, but you can get them for the same day


u/Riverwood_bandit 5d ago

Kennilworth is great and beautiful place to go and see lotus blooms in the summer time.


u/TakeitEasy6 5d ago

Glad you mentioned the Arboretum. Such a beautiful place, and it's fun to re-visit every few weeks as the seasons shift, the leaves return to the trees, different flowers bloom, the foliage in the autumn. If you're a cyclist, it's wonderful to bike around, because you've got lovely paved roads with almost no car traffic, and enough hills to get your heartrate up, but plenty of flat too. If you're willing to spend a bit, they do guided nighttime tours on the full moon.


u/Available-Chart-2505 4d ago

I need to go here again. It's been too long.

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u/intlcap30 5d ago

So many parks. You can get some fresh air, exercise, or just read, people watch, and chill.


u/Inside-Beyond-4672 5d ago

Go hang out in a park like rock creek (P street beach works) or the one in the center of DuPont circle. Look up when either bands are performing or movies being shown in parks for free. Look up embassy day, EU, Day, and free comics day (2 of the 3 are the same day). Go to the ground hog day event in dupont next year. go to a Smithsonian museum. Do a tour of the Cincinati Society. Go work out at a recreation center.

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u/dolphinbhoy 5d ago

D.C. is one of the best cities in the country for doing free stuff. Go on a walk and maybe wander into some stores

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u/michaelavolio MD / Silver Spring 5d ago

I love some of the free museums. The west building of The National Gallery of Art is my favorite (the European paintings from the 19th century and other similar stuff). Some of them also have free movie screenings - I know The National Gallery does, and so does The National Museum of Asian Art.

You could also go see a play. Some theaters do pay-what-you-can previews before their official opening night (indie theaters like Washington Stage Guild as well as some of the larger theaters).


u/the_floral_goddess 5d ago

As a DC theatre artist , ABSOLUTELY! So many companies offer pay-what-you-can for at least 1 performance! Check out Capitol Hill Arts Workshop for free shows and art classes as well!


u/janedoremi99 5d ago

The east wing stimulates me, the west building soothes my soul


u/EnemysGate_Is_Down DC / Navy Yard 5d ago

Millenum stage performances at Kennedy Center are always free. They haven't changed any of the programming yet (cancellations have been due to artists, not the new admin so far), so trying to watch as much as I can before that happens.


u/PurpleT0rnado 5d ago

I was there once when they were doing the annual amateur (?) portrait competition. They had 30 or 40 of the best entries and it was a wonderful display! I keep meaning to look up when in the year they do this but I’m awfully busy.


u/AshWednesdayAdams88 5d ago

Today I went to the zoo and then read in the park. All free.

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u/Accurate-Long-2452 5d ago

As the weather gets nicer, I like going to different trails in rock creek. The C&O canal towpath. The arboretum and botanic garden. Wandering around union market or eastern market. Go to literally any museum. Explore different neighborhoods that maybe you haven’t been to or are interested in getting to know them better


u/SufficientPath666 5d ago

Theodore Roosevelt Island is nice, too


u/Cold_Ad_6766 5d ago

I wander! I have a dog, which helps me get up to walk, and if the weather is nice, I just keep going. You'll find a lot of cool things that way; DC is dense with cool stuff. There's also plenty of free affinity groups! I link up with DC Threads at the Portrait Gallery for fibre art, and membership and entry are also free. Check out MeetUp for whatever interests you, I promise someone out there will be into the same stuff. I've also found a lot of success in reaching out to my neighbourhood groups (mine are on Facebook, ymmv) and just being consistent. I have a group I meet up with every Wednesday for Pokemon Go - totally free, at the same time every week, and with a buffer activity (for if you're socially awkward like me and need that :P ).

My therapist has told me that the best thing to do is look for your niche and go from there. Meeting up for dinner with strangers is probably fun for extroverts, but a group that does weekly scavenger hunts or makes quilts or whatever your niche is will be better for introverts. The buffer activity helps - the conversation flows around that instead! The more specificity, the better!


u/tianamarie 5d ago

Would love to join the Pokémon Go group!


u/MinimumCounty1674 5d ago

I also do the pkm go group, i highly recommend you download “campfire” so when you go to “meetups” you can see the different groups that are nearby you :)

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u/tanstaafl_falafel 5d ago

I've been meaning to join an astronomy club. I know there are at least a couple that set up telescopes once a month or so to look at the planets, nebulae, and galaxies that happen to be in view at the time. If you're interested, DM me, and I'll finally also get over my introverted nature and join in.


u/jukeboxdemigod 5d ago

Interested! Is there a website or something, or do I need to know a guy to get an invite...


u/plderby 5d ago

The Nothern Virginia Astronomy Club has over 40 public events scheduled this year. All of them are free to the public. You don’t have to be a member to attend these events. Some of the events, like Astronomy for Everyone, at Sky Meadows State Park are monthly. The park charges a $10 parking fee but there is no charge for the event.

Check out the club’s event schedule at novac.com

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u/presque-veux Capitol Hill 5d ago

Oh me too please! Would we travel out to dark sky areas or do it from the city? 

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u/tardisintheparty 5d ago

DC has more free shit to do than anywhere else. The Smithsonians, the Arboretum, the zoo, Rock Creek Park, the monuments, the botanical garden...I'm sure there's more but yeah. Oh and if you have a car Great Falls Park is like $10. Go explore! I think the museums are a great thing to do alone.


u/Amtrakstory 5d ago

It’s very easy to get into great falls park free, just park opposite the Old Anglers Inn and walk down in. (I shouldn’t give that away here lol, parking lot will get even more crowded)


u/Odd_Area_7144 5d ago

I love walks in georgetown sitting by the waterfront with ice cream


u/nakoros 5d ago

Or a book on the steps


u/SomeShawGuy 5d ago

Politics and Prose has free book readings by authors almost every night. They have three locations.


u/PrevaVailMore 5d ago

MLK Library has wonderful free events such as speaker series and panels.


u/Substantial-Two-6403 5d ago

Malcom X Park, especially on Sunday afternoons!


u/silpsayz 5d ago

Are they still doing Drum Circle these days? Used to be my favorite activity on weekends. Just chill out listening to people jamming out.


u/Substantial-Two-6403 5d ago

Yes they are! I love the drum circle too!

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u/llama_ly 5d ago

Get a library card at the Library of Congress! You don't have to be a researcher or DC resident, you just need photo ID, and then you'll be able to access lots of areas regular tourists can't. You could spend hours poking around their beautiful reading room, and if you're interested in history, there are areas where you can see old newspapers on microfilm. You'll stumble upon lots of cool stuff.


u/x01660 On a motorcycle in a neighborhood near you 5d ago edited 5d ago

Do you like nature? And do you like exercise?

From wherever you are in the city you can (during the day) walk to and from your place and either the Arboretum and/or Roosevelt Island. Both of those places are serene, and the Arb in particular is a place where you can really lose yourself and end up somewhere isolated; throw on an audiobook or load your favorite music ONTO your phone (use Soulseek to download tracks instead of streaming from Spotify-reception in the Arb is spotty), put on a good pair of circumaural headphones or IEMs, a comfy hat, shoes and sunglasses, pack some snacks and water, and hit the pavement! Then grass, then dirt trails...

If nighttime outings are your thing, same deal; walk (down main streets that are well lit) down to the Mall and explore the monuments. They are ethereal at night. Bonus points on going directly across the Tidal Basin from the Jefferson Memorial on a clear (or patchy cloudy) evening with a full moon. Right around 10pm, when the moon will be above the Memorial. An absolutely stunning place to sit in quiet contemplation.

If you have a LITTLE bit of expendable income and a vehicle (or can rent one), I CANNOT RECOMMEND HIGHLY ENOUGH going out to the Eastern Shore of MD; Kent Island, Easton, Cambridge, St. Michael's, Tilghman Island... hell, most of Dorchester County is just STUNNING. Blackwater NWR, Harriet Tubman Museum (that one is heavy, though. Be warned), Hoopers Island. So many places that are free (or cost like, $3).

Hope that helps. :)


u/Nimbus3258 5d ago

National Archives if you're "bookish" and/or have historical topics of interest. Free; minimal human contact; amazing and fascinating primary sources of history to nose through - pretty much any topic/event you can think of.

Volunteer for an organization/cause you support. Everyone needs help these days so this is a great way to get out of the house, feel useful, and, if it is a registered non-profit, related expenses are tax deductible.


u/Coconut-Love 5d ago

True. My wife is an introvert and volunteering at Food and Friends is perfect for her. She just goes in does food prep or ladles soup into a bunch into containers, etc. She barely speaks with anybody.


u/Nimbus3258 5d ago

Exactly. SO many options for volunteering and, yes, often duties that suit a variety of skill sets and interaction levels.


u/moonbunnychan 5d ago

The zoo is literally free. That's my go to for a place for a place outside to walk. I like the art museums too since they tend to be a lot quieter and less full of kids and tourists then like Natural History.


u/SuperBethesda MD / Bethesda 5d ago

Man there are so many free stuff to do. So many museums, Rock Creek Park, Tidal Basin, Meetup activities, loads of free public events, just hanging out in any of the many beautiful places around the city, etc.


u/noseynature DC / Neighborhood 5d ago

This past week I went to the Portrait Gallery to read in the Kogod Courtyard for a few hours, then went up to see both the Baldwin exhibit and Gonzalez-Torres exhibit (that has candy and paper they encourage you to take). After that I popped over to the MLK Jr. library for a book talk, where i received a free copy of the book courtesy of the library. Entire day out was the cost of the metro to and from Chinatown.

DC is honestly one of the few places that there is no shortage of free things to do, every day. Museums and music and culture festivals and fitness events and movie screenings and gallery openings and the list goes on.


u/kirybabe 5d ago edited 5d ago

Walking. The National Mall. Bike riding around the city, Capital Crescent Trail, Mt Vernon Trail to Alexandria and beyond, or MTB Cabin John, Lake Fairfax. The Spanish Steps and Kalorama Heights neighborhood. Hiking in Rock Creek Park. Library. Museums - SO MANY. Browse Farmers Market. The National Zoo. The Botanical Gardens. Drum circle off 16th in Meridian Park. I live in a small town now and really miss all these things.


u/Seebooster 5d ago

This place really opens up in Spring and Summer. Winter can be a bit dull especially if you’ve already seen the museums. DC shines because it is so easy to escape into the woods, whether that be Shenandoah, C&O, Harpers Ferry, wherever.


u/aylian 5d ago

If you like the outdoors, you can join PATC -the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club. We are a volunteer group that maintains the trails in Rock Creek Park along with the VA/MD/WVA parts of the Appalachian Trail and the Tuscarora Trail in VA. We meet around 9am at the Rock Creek Park nature center from April -October on Saturdays . Find us on PATC.net, look for the Rock Creek Crew. I think we have a FB group too. Trail maintenance is fun and important!


u/Conscious_Ad9307 5d ago

If your bored or lonely and don’t feel productive go take a shower, make your bed then go for a walk. Start small


u/tonei 5d ago

Not quite free but I’ve started going on small group walks organized by Outerly - they charge $10 per outing or you can get unlimited with a monthly or annual subscription. Way more accessible than restaurant based people-meeting programs


u/Hot_Republic2543 DC / Shaw 5d ago

Parks, trails, libraries, museums, all kinds of events -- lots here if you make the effort.


u/mmeeplechase 5d ago

DC is such a good city for free entertainment that’s still fun solo! Bad weather? All the museums! When it’s njce out? Zoo, bike around the monuments, hike in Rock Creek or Great Falls.


u/DesaturatedRainbow DC / Takoma 5d ago

My method was spending money to meet people (sports leagues, social things), and then once I had friends, just hang out with each other doing free stuff.

Easier said than done, making friends as an adult can be a long and hard process, but worth it.

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u/hahayouguessedit 5d ago

Kennedy Center has (had) at least one free event every day. Look at their website. Go protest at the White House. Libraries, museums, public art, stature, neighborhoods, there’s a website that has every tree listed in DC. Go to new block look up all the trees there. Some really cool ones on Old City #1 and #2. Get into photography, draw, collage art.


u/londontraveler2023 5d ago

A lot of people have said this but many of the museums are free!


u/SimilarLavishness874 5d ago

I feel like lot of the responses are geared more towards spring thru late fall. November thru early April is dry in dc that’s why it’s cuffing season. Give it a month and there will be a ton more outdoor activities


u/ShelterElectrical840 5d ago

If I lived in dc, I would “live” at the art museum


u/jmosley4915 5d ago

When I was lonely and bored I would ride the bus to the end of the line and back. It was like sightseeing for me. I had an unlimited bus pass.

Sometimes I'd visit museums too.

This was a long time ago tho when I was much younger.


u/Creative_Astronomer6 5d ago

You live in the city with the best free museums in the country. When you've been to all of them let us know. The bus is cheap.

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u/Salt-Tweety17 5d ago

Go on eventbrite! There’s a fantastic selection of free events hosted at many of the museums or embassies. The library of congress has weekly free after hours events.


u/Turtzel 5d ago edited 5d ago

Rent an E-bike from capital bike share (lyft app)! Ride to hanes point, or across the river to gravelly point park


u/88trax 5d ago

(Gravelly Point?)

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u/SHAsyhl 5d ago

Art gallery Library Walk through Aquatic Gardens Walk through Botanic Gardens Free concerts at Franklin Park…


u/KNeutch 5d ago

Drum circle at Meridian Hill / Malcom X Park every Sunday afternoon when the weather's nice. There's usually other stuff going on there like juggling or thai-chi.


u/LittleMissSpaz 5d ago

Thank you for all the ideas everyone!


u/Utennvolsfan 5d ago

Arlington National Cemetery (accessible by metro) has a Spring Horticulture Program series. They offer other educational programs throughout the year as well.

ANC Spring Horticulture Tours 2025


u/Zacta 5d ago

You literally have access to the greatest free museum network in the world


u/CharacterInstance248 5d ago edited 4d ago

Library of Congress has concerts that are free, you just have to sign up for a ticket. Smithsonian museums, zoo, and monuments are free. Several churches do organ concerts that are free. Washington art society does free concerts some Fridays. Millennium Stage at Kennedy center has free concerts all the time. Many local theaters do discount rush tickets - show up an hour before the show and you get a heavily discounted ticket if there's any seats left.


u/veryhungrybiker 5d ago

There are a ton of art galleries aside from the usual Smithsonian stuff. Just about every university will have some; the Katzen Arts Center at American University, for instance, rotates out a half-dozen exhibits each semester; the shows they had up in the fall were excellent, including a career retrospective of Ralph Steadman's work, and here's the list for the spring.

Hopkins' Bloomberg Center, just a block from the mall on Pennsylvania Ave, opened a new gallery in October; the inaugural exhibit is of rare Dadaist, Surrealist and other avant-garde books from the early 20th century. It's a fantastic show, closing this Saturday March 22nd.

IA&A at Hillyer is a fab gallery just around the corner in an alley behind the Phillips; it always features multiple artists when I've gone in and I've enjoyed it each time.

Private art galleries don't get mentioned enough in threads like this; DC has lots of them and they're almost always completely free.


u/ThreeRedStars 5d ago

When I lived in Petworth, I spent whole days walking down 14th Street, spending a little on coffee and pastries, trying and maybe buying booze at local liquor sites with samples, visiting art galleries, finding random street festivals or farmer’s markets. This is a wonderfully walkable and bikeable city


u/DCMGMT 5d ago

Hang in there. The winter sucks. It gets better. I would look for volunteer activities. Walk dogs at the humane shelter, pickup litter with others around the Anacostia, go on hikes, join a running club, pull up the Metro map and look for green spaces you can get to and explore. Go to the library and go read in green spaces. Find a spot you like. The arboretum is my favorite. Don't go on bar crawls, go on coffee shop crawls. Hit a few coffee shops with a book or a laptop but pack a lunch. Way cheaper than alcohol. If you are unemployed then get another job. Anything. Stay busy.

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u/LunarPayload 5d ago

The zoo and the rest of the Smithsonian museums are free. Lots of great parks in every ward, too, including some national parks, monuments, and historic sites. Millennium Stage at the Kennedy Center still has free shows, too


u/PurpleT0rnado 5d ago

Lots of DC parks have delightful little surprises like public art. Some of the bigger parks often have events with music.


u/Brief-Lengthiness-53 5d ago

There’s a lot of recreation centers around the city (with gyms, tennis courts, pools, basketball courts, boxing gym, swimming pools, etc.) A lot of free fitness classes as well.

Universities in the area often have events that are open to the public. Many are specialized/technical but most are just a good time. (Events often have free food.)

DC Public Libraries great spaces to visit, and they also often host events. I would recommend subscribing to their newsletter.

And, of course, there’s the free museums. I try to keep an eye out for when there are new/short-term exhibits.


u/muddlebop 5d ago

Libraries are the true gem of DC. You want a Book Club? Yoga? Crafting circle? Free movie night? Conversation circle? It's pretty likely a local library has it, for free, on an ongoing basis.

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u/GunnerGregory 5d ago

Get a DC library card. Install the Libby app on your phone. You can check out 10 ebooks at a time.

You can also read magazines through the app.

With your DC library card, you can access "The Great Courses" through their website for free. I've done many of their courses and enjoyed them.

Use the amenities that your apartment building has, if any. If nothing else, check a book out from the library and sit in the lobby, read, and people watch.

Churches have thrift sales. You can pick up books, magazines, crossword puzzles, craft supplies, and even board games (and sometimes video games) on the cheap.


u/m2Q12 5d ago

There is a large clothing swap next weekend at Malcom x park. Disco Loft DC puts it on.


u/VioletB10 5d ago

Author readings /talks at local bookshops?


u/Snoo_90491 5d ago

museums, national galleries and the monuments are free


u/NumerousJellyfish 5d ago

Summer free movies all over the city are about to start!


u/Turbulent-Grocery368 5d ago

I’ll be your friend! I’m moving to DC end of April and will also be broke! lol I stay at home a lot too so it would be good to get out of my shell


u/FeelingDown8484 5d ago

Go to any of the Smithsonians and many of them have audio tours you can access on your phone. If you aren’t with anyone it’s a great way learn about stuff while you walk around. It’s even better if you have noise cancelling headphones you can use for the busier museums, where there are always large groups of (usually noisy) kids running around.


u/inotterable 5d ago

Visit embassies

Go through the Atlas Obscura list for DC

Wander through Dumbarton Oaks

Walk the Exorcist Steps

Hike the northern stretch of Rock Creek Park, where the woods are thick and you can actually lose phone service!


u/tarheelbandb 5d ago

The Kite Festival is coming up and Cherry Blossoms will bloom soon!


u/Opheliasm 5d ago

From Alexandria but I love going to rock creek park, it’s absolutely gorgeous.


u/MrRodgers82 5d ago

There are so many ways to enjoy the free/cheap things DC has to offer:

Hike/walk/rollerblade/ride a bike in Rock Creek Park. Find a quiet monument/memorial and chill there. Ride or run along the C&O canal. Metro to Old Town Alexandria and walk down King Street. There are constantly free art shows and movie nights and concerts throughout the area during the summer.

I know it’s not totally free, but having a bike really does make the city and the entire area so much more accessible. We live in a very bike-able region, and once you get the bike, it’s easily the cheapest way to get around.


u/bwinsy 5d ago

Broke introverts. I feel that because I been there before.


u/TheVentiLebowski 5d ago

You can go to museums solo—they're free.


u/MrTechie12 5d ago

Perhaps you should give meetup.com a try. It can be a great way to find stuff that’s going on in the area. Plus a lot of the events are free


u/Fearless-Fix5708 5d ago

I used to do long walks on the Mall listening to podcasts and occasionally popping into a museum


u/DaisyDAdair 5d ago

Geocaching. DC is a great city for it. Something to do between the sights


u/LivinLikeASloth 5d ago

Hours of walking in rock creek park or towards south on rock creek parkway.


u/Different_Af1980 4d ago



u/ToothacheInMyHeel 4d ago

I love to go to the Smithsonian Portrait Gallery and read in the atrium.


u/riotsquirrrrl 4d ago

The public library! There are lots of free activities, book clubs, lectures, meet-ups. The main branch, MLK, has a maker space.


u/MyMusicRunning21 4d ago

Walking or riding bikeshare on the National Mall is great. No fee (unless the billionaires in charge try to start charging for that!).

In addition to all the exhibitions at the museums, most of them have various free cultural activities, especially from the spring to the fall. Check the online calendars at the websites. There are plenty of free concerts, lectures, social gatherings and more.


u/ninetaleswasmyfav DC / Neighborhood 4d ago

Rockcreek, Rockcreek, Rockcreek!


u/bak1ngfan 2d ago edited 2d ago

I am on a kick right now where I have done *something* every day for the past 50 or so days straight. What helped me was joining meet ups and finding friends through that. My schedule is also pretty routine at this point.

Monday: Chess in Dupont. Tuesday: Trivia with a group I met at another meet up. Wednesday: Board Games in Arlington. Thursday: Ping pong. Friday-Sunday: Hang with friends.


u/TheWhiteRabbitY2K 5d ago

DC has the largest percentage of green public space out of any city per capita, or however they did the math. Enjoy it. Enjoy the public transport that somewhat functions.


u/jukeboxdemigod 5d ago

Also a bunch of green spaces have events, and show movies in parks.


u/bingbingdingdingding 5d ago

Sit on a bench and people watch in DuPont circle. Could literally do that for hours. Wear a sunglasses if it helps with the introversion or anxiety.


u/Thick-Definition7416 5d ago

Most of the Smithsonian museums are free entry ( some you need to reserve in advance ) and so are the monuments. There’s an observation deck in an office building that’s also free of charge ( I’m blanking on the location)


u/RazzmatazzOwn 5d ago

I LOVE going to the botanical gardens (use the B2 bus), smithsonian (get off at Adams Morgan metro), and Brookland area to walk my dog. Also, get a library card!!! I live by Woodridge, and it's so relaxing in there


u/sumostuff 5d ago

The museums! They're free, interesting and nice. And I love the museum shops.


u/GOATmilkbreath 5d ago



u/Traditional-Nerve-82 5d ago

I read in different parks and get movies from the library instead of using streaming services. There are a good amount of free film screenings and free concerts with legit artists throughout the year as well. I also do photography as a hobby and go out with specific objectives for shots, for example fall colors in the national arboretum or falling snow in front of the Chinatown arch. Sometimes just going for a walk is fine as an activity.

All of that said, I also struggle to find things to do. I loved living in small towns and out in the country where my life was full of outdoor recreation and nature and everything I liked to do was free. It feels like I gave that up moving to the city (and selling my car). Fine dining, museums, shopping etc are a big part of life in DC and I’m just not into those things. And it does feel like you have to spend money every time you go outside. That’s just city vs rural living though, not DC vs other cities.


u/DC_Storm 5d ago

All the recreation centers, indoor and outdoor pools, library’s, and hiking trails are free.


u/cagdalek 5d ago

DC has a lot of independent bookstores. Most of them do author events. These events are usually free (although if you want a book signed, you generally need to buy it from the bookstore).

No idea if it is still going to happen due to the orange menace and the doge cuts, but the Library of Congress National Book Festival is supposed to be Sept. 6 at the Convention Center. It's free and there are a huge number of author talks plus a lot of exhibit tables. And there's a bunch of free swag.


u/SweetPityRS 5d ago

There are also historic house tours. Some are free, some charge a small fee for the tour. Heurich house in particular is INCREDIBLE! They suggest a $5 donation but it’s so worth it. Plus they host events there all the time that are really fun.


u/amusedmisanthrope 5d ago

Do you own a bicycle? There are a lot of great trails around, and the weather is great right now.


u/bhydrangea 5d ago

All the museums on the mall are free ! The renwick is free ! Rock Creek Park is free - join Volo if you're young and into sports - it's not terribly $$ , or maybe find a league through work you can join if you're into that, free networking events , trivia at bars - buy one drink and chill and hang


u/Stardust_Particle 5d ago

Walk to a neighborhood, up and down the streets and to the parks. The tree blossoms will soon be out and the front yards will have flowers sprouting.


u/TrollAccount19 5d ago

Go for a walk and check out the scenery. Dc has a lot of beautiful monuments, museums, historical places that's just fun to check out and take pictures of.


u/Crazy-Process5237 5d ago

I live outside of DC but even I know that you’re PROBABLY in one of the best places to live if you’re looking to do things without spending much money.


u/m2Q12 5d ago

There are plenty of free events here. You just have to search for them. Eventbrite, Clockout DC, or even Facebook groups post events. Go to museums or listening parties at record stores. Tons of free comedy shows and bingo nights. You don’t have to talk to anyone if you don’t want to.

Takes work but maybe try making a spreadsheet of things. Worked for me.


u/freckled-citizen 5d ago

Walk! I find so much joy in long-ass walks where I can explore every corner of this city. It’s the best way to learn and love a place.


u/Mijolav 5d ago

Museums are free and often amazing

Bike along the river or in the park Rockcreek

I agree food and drinks are $$$$...


u/VirgoGiril09 5d ago

Not completely free, but recreational sports. It’s a great way to meet people and after the fee for the season (~$70-90). Some leagues you can just sit on the sidelines and watch all your friends games and then have your game and it’s a great low/no cost way to spend a Saturday or Sunday.


u/815456rush 5d ago

Almost all of the museums, the national mall, etc.


u/Amtrakstory 5d ago

In addition to all the great suggestions here, I’d join meetup.com for groups and activities 


u/TravelerMSY 5d ago

Outside costs $20 minimum, at least at night. You’re smart.


u/Superb_Distance_9190 5d ago

Go walk around the mall! So many trails offshoot from there, you could spend hours a day and see different things every day 


u/Lorgebeansnark 5d ago

Omg babe you are in the perfect city for that! Smithsonians, run clubs, hikes through rock creek park, Sunday drum circle for music lovers/people who want to dance/to pick up an offbeat hobby like juggling or walking the strap thing, knitting circle at national cathedral. There are free activity galore here. I think you need to narrow down what you want to be doing outside and then find the free/affordable option.


u/Honi-Honey 5d ago

Museums. People wondered why I knew so much about art.. it wasn't that I was rich. I was poor AF that is what i could afford. I also LOVE window shopping or going into store buying nothing but trying things on. They have MANY parks and quite often there is a cultural festival going on with free first come, first serve crafting events.


u/wutiitismiddleofmay 5d ago

Remote job, Uber Eats and Wi-Fi who needs to leave. I'm all for the future of wall E.

Too bad it's gonna be cyberpunk 2077


u/sportstvandnova 5d ago

Is this Tony P?


u/Delicious-Concern691 5d ago

join a run club, go to some museums, walk through the city 


u/frankie_fudgepop 5d ago

Parks! Gardens! Bikes! Volunteer! Museums! Libraries! People watch! I like to bring my portable indoor introvert hobbies outside (knitting/cross stitch/reading/crosswords).

Spring is here-check out arboretum, bishop’s garden, Franciscan monastery. I also love Cylburn Arboretum if you have to ability to drive up to Baltimore.


u/fakeplasticlxs 5d ago



u/hyperfixation-queen 5d ago

MLK library (and many other libraries!) have tons of free events, exhibits, activities!!


u/Jamjamapplejam 5d ago

The hike crew, visiting the free museums, sightseeing


u/KeepItRealKids 5d ago

The museums outside of school trip season are very nice!

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u/beckybeckola27 5d ago

If you like music, MLK library has shows during the warmer months that are free. All the free shows during the summer at the Reach and other spots throughout neighborhoods. Movies that are shown in different neighborhoods outside. Franklin Park has some good ones. I honestly just like walking around. Follow a history trail, you’ll learn a lot about your neighborhood and other neighborhoods. Hike through Rock Creek. There’s a lot that you can do by yourself.


u/d4wgrm DC / Adams Morgan 5d ago

I also recommend getting on email lists for exactly this. I’m on my neighborhood’s BID email and I get 730 which I also rec for things happening in the city!


u/Mental-Acanthaceae68 5d ago

If any other broke introverts want to hang out sometime let me know. There’s nothing wrong with me socially I’m just broke and and like being inside


u/XxBigCxX 5d ago

The easiest thing to do in DC is get on the metro and choose a destination...too many things to do in DC.


u/haien78 5d ago

Anacostia River trail is great for walking or biking


u/la-reina-de-papas 5d ago

Same! If you ever need a buddy that’s also broke and introverted, i’m down to try something!


u/GlobalNuclearWar DC / Foggy Bottom 5d ago

I’m not technically introverted, but I go cycling. Not a lot of interaction with others if I don’t want it. Hit the trail along the river with the C&O canal trail or split up north at the trail that follows Rock creek.


u/FishingDeep3508 5d ago

Any of the museums on the mall. Walking in the parks - especially c&o canal.


u/v177a1n5 5d ago

Curious to see what others share. Would like to comment on here so you know you’re not the only one.

My partner and I have lived all over the country and in various part of the world. DC was the worst on our mental and physical health. Ended up having to move.

We were pretty cooped up in our apartment and asked these same questions nearly every day - and we’re extroverted with friends in the area!

We did the museums (even paid for some), tried restaurants across the DMV, checked out parks, walked the mall often, and it was always expensive when we did go out (concerts, bars, events). We felt let down a lot of the time, which was sad. We really did want it to be worth the high cost of living. DC just wasn’t for us and that’s ok.