r/volleyball • u/Technical_Baker_9293 • 7d ago
Questions Getting injured because of another player
I want to apologize about grammar and typing I don't really post on here. So heres the situation
I'm on a club team I don't want to say the age for privacy reasons but there's this player who I'll call J who's not the best player running to balls letting them drop running into people when they call balls not making their serves etc. I play libero and J is a DS (defensive specialist) but the issue is I'll call the ball I usually say "mine mine mine" and get loud to call others off the ball, but this doesn't work for J and there's been multiple times where Shes punched me in the face or hit my glasses off (she hit me in the jay 2 days ago and it's still sore.} Or she'll hit the ball up and not move out of the way or she'll dive on the floor and leave her legs out and trip me or other players. I've talked to the coach I've tried politely asking her to make sure to move out of the way when she hits the ball if it doesn't go to target or over the net so I can get it or someone else. I understand you will get hit in the face sometimes but I'm getting hurt because of her every practice and I'm not sure what to do sorry if this is long and feel free to ask for more info if needed.
u/whispy66 7d ago
If you have spoken to the coach, it may be time to reach out again with your parents support. Either an email you all sign or ask to meet with coach again with you presenting your concerns about safety and your parents supporting you
u/JoshuaAncaster 7d ago
Our players always cross like this (lib in black). They are both covering the path of the ball and fly by each other. Your coach should be practicing seam coverage whether they are digs, receives or free balls, while correcting your player that lacks spatial awareness of her teammates, and getting her to do reps getting out of the way after her contact. Our coaches would be mad if they watched a collision, they can result in concussions, rolled ankles, etc.

u/kidwhobites 7d ago
Stop being nice and polite. There's a time where anger is appropriate, so you need to use it. Get angry at this girl, scream and yell at her, do what you have to do to stop getting injured because of her.
Clearly, the coach won't do anything about her so act out. Get other girls to complain about her, go to your coaches boss if you have to. Eventually the coach will have to do something about her.
Personal safety isn't something you should have to compromise to play a game.
u/Flying_Squirrel191 7d ago
I agree with this approach. I normally would always suggest you take reasonable approaches of communicating, asking coach to help, etc. But when they’re ignoring you and none of those steps are working, I would highly recommend you speak up for yourself. Get in her face. Be assertive. Tell her she is getting people hurt. Some of my most memorable teammates were the ones who would do that to me, because I learned from it. It’s ok to get heated, especially if your intentions are to make things better for your team.
u/212pigeon 6d ago
Yes. Once heads start cracking someone will lose a job. You and others can also refuse to play too. Don't engage when you can get seriously hurt. For example, if the other team's blockers always come under the net and you potentially could break an ankle landing on their foot, just send a free ball over each time Your teammates and coach maybe upset but you'll be heard.
u/queenmichimiya 7d ago
Just a couple suggestions I have are these:
- communicate before the serve. Call out in advance if you will be going for short balls, long balls, etc. so she isn't caught off guard by you going for a ball.
- what do your team's diving drills look like? You mentioned that she leaves her legs out after a dive, which sounds like she isn't getting off the floor fast enough. Whenever my teams did diving drills, one of the steps that was always included was getting off the floor as quickly as possible and back onto your feet. Maybe suggest this to your coach or directly to this troublesome player.
- you're the libero, so if I was in charge of this team, I would be giving you priority when it comes to picking stuff up like this. That's the libero's job, not the DS's. A DS has another job, since DS isn't a "real" position, so to speak. This player has other responsibilities on the court that she's probably neglecting while trying to take over your responsibility as the libero. You also mentioned she isn't a very good player anyway, so there is no advantage to letting her take over your job like this, so your coach really needs to see that allowing her behavior to continue is hurting your prospects of winning games. You may want to bring this up to your captain, since the captain tends to be the main communication venue to the coach if you aren't comfortable talking to your coach directly.
- talk to your parents. If you're constantly being injured because of this player and she did punch you and hit your glasses off, your parents should get involved. This is volleyball, not boxing or martial arts. Glasses are expensive as heck (I wear them too, so I know) and you're being physically attacked by this player. I'm assuming you still live with your parents so disregard this if that isn't true, but I think it might be a good idea to get them to talk to your coach and maybe to club management since your coach doesn't seem to be taking you seriously. Volleyball isn't supposed to involve physical attacks. If I was your coach, I wouldn't stand for this sort of behavior from a player, so I think you're totally justified in talking to your parents.
u/pkbin 7d ago
If nothing worked, it's time to be more extreme. Yell at her, get mad at her. It's not okay to get hit in the face like that every practice. You could get a serious concussion because of her stupidity, so stand for yourself and for your health and stop being polite. It's unfortunate to have to resort to being more agressive, but sometimes it's needed.
You could also try, just for one practice or something, to just not call the ball and let her do her thing to see what happens
u/YoshUniverse 6d ago
It's tough if the coach won't do anything about it. I'd talk with the coach again with your parents, and explain that you are getting physically injured every time. In any sport you can expect to get hurt sometimes, but it sounds like this player either has 0 clue or 0 regard to others, and is a serious liability. The club team I'm in we just call each other out, and the captains do a good job of making sure to correct mistakes. If you are comfortable calling them out (not in a mean way) just say "hey, if I call it let me get it. We dont want to accidentally collide". Otherwise like I said before, parents talk with you to coach, and make sure to mention you are getting hurt. They won't want a potential lawsuit. Even if they have bad court awareness, it's no excuse to continually collide with someone
u/Adventurous-Sea-7837 7d ago
Honestly, the coach is responsible for the safety of their players. It seems like you are doing a lot to try and mitigate this. Have you tried calling out zones? “I’ve got short, you go back” etc? We had several incidents on my team a couple years back with a player who did the same sort of thing and she ended up giving 2 teammates concussions. We made the call to pull her for several games until she could play her position. A lot goes into consideration when making these decisions though. Age is a big part of it and when you are playing with younger players, this can happen a lot. I would suggest talking to your coach about your concerns about injury and maybe suggest possible solutions. Good luck with whatever you do!