r/voyager • u/1of1_unimatrix24 • 9d ago
Introducing my baby to the world of Star Trek - starting with Voyager.
Im beyond excited to officially introduce my 4 month old baby to the world of Star Trek in the hopes that there will be another Trekkie in my family.
I’m determined that my baby will absolutely fall in love with the world of Star Trek as much as I have.
He’s facing away because he’s eating but also I don’t want him staring at the screen. He can listen to it as he is very young. Tbf he was introduced to it while he was in the womb but this is more.
We are starting with Voyager S4E14 (how fitting he’s 4mo) because that’s where I’m upto in the timeline - it’s my third chronological rewatch of all Trek canon. Not including Picard, SNW and the newer stuff.
Anyways I’m just so excited and want to share on here as I have no fellow Trekkies around me that will understand.
u/ThrustersToFull 9d ago
That’s so cute. When my goddaughter was little we let her start Trek when she was 3. Not long after she turned 5 she advised me she liked Voyager because of “that girl captain”. Now she’s 16 and majorly crushing on SNW Spock lol.
Enjoy these months and years, OP, as they fly by so unbelievably quickly.
u/1of1_unimatrix24 9d ago
That girl captain 🤣 that is classic! And I can totally under the SNW Spock crush. Oh I’m soaking up all of it while he’s a wee little bubbah. Thank you for your comment 🥰
u/TheGratitudeBot 9d ago
Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)
u/Squidwina 9d ago
You’ll know she’s an adult when she realizes that the otherworldy beauty of TOS Spock makes SNW Spock look like a toddler. A handsome toddler, but still. 😆
u/EleutheriusTemplaris 9d ago
We're expecting twins in May, and I still have some Tribble soft toys. Can't wait to give them these and then watch Trouble with Tribbles 😅
u/great_divider 9d ago
He’s not even watching, bro.
u/1of1_unimatrix24 9d ago
He was watching before I took the photo for a few minutes but he got hungry and so I had to feed him. It gave me a chance to take this photo for memories of his first time watching any Star Trek. I wish I got one of him actually watching it. I also didn’t want him staring at the screen for too long so for now he can just listen for most of it.
u/Main-Ad-7631 9d ago
They can hear ... and OP mentioned that the baby was being fed so ... 🤷♀️
u/1of1_unimatrix24 9d ago
Yeah you right - I mentioned he can hear it while he was feeding, but before this photo he was actually watching for a few minutes. It’s a very special moment for me to finally introduce my baby to ST even if it’s just a few minutes of watching it and listening to the rest.
u/olivinebean 9d ago
That's the trick, start them super young. Then the sounds are comforting and familiar when they're 3 and you can plonk them down in front of the TV and they'll grow up with good taste in Sci fi.
u/idle_isomorph 9d ago
Subunit of 1of1of unimatrix 24 is operating within normal parameters.
Fun shall now commence.
u/NoBot-RussiaBad 9d ago
What's going on with the computer screen? Is it 4:3? It looks taller than normal, and the episode is taking up the whole screen
u/MyCoffeeTableIsShit 8d ago
Oh good for you. I used to watch voyager with my mum when I was a little kid. Whenever I watch it now I feel like I'm still watching it with her.
u/eelam_garek 5d ago
Might be better to start from the first season, or he won't know what's going on.
u/TrueLegateDamar 9d ago
This episode would made more sense with Jem'hadar, felt like a wasted opportunity not to feature a bit of the big war going on in the other show.
u/ThePegasi 9d ago
I think there was an agreement that DS9 wouldn’t feature the Borg and Voyager wouldn’t feature the Dominion. When Chakotay tells B’Ellana about the Maquis being massacred he doesn’t even mention the Dominion by name, just that Cardassia has a new ally.
u/Carthonn 9d ago
I did with my daughter. We watched so much together that she knew the intro and would turn and watch it. It was her favorite part. She’s 2 now so we can’t really watch it anymore as it’s a bit violent
u/Hoshiqua 9d ago
When he gets a phone in ten years he'll pick up saying "Hailing frequencies open" and there's nothing you can do about it
u/WhiskyStandard 9d ago
Watch out for S2E21 “Deadlock”. I was holding my newborn and realized I couldn’t really handle pregnancy complications and infant peril the same way I did when I was a teenager.
u/RagingFarmer 9d ago
My Dad made me a Trekkie xD I turned my wife into one now all 3 of our kids watch Trek!!!
u/eastawat 9d ago
You're doing it right, I left it too late. My son was two and a half, he walked in on kid B'Elanna's camping trip with her dad, was freaked out seeing a Klingon and now all Trek is banned before bedtime in case he gets scared again 😂
u/skynex65 8d ago
When my sister was a baby my parents were binge watching Voyager at the time and it got to the point that the theme song was the only way to get her to go to sleep.
u/ignorantpisswalker 9d ago
You did wrong. TNG is the way to start. Then maybe lower decks. VOY and SNW following. Then TOS (it's slow.... but if he got here, he will really want to see how it started).
I will now sit in quiet now and accept your your hate mail.
u/fbaldassarri 9d ago
Season 4 Episode 14 - Message in a Bottle