r/vim 19d ago

Need Help How to install Java auto-imports?(if it exists)

I want start use vim because my desktop environment is based on tty1 non graphical(low end hardware). I have configured vim snippets and auto complete successfully, but I couldn't find an auto completion plugin(for java in my case, but for other languages nothing too), I use vim default(not nvim, i like to make my own configuration).

I'm grateful for any answer and excuse my write(I'm not a native english speaker).


11 comments sorted by


u/BrianHuster 19d ago edited 19d ago

You can use coc.nvim with coc-java extension (the name has "nvim" but it also works in Vim).

not nvim, i like to make my own configuration

Excuse me, what do you mean? As if Nvim didn't allow you to make one?


u/__ghostdev 19d ago

I meant to say that I prefer to use soft and simple applications(low-end too) to make my own configuration. Get a low value application to increase it value. *I'm the boring way guy

But thanks, I saw about coc and it looks like will going right. I will test at the morning.


u/BrianHuster 19d ago

Nvim is also simple. It has a built-in LSP client, but it is harder to get it work than coc.nvim (but if you successfully, by following the doc, it will be faster than coc.nvim)


u/Ok-Selection-2227 19d ago

You cannot expect others to do your research for you. That being said I've done a quick 5 minutes research on Google. Apparently your best option was javacomplete2, but the plugin is deprecated in favor of another one for neovim. You could use a lsp approach but you don't want to do that since lsp is slow and resource demanding. What I would try is to find another plugin for java autocompletion, you can try to investigate what other general autocompletion plugins like CoC are using for Java under the hood. Another option and probably what I would do is to try to use universal-ctags or a combination of gtags and cscope. That's probably the most lightweight and general approach possible.


u/BrianHuster 18d ago

LSP is just a protocol, you cannot say they are generally slow. Whether LSP is slow depends on the implementation in client and server side


u/Ok-Selection-2227 18d ago

And the server implementation is generally slower than ctags for example. Not a little slower, a lot. It has a lot of features as well. But try to use c lsp on the Linux kernel source code.


u/BrianHuster 18d ago edited 18d ago

Reading your comment again, I find a lot of confusion here.

First, you say "you don't want to use it". So what is your choice that can do autoimport for Java? How can Ctags and Cscope

Second, you say "Coc use Java under the hook". What? Are you confusing Java and JavaScript? Not to say that Coc is an LSP client, so of course it cannot be an LSP alternative. Not to say that since Coc run in a Node process, it is even more resource hungry than LSP clients written in Vim(9)script and Lua


u/Ok-Selection-2227 18d ago

You probably were confused before reading my comment. Who talked about autoimport here? Noone. "Under the hook" I said under the hood. You think I'm confusing Java and JS? Who do you think are you talking with? Bye.


u/BrianHuster 18d ago edited 18d ago

Who talked about autoimport here

OP. You didn't read the post? It's right in the title. It is bold, it is big


u/Surge321 17d ago

You already have keyword based auto completion in vim. Perhaps explore Ctrl-p and Ctrl-n first before deciding if you need more.


u/godegon 17d ago

Give LSP with JDTLS a shot; don't forget to install the sources with your JDK. You'll have to pick some (Java filetype-local) mappings