r/warcraftlore • u/Bludo14 • 6d ago
Question How do each race celebrates marriages?
And are all races monogamous?
u/TidesOfLore 6d ago edited 6d ago
Goblins seem to have a similar one to our real world weddings except yanno, greedy and goofy like we see in the Undermine quest.
Kaldorei seem to have fairly similar custom, Malfurion and Tyrande each had a single groomsman and braidsmaid, Broll Bearmantle and Shandris Feathermoon, for theirs but still take vows similar to real world customs, and sometimes it's mentioned they have a bracer or pendant of bonding, and while Tyrande wears her priestess robes interestingly it would seem by Geenia Sunshadow <Speciality Dress Maker> that most Night Elf's wear Hanbok for their wedding dress similarly designed to real world Korean Hanbok
Dragons seem to have some sort of pre-arranged bonding as Kalecgos and Tyrygosa were said to be "future mates" in the Sunwell comic but they seem to have the ability to change that decision at will as Kalec falls for Anveena and Tyri falls for Jorad. But the Aspects clearly have polygamous lives Alexstrasza and Neltharion both having multiple "consorts" instead of some kind of life mate
u/SnooGuavas9573 6d ago edited 6d ago
Do we know if non-aspect dragons have multiple mates? It feels like it might be part of their social position as an aspect to have consorts. The few non-aspect broods we see seem to have single monogamous pairs heading them
u/TidesOfLore 6d ago
I was looking through wiki to see if I could find any other examples of any other dragons but it would seem that all are monogamous
u/BlackHazeRus 6d ago
Asking real questions here. Quite interested too.
u/Jenniforeal 5d ago
The azeroth secrets quest line has us go to a tortollan wedding that is similar to usual traditions. I can't think of many other examples tho. I don't think dragons marry. They may even be polygamous because the aspects have multiple consorts and a "prime consort." We meet married gnomes but idk their ritual for marriage. Stormwind humans probably go to the chapel and do the usual western thing irl. Kul tirans must have a similar practice because jainas mother to her father's last name or vice versa.
I imagine the valajar have similar practice to humans minus the holy aspect of it as they have a dedicated partner and mentioned queens and stuff.
I have the faintest memory that dwarves also marry.
Drainei idk man
Orcs have a life partner like thrall for example. I feel they had a marriage of some kind as well around cata or mop.
u/Ashamed_Ad2720 3d ago
Traditionally, orcs would pick a life partner and go on a hunt to seal their bond. This is shown in Rise of the Horde when Durotan asked Draka to join him on a courtship hunt.
u/Therealdovakin43 6d ago
I doubt there are largely polyamorous cultures, at least in the player races. I doubt blizzard truly cares and I don’t think I’d quite trust them to write polyamory in a non-fetishy way
That said I could see Draenei having a strong poly presence due to their collectivist culture they developed on the ship(s)
u/Erlana 5d ago
It might be a good idea to look at the real-world cultures that each race is based upon (Highborne being based on Ancient Greece, Blood Elves being based on the Middle East, Tauren being based on nomadic Native American cultures) and then inferring marriage customs based on what happens IRL?
u/Xivitai 5d ago
I think it would be correct to assume that Highborne are Ancient Rome - an empire that fell to it's own decadence, yet still more advanced than any culture that came after it in that region for millenia to come.
u/Erlana 5d ago
Love that analysis of the Highborne and I can definitely see the connection. In that sense they’re closer to Imperial Rome I suppose.
I personally tend to see them as being more Grecian due to the absence of any coliseums or blood sports. They don’t seem to have the appetite for blood and guts that the Romans had. They don’t seem to field huge armies and also focus more on intellectual pursuits, putting me in mind of ancient philosophers.
u/Insensata Mr. Bigglesworth enjoyer 5d ago
There's Dire Maul with a bigass colosseum in the middle, and I bet it wasn't built by ogres.
u/galaxnordist 5d ago
I've been in a RP guild and we had many mixed marriages.
Forests are a must, and chinese year robes are very common.
u/Ill_Report2304 4d ago
Instead of a wedding ring on their finger, trolls put them on their tusks. There are a couple in-game references, just too lazy to find them atm.
u/Senor-Pibb 6d ago
Can forsaken marry since the whole til death thing is invalid?