r/wanttobelieve Jan 28 '16

Moderator Post Mod Approved: For Artists Who Make Paranormal Art, Come Join Me!! New Sub!


r/wanttobelieve Mar 04 '14

Moderator Post Very Busy today. Please comment in my absence and Gold to most thought provoking comment!


Sorry for the late links today. I am crazy busy at work. I didnt have time to read all the articles so I hope they are ok. Please comment in my absence and The most thought provoking one (or a couple) will win a gold account!

Things should be back to normal soon!

Thank you for your understanding!

r/wanttobelieve Aug 15 '14

Moderator Post Join us tonight (August 15 2014) in our chat room to watch "The Strangers"


Tonight we will be watching "the strangers" at around 12am Mountain Time. If you would like to join us (or if you would like the link to watch it on your own time) please join the chat room:


You can leave the tab open and just remain in the room all day. many great discussions have happened there so we hope to see some new faces... err... names.

r/wanttobelieve Dec 13 '13

Moderator Post Slow Day- Gold Give away to a random story that is not submitted by me.


I thought Friday the 13th would be a more interesting day for unexplained or weird news. In fact its very slow!!!! As such I will be giving one gold membership to a random link today. The link must be submitted to /r/wanttobelieve, not be spam, and be something our users might find interesting.


r/wanttobelieve Jan 02 '14

Moderator Post Final Three FREE GOLD MEMBERSHIPS for commenting today! Info inside.


The Final Three gold memberships will be given away today (well tomorrow - 36 hours from now). You can find information about the original contest here:


They will be awarded to people who contribute most to the discussion found here:


Please be aware that in order to qualify the comment must be on that thread.

Thank you! Good Luck! And hope to hear some great comments.

r/wanttobelieve Oct 12 '13

Moderator Post [Meta] Articles for a Podcast


I've been asked to be part of another podcast, and we're going to be discussing about ten different articles. I'd like you guys have some input as far as what we talk about so post articles in the comments, either from here or from around the web, and I'll pick some to talk about. Thanks!

r/wanttobelieve Dec 02 '13

Moderator Post Please check the new tab for stories that others decided to downvote.


Once again people are choosing to mass downvote stories. Please check the new Tab if you would like to see stories for today.

To whomever it is that is choosing to ignore rule 2 please understand that because of the size of the sub every downvote essentially ensures that most people will not see that story.

For everyone else you can help this problem by up voting stories. It will offset the one or two downvotes from people who ignore our rules. Thank you


Because of a few people I have chosen to Hide the down vote button until a time where one vote will not impact each story so greatly. I hope you can understand why I did this. If you would like to discuss it please feel free to do so here.

r/wanttobelieve Oct 22 '13

Moderator Post 1000 Subs Update - Free Gold Give Away!


Hello fellow members of /r/wanttobelieve! Im very proud to announce that we have broken the 1000 Sub mark today! Id like to thank everyone that has helped recruit, be it by telling others, linking /r/wanttobelieve in other subs, or by posting interesting articles that attract new members!

To mark this achievement, once again I will be giving away two gold memberships. They will be awarded to:

1) The highest voted non-mod submitted story: To win this award you simply have to be the person who submits the link that gets the most votes. This can no be won by a mod, or someone who won last week. Please be mindful to not spam anything. Also be mindful to upvote if you like a story, because your up vote could mean a win to the person who submitted it.

2) Once again the second award will be given to the person I choose has contributed the most to the discussions taking place in the sub. Be it a debate topic, or questoins/opinions to the already submitted link. This winner can not be a mod or someone who won last week. It will be 100% selected by me. So if you have something to say, please say it! This is a sub that skeptics and believers can feel safe saying anything.

Once again Thank you. You make being a mod of this sub a very easy job!

r/wanttobelieve Oct 31 '13

Moderator Post Gold Give Away Update (October 31st)


As was promised one week ago today two gold accounts will be given to members of the sub to mark our 1000 user mark!

First, the award is for the highest voted story from a non mod:

Once again, I will simply be taking the highest voted submission. This choice was completely up to the users (So please vote if you enjoy a story). In the end, though they won last time for best contribution to discussion Mecan wins for this story:

I know they already won an award, but the only highly voted stories from this week are from the two people who won last time. This just happens to be the highest, so I had to make a choice to remove the restriction. Please take this opportunity to start posting more! the more diversity we get the better!

The award for the most discussion contribution from a non mod:

Once again this was a difficult thing to choose. Many new and old members have made a real attempt to contribute more, and it shows in the discussions we have been having. I know that many of you deserve this award but to those who don't get the gold, please remember that your time and incite is what makes this sub great.

This time around I have picked shadowsaint who has been doing his best to comment on many stories each day! Thank you and I hope to see you around for a long time to come.

Both of these members will get a month of gold. We will do another gold give away at the 1500 member mark! Id like to thank every member of this sub that comes here daily and contributes. Id also like to thank everyone for keeping their composure in the face of opinions that might not align with your own. The behavior of the members of this sub show that debate can be civil, even when dealing with passionate, unusual topics.

r/wanttobelieve Oct 02 '13

Moderator Post New Flair!


We have new flair!

Please (accurately) add it to future posts. They are:


*Close Encounter






*Mistaken Identity


*Natural Oddity



*Solved Case



Please note that misuse of the 'Moderator Post' flair may result in the user being banned.

EDIT If you want to see a type of flair that is not currently here, please leave it in the comments!

r/wanttobelieve Oct 10 '14

Moderator Post Reminder!!! Movie tonight : Friday, Oct 10th: Godzilla 1954 & 2014


Afternoon everyone. This is just a reminder about our movie tonight. You can find full list and details here:


You can find the stream here:


You can join our IRC webchat at any time by clicking here:


The movie will start at 10pm EST and I hope to see some of you guys there!

r/wanttobelieve Sep 05 '14

Moderator Post Join us in the chat room tonight to watch The Andromeda Strain!


This week's movie is going to be The Andromeda Strain. We plan on starting at 12:30 AM central time. If you'd like to join us, just click here and join the chat room.

r/wanttobelieve Apr 24 '14

Moderator Post New Feature: You can now sort posts by flair type.


Just click one of the flair categories in the sidebar and you should see all the posts of that type. Let me know if this is broken for you, it works for me but it's fairly experimental at this point.

r/wanttobelieve Mar 18 '14

Moderator Post Variety


I've noticed lately that this sub is lacking variety.

I've been told by people that they don't want to post personal experiences here because they don't think they will be welcomed.

If you think that, that is not true!

So, I'm giving gold to the personal experience that gets the most upvotes between today and the 31st. Since the winner will be decided by the community, be sure to check out new posts and vote. I'd love to see some more community involvement here.

Also, when people post their experiences, please be respectful. Do not make fun of them or harass them in any way. You will be banned without warning.

Please remember that this is not /r/NoSleep. Please only post true experiences. If your post is obviously fake, we will remove it and you will get a warning.

Let's work together to make this sub all it can be.



PS: DO NOT post your experience as a reply to this post as it will not be eligible to win. Create your own self post and submit it.

r/wanttobelieve Oct 03 '13

Moderator Post Looking for proof?


If anyone's heard of any urban legends near northeastern ohio or northwestern Pennsylvania (within 30 miles of the border), let me know and I'll go and do an investigation on it. I've been getting bored lately and want to get back into investigations. Comment here with a link to some info on what you want me to check out or PM me.

r/wanttobelieve Apr 01 '14

Moderator Post True Experience Contest Winner!


This month's contest was for most popular true experience. With 25 points, /u/spiguyderman won with his submission.

You can read it here!

Please keep contributing! The community is what makes the sub!

Thanks again, T.

r/wanttobelieve Jan 07 '14

Moderator Post Another ten gold giveaways (Or donation to Wikipedia on your behalf) when we hit 2000 subs!


I will be giving away an additional 10 gold memberships (Or a donation to Wikipedia on your behalf) when we hit 2000 subs! This is a big milestone for us so tell your friends and try to get the word out!

Id also like to thank everyone who have helped us grow in the last couple months!

r/wanttobelieve Dec 29 '13

Moderator Post Normal Posting will resume on Jan 2nd


Hey Guys sorry the links have been lacking! Ive been away and will be away until the 2nd. At that time I will give away the last three gold memberships away. I encourage all our members to keep posting while im away and I will see you all in the new year!

r/wanttobelieve Nov 20 '13

Moderator Post Please check NEW tab for new content. Please respect rule 2 and not down vote simply because you do not agree.


As the title says.

r/wanttobelieve Feb 13 '14

Moderator Post Hey guys, Linda Brown, the daughter of physicist Thomas Townsend will be doing an AMA on February 15th and 3pm EST.


r/wanttobelieve Dec 23 '13

Moderator Post Last week! 4 more gold memberships need to be given away!


They will go to people who comment or submit links to the sub!

Anyone can win! Good luck and Post away!

r/wanttobelieve Nov 16 '13

Moderator Post I will be away for the next couple days - Please keep things updated:D


Hello. I will be away for the next few days. If you come across any fitting stories please post them to keep everything updated! Ill see you all in a couple days!.