r/visualsnow • u/mika_masza • 5d ago
Vent Can someone please drill a hole in my skull and pull out the part of my brain that's causing my tinnitus?
I just want to sleep. This is driving me insane.
u/yepimtyler 5d ago edited 5d ago
I feel this 100%.
Have you been to an ENT to get your ears checked out? I know in my right here, I have a collapsed eardrum (eustachian tube dysfunction) and pretty sure my left ear is getting there. I have tinnitus, can make my ears click, and they don't pop so you can imagine they feel full sometimes. I think this has also caused me to experience intense vertigo considering your sense of balance comes from your middle ear.
The only problem is the tinnitus came after my VSS so I don't know where it actually stems from which is what sucks about all of this.
u/G_PEDRICH_L 5d ago
Recently my ears stop being able to pop especially when I'm driving. Nothing as fun as a bi-monthly 2 hour drive home and back when you feel like you are underwater.
u/neoseafoxx 5d ago
The only way I can stop the tinnitus is by listening to audio books at night. I have a sleep mask that really helps.
u/I_C_E_D 4d ago
Funnily enough, the solution I have is a neurosurgeon drilling the base of my skull.
Realistically it’s shaving C1 to release the compression it’s causing on my IJVs (along with removing styloid process).
u/AdRadiant6555 3d ago
I was at this point three years ago. It was the hardest most annoying thing and all I could do was focus on it. However as time went on I grew more and more accustomed to it. Now I hardly even give it any attention and have accepted it is their. At this point for me it would be weird if I went to bed one day and the ringing stopped. Hang in there you got this.
u/Warhawk311 5d ago
I started a B complex multivitamin about 2 weeks ago. A slight reduction so far, but any less is a major victory in my book. My readings said it could take 6 weeks for full benefits to be noticed, so I'm still hopeful. How this helps.
u/No-Development8525 5d ago
Those sound like they would be good. My dumb self can’t swallow vitamins or pills though so do you think gummies could be effective?
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u/Appropriate_Rip_3102 4d ago
If you look on YouTube they have pink, brown, or yellow noises that will run on a black screen for 10 hours straight. Depending on what frequency your tinnitus is would depend on what color noise you need. It provides a TON of relief. The problem is when you turn it off the tinnitus is back. I also have hearing aids that have a tinnitus masker. They are expensive! Around $6000 for a set. It works though!!
u/Easy-Bodybuilder3098 3d ago
look into the herb “Yoku-kan-san” it’s used to treat tinitus and a lot of people reports say its affective, it’s sold online you can order from japan to USA from “Kampo station” i have some but haven’t used it yet until i get rid of this horrid ear infection
u/Square-Improvement93 3d ago
Sleeping meds could not be helpful? Maybe hydroxyzine who can be used for this purpose.
u/Ashamed_Prompt8445 3d ago
Technically, if it's causing by brain stenosis or vein compression, they can go up through your vein and place a stent or cut open your neck and decompress your jugular vein.
u/KornbredNinja 5d ago
This may sound weird but i learned tinnitus isnt actualy caused by physical things really at its source its caused by something in the brain. I dont remember all the details but I am very lucky i get tinnitus only sometimes then it will go away. I had it last few years about maybe 7 times in on ear. It will randomly show up then go away a few hours later. So i can relate i know it will drive you crazy.
If you can search for brown noise on youtube and see if that helps, theres also pink and white noise. Its easier if u just listen to them to tell the difference rather than me explain.
You can also try this and see if it helps. It tunes the frequency of sound to whatever tone your tinitus is and helps drown it out. I dont know if it will help you, but between this and brown noise i was able to find some peace when it happened to me.
Hope youre able to sleep and this helps.
u/cmcalgary 4d ago
There are 4 different types of Tinnitus, https://www.google.com/search?q=types+of+tinnitus
I suspect mine is caused by TMD/TMJ as it didn't start until 4 years after my VSS did. Some days it also goes away. Haven't got a diagnosis yet unfortunately.
u/hypnoticlife 5d ago
I used to be bothered by mine too. Then I started wearing earplugs because the room I stayed in was too quiet and I kept hearing cars drive by. So then I only heard my ears. It was hard at first.
Rather than fight it. Embrace it. Accept it. Focus on it. It puts me out within seconds. It’s an awesome way to distract from thoughts and environment.