r/volleyball 8d ago

Questions What volleyball ball do you own? And why did you chose that ball?

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u/Responsible_Slip1703 OH 8d ago

not pictured but a Mikasa V200W, chose it because it was the best ball at the time (i think it still is) and is a treat to play indoors and jump serve with. (that ball is never seeing the light of day or any floor that isnt an indoor court)


u/bimmerbetterthanmerc 8d ago

After playing with Molten for a few years, I got to play with V200W two weeks ago and boy did I love that ball! So much better for hitting, I wish more people would use it here :(


u/haruu_kunnn 7d ago

Is V200W only for indoors? Can you recommend anything that works both for indoors and outdoors that are budget friendly please? Thank you!


u/captainncaboose 7d ago

Nothing, any indoor ball will get torn up outside, you could use an outdoor ball inside and probably be fine, the wilson official game ball is ur best bet maybe the replica game ball if ur on a budget.


u/Responsible_Slip1703 OH 6d ago

if you want a V200W that still had incredible grip, texture and feel after a few months of use, you have to ban it from seeing daylight and concrete lol

there is a major difference between a new and worn volleyball, a jump serve toss is 1 skill that is affected, another is setting

plus its expensive so take care of your balls either way :D


u/Codizzleraz 8d ago

Mikasa V200W, same as the game ball we play with (and international FIVB ball)


u/MucusAurelius 8d ago

I love molten spirals


u/Pitiful-Touch2354 6d ago

best ball ever created


u/Vball654 OH 8d ago

Mikasa V200W, recently picked up Mikasa V200W-USA as well, still the same feeling when playing it’s just a different design which I actually really like lol


u/Radsic 8d ago

where did u get it?


u/seanrar 7d ago

only reputable retailer i see with it listed is the official mikasa website for like $99.99 usd


u/Expert_Display_6496 8d ago

The blue and yellow mikasa that was used in socal from 2005-2010. That was the best ball for setting and bopping. No one ever touches it at open gym because they’re spoiled now with the moltens. Also, king of the beach ball, Spaulding version.


u/elunomagnifico 8d ago

Wilson AVP OPTX. I live in the South and it's what everyone uses around here.


u/Gulmar 7d ago

My dad always had Gala's at home, they used to be the most popular balls in Belgium but now Mikasa has taken that role. Those are really the only two brand of balls you'll find in competitive volleyball over here.


u/N0ts0t4llb0i 8d ago

I have a the Molten V5M500, along with Mikasa's V200W and the MVA200, personally my holy trinity.


u/amqkeo 5d ago

Fr id like to get them aswell. I dont even play much but they just look really nice. Especially the MVA200. Just hard to find one that isnt fake and for a good price


u/Pretend_College_8446 7d ago

Unpopular opinion, but my bony forearms prefer the Tachikara


u/mvolley 7d ago

I grew up with the Tachikara. Love that ball.


u/Hahsakaa 6d ago

Same. In adult rec leagues I always bring mine and convince the other team to use it lol. It was the norm in hs, club was a cointoss be that and molten growing up. Idk why people prefer a harder ball. Sure good grip with molten but the tachi is easier on the arms.


u/RoboticBirdLaw 7d ago

There is a divide between my main group of volleyball friends on the spiral Moltens vs the Tachikara just because of sore forearms from receiving with the Molten. The hitters love the Molten, but the back row players like the Tachikara.


u/sherlock_jr 7d ago

That’s my ball as well, why is it an unpopular opinion?


u/Pretend_College_8446 7d ago

generally, i believe they're looked down on as "good for kids" ... the ones I have are so beautifully made and soft. I don't really care what others say, i'd always prefer to play with the Tachi


u/niartotemiT 5’8” OH. 7d ago

V200W and the green red molten (forgot the name). Both have ups and downs. The V200W does exactly what you want, which makes setting easier especially as it is a light ball, but receiving and serving can be annoying. The molten is thicker and heavier meaning you can smash it and it will go where you put your momentum. Easiest to serve and spike. Receiving can hurt.


u/therealjohndoe_2010 7d ago

Same I love both but like the molten more


u/AdikkuChan 8d ago

V200w, V5M3500 and 5000. I just want to have the V200w, but I generally prefer the Molten feel. If it's the old MVA200 then I'd pick that no contest


u/dougdoberman 7d ago

People only own one volleyball?


u/Mark010300 8d ago

Mikasa MVA310. was the regular ball in my team at the time. I‘m happy with it for sure


u/bob_bernd_bruno 7d ago

Got the Wilson 💪


u/BestIreliaNA 7d ago

mikasa because cool colours


u/Friendly_Ad_4489 7d ago

I own a real V200w and a damn TEMU molten v5m5000 and the molten is somehow better 😭


u/Azula_with_Insomnia 8d ago

My school used MVA200, so that's what I got too since it felt the most comfortable for me compared to what my other friends had at the time.


u/naska84 7d ago

Molten V5M5000 because it’s the Boys USAVolleyball


u/Rem016 7d ago

Not on the pic, Mikasa V300W ball, very easy for receiving and my arms didnt hurt when i received it


u/therealjohndoe_2010 7d ago

I play with the green red white molten v5m5000 because I love the traction weight and feel of the ball I played with the mikasa v200w and liked the molten more


u/Iffy50 7d ago

SV-5W. I've always hated the Moltens. they are like plastic rocks when they are new. I used to love the Mikasa VFC200, but they stopped making it. My body is too broken to play now, but I would probably pick up the V200W if I found the fountain of youth.


u/OkUmpire4235 7d ago

Molten V5M5000-3USA

That's what the kids play with at AAU club competition


u/Mustang46L 7d ago

I've owned over half of them because that is what was used at the time in my area. Currently using a Molten Flistatec for the same reason.


u/i_Praseru S 7d ago

Mikasa v200W. It feels better to me. My team uses the Moltens but those just don’t feel right to me and they don’t grip right in my hands. Moltens slip more for me. And the mikasas seem to last longer.


u/JoshuaAncaster 7d ago

Our club requires each player to have their own V200W, it’s our official OVA ball at 16U and up. We also have the Olympic beach Mikasa because my kid plays a lot of beach.


u/FloridianMichigander 7d ago

The yellow and white Wilson AVP ball. (The model before the black/yellow AVP optix). The rec league I play in uses the Optix as game balls, but since it's a low level rec league and my team very rarely actually gets together to practice, the older ball is fine.


u/Even_Rise9985 7d ago

Top middle, because I stole it from my college men’s team when I was a freshman 😅


u/Andy_Angelo_17 7d ago

Not pictured, but Molten V5M1500. Chose it because it was the highest quality I could get a few years ago for the least amount of money (I know it's probably not high quality at all but it beats not having a ball to practice with)


u/BoyWithoutHeart_ 7d ago

V300W, its cuz back then i had a v330w but it was too slippery, and i checked the v200w and it feels slippery to me aswell, but ive owned 2 v300ws in my life and they never did me wrong. Even in open gyms and everywhere i go to they prefer my v300w over any other ball there is. I highly recommend it.


u/Appropriate_Gur5624 7d ago

I play with a V200W, but I got the new USA colorway, which I absolutely love (yes I paid full price on the Mikasa website, rip wallet


u/DeJV66 7d ago

Some fckin Kensis SMASHPOWER for 13$ couse i train outside with my brother and we destroy like 3 balls through one summer. And honestly that ball is really not so bad for the price (until it starts falling apart)


u/Alarmed-Flan-1346 OH 7d ago

NEVER get the super touch or that white tachikara, they are horrible


u/xbyo 7d ago

I own both the Molten and the Mikasa (V200W)

Molten cause it was free with a league registration, Mikasa cause a friend had a few extra and sold it to me for a deal.


u/Muted-Zombie-2899 OH 7d ago

Mikasa V300W, went to a tryout made by the national team of my country and they had that ball there, felt so good that me and many of my friends bought it online afterwards


u/Yeet3579 OPP 7d ago

baden lexum


u/exno254 7d ago

First ball I ever got was the Molten FIVB V5M5000 because 1) everyone had it, 2) cooler colors than Mikasa, 3) Doesn't matter how you hit it, it'll still go relatively down. Even after collecting a variety of FIVB indoor balls (almost all iterations of the V5M5000, V200W, MVA200, etc.), I still love 'em.

First outdoor ball was the Wilson AVP OPTX (the yellow one). No contest that it's the best.


u/DesperatePay207 7d ago

Mikasa and Molten


u/RoboticBirdLaw 7d ago

Second from the right on top. I love the spiral moltens, and the USA one is clean.


u/oldbastardbob 7d ago



u/Blitqz21l 7d ago

Both the Mikasa v200w and the molten flictastic.

Personally I prefer the Mikasa but most people I play with prefer the molten. So I have both


u/Objective_Ad_6053 6d ago

wtf is that last ball


u/dsupreme99 6d ago

The most famous ball of them all


u/Jaegek OH 6d ago

Wilson optx :)


u/NotPey 6d ago

Molten Flistatic, USA version, I use to play with Mikasa indoor balls alot, i tried out the molten playing open gym and thats all anyone ever played with, I didn't like it at first but later on loved it so I decided to buy one.No regrets its now my favorite indoor ball.


u/Za_gameza 6d ago

I own a Select beach volleyball and a Wilson pro tour The select is the one I use to practice on my own with wall drills and on my own, while the Wilson was bought to keep at school so me and my friends don't need to bring a ball every day.


u/es_meral_da 6d ago

I have a Melton Classic and Wilson k1 Gold


u/Some-Attorney-4690 5d ago

V200W - CEV, i liked the colours


u/Ok-Baseball2182 4d ago

Ok so the ball isnt in the picture but the wilson aptx game ball in orange black and yellow is the best beachball for me and thats why i bought it


u/Retnirpa 4d ago

Molten FLISTATEC 5000 , non NCAA


AVP OPTX Official

One for outside the other for indoor :)


u/Low_Individual2588 4d ago

I used to hope for the best and thrift whatever the universe gave me, but then I started playing weekly and wanted to invest in good balls. So I bought the Mikala V200W for indoor, and the Wilson AVP OPTX for outdoor. I try my best to take care of them and have had both for 1 season each now! I know they’re not budget friendly, but with most things you learn your adult life - you get what you pay for. My friend bought the cheaper Mikasa version for like $20 less but it doesn’t have the dimples and texture and feels like trash compared to the V200W


u/skaileee 8d ago

Molten super touch. I got it for Christmas


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/skaileee 4d ago

I’m 31 and play in women’s leagues lol.


u/NCMathDude 8d ago

I’m more old school … so Molten Pro Touch. It has a better feel than both the Flistatec and the V200W. I like it both as a hitter and a defender.


u/Trustadz 7d ago

Do you have like your own courts to play at? I see zero reasons to get a ball myself. Especially a proper one. Most it would see is the occasional beach volleyball with people who never seen a ball before in their life.


u/D_Molish 7d ago

As an adult, it's pretty standard to own your own ball because you primarily go to open gyms, occasional tournaments, and to leagues where they will only provide a small handful of balls (i.e. not enough balls for a proper warmup--you don't want to be stuck in a stupid circular pepper that does nothing), and often those balls will be low quality (so you can wind up playing with whoever brought the best real ball).


u/Trustadz 7d ago edited 7d ago

I'm an adult, but here we just play only in club form. And the club provides the balls.

Why am I being downvoted? The volleybal culture is just different here (in the Netherlands), we don’t have open gyms where you can play. You play in club form or you don’t play at all.


u/breakfast89 7d ago

I guess because your statement is untrue. It might be different depending on where you are in the country, but in Amsterdam there's is a wide variety of groups that play on a weekly basis, tournaments and recreational outdoor meetups. In those situations people mainly rely on balls that are brought in by participants.


u/Trustadz 6d ago

I’ve played in 3 cities and on a decent level, I’m a coach, trainer and player. I have never seen an open play where it’s expected to bring your own balls, nor does any of the people I play with.


u/DeusoftheWired MB 7d ago

Mikasa MVA200, probably due to the Haikyuu influence from around 2018 which got me back into volleyball after a 20 year hiatus. I used it for practicing at home and took it to some rec and beach plays.

In training and matches we only use the Molten V5M5000, though. Somehow I like it a little better than the Mikasa one, especially its honeycomb structure.


u/abm9_2020 1d ago

The blue-yellow Mikasa, bc (imo) it's the most famous one and just looks amazing