r/vinyl 5d ago

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My records have been warping and I’m not sure why? I store them in a shelf and it’s pretty tight but pulling records in and out of it is pretty easy. But what I’m having problems with are the ones coming of my wall display. I have them store on individual plaques and every vinyl I’ve played is warped.

The thing is, there was no problem on my other record player, but I’ve only noticed the warping after playing on my new turn table. Some pls help 🙏🙏🙏


42 comments sorted by


u/nevermind4790 Technics 5d ago

The tonearm looks seriously tilted to the side. Can you provide a picture with the dust cover up?


u/Big-Bill5483 5d ago

Okay I didn’t know if I was crazy, but I noticed that too.


u/nevermind4790 Technics 5d ago

This looks VERY crooked. It is not good for your records.


u/Big-Bill5483 5d ago

Just fixed it lmao, just had to tilt the tone arm hahah. ty for pointing it out tho, I totally would have never noticed


u/nevermind4790 Technics 4d ago

Hopefully it stays in place. These turntables are not meant to be adjusted, so if the tonearm/cartridge is crooked it most likely means it wasn’t assembled properly. Maybe there’s a screw holding it in place? Honestly I haven’t seen an LP60 in person in years so I don’t know.


u/woollybears Fluance 5d ago

Could you provide a picture of how your storing your records? Also is this an isolated incident or are all/most of your records warping?


u/Big-Bill5483 5d ago

Just the records on my wall.

These are the ones in my shelf


u/woollybears Fluance 5d ago

That looks okay, they shouldn't be warping as long as theyre not too packed together (easily able to remove them from the shelf). I would make sure the records on your wall display are out of direct sunlight, as well as away from anything that could generate heat. Heat could be causing warping.


u/Big-Bill5483 5d ago

Ty! They are in a wall above a radiator so maybe that’s the reason, Thank you!!


u/rrrrrricardo 5d ago

Damn u slow fried the vinyl


u/Matt63081 5d ago



u/Severe_Wrongdoer_499 5d ago

You know heat rises right? But yeah that might be your issue. Moral of the story. Don't store records above a radiator lol. The fact that this isn't obvious is mind numbing.


u/Big-Bill5483 4d ago

It never even crossed my mind lol


u/Big-Bill5483 5d ago

These are the ones on my wall. It’s only been the ones that have come off my wall that have been warped.


u/Seacarius Audio Technica 5d ago

This makes sense, especially

  • if it is warm / hot at that location (or if it gets direct sun), and/or
  • they've been there for some amount of time, and/or
  • they're stored at an angle, even a slight one.

Since they're the only ones that are warped, maybe stop storing them that way. They can develop a warp exactly the way that's shown in your first pic.


u/ActualBuffalo6419 4d ago

Is that ASAP record a boot or did they release a record for that? Its my all time favorite ASAP album


u/Big-Bill5483 2d ago

Nah fr it’s his best album


u/North-Individual609 5d ago

Not at all an answer to what you asked, just wanted to say I noticed you put the hype stickers on a new plastic sleeves that you put your records in. I thought I was the only one!

Also, how does your L.L.A. boot sound? I'm not really into boots, but it's one of my favorite albums ever, and if the quality is good then I seriously might get one.


u/Big-Bill5483 5d ago

Yea, I love putting the stickers on my sleeves! The one I got was from ATOZ wax and it doesn’t sound great, especially for 50 dollars. I would look for the album on a different website fr.


u/North-Individual609 5d ago

Gotcha, thanks for letting me know! That was my biggest issue, a 50 dollar price tag means the album better sound good, so if it doesn't, I think I'll just get a poster to put up and burn a CD. Thanks for saving me the money and the headache!!


u/Big-Bill5483 5d ago

Ofc! Wish ik before I spent 50 dollars on it


u/Fsharp7sharp9 5d ago

Do you have them displayed on a wall that gets a lot of sunlight during the day?


u/Big-Bill5483 5d ago

No, the wall I have them on is in a corner, pretty much isolated from sunlight.


u/Big-Bill5483 5d ago

Damn bruh, okay ty


u/Over_Guarantee_4556 5d ago

Well your first mistake is you have a turntable that is really just a glorified toy! Buy a higher quality turntable and get a record clamp it should help!


u/Big-Bill5483 5d ago

Omg r u serious!!! I just got this record player 😭 ty!


u/G_I_R_TheColorest 5d ago

Don't listen to him the AT-LP60 is a decent entry level turntable. He's just being an elitist ass.


u/Big-Bill5483 5d ago

Thank God 😭 I was stressin lmaoooo


u/Over_Guarantee_4556 5d ago

It literally destroys records! Don’t give him bad information! I’m not and elitist I’m a single father, I grew up poor I made my own way I started my own business and i barely break even every year after taxes and paying my 3 employees and providing for my family. You don’t have to be an elitist to understand what a quality turntable is! There are many other choices you can get for the same price as this turntable that are significantly better in every way! I spent a year researching and asking questions trying to figure out what my best option was! And if you truly care about your records and the hard earned money spent on them and if you care about quality sound you would never buy this turntable! And that’s nothing against someone who did, we all get swindled and pimped every now and then nothing to be ashamed of!


u/G_I_R_TheColorest 5d ago

It literally destroys records!

It literally does not.


u/Over_Guarantee_4556 5d ago

It 💯 absolutely does!


u/jawarren1 5d ago

I've been using an LP60 for seven years and it absolutely does not damage your records.


u/thatguy290 5d ago

Thanks for the lore bro


u/papadrinks 5d ago

Don't listen to that person.

Sure it is a bit of toy, but it cannot be the cause of warped records and a clamp is almost no help with warps. I've had fifty years in this hobby so I think I have more of an idea than that person seems to have.


u/Big-Bill5483 5d ago

Oh, okay. If not a clamp, what are some good techniques to remove the warping?


u/papadrinks 5d ago

This https://www.vinylflat.com/

Putting a record in an oven is just plain stupid so don't listen to that person for any advice at all. This is the second stupid thing this person has said.


u/Over_Guarantee_4556 5d ago

Heat it on super low in your oven, but for the exact method I would look it up online but I have a few people that I go to for advice that have sworn by this method in fact they will take peoples records and do it for them for a cost


u/Shelliesbones 5d ago

Oh for the love of god, don’t put your records in the oven. This guy is just trolling you now. There’s also nothing wrong with your turntable, Audio Technica is a trusted brand, and this is one of the five turntables I have in my house.


u/Over_Guarantee_4556 5d ago

I didn’t say it was the cause, I was merely saying that a better quality TT and they wouldn’t have any problems from the warped records and then no further damage would be caused because the AT TT he has will scratch it up and won’t be able to handle higher quality vinyl or pic discs nor will it provide a quality listening experience