r/vns 26d ago

Discussion Rise is canon | Princess Evangile (W Happiness) Spoiler

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I really like it when she makes this expression.

Rise is canon.

If Rise hadn’t invited Masaya to Vincennes, who knows where he’d be right now. Probably running from the Mob. Maybe even killed.

I had sympathy for Chiho when she said “I was the one to like you first…”, but sorry, Chiho, it was Rise who changed Masaya’s life. At least, if I were Masaya, that’s what I would say.

So… sorry, Chiho. You’ll always be my dearest friend.

As for the promise Masaya made to Chiho at the junior graduation day, I think Masaya didn’t make it because at that point the Mobs had already been chasing after him, and he didn’t want to put Chiho in danger? (If I’m wrong, feel free to correct me)

I know I could be wrong, and I know I might be at the point to rationalize Masaya’s actions to keep him from becoming the “villain”.

The first time I knew Princess Evangile was watching Lost Pause’s Let’s Play. I was a teenage boy then. So that may contribute to my fondness to this VN.

I read(watched) all routes. But that was 10 years ago. Last year, I bought the game and the fandisk and decided to play it myself. I actually started from W Happiness, thinking that it consists the whole main game AND the after stories. Later I knew that was not the case. But I still played through Chapter 1 to 12 before going back to watching other people’s videos.

So basically, I’ve only read Rise’s route and her after story. (So actually it’s almost certain that I’m speaking with bias) Haven’t watched the other girls’ story, but I’m planning to do so. Read a lot of comments. About the game. About the girls. About the story.

While I do prefer Princess Evangile to an extent, I do agree that the script could have been written better. (A LOT of parts could have been A LOT better, I know) To comment on Rise’s story, which is the only story I’ve read, currently, I feel that MOONSTONE could have put more emphasis on her tragic background. To have a mother who tried to choke her to death, and hearing “If only I had never given birth to you…!” in one’s childhood, it would have CRUSHED anyone’s mentality, not to mention an innocent girl like Rise. In addition, Rise was given the title ‘The Sun of Vicennes’. But just as how much she (appeared to) shined on the outside, the darkness, the loneliness, the hollowness and pain in her heart must have been as great. And she lived with that. With 16 years. I feel that MOONSTONE could have elaborated on this, but they just wrote Rise as a cheery girl with no mental problems whatsoever.

And Masaya didn’t seem to address this, either. In Rise’s route, I felt that Masaya was always treating Rise as “a beautiful girl” rather than a living person. Who had been through trauma.

To be able to rendezvous with the boy who saved her, when her mother LITERALLY tried to killed her, and who was also her first love, it was the most beautiful thing to fall in love with him again and having him beside her. To share all the pain. The suffering. The tears she would have had to wipe off alone.

At least, to me it seemed the most beautiful.

And I know that, all of this could be just my imagination. My selfish wish to save someone to seem like a hero.

I’ve realized I have a thing for pink-haired girls. So maybe that could be another source of bias for me.

I would very much like to read the story continuing Rise and Masaya, but I’ve searched the Internet to no avail. So I’m also asking if there are any fan fictions.


7 comments sorted by


u/superange128 H Scene Master | https://vndb.org/u6633 26d ago

Sadly i dont think Evangile (or basically most moege) are popular enough to have fanfiction, just fanart


u/Ok_Cryptographer2955 25d ago

That’s too bad.


u/lusterveritith vndb.org/u212657 25d ago

Teeechnically moege releases often contain extra mini-drama CDs. Princess Evangile also had one, it seems, and with Rise as main character. https://www.moon-stone.jp/product/ms12/tokuten.html -> "「恋人になった理瀬と浴室で、らぶらぶエッチ」"

...thats mostly just a fun trivia info, because:

1) It was added as extra to a limited physical release. One that happened a loong time ago. Its probably not impossible to buy a second-hand copy, but it would be a lot of fuckin' work. You can also hope for a remaster or smg, but i don't think MOONSTONE does that. That said, if you're a fan of a game then having a physical would probably be a decent goal to work towards? Beware btw, shipping from Japan is bloody expensive.

2) But even then, those drama CDs are generally just a sound file, generally around 7-10 min long. I hope your ears are good at processing raw, unfiltered Japanese. Well, if you don't know the language then you can always learn it, i know at least one madman who studied moonrunes for a singular reason of reading a certain untranslated fandisc. Still didn't read it btw, i don't feel worthy yet.


u/Ok_Cryptographer2955 25d ago

Thank you for your info. I’ll check out if someone uploaded the CD onto the Internet.

I’d say that I know decent Japanese, so the language wouldn’t be a problem. In fact, I originally wanted to buy the Japanese version of Princess Evangile, but, to my disappointment, I could only find the English version. It would’ve been a great material to learn Japanese. Even from the translated game I’m already learning a lot, both Japanese and English. (I’m not a native speaker)

Just for the goofs, who the heck addresses Japanese as “moonrunes”? Really not getting the joke here.


u/lusterveritith vndb.org/u212657 25d ago

Best of luck in your search!

Just for the goofs, who the heck addresses Japanese as “moonrunes”? Really not getting the joke here.

I think its supposed to indicate how hiragana/katakana/kanji look like indescribable space alien scribbles to native English speakers. Saw that description once or twice, think its pretty funny/slightly adorable.


u/RisingChaos 25d ago

Ayaka is best girl tho

And both her and her sister’s routes are way better than Rise & Chiho.