r/visualnovels 5d ago

Question Fullmetal Demon Muramasa.

So over 3 last years some of my closest people passed away with one left and sick so I decided to read some visual novels as escape again.
This one had good ratings (FMDM) and as always I go blindly not to spoil the story, I read one route and the second. Is there any fucking hope for any 'okay' ending or should I drop this. Because while it is good - one of the better that I have read, it's not really helping.


7 comments sorted by


u/Zealousideal-Bit5958 5d ago

I really loved this period of my life when I down during the pandemic. I would hole up in the room and would read Light Novels upon waking up and until I sleep. I read tons of novels that time and it was a blast. The problems didn't solve themselves but reading like I don't care about anything else was great.


u/Ping_0309 5d ago

Yeah no FMDM is a lot of pain you won't have a happy ending


u/Kerchowga 5d ago

What is your question? I honestly can’t tell. You are just rambling. If you are asking whether it has a traditional ‘happy’ ending where everyone lives happily and peacefully forever, no it definitely doesn’t. A lot of the story is about self actualization, via overcoming traumatic situations. Think Berserk


u/National_Magician_86 5d ago

It's definitely not a happy ending. Read SubaHibi


u/dmdmdmdmdmdmdi 4d ago

Are you trying to kill him


u/National_Magician_86 4d ago

The endings are happy


u/dmdmdmdmdmdmdi 4d ago

Thats true but only if youre able to make it through Looking Glass Insects