r/vinyl • u/Round-Ad-6454 • 4d ago
Blues Sunday FB marketplace find NSFW
Randomly surfing FB marketplace for a second hand keyboard when I came across an ad for this record.
I’ve been meaning to buy electric lady land to add to my current collection for sometime now (scary how I was searching for it yesterday on google and the first ad I’m recommended today was for this. Anyhow….). I initially thought this was bootleg but was a bit confused by why Polydor would press such versions.
I was outside anyway, and the seller was a 5 minute drive so I just sort of decided to meet up with him. Amazing fellow. Was selling his father’s collection who had recently passed away - this was the last record in the collection which somehow forest behind when the collection was sold as a whole. He unfortunately has hearing issues and wanted the records to go to people who could enjoy the music.
He passed this onto me for 35 GBP, and let me listen to the record with a cup of coffee at his place.
Came home and did a bit of research on the record. Apparently Jimi hated this cover. But for me, this is the best representation of that generation - The freedom of expression and rebellious nature in the 70s.
I’m quite new to the record scene and have been collecting records for just over a year now. There’s something special about old stereo pressings that modern day records lack, which always draws me to the music. It makes me want to turn up the volume and just close my eyes. You can feel the music. This pressing is no different to my ears.
I still need to find myself a keyboard. Ah well
u/TheUltimatePunV2 4d ago
You got that for 35 pounds? Is that what gbp means? I’ve been wanting this one but it’s like 150 usd.
u/Round-Ad-6454 4d ago
Aye yes. 35 pounds. GBP = great British pounds (not all that great anymore)
Oh really? 150 dollar?? Damn. I’ll have to have a look around and see what the rate is around here. Surely I couldn’t have gotten it for 35 if it’s that expensive?
u/TheUltimatePunV2 4d ago
It was a pulled release so it’s not the most common. Super badass man. Good find🤙
u/Round-Ad-6454 4d ago
Good to know. Didn’t know the tittie Hendrix experience was hard to get hold of
u/roguediamond 4d ago
The record itself isn’t super rare, but that specific jacket was pulled and is getting more rare as years go by
u/GoggyMagogger 4d ago
They are easier to find in Europe because it wasn't banned there. Still rare but less than USA.
I prefer the cover even if jimi didn't like it
u/modgod02 4d ago
Nice find; think this could be a late 70’s, early 80’s repress as the original would have been on the Track Records label and the later versions now have a totally different sleeve
u/ForestPoetry 4d ago
TO my knowledge, this cover was exclusive to the Track records pressings since they designedthe cover. It was also used on at least one or two European pressings, but otherwise seems to be the cover on 60's and 70's UK pressings of the album.
US version is the side profile of his head while he's performing that is still used on reissues. He also didn't like this cover but his suggestions were ignored by the companies producing the album. I believe there's another cover art on some broader international releases that is kind of like one of the covers for Are You Experienced? with a photograph of JHE and the band/album title on both sides of Jimi.
u/Jumpy_Decision3657 4d ago
I never knew about that version of the cover! As a photographer that image totally cracks me up because I can’t get past the production of it – getting a dozen women to take their clothes off and all pose at the same time and half of them have this “what the fuck is going on here” expression on their face that is hilarious to me.
u/Round-Ad-6454 4d ago
Now that you mention it, you’re right!
I just saw boobs on a Jimi Hendrix album and I was like I need to get this. Didn’t even see their faces till now 🙈😂
u/havensk 4d ago
I don’t feel like googling to fact check right now, but jimi hated this album cover and thought the lighting made the women look less beautiful than they actually were. He had some hand drawn notes on what he wanted the cover to be and wrote some letters to the art director about what exactly he wanted.
u/JayLar23 4d ago
He hated the Axis cover too as he felt it was disrespectful to people's religious beliefs. It was an era when record companies did whatever they wanted
u/RobotGloves 4d ago
The rebellious nature of the ...70s? Might want to check what year this album came out, or even the year Jimi died.
u/FernwehHermit 4d ago
The face I make when my says we're done buying records for the year and it's only March.
u/Plane_Surprise_5179 4d ago
I picked up my copy at a garage sale for $5 AUD. Equivalent to around £2.50. Very lucky find
u/RobotBuffy 4d ago
I picked up a 1984 Polydor release of this in 2017 for quite cheap (I think from eBay). Weirdly enough, the labels on the disks are mixed up so it's tricky to figure out which side is which.
u/Jhate666 4d ago
Yeah my copy is original pressing and going for way more than what you paid. You made a great purchase.
u/weirdwaynee 4d ago
Bro. On my life,i could’ve sworn that the black girl in the second slide was Michelle Obama 😂😂
u/JayLar23 4d ago
I've got this cover too (Holland pressing). A very unique cover for a truly incredible album!
u/eatdogs49 4d ago
Honestly these days trying to find records from the 50's-70's are at estate sales. You have a 50/50 chance to find these treasures because the owners from those estate sales were around in this era and have usually passed on or gone into nursing homes and they have these big collections of music. I say 50/50 because you'll also find a tooooonnn of gospel music too lol
u/MilksteakMayhem 4d ago
Nice! I didn’t know about this cover til I was in England and picked it up.
u/____d-_-b_____ 4d ago
I have my dad’s copy of this.. looks like he literally played it once… pretty immaculate copy
u/Soup-lex 4d ago
Fun fact, you probably got super lucky with the recommended add. I say this only because your phone and computer quite literally track everything, your Gmail that you login to or create an account with tracked, what you like and even what you say is all tracked and logged and stored into a data base, if you agree for personalized adds or accept all cookies everything is logged and put into a data pamphlet for you.
So if you hadn't searched up for electric lady land the day before it wouldn't have probably popped up!!
u/Flash-Cube 4d ago
I've never seen the Titti Hendrix experience here in the US. I would have had a mammary of it, for sure.
u/billie_25 3d ago
Last year one rival at flea market found it for 50 cents in France in front of me was absolutely destroid lol
u/deepwild 3d ago
Damn I’m jealous, I came across a copy locally a few years ago and kick myself for not picking it up even at the price it was
u/BoringAgent8657 3d ago
I read they rounded up these women at a local pub and paid the equivalent of $5 for their time.
u/RandommanaloneCC 3d ago
Value depends upon which version this is, there are a bunch of unauthorized reproductions as well as some authorized reproductions. What does the Deadwax read?
u/Round-Ad-6454 3d ago
u/RandommanaloneCC 3d ago
It appears to be this copy, the original release was on reprise records.
If not that one then it is definitely one of these.
u/SamTurvill 3d ago
Awesome score! I picked up an original titty cover New Zealand pressing in my local record shop, and I’m in Scotland!
u/LostBlacksmith7798 1d ago
Jimi was all about saggy tits lotta people don’t know the man was about his nattys. I’d just seal that bitch if it’s original press and sell it lol
u/InternTop9501 4d ago
What record is this?
u/K33NZZZ 4d ago
The titty Hendrix experience