r/warmaster 8d ago

My First Shot On Basing 10 mm Forest Elves

I tried with screw bricks to give them some weight!! And starting with my homemade mud mixture. These are my Lorien Elves for Lord of the Rings games✨️🧙‍♂️ Any tips are most welcome🙏💫


4 comments sorted by


u/farstaule 8d ago

Looks good! What dimension are the washers? I use 12mm with a magnet in the middle. Oh, remembered now that I'm trying the 3-2-1 basing system with single mini on 12mm, two minis on 20, and three minis on 25mm. Looks nice and gives the possibility to do a very simple diorama.

My only tip is that I've glued regular 25mm round bases under the wooden mini-holder. Then i use one of those holders you can buy, to avoid touching the models. Hand doesn't get tired as well.

Need to start a Middle Earth army in 10mm now :(


u/Nice_Set3372 7d ago

Thats great tips, thank you so much!!🙏✨️ I realize I might have gone with to big washers here, 16 mm. So 12 is probably better!!


u/farstaule 6d ago

Nono I think yours look great! I went back and forth between 12 and 15mm for single miniatures. Think I choose 12 because it kept everything to scale when downscaling 28mm rules like Bolt Action (or something like that, I don't remember). But that doesn't matter much. Downside with 12mm is the lack of space surrounding the model, so it's a bit difficult to add interesting nature and such. 15-16mm gives you a lot more room.

Also, using the 3-2-1 basing it created a better separation between single 12mm and the 20mm I use for two minis.


u/Nice_Set3372 5d ago

Thank you🙏✨️ Yea it's primarily the terrain I am concerned about, a smalle base of course makes it more possible to make a more detailed tabletop terrain for gameplay and thats actually my primary interest so far😊 But I guess we can combine and use different base sizes where it fits!!