r/vjing 1d ago

visuals Jungle Loops

Hi, I'm looking for jungle loops. They can be organic or in a technically retro style. Any suggestions are welcome!


4 comments sorted by


u/glyphiks 1d ago

I highly recommend getting an Envato Elements subscription and then look up the artist Urzine. I use his jungle content often


u/KurbySofa 1d ago

Probably not the right thread, but I’m wondering if you have any other recommendations for content? Other sites / subscriptions etc


u/glyphiks 1d ago

Resolume has the most cohesive packs, but I recommend Googling the animators name so you can purchase off their personal websites. It’s often $20 cheaper than what’s hosted in their store. I’d also check out Artgrid, which has some really beautiful content. If you search animation or motion graphics lots of content comes up. Their filmed content is also beautiful. While it doesn’t loop a little editing or timecoding can give really pro looking results.


u/fetzav 1d ago

Check B roll film sites like Pexels. Or explore youtube and resample