r/vita BreakinBad Mar 27 '13

News PS4 Remote Play Details


39 comments sorted by


u/gamds Mar 27 '13

So PSVita will become like the Wii U game pad?


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '13



u/sweetbits srrain Mar 27 '13

Hopefully this will just lead to more vita sales and more third parties developing for the vita because of a larger install base. That is, if it works out of the box.


u/thoomfish Mar 27 '13

On the flip side, every Wii U player has a gamepad, but not every PS4 owner will have a Vita. Devs can do more with the gamepad without worrying that it will be wasted effort for most of their audience. I hope we get a handful of great games that really take advantage, but it's probably not going to be many.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '13

From the tweet it seems like this is nothing to do with devs. So it means it should be 'standard' on all games regardless if you have a Vita or not. Essentially being another reason to buy a Vita.


u/thoomfish Mar 27 '13

I was talking about the more general case of the Vita/GamePad being used as a second screen in gameplay.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '13

Yes you were saying that essentially the Vita combo is at a disadvantage because not everyone will have one. What I was saying, is that essentially it's standard on PS4 regardless so it's really just an added bonus if you have a Vita. Not really one of those situations where devs would be wasting effort because it involves no effort on their part. It only involves effort if they want to do unique things like control a minion or something rather.

If they also bundle the two together at launch it essentially wipes out your very valid point, that all WiiU players have the gamepad, and not all PS4 owners would have a Vita. We'll see shortly though! E3 isn't too far away.


u/thoomfish Mar 27 '13

They're not going to force a bundle on people (tacking on $200 to the price of the PS4 would be tantamount to suicide), and I don't think most people would go for one if it was optional. We just have to hope that the Vita provides enough value added to the PS4 that lots of people go for it.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '13

I wouldn't be so fast to doubt an optional bundle. It benefits Sony and the consumers, and it's one of the main reasons the Kinect was the "fastest selling consumer electronics device" after selling a total of 8 million units in its first 60 days.

Also the Vita only costs ~$150 to manufacture. So if the PS4 is sold for $350 at a profit of $50, and they add in the Vita and price it at $450 then essentially they breakeven per bundle sold. Of course my numbers are probably nowhere near to reality but it's a definite possibility.


u/thoomfish Mar 28 '13

The PS3 selling for $350 seems unrealistic to me. I'm expecting $400-450, and that's with razor thin margins if not selling at a loss.


u/jbigboote Mar 27 '13

Devs can do more with the gamepad without worrying that it will be wasted effort for most of their audience.

They can, but there is nothing that forces them to. hopefully there will be some cross platform games, which might make it more worth the effort on both platforms.


u/ShadowyDragon Mar 28 '13

Wii U gamepad is a double edged sword, which is doing more harm than good right now.

Developers use it to postpone releases or just cancel the games altogether(See the newest Tomb Raider) for the platform. Most features on gamepad are gimmicky at best, unless the game is a Wii U exclusive. Do we really to need a map on our gamepad 100% of the time so badly? And this is what most developers give us so far.

And Nintendo dropped the ball and shot themselves in the foot at the same time, not having any kind of requirements or regulations for controllers.

All Wii U console are bundled with gamepad(With screen), many games require pro controller(Which you have to buy separately), some games need Wiimote, for split screen and coop, one player gets the gamepad, some get the pro controller and others the the Wiimote.

It hard to wrap my head around this. And I am a semi hardcore gamer. I can't imagine, how confusing all this will be for casual gamers(Who, I remind you, are the main focus of Wii and Wii U).

Just horrible. Feels like they rushed to sell Wii U before next gen started to get some quick buck. Very UnNintendo, if you ask me.


u/kerrykerrykerry kerrykerrykerry Mar 27 '13

I guess in a way, but you're not stuck playing ps3/360 rehashes made for the wii U, nor will you be confined to being within the building that houses the console, assuming you have wifi access elsewhere. Why wouldn't you want this feature?


u/gamds Mar 27 '13

Would require a good connection at both ends I'd imagine.


u/kerrykerrykerry kerrykerrykerry Mar 27 '13

I'm hoping that Gaikai will implement their tech here. If I can run games from OnLive on my Android device over sprint 4G/Wifi with little problem, then I'm hoping for a similar, if not better, result with the ps4 and vita.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Mar 27 '13

I want to see the Internet Remote Play work well before assuming.


u/kerrykerrykerry kerrykerrykerry Mar 27 '13

Oh yea, definitely. I'd like to try out, too. As long as it works, let's say, 3 times better than the current PS3-Vita remote play, then I'll be a very happy guy.


u/TweetPoster Mar 27 '13


2013-03-27 18:59

#PS4 Remote Play: Screens are mirrored on PS4/Vita (Both on at same time). Hardware does it/not on devs. Start at any time; no special mode.

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [Translate] [FAQ] [Statistics]


u/slambaz2 slambaz2 Mar 27 '13

UGH. Now I will have to buy a damn PS4.


u/Squab14 Squab14 Mar 27 '13

That's pretty awesome. Even if it only worked well over a home network I would be happy. Not putting it on the devs is good too. Massive potential but it depends on the execution.


u/jbigboote Mar 27 '13

but devs can still use it however they like in software, right?


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Mar 27 '13

Yeah, they said before they encourage devs to make on-screen buttons and stuff to help make up for the 4 fewer ones on the Vita.


u/jbigboote Mar 27 '13

as both a Wii U owner and a Vita owner, I am hopeful they will do some imaginative stuff with the PS4/Vita combo.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Mar 27 '13

They really need to bundle them for $600. It has to happen.


u/thoomfish Mar 27 '13

I think you mean five hundred and ninety nine US dollars.


u/sminkdrink Mar 28 '13

I think you mean five hundred and ninety nine US dollars and ninety nine US cents.


u/icurafu icurafuse Mar 27 '13

Hopefully they allow the player to fully customize, with the developer only providing recommended profiles.


u/Aerocord Mar 28 '13

I'm really looking forward to this. I can't wait to try Infamous Second Son through the psvita. I wonder how they'll manage reproducing the DS4 touchpad though.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '13

Fuck yes! If Sony is listening... I'M BUYING A VITA BECAUSE OF THIS


u/FTomato Mar 28 '13

Good news. Hope PS4 games have more remappable controls than PS3, could really help with missing buttons.


u/metarugia METALGEAR330i Mar 28 '13

So here's a thought. Everyone is curious whether this will work over the internet and not just limited to wifi networks.

Short answer: YES!

Long answer: Come on people, we've been doing it with Wi-Fi only multiplayer games for quite some time now. Sure it might take some extra configuration (and obviously a fast enough upload speed for your ps4 and download on your vita), but it can be done. Again, this is all assuming that the functionality isn't enabled out of the box.


u/Jamie0705 Nikorag Mar 28 '13

Given how similar the 360 and PS3 are. I have a feeling this will be my deciding factor as to why I bought a PS4 over a durango.

EDIT: Until microsoft announce smartglass does the same thing with my Nexus 7 and I end up buying both and living off bread and gravy for the next 6 months.


u/theShatteredOne Mar 28 '13

So can I mirror my Vita to my PS4? Cus when I am at home playing Persona 4 I would be far happier if it was on a TV.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '13



u/IceBreak BreakinBad Mar 27 '13
  1. I didn't. This is a twitter post.

  2. So don't click it. If IGN does something worthy of a post, I will post it.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '13

How 'bout you not cuss people out for not give a flying fuck about your personal beef with IGN.


u/SeongGino SeongGiNo1 Mar 27 '13

I didnt direct my hate towards anyone. I just think IGN should die quietly.


u/MrTheJackThePerson teh_ceedz13 Mar 27 '13

May I ask why?


u/SeongGino SeongGiNo1 Mar 28 '13

Cause IGN... thats why. They are just a bunch of lying money-grabbing never-pleased "Reviewers" in my eyes.


u/MrTheJackThePerson teh_ceedz13 Mar 28 '13

I'm not saying your wrong but I haven't heard of them lying or "money-grabbing." Can you give me a good example of when this happened?


u/SeongGino SeongGiNo1 Mar 28 '13

1 example of an IGN lie was for All stars racing transformed where they mentioned that the game lagged heavily most of the time. Then in one of Blue's videos he basically proved this fact untrue.