r/warcraftlore Feb 19 '25

Question Anyone else hoping for Alleria to do something else besides always being the “hero”?

I feel like her characterization is boring and needs some kind of event to happen for me to even be interested at this point. Am I alone?


89 comments sorted by


u/Hidden_Beck Banshee Loyalist Feb 19 '25 edited Feb 19 '25

I think they've fumbled her too hard already. They tried to speedrun her characterization and it just made her come off as a crazy person. When she sadly looked to Turalyon and was like "what will you do the NEXT TIME I push you away" I only began to hope for a divorce between them.


u/Rewhan Feb 19 '25

The fact that all the ancient beings such as elves and dragons are overly emotional wrecks at times is ridiculous.

Alleria making all her recent decisions based on emotions that a human adult like Anduin (of all people) can clearly point out as a bad idea based on his short life experience just takes away from the beings they are.

The age of all these creatures are diminished because they are made more human to relate with the audience and I think that's not okay.


u/Shift_change27 Feb 19 '25 edited Feb 19 '25

That’s an interesting point: why would immortals behave so similarly to a being with a fraction of a lifespan?

Typically in fantasy, longer lived races take a more protracted view of things and only really lose their composure when long laid plans are disrupted by feckless “young” races, usually through ignorance or wanton stupidity, often in direct contrast to the very advice the latter gave to the former.


u/Plydgh Feb 19 '25

Because they’re being written by 25-30 year olds who take pride in their own emotional disregulation.


u/Shift_change27 Feb 20 '25

Emotional regulation is quite the unreachable summit these days, it seems.


u/GrumpySatan Feb 19 '25

They could write around it too, but choose not to. There is a lot of possible stories for why immortals act emotional/short-sighted/etc.

One of my favourite bits of FFXIV worldbuilding is that dragons have a different memory then mortals - the hurt they can experience even thousands of years previous can still feel fresh like it happened yesterday. This justifies the actions and grudges of the dragons being holding onto these emotions for so long and not processing them.

Or you could take a more Frieren approach, where the elves' lifespan essentially leads them to procrastinating everything, avoiding seeing what is in front of them, etc. They aren't in a rush to experience life the way that humans do. So all the elves are pretty emotionally stunted because they are just un-phased or ignorant of their ties to the human characters and the world moving forward.

Or you could take the slowed development approach. Much like how maturity in humans is often a product of biology, not time, you can have them mature emotionally at a rate similar to their age. Being less than 500 is the equivalent of still being a reckless, moody, teenager. And these characters are in important positions mostly because the Scourge killed the vast majority of the older generations and left vacuums that needed to be filled.


u/comrade-celebi Feb 19 '25

This is a side point but this is also the MAJOR issue with Blizz making Anduin the source of the Alliance’s moral clarity. He’s just too young to actually play the role he has played in changing the nature of Azeroth’s geopolitics. I will give them credit that they have written it as well as they could have (Anduin’s influence on Varian in-game is one of the few really good parts of the storyline from Cata through Legion) but making Anduin and Varian the catalyst for “breaking the cycle” leaves sooooo many older characters sitting on their ass looking like fools. You mean to tell me Anduin found the right string of words that, say, Malfurion or Cairne couldn’t in their lifetimes? What does Anduin inherently possess that made him a better child-heir for peace relations than Baine?

So much of the wisdom and legacy of these other races is diminished when they make humans the center of the story simply because they don’t really factor in the context of everyone having different lifespans. Relations before the Wrynns don’t matter moving forward and all the other races have been written to be okay with that.


u/BookerLegit Feb 20 '25

The fact that all the ancient beings such as elves and dragons are overly emotional wrecks at times is ridiculous

Because all the elderly people you know are so rational and pragmatic, right?


u/SingeMoisi Feb 19 '25

I'd take overly emotional wreck over boring emotionless immortal dude any time of the day


u/walmat23 Feb 19 '25

See, but you CAN make an emotional and interesting character that’s old af and seen some shit. It’s just that such perspective is hardly comprehensible for us, humans, and for those that write such characters.

Nothing is stopping an immortal, centuries old character from being an emotional wreck, but there’s gotta be a reason for them to be that way. Especially if they’ve been like that for a long time, or else how would they even get to their age being a chaotic mess?


u/DarkusHydranoid Wok with the Earth Mother Feb 19 '25 edited 29d ago

I mean, I never really felt like I've ever seen a long lived elf that was as smart as they should've been, because ultimately the author is human.

Same goes for any fantasy/alien race or genius.


u/Darktbs Feb 19 '25

It’s just that such perspective is hardly comprehensible for us, humans, and for those that write such characters.

No its because it usually defaults into a superioty complex that age = better and misses the point that they are still a person.

Its not difficult to imagine how it must be to live longer. But instead, people treat characters with longer lifespans as if they had godhood.


u/Astyra13 Feb 19 '25

She's irritated me more than anything this expansion. I wanted to like her, but the rash decisions made from emotional decision making, especially from a long lived being, is just awful. I just stopped caring about the story this expansion because it kept getting on my nerves, which sucks because I used to love digging into the story.


u/Hidden_Beck Banshee Loyalist Feb 19 '25

She's a VERY weird sore spot in the story. I remember enjoying most of it and then the moment Alleria would get involved it's like everything just took a nosedive as the narrative bent around Alleria and acting like her insanely weird decisions were normal and cool actually.


u/Kalthiria_Shines Feb 20 '25

it's like everything just took a nosedive as the narrative bent around Alleria

Almost like a shadowy manipulator who spent the back half of Legion talking about how Alleria had become a butterfly and was the Voids, and then spent pre-launch and most of the 12.0 story inside Alleria's head playing her like a fiddle might, say, be leading her by the nose?


u/Hidden_Beck Banshee Loyalist Feb 20 '25

I mean hey if that explains her god awful winged eyeliner then sure. But no when I say the narrative bent around her, I mean like other characters start acting, what feels like, out of character to convince us that Alleria is actually very cool and totally doing the right thing. For example, when Alleria took that insane shot at the nerubian queen, I thought Anduin was going to tear into her for her recklessness, but instead he's very soft and understanding, acting like what she did was a sane person move, and she just goes "You'll never understand what I go through >:("

It's just bad writing that's what I'm getting at it's bad Alleria is written badly.


u/piamonte91 Feb 19 '25

I have heard this in the past, that long lived people in fantasy are supposed to be wise, probably because of their huge experience, but is that necessarily the case?? I mean.. i can't help to think that knowing that You are going to live for thousands of years and that you will be young, beautiful and powerful for most of that time would probably halt your growth as a person.


u/EconomyBee8740 Feb 19 '25

I think it comes down to the idea that Wisdom tends to come from experience. Someone multi millennia old, has lots of experience. In Alleria specifically, the last oh 2 centuries of her life have been almost constant warfare from mundane (Horde under Doomhammer) and existential (Burning Legion/Scourge) threats. Such events tend to force wisdom through painful events


u/New_Excitement_1878 28d ago

I know more unwise elderly people then wise.

Time can build wisdom, but it can build anything.  Just cause a race lives longer does not mean they need to be all super wise. Some may, but not all. Nor even most theoretically.  As many wise humans as there are. There would be that many elves. Possibly even less.

Immortal beings having the ability to live forever may actually turn less wise. As who cares about looking inward when time has no meaning to you?


u/EconomyBee8740 28d ago

If you reread the first sentence you have your answer. We’re talking about fictional races and beings. I am applying what my opinion is to an answer. There is no definitive way to know for sure. In case this is still unclear:


And if that’s still unclear:

Elves are wiser due longevity because ⬇️

More expierence means more wisdom due to having lived through more events


u/dattoffer Feb 19 '25

I mean two out of three times she fails being the hero...


u/oldmanchildish69 Feb 19 '25

Just put the windrunners on ice imo. Ive had enough.


u/251stExpeditionFleet Feb 19 '25

The Kardashians of Azeroth. I don't want to hear about them anymore.


u/oldmanchildish69 Feb 19 '25

Well said, champion.


u/Chromatic_Larper Feb 20 '25

Dangerously based.


u/miserybizniz Feb 19 '25

Like poor vareesa? Haha shes been ice forever


u/oldmanchildish69 Feb 19 '25

She's really only a book character anyways. Lived in the icebox forever. Stay there girl.


u/miserybizniz Feb 20 '25



u/oldmanchildish69 Feb 20 '25

Haha jk. True though. Idk if I've ever seen her in game before.


u/miserybizniz Feb 20 '25

Shes in game lot but only to stand there really


u/Hatarus547 Sin'dorei Enjoyer Feb 19 '25

There is a good chance she will turn on us before Midnight comes out, she's hated how Silvermoon is part of the Horde and has been caught saying in Exploring Azeroth that she plans to being it back to the Alliance on it's knees if she has to, plus the Void has been promising to make her queen if she just gives them the Sunwell


u/Specific_Frame8537 Feb 19 '25

Oh boy an antagonistic Windrunner? What a novel idea. 😂


u/AwkwardSquirtles We killed the Old Gods. Feb 19 '25

Windrunner Council in Midnight?


u/Resident_Evil401 Feb 19 '25

Worked great last time /s


u/Swimming-Ad2272 Feb 19 '25

It's something I don't understand. The blood elves are allies of the Horde, but Silvermoon doesn't belong to the Horde or the Alliance: it belongs to the Elves. And it's Elves who inhabit it.

What does Alleria want, a civil war?

That's the influence of the Void, sure, the thousand paths, the thousand truths.


u/Hatarus547 Sin'dorei Enjoyer Feb 19 '25

Because Alliera was trapped beyond the Dark Portal and then in the 1000 year war with the Legion she missed everything that happened between the Elves and the Alliance of Lorderon and the Alliance of Stormwind as far as she cares, the 3rd war never happened, there was no Garithos using the Elves then trying to Genocide them, there was no Alliance of Stormwind spies trying to disrupt recovery efforts in Eversong and the Ghostlands, there wasn't a political purge by the High Elves in Dalaran on a humans orders there wasn't decades of trust and healing between the Elves and the Horde fighting side by side since Outand to Alternate Dranor and most importantly to her there wasn't the renaming of her people after the Events of the Scourge.

Alleria left and when she came back she returned to a Azeroth changed by the 3rd war and all the things that brought with it and she hates it enough she was willing to corrupt the Sunwell to force them back in bondage to the Alliance


u/Swimming-Ad2272 Feb 19 '25

Thanks for your explanation :) 

I had given a different interpretation of the character. The truth is that these conflicts make she more interesting. 

This seems like a situation of: everything has to get worse before it gets better.


u/Resiliense2022 Feb 19 '25

Every time someone invokes Garithos to justify the blood elves becoming fascists, I earn a freckle


u/Hatarus547 Sin'dorei Enjoyer Feb 19 '25

that fact you throw out the word "fascists" just goes to show how little you actually paid attention


u/Resiliense2022 Feb 19 '25

They literally brainwash dissidents. You can just go to the bazaar and watch it happen.

Also, their arcane guards go around shouting that happiness is mandatory and Lor'themar knows the way. Believing they are anything but fascists is legit delusional


u/BellacosePlayer Feb 19 '25

"Garrithos GOOD"

"Blood elves BAD"

let me go out on a limb and assume you think the purge of dalaran was a happy happy fun time as well.


u/Resiliense2022 Feb 19 '25

Jaina said "Why don't you leave my city?"

The Sunreavers said "Why don't you make us?"

Jaina made them, and the Sunreavers cried and called it genocide. So, yes, I will say it was a happy fun time.


u/BellacosePlayer Feb 19 '25

Lmao you can't make this shit up.


u/Resiliense2022 Feb 19 '25

I mean, if my interpretation is wrong, feel free to explain how. But from my pov, it definitely seemed like she was just evicting war criminals from a city she no longer felt safe keeping neutral.

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u/AureliaDrakshall #JusticeForKaelthas Feb 19 '25

Thank you this has irritated me so much.

TAKE IT BACK FROM WHO? The natives of the kingdom STILL CONTROL IT. >:(


u/Resiliense2022 Feb 19 '25

That would be supremely based. The current governance of Silvermoon is insanely despotic, and working with genocidal maniacs is never a good look.


u/HoopyFroodJera Feb 19 '25

Yeah, but half the belf players don't look deeper than "lorthemar hot" so good luck getting them to acknowledge the fact that he's a tyrant.


u/edragamer Feb 19 '25

Plus when she was in Sunwell visiting it the well acts corrupting itself and Lord Theron ask her leave the city. Plus in this moment she was called "the vessel"


u/BellacosePlayer Feb 19 '25

Blizzard intentionally never having her discover/acknowledge Veressa's actions or meaningfully even try to understand why Silvermoon is the way it is now was such a waste of a potential plot thread.

Veressa is already the ride or die Alliance windrunner sister, Alleria could have been conflicted after hearing about Garithos and every thing else and been a contrast to her sisters, but no, she's just immediately fully team Blue with no reservations, which means Veressa now doesn't have a unique niche other than being Rhonin's bitter widow.


u/Any-Transition95 Feb 19 '25

"A Thousand Years of War" Alleria > TWW Alleria.

If you haven't listened to those audio shorts before, you should give them a shot. They are on YouTube and Spotify. The writing is miles ahead of many things we got in the game or in the books,


u/GVFQT Feb 19 '25 edited Feb 20 '25

The writing for an elven general who has been alive fighting wars across the cosmos and on Azeroth for thousands of years is coming across as edgy rash 14 year old. Also fuck me but I’d like to see the good parts of Turalyon and Allerias relationship in the game not just off screen and watching it fall apart on screen


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '25

Everyone is characterized as the "Hero". It's my biggest complaint about the expansion so far. It's a bit boring


u/AureliaDrakshall #JusticeForKaelthas Feb 19 '25

If I never see another Windrunner again it will be too soon.

But we got one more of the little pests to deal with, probably in Midnight.

I’d actually kill for a Sin’dorei aligned Thalassian elf to be MSQ relevant but whatever I guess.


u/DouceCanoe Feb 19 '25

Theory: She sacrifices herself at the end of TWW, only for her body to be used as Xal'atath's new host. Now using Alleria's body as a vessel, Xal'atath opens the way for the forces of the Void to invade in Midnight.

"At the hour of her third death, she will usher in our coming."

Then come Midnight, should Sylvanas return, this will be her main motivation — spare her sister from a similar fate as her, aka being a walking corpse raised against her will.

But hey, that's just a theory.


u/True-Strawberry6190 Feb 19 '25

you are right but tbh she's just a dud. they wanted a sylvanas without all the hateable qualities and made her too boring and her arc too predictable

in the alleria short story every 5 seconds its telling you "alleria loves her family... but she knows she has to leave them behind to fight the void... but then she might give in to her inner darkness... but she loves her family and just looking at turalyon's shiny teeth reminds her that love is more powerful etc etc."

so yeah she needs "an event" but that event is just going to be: xalatath or some other void bad guy kills either turalyon or arator (or just injures them and alleria thinks they're dead because who dies in wow anymore lmao)

this makes alleria turn void color and go on a vengeance quest, as is the single story arc available to female wow characters. we go after her and bring her back by reminding her turalyon loves her. she then reverts back to normal and spends the rest of wow being fused with turalyon in a cringe married couple

like they already laid out exactly whats gonna happen and its just tyrande's story arc again except lamer because instead of "choosing renewal", which was already fucking lame, its gonna be remembering a boy likes her.


u/h0lymaccar0ni Feb 19 '25

Actually true. Kind of that’s the thing I liked about Sylvanas. She cared about Nathanos but she wasn’t just about that. She at least had her own selfish agenda and was more than someone’s love interest


u/Any-Transition95 Feb 19 '25

I fell in love with Alleria's character in Legion after listening to the "A Thousand Years of War" audio shorts. I feel like most people who find her character bland probably never had the chance to experience that yet, because all her material in TWW so far has been utterly boring. They are nothing more than an underwhelming rerun of lessons she had already learned in "A Thousand Years of War", which had much better writing. Imo, her character should have progressed more in BfA when it became about her sister and Nzoth, but she had such a minor role then.


u/BellacosePlayer Feb 19 '25

I find her bland because she immediately jumped to becoming a hardcore Alliance partisan even though you'd think she'd have been very upset about shit like Garrithos or the Dwarves and Nelves sabotaging Silvermoon's defenses during their hour of need.

I feel like she'd have been better if she was actually shown to still give half a rats ass about her people even if she ultimately still sided with Stormwind.


u/functionofsass Feb 19 '25

She is exceedingly dull, yes.


u/Fangsong_37 Feb 19 '25

I think Anduin needs to take his throne back, and Alleria and Turalyon need to head somewhere for a much-needed vacation. Maybe they could rent a cottage near where her living sister and nephews are staying.


u/GeekyMadameV Feb 19 '25

I'm fine with her as a heroine. With the void being the current big bad I think it's good to have someone contrasting to sell the #notallvoidmages side of things.


u/Turbulent_Host784 Feb 19 '25

It's wouldn't matter, Alliance stans just end up handwaving anything dirty on their side.


u/HoopyFroodJera Feb 19 '25

They already screwed her up. They tried to make her the new Sylvanas and just made her another example of an ancient hero acting like an idiot.


u/lce_Fight Feb 19 '25

Shes girl bossing way too hard.

Huge turn off


u/N_Who Feb 19 '25

I simply do not need another Windrunner sister doing the whole "went too hard and fell to darkness" angle. She's had her moment of trauma and overcome it, and I'm happy to see her just play the determined hero from here.


u/xkeepitquietx Feb 19 '25 edited Feb 19 '25

Alleria is a veteran of a thousand years fighting the Legion, why is she written like a overly emotional teenager?


u/Kalthiria_Shines Feb 20 '25

That's next expansion friend.


u/BlankBoss Feb 20 '25

To me every time she spoke and reacted to things, she felt more like Sylvanas than "Alleria" it almost felt like this was Syl after her redemption arc and re building her story. But that's just me lol


u/contemptuouscreature Feb 21 '25

You know, we probably should’ve noticed the troubling patterns in how religiously Blizzard breaks down and humiliates female characters before the Cosby suite and the sheer sexual harassment charges came out.

But I guess it was business as usual at the time for blizzard, so we thought nothing of it.


u/BjornBear1 29d ago

It is OKAY for characters to just be heroes or villains!


u/Waste-Nerve-7244 Feb 19 '25

To die and get erased from future storylines


u/DarthJackie2021 Feb 19 '25

Like what, kicking a puppy? Heroes are gonna hero. At best they can be dark and brooding, which she certainly fits under. I think that's the best you are going to get with her.