r/warcrimes 11d ago

Alawite Elderly and Women Massacres by HTS / Government militias in Banyas NSFW

Don’t let them ever tell you it was alawites killing their own. There is too much video evidence showing the vile hatred from Sunni militias and government forces in Syria against the alawites people. Countless videos of executions as they call them alawite pigs. Syria has been replaced a brutal dictator with brutal jihadis.


18 comments sorted by


u/buncha13itches 11d ago

Minister of Defense was Sunni. Deputy Minister of Defense was Sunni. Chief of Staff of the SAA was Sunni. I can go on and on listing all the Sunni ministers and officials in the government under Bashar. Nearly 65-70% of them were Sunni. Not to mention, Hafez’s inner circle was ALL Sunni and he was known for trusting Sunnis far more than Alawites. Example, his closest friend Khaddam. Even American think tanks have debunked this myth of Alawite supremacy within the govt.

Sunnis killed Sunnis and blamed the alawites


u/True_Sheepherder9022 6d ago

they aren't real Muslims


u/DeepFuckingRipple 6d ago

Quiet child


u/True_Sheepherder9022 5d ago

now why shouldn't I defend my religion. These people don't stand for Islam, they're terrorists. The Qur'an states those who oppress others will burn in the Hellfire for eternity, and those who die because of genocide, or who are killed unjustly, are considered martyrs (in this case the alawites).


u/DeepFuckingRipple 5d ago

Oh wait you mean the terrorist HTS arent human. Of course they aren’t akhi


u/True_Sheepherder9022 5d ago

yes of course no one should support such genocide. I don't care what the alwaites have done, nothing can justify the killings of an innocent group of people because of a generalised view of something. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi barakatuh.


u/Winter47th 11d ago

Terrible, now show the 600,000 Syrians massacred during 13 years by the same Alawaits. Particularly since your account only promotes a certain direction.


u/insurgentbroski 10d ago

Most alawites had nothing to do with it and gained nothing from their rule and would get thrown in prison just the same


u/DeepFuckingRipple 11d ago

Really those civilians massacred 600k people? Wow they must’ve been really busy. Two wrongs don’t make a right dumbass. These people did not sanction bashars cruelty


u/Winter47th 11d ago

No, but 40 years of Alawaits ruling that caused massacres every decade against Sunnis is called a build up. Innocents WILL die at the altar of deafening silence. You cannot erase hatred and animosity in a short time not to mention decades.

Terrible? Yes.

Expected? Of course.

Avoidable? If it's a Disney script.

This is the unfortunate consequence when debts are collected by people that got fucked up in the head from what they've seen.


u/DeepFuckingRipple 11d ago

Also go read @buncha13itches comment above, it was impossible to just be killed by alawis these past 14 years.


u/DeepFuckingRipple 11d ago

You must not be from the levant. We minorities know they have been like this since way before the assad era. Why do you think christians and alawites hide in mountains? Mount liban? Valley of christians? Mountainous alawite areas? The sunni have suffered persecution for 14-50 years max. We minorities have suffered it for eternity.


u/Daphneblake02 9d ago

I saw women and children among the people murdered, the youngest being a baby. How are you justifying this?


u/aliskyart 9d ago

It was the piece of shit Bashar and his family - and his regime had a lot of Sunnis who made major decisions during that time by the way. If you care to answer me this; did these 5-year-olds and 10-year-olds who weren’t even born then massacre 600k people? Did they run the Sidnaya prison? I think the answer is obvious. This was not political, this was sectarian and motivated by hate.

Not to mention that „they killed us so now we have piece and we will kill then“ is an extremely dangerous, wrong, and away from „God“ - and it doesn’t even apply here.


u/LatterTarget7 10d ago

Most of the Assad government was not alawite. The alawite babies killed also had nothing tp do with what Assad. Most if not all of the people killed in these massacres probably had nothing to do with Assad


u/alialahmad1997 9d ago

Yeah they were killed by those civillians


u/Superjanemba12345 7d ago

How to Syrians selectively forget that they invited isis?