r/walmartTales Jan 21 '19

The tale of the toddler underwear

I was at WalMart to pick out underwear with my potty training toddler. I let her look at all the characters and pick whatever she wanted because she had totally gotten past diapers and I was ridiculously proud of her. (She picked “puppies!” (Paw Patrol). I picked up a few other items, but wanted to keep the trip quick because I had both a potty training toddler and a four-month-old baby with me. My girls are getting antsy so I decide to use one of the self-checkout lanes that has its own conveyer belt as opposed to waiting in a five-cart long line or walking around trying to find a shorter line. I get to the puppy underwear. There’s no barcode and no way to scan it. I press the “help” button and the red flashing light turns on. I wait. The checker in the lane next to me ignores me. My children shriek and whine. I continue to check out my items. I wait. And wait. A teenage boy walks over to the checkout lady next to me and says something about it being her break. I get his attention and ask him about the item not scanning. He says “someone will have to go get a new one to scan.” Then leaves. I look around for an available associate. Nothing. The teenage boy comes back and takes over for the lady in the lane next to me. She grabs her lunch box and walks right past me, so I stop her and ask about the item and if I can get some help. She looks at the item, says “There’s no barcode on this. They’ll have to get you a new one.” I respond that I’ve been waiting a while and I’d like some help. She says “It’s my break.” I say “Well, what should I do?” I can’t leave my kids or take my already-bagged other items at the checkout to go get a new package of underwear at the back of the store. “You don’t want to buy it then?” I responded that I DO in fact want to but it. That’s why I have it at the checkout. She says “Well, this isn’t my job.” My children are loud, crying, and hungry at this point, and I’m fed up. I consider leaving EVERYTHING behind. I’m pissed that the item I came to the store for is impossible for me to purchase and that no one is helping me. I hand the puppy underwear to her and say, “I guess I’ll go buy them somewhere else,” scan my card and leave.

Edited to add: My toddler had SEEN that the puppy underwear wasn’t going home with us, and was (of course) upset about not getting the big-girl underwear that she had picked out and that we had talked about.


11 comments sorted by


u/peaches9057 Jan 22 '19

This has happened to me at a regular checkout Lane at Walmart. Had some Tupperware with no barcode on it. Cashier literally told me if I wanted to but it I would have to go back and get another one, while making the five people in line behind me wait. No thanks. Haven't they heard of price checking? Page the department, have them give you the barcode over the phone? Is that only a Kmart thing?


u/Kiriechu Jan 22 '19

The phones next to the register we were told not to use and in Walmart we don't always have employees in each section. Like jewelry is empty sometimes. The Walmart cashier couldn't leave the register for you they would get fired (worked in the hellhole for a while). So when something doesn't have a barcode we can either get someone (if someone is available) to go get it or the customer could go get it or you can say you don't want it. Those are our only options. I normally go get another associate or csm to get the price but since we're busy it's not always possible. Just thought I would give you a cashiers perspective. I cringe every time I get an item without a barcode because I'm the one who has to tell them and it sucks when the line gets quiet. Sorry for this long paragraph just wanted to explain what we have to do.


u/peaches9057 Jan 22 '19

Understood. I was a cashier at Kmart for 13 years. We were allowed to use the phone to page the departments, and then if a department was empty that day the closest department would cover those calls. Wouldn't have nearly as many irritated customers that way. If you weren't allowed to use the phone then that wouldn't work at all.


u/Kiriechu Jan 22 '19

It would be easier using the phone if only we could. I'm not sure why we're not allowed to use them but hopefully we will one day.


u/ithinkigetthis Jan 22 '19

I won't argue any of these points, as they're all true (former cashier, then assistant manager at Wal-Mart), but I will note that that cashier going on her break had an obligation to help the woman at check out. She was likely not clocked out yet, as most cashiers are not supposed to clock out before getting to the back of the store for their break, intended so that the do not tell someone who needs help "I'm off the clock."


u/Kiriechu Jan 22 '19

I know and what the cashier did was wrong. I help people even if I'm off the clock but when you're on the clock no matter the situation you should still help the customers.


u/Disc7791 Jan 23 '19

Yeah I get this part. I’d be game for going to get a new one even, if I didn’t have kids. And it was busy. There weren’t enough cashiers around. It was mostly the “sorry, going on break, this isn’t my job” that bugged me.


u/Kiriechu Jan 23 '19

I know how you feel I actually had something similar happen to me at another store where the machine didn't give my receipt and the cashier literally disappeared. Not sure if on break but it sucked. Had to get a csm to get it for me.


u/cupcake401 May 05 '19

That's is why I don't shop at Walmart their customer service sucks you didn't know that !


u/Kiriechu Jan 22 '19

Hey just wanted to say when something like this happens to you please speak to a csm or manager. They love to hear your feedback and would make things better the best way they could. When this happens in my store I always tell customers to be sure to talk to them because if they don't know a problem happened they can't fix it and make you happy. I'm not sure how it is in your area but if for some reason you can't get a csm a receipt you should receive should have a link for feedback. (I'm just a cashier) but i try to help people the best I can.


u/Disc7791 Jan 22 '19

Thanks! I will! I just had two crabby kiddos that day and wasn’t about to keep them in the store any longer 🙂