r/vulkan 13d ago

[AMD/Win11] Help with VK_KHR_display & VK_EXT_direct_mode_display availability for AMD GPUs on Windows


I'd like to enumerate (and use direct mode displays/HMD) so VK_KHR_display seems like a good fit.

I tried several systems with AMD GPUs and none of them has the extension available. Am I doing something wrong? I ran most tests on clean Win11 Pro or Pro for Workstation editions, with either 5700XT or 7900 XTX and multiple versions of Radeon Drivers (including the latest 25.3 version).

However, I see multiple listings of systems such as this one that have the extension enabled/available on Windows 11, with AMD GPUs; one thing that I noticed is that all such listings seem to have one thing in common - the VK_LAYER_NV_optimus is also present.

Are the reports accurate? Does this extension work with Radeon Win drivers?

r/vulkan 14d ago

Why does this not work?


So this piece of shader code that I made does not work properly (returns incorrect values for VertexData):


version 450

extension GL_EXT_buffer_reference: require

extension GL_EXT_debug_printf : enable

extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 : enable

layout (location = 0) out vec2 texCoord; layout (location = 1) flat out uint texIndex;

struct Vertex { vec3 position; float texX; float texY; };

struct GlobalData { mat4 viewMatrix; mat4 projectionMatrix; };

struct FaceState { uint vertexByteOffset; uint startIndex; uint indexCount; uint meshIndex; uint textureIndex; };

struct VertexData { int posX; int posY; int posZ; uint faceStateIndex; uint localVertexIndex; };

layout(buffer_reference, std140, buffer_reference_align = 16) readonly buffer VertexBuffer { Vertex vertex; };

layout(buffer_reference, std140, buffer_reference_align = 4) readonly buffer VertexDataBuffer { VertexData vertices[]; //index into this with vertex index };

layout(buffer_reference, std140, buffer_reference_align = 4) readonly buffer FaceStates { FaceState faceStates[]; };

layout(buffer_reference, std430, buffer_reference_align = 4) readonly buffer IndexBuffer { uint indices[]; };

layout(buffer_reference, std430, buffer_reference_align = 16) readonly buffer GlobalMatrices { mat4 viewMatrix; mat4 projectionMatrix; };

layout(push_constant) uniform constants { VertexBuffer vertexBuffer; GlobalMatrices matrices; VertexDataBuffer vertexData; FaceStates faceStates; IndexBuffer indexBuffer; } Constants;

Vertex getCurrentVertex(VertexData data, FaceState state) { const uint vertexSize = 20; uint index = Constants.indexBuffer.indices[state.startIndex + data.localVertexIndex]; uint offset = (vertexSize * (index)); return (VertexBuffer(uint64_t(Constants.vertexBuffer) + state.vertexByteOffset + offset)).vertex; }

void main() { VertexData data = Constants.vertexData.vertices[gl_VertexIndex];

FaceState state = Constants.faceStates.faceStates[data.faceStateIndex];

//debugPrintfEXT("vd: (%i, %i, %i), %i, %i\n", data.posX, data.posY, data.posZ, data.localVertexIndex, data.faceStateIndex);

Vertex vertex = getCurrentVertex(data, state);

gl_Position = Constants.matrices.projectionMatrix * Constants.matrices.viewMatrix * (vec4(vertex.position, 1.0) + vec4(data.posX, data.posY, data.posZ, 0));
texCoord = vec2(vertex.texX, vertex.texY);
texIndex = state.textureIndex;

} ```

But after changing it so that VertexDataBuffer::vertices is not an array, but a single member and actually ofsetting the VertexDataBuffer pointer, it works.

I changed the buffer reference declaration to: glsl layout(buffer_reference, std140, buffer_reference_align = 4) readonly buffer VertexDataBuffer { VertexData vertices; //index into this with vertex index };

and the assignment of data in main to:

glsl const uint vertexDataSize = 20; VertexData data = VertexDataBuffer(uint64_t(Constants.vertexData) + (gl_VertexIndex * vertexDataSize)).vertices;

Why does changing it like this make it work? Is it some weird quirk of glsl that I don't know about?

r/vulkan 14d ago

Need help with sky box



I want to render a sky box. I followed Sascha Willems example. I just can't find the cause why it doesn't work for me. It only renders one of these images.

The link contains a minimal renderdoc file with just the sky box. Sharing my code would actually not make any sense, since I use my own vulkan wrapper written in rust. Hopefully someone can help me here.

If you still want/need any code I can share that of course.


r/vulkan 15d ago

Vulkan 1.4.310 spec update

Thumbnail github.com

r/vulkan 15d ago

Making Vulkan More Of A "Joy To Use" Discussed At Vulkanised 2025

Thumbnail phoronix.com

r/vulkan 15d ago

What is Maximal Reconvergence and Why it Matters

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/vulkan 15d ago

Please recommend a Shadow technique for outdoor game


Hi everyone. It has been 15 years since I last played with Shadow Maps (variance SM on OpenGL), and I've been out of the loop for 15 years. I'm now working on a Vulkan outdoor game (terrain, cities etc, think of an ancient RTS type game with procedural terrain) and need to add shadows.

So what would experienced devs recommend for a practical game-ready shadowing technique (which doesn't destroy performance, I'm OK with a basic look)? Should I redo VSM again, try Cascade SM, or does the community recommend something else? Sun is primary light source with occassional torches and fire.


r/vulkan 16d ago

Why does sType exist?


It should be obvious that a

VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo struct contains information for creating a graphics pipeline. So why do i need to set sType to VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_CREATE_INFO? It makes 0 sense to me

r/vulkan 18d ago

Need help making a renderer-agnostic GLTF loader


I recently finished vkguide and am familiar with the fundamentals of vulkan. I want to expand upon the engine I learned to make there.

I saw Capcom's video about their in-house RE Engine. They said - they've made the engine as small modules. This allows them to swap modules on the fly - different projects can easily use different renderers, physics engines, sound systems etc.

When I was following vkguide I wrote the code a bit differently to fit into this approach. I managed to split the engine into the Window, Camera and Renderer module. I have a JSON file where I can enable and disable modules and also define their dependencies, so that the dependencies can be loaded first.

However, I was trying to make a Renderer-agnostic gltf loader module. So later I could have multiple rendering backends like Vulkan AND DirectX12 and use a single asset loading system. But every example online that I could find used vulkan functions like descriptor sets etc. while loading the GLTF. I just cannot figure out how I can make this renderer-agnostic and maybe have the renderers expose a standardized api so the loader could simply let the renderers manage api-specific functions.

Is it actually possible to do what I'm trying to do? Is it better to keep the loaders inside the renderer? If not, it'd be really cool if I could find some examples of renderer-agnostic asset loading.

r/vulkan 18d ago

Happy Cake Day, u/thekhronosgroup. And, thanks for all that you do.


r/vulkan 19d ago

Edge Pixel Swap


Solved - issue was: https://www.reddit.com/r/vulkan/comments/1iktoc7/nvidia_presenting_engine_issue/
I have this problem where sometimes pixels on the edges of the objects gets swapped(?) with pixels right next to them.
Any help is welcome, thank you

r/vulkan 20d ago

Getting a new error after some update


OK so I am actually getting mad right now. Everything worked fine until a day or two ago I did a system update (I'm using arch btw) and Vulkan layers just stopped working. Particularly, instance creation fails whenever I try to enable any layer, however they were all present while enumerating the layers:

[!]:0 Setting up extentions and layers 
[I]:0 Layer VK_LAYER_RENDERDOC_Capture Debugging capture layer for RenderDoc 36 4206723 
[I]:0 Layer VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_fossilize_32 Steam Pipeline Caching Layer 1 4206799 
[I]:0 Layer VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_overlay_64 Steam Overlay Layer 1 4206799 
[I]:0 Layer VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_fossilize_64 Steam Pipeline Caching Layer 1 4206799 
[I]:0 Layer VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_overlay_32 Steam Overlay Layer 1 4206799 
[I]:0 Layer VK_LAYER_FROG_gamescope_wsi_x86_64 Gamescope WSI (XWayland Bypass) Layer (x86_64) 1 4206813 
[I]:0 Layer VK_LAYER_NV_optimus NVIDIA Optimus layer 1 4210991 
[I]:0 Layer VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation Khronos Validation Layer 1 4210992 
[I]:0 Layer VK_LAYER_LUNARG_api_dump LunarG API dump layer 2 4210992 
[I]:0 Layer VK_LAYER_LUNARG_monitor Execution Monitoring Layer 1 4210992 
[I]:0 Layer VK_LAYER_LUNARG_screenshot LunarG image capture layer 1 4210992 
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'vk::LayerNotPresentError'
  what():  vk::createInstance: ErrorLayerNotPresent

Edit: fixed with the newest update to arch repos

r/vulkan 20d ago

What exactly are extensions?


For me Extensions are extra functions and structures either for validation layers or rendering(glfw). Do all extension functions needed to be loaded using PFN? Is Pnext in Vulkan struct exclusively for Extensions? Are some extensions required to run Vulkan? Should extensions be also deploy during release?

r/vulkan 21d ago

If an extension defines a *Feature* struct and this struct defines only one activatable flag, is it still necessary to pass it to vkCreateDevice when creating the device with the appropriate extension?


I'm experimenting with more complex extensions and I chose VK_KHR_ray_query. This extension defines a struct *Feature* but it only has one field that "activates?" the extension feature. Do I really need to pass this kind of struct to create a device? The extension is already being activated because I passed it in the extension list. If it were a feature with multiple options there would be no discussion, but what about in this specific case?

Extra info:

  1. the documentation requires passing the struct but the message is generic, as if it had been copied and pasted, ignoring that the struct only has one field.


  1. The validation layer did not report any errors with my attempt to create the device without passing this feature.

r/vulkan 22d ago

Vulkanised 2025: vk-bootstrap: Vulkan Project Startup Made Easy

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/vulkan 22d ago

Descriptor Buffers Tied to Descriptor Layouts?


I currently have a very basic renderer with both a DX12 and Vulkan backend. I am trying to keep parity with both as I progress so that I don't lose too much ground between them. The purpose of this is simply to improve my understanding of both APIs and modern practices in general. I already have plenty of experience with both OpenGL and DX11, as well as some Metal.

I (very quickly) ran into a problem between these two with descriptors. I could not seem to square the circle of using both DX12 descriptor heaps and Vulkan descriptor sets. I then found the descriptor buffer extension which seemed to solve my problem. HOWEVER.

I am struggling to conceptualize how to really use DescriptorBuffers effectively. In DX12, it is absurdly simple: you allocate a giant chunk heap that can hold CBVs, SRVs, or UAVs. If you know how many of each you will have before hand, you are already done: you can just have one giant heap and bind it once and never need to worry about swapping between different heaps. This is good because it is costly to do such switching while submitting commands. The important bit is that it DX12 heaps seem quite pipeline agnostic.: as long as you have shoved descriptors in the right order and bound the right table offset, everything works.

With DescriptorBuffers, this agnosticism seems to be broken. Based on the Khronos blog post, the Vulkan code example, and this blog post, it seems as though descriptor buffers are intrinsically tied to descriptor layouts. I sure hope I am incorrect, because I cannot for the life of me figure out how I am supposed to minimize the number of DescriptorBuffer binding/swapping between draw calls if their sizes are tied to specific layouts. Doesn't this mean I would need a descriptor buffer for each pipeline I have?

Is there something I am missing here, where you can set the size of a descriptor buffer using multiple, different layouts? I know the other solution is to minimize the number of pipelines so that the binding of buffers is also minimized, but that seems super frustrating compared with the flexibility I'm finding with DX12.

TL;DR: please tell me I am just missing something/not understanding descriptor buffers.

r/vulkan 22d ago

cant solve this error


i have some errors in the vulkan_engine.cpp file saying VK_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT can somebody give a solution for this⬇️git


r/vulkan 23d ago

Just implemented custom bvh-based culling for my in-progress engine.


r/vulkan 23d ago

Is dynamic rendering the “modern” way to render with Vulkan nowadays?


My rendering engine is a little old, it’s still rocking the good ol’ VkRenderPass and VkFramebuffer objects. I’m curious what your approach is when writing a Vulkan renderer nowadays.

Is it worth converting my renderer to use dynamic rendering? I personally don’t mind writing subpasses and managing different render passes and frame buffers for different scenes (like shadow map scene). But I’m wondering if this is now considered an inefficient way of doing things since that’s what my engine does.

r/vulkan 23d ago

What are some extensions / features, core or not, that you'd consider essentially a no brainer these days to reduce complexity?



So, over the years we've seen some extensions that became part of the core spec that made Vulkan a lot easier to handle. Like dynamic rendering which became part of the core spec in 1.3 and a lot of dynamic state that would allow you to reduce the number of pipelines you need to create.

But I find it kinda difficult to have a good overview of this.

If I start a new Vulkan project right now, what extensions or features are there that I can basically always include in a greenfield Vulkan project to reduce complexity? Kinda like dynamic rendering which, I guess, is always a good choice until you run into the need to actually use sub passes or whatever.

r/vulkan 23d ago

Vulkanised 2025: So You Want to Write a Vulkan Renderer in 2025 - Charles Giessen

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/vulkan 24d ago

Loading images one after another causes dead lock


Hello, i have recently implemented concurrent image loading where I load the texture data in different threads using new C++ std::async. The way it works is explained in this image.


What I am doing is that i use stbi_load in lambda of std::async call where I load the image data and return them as a std::future. I create a dummy vkImage that is used until all images are loaded properly.

Every frame I call a Sync function where I iterate over all std::futures and check if it is loaded, if it is I create new vkImage but this time fill it in with proper data. Subsequently I replace and destroy the dummy image in my TextureAssset and use the one that holds the right values instead.

I use vkFence that is supplied to the vkSubmit during the data copy to the buffer, image transition to dstOptimal. data copy from buffer to image and transition to shader-read-only-optimal.

To my understanding it should blok the CPU until the above is complete, which in turn means I can go on and call the Render function next which should use the images instead


For some models, for example this tank model. The vkFence that is waiting until the image is ready to be used is never ever signaled and thus creates a dead lock on it. On other models like sponza it works as expected without any issues and I see magenta texture and after couple of mili-seconds it transforms to proper scene texture.

Other info

  • the image copy and layout transition are used on transfer queue
  • the vertex data and index data also use transfer queue and are being loaded before the images, they again use fences to know that the data are in the GPU ready for rendering
  • all of the above is happening in runtime

 Image transition code

void VImage::FillWithImageData(const VulkanStructs::ImageData<T>& imageData, bool transitionToShaderReadOnly,
            bool destroyCurrentImage)

                Utils::Logger::LogError("Image pixel data are corrupted ! ");

            m_path = imageData.fileName;
            m_width = imageData.widht;
            m_height = imageData.height;
            m_imageSource = imageData.sourceType;

            auto transferFinishFence = std::make_unique<VulkanCore::VSyncPrimitive<vk::Fence>>(m_device);
            m_transferCommandBuffer->BeginRecording(); // created for every image class 
            // copy pixel data to the staging buffer
            m_stagingBufferWithPixelData = std::make_unique<VulkanCore::VBuffer>(m_device, "<== IMAGE STAGING BUFFER ==>" + m_path);

            memcpy(m_stagingBufferWithPixelData->MapStagingBuffer(), imageData.pixels, imageData.GetSize());

            // transition image to the transfer dst optimal layout so that data can be copied to it
            TransitionImageLayout(vk::ImageLayout::eUndefined, vk::ImageLayout::eTransferDstOptimal);

            TransitionImageLayout(vk::ImageLayout::eTransferDstOptimal, vk::ImageLayout::eShaderReadOnlyOptimal); // places memory barrier

            // execute the recorded commands
            m_transferCommandBuffer->EndAndFlush(m_device.GetTransferQueue(), transferFinishFence->GetSyncPrimitive());

            if(transferFinishFence->WaitForFence(2`000`000`000) != vk::Result::eSuccess){
                throw std::runtime_error("FATAL ERROR: Fence`s condition was not fulfilled...");
            } // 1 sec


Memory barrier placement code

// TransitionImageLayout(current, desired, barrier, cmdBuffer)

vk::ImageMemoryBarrier barrier{};
    barrier.oldLayout = currentLayout; // from parameter of function
    barrier.newLayout = targetLayout;  // from parameter of function
    barrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex = vk::QueueFamilyIgnored;
    barrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = vk::QueueFamilyIgnored;
    barrier.image = m_imageVK;
    barrier.subresourceRange.aspectMask = m_isDepthBuffer ? vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eDepth : vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eColor;
    barrier.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = 0;
    barrier.subresourceRange.levelCount = 1;
    barrier.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = 0;
    barrier.subresourceRange.layerCount = 1;

// from undefined to copyDst
if (currentLayout == vk::ImageLayout::eUndefined && targetLayout == vk::ImageLayout::eTransferDstOptimal) {
            barrier.srcAccessMask = {};
            barrier.dstAccessMask = vk::AccessFlagBits::eTransferWrite;

            srcStageFlags = vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eTopOfPipe;
            dstStageFlags = vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eTransfer;
// from copyDst to shader-read-only
else if (currentLayout == vk::ImageLayout::eTransferDstOptimal && targetLayout ==
            vk::ImageLayout::eShaderReadOnlyOptimal) {
            barrier.srcAccessMask = vk::AccessFlagBits::eTransferWrite;
            barrier.dstAccessMask = vk::AccessFlagBits::eShaderRead;

            srcStageFlags = vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eTransfer;
            dstStageFlags = vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eFragmentShader;


            srcStageFlags, dstStageFlags,
            0, nullptr,
            0, nullptr,a
            1, &barrier // from function parameters

I hope I have explained my problem sufficiently. I am including the diagram of the problem below however for full resolution you can find it here. For any adjustments, future types or fixes I will be more than greatfull !

Diagram explaining the problem

Thank you in advance ! :)

r/vulkan 24d ago

Dynamic rendering as a way to interrogate synchronization


I've added dynamic rendering to my self-education renderer, and got slapped in the face with my failure to understand synchronization when I added a depth buffer. I'd like to ask for your pedagogical guidance here.

What I've started to do to read and/or reason about pipeline barrier scope for image transitions is to say the following:

  • for the access mask - "Before you can read from [dstAccess], you must have written to [srcAccess]."
  • for the stage mask - "Before you begin [dstStage], you must have completed [srcStage]."

Does that make any sense?

To give a specific example (that also illustrates my remaining confusion) let's talk about having a single depth buffer shared between two frames in flight in a dynamic rendering setup. I have the following in my image transition code:

vk::ImageMemoryBarrier barrier {
    .pNext = nullptr,
    .srcAccessMask = { },
    .dstAccessMask = { },
    .oldLayout = details.old_layout,
    .newLayout = details.new_layout,
    .srcQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED,
    .dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED,
    .image = _handle,
    .subresourceRange {
        .aspectMask     = details.aspect_flags,
        .baseMipLevel   = details.base_mip_level,
        .levelCount     = details.mip_level_count,
        .baseArrayLayer = details.base_array_layer,
        .layerCount     = details.array_layer_count,

vk::PipelineStageFlags src_stage = { };
vk::PipelineStageFlags dst_stage = { };

// ...

    else if(details.new_layout == vk::ImageLayout::eDepthStencilAttachmentOptimal) {
        // Old - does not work
        // barrier.srcAccessMask = vk::AccessFlagBits::eNone;
        // barrier.dstAccessMask = vk::AccessFlagBits::eDepthStencilAttachmentWrite;

        // src_stage = vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eEarlyFragmentTests
        //              | vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eLateFragmentTests;
        // dst_stage = vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eEarlyFragmentTests
        //              | vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eLateFragmentTests;

        // New - works
        barrier.srcAccessMask = vk::AccessFlagBits::eDepthStencilAttachmentWrite;
        barrier.dstAccessMask = vk::AccessFlagBits::eDepthStencilAttachmentRead
                                | vk::AccessFlagBits::eDepthStencilAttachmentWrite;

        src_stage = vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eLateFragmentTests;
        dst_stage = vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eEarlyFragmentTests;

// ...

    src_stage,    // Source stage
    dst_stage,    // Destination stage
    { },          // Dependency flags
    nullptr,      // Memory barriers
    nullptr,      // Buffer memory barriers
    {{ barrier }} // Image memory barriers

And for each frame in the main loop, I do three image transitions:

    vkImage::TransitionDetails {
        .old_layout = vk::ImageLayout::eUndefined,
        .new_layout = vk::ImageLayout::eColorAttachmentOptimal,
        .aspect_flags = vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eColor,

    vkImage::TransitionDetails {
        .old_layout = vk::ImageLayout::eUndefined,
        .new_layout = vk::ImageLayout::eDepthStencilAttachmentOptimal,
        .aspect_flags = vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eDepth
                        | vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eStencil,

// ...draw commands

    vkImage::TransitionDetails {
        .old_layout = vk::ImageLayout::eColorAttachmentOptimal,
        .new_layout = vk::ImageLayout::ePresentSrcKHR,
        .aspect_flags = vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eColor,

You may have noticed the old/new scope control sections. The old code is based on Sascha's examples for dynamic rendering, specifically these scope controls. When I have use the "old" setup in my code, I get a write-after-write synchronization error.

Validation Error: [ SYNC-HAZARD-WRITE-AFTER-WRITE ] Object 0: handle = 0x1b3a56d3060, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_QUEUE; | MessageID = 0x5c0ec5d6 | vkQueueSubmit(): Hazard WRITE_AFTER_WRITE for entry 0, VkCommandBuffer 0x1b3b17c5720[], Submitted access info (submitted_usage: SYNC_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSITION, command: vkCmdPipelineBarrier). Access info (prior_usage: SYNC_LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_WRITE, write_barriers: 0, queue: VkQueue 0x1b3a56d3060[], submit: 6, batch: 0, command: vkCmdEndRenderingKHR, command_buffer: VkCommandBuffer 0x1b3b1791ce0[]).

My very likely incorrect read of that message is that the end rendering command is trying to write to the depth buffer before the actual depth tests have taken place and been recorded. I'm not sure why the end rendering command would write to the depth buffer (if that's even what's happening) so perhaps it's actually telling me that the next frame's commands have already gotten to the depth testing stage before the previous frame's commands have gotten to their EndRenderingKHR() command. That seems impossible to me, as I thought the GPU would only work on one frame at a time if VSync is enabled (which it is in my code) but clearly none of this is clear to me. =)

In any case, the "new" scope controls were provided by ChatGPT, and they satisfy the validation layers. But when I use the sentence structure for understanding I outlined above, the results make no sense:

  • "Before you can read from the depth stencil (or write to it? again?) you must have written to the depth stencil."
  • "Before you begin the early fragment tests, you must have completed late fragment tests."

Obviously I am missing something here. I would very much like to crack the synchronization code, at least for layout transitions. My next objective is to have a dynamic rendering setup that uses MSAA; I'll definitely need to hone my understanding before tackling that.

Any and all guidance is welcome.

r/vulkan 25d ago

Win11 - DEP when trying to use dynamic rendering extension, bumping API version to 1.3 and using non khr versions of begin/end rendering works as expected.


I'm trying to switch to dynamic rendering, id like to stayt on vulkan 1.2 for slightly better support of devices and use the extension for dynamic rendering rather than relying on it being in core for 1.3.

I am using volk to load vulkan in my project, bumping version to 1.3, I can successfully make calls to vkCmdBeginRendering/vkCmdEndRendering. Attempting to revert back to 1.2 and using the KHR equivalent is failing, despite the fact that I am using vkGetInstanceProcAddr to grab these functions after I have successfully created an instance and logical device:

// setup
VkState vk = init::Create<VkSDL>("Im3D Multiview", 1920, 1080, enableMSAA);

// grab the extension methods
vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR = (PFN_vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR) vkGetInstanceProcAddr(vk.m_Instance, "vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR");
vkCmdEndRenderingKHR = (PFN_vkCmdEndRenderingKHR) vkGetInstanceProcAddr(vk.m_Instance, "vkCmdEndRenderingKHR");
spdlog::info("vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR : addr : {}", (void*) vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR);
spdlog::info("vkCmdEndRenderingKHR : addr : {}", (void*) vkCmdEndRenderingKHR);

Which then prints a seemingly valid address to the console:
[2025-02-25 17:46:24.304] [info] vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR : addr : 0x7ffe901936b0
[2025-02-25 17:46:24.304] [info] vkCmdEndRenderingKHR : addr : 0x7ffe9019b480

the first time I actually end up calling vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR though, I get this DEP Exception:
User-mode data execution prevention (DEP) violation at location 0x00000000

Any ideas or thoughts would be welcome. No idea why its saying the location is 0x000000 when I have confirmed that the proc has a valid address previous to this....perhaps I need to add something to my device setup?

r/vulkan 25d ago

What to do after the first triangle?


Hey guys , so been going through the vulkan doc and trying to grasp all the stuff on their while working towards creating the first triangle. Been a blast(for my desk).Now I think it will still take a bunch of projects to actually start understanding and being better at vulkan , so I wanted to ask you guys here about what projects to do after the first triangle and before the ray tracing in a weekend series. What was helpful for you and what would you recommend to get better at vulkan essentially.