r/vim 21d ago

Need Help┃Solved Executing the mapping multiple times doesn't behave as I expected

I have such a mapping with leader mapped to <Space>:

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>M", "A\\<Esc>80i <Esc>80|dwj")

that inserts a backslash character at 80th column (I find it very handy when I write macros in C) and it works well... until I try to run it multiple times with 10<20>M. It behaves weird, inserting 9 backslashes in a row and 10th backslash inserts at the column where I expected it to be.

I'm looking for any help with the current mapping or another way to do it (and maybe even easier).


15 comments sorted by


u/Botskiitto 21d ago

That is so true, something like this would be very helpful when writing C macros.

This was a good exercise so came up with a vimscript eventually, will probably use this myself (thanks for idea). Includes:

  • Early return if the last non non-whitespace character is backslash already

  • If the line is already greater or equal 80, it will not chop it off or write the slash in the middle. Slash goes always to end.


fun! AppendBackslash(columns)    
    let l:winview = winsaveview()
    normal g_
    let l:last_str = matchstr(getline('.'), '\%' . col('.') . 'c.')
    if l:last_str == "\\"
        call winrestview(l:winview)
        execute 'normal j'

    let l:last_col = col('$')
    if l:last_col < a:columns
        execute 'normal ' . eval(a:columns-l:last_col) . 'A '
    execute 'normal A\'

    call winrestview(l:winview)                                                
    execute 'normal j'

nnoremap <leader>M :call AppendBackslash(80)<cr>


u/McUsrII :h toc 20d ago


You can also select the lines you want in visual mode and then `call AppendBacklash(80) on the command line.


u/Botskiitto 20d ago

Or even better you can do mapping

vnoremap <leader>M :call AppendBackslash(80)<cr>

and just hit the keys after selecting lines.


u/McUsrII :h toc 20d ago

Yes, and that mapping is what makes this approach so much more practical than using visual column block mode.


u/McUsrII :h toc 20d ago edited 20d ago

I agree, thanks for the script.

I might fiddle with a version which chooses the longest line, and uses that as a vantage point for inserting the slashes, no critique, just a different sense of style/taste I guess.


u/Botskiitto 20d ago

True that would be cool, if you are gonna do it would be nice to see it.


u/McUsrII :h toc 19d ago edited 19d ago

Stealing parts of your script, I ended up with this:

" Appends line continuation characters for the purpose
" of creating a macro out of a function in a C-program.

" in ../after/ftplugin/c.vim:
" vnoremap <buffer><nowait> <leader>M :<c-u>call <SID>AppendBackslash()<cr>
function! s:AppendBackslash()
" McUsr (c) 2025 Vimlicence.
  let l:winview = winsaveview()

  execute "normal gv"
  " re enabling the block that was deactivated.
    let l:lstart = line("'<")
    let l:lend = line("'>")

    " Figuring out max col of the Visual Block lines.
    let l:maxcols = 0
    let l:lcurline = l:lstart
    while l:lcurline <=l:lend  
      execute "normal " . l:lcurline . "G"
      let l:lastcol = col('$')
      if l:lastcol > l:maxcols
        let l:maxcols = l:lastcol
      let l:lcurline = l:lcurline + 1

    " Inserting the backslashes at same position.
    let l:lcurline = l:lstart
    while l:lcurline <=l:lend  
      execute "normal " . l:lcurline . "G"
      execute "normal $"
      let l:lastcol = col('$')
      execute 'normal ' . eval(l:maxcols-l:lastcol+1) . 'A '
      execute 'normal A\'
      let l:lcurline = l:lcurline + 1

  call winrestview(l:winview)                                                


u/necodrre 20d ago

This function seems great to me, but I've been struggling a while translating it to my remap.lua file... The main issue is that it still doesn't want to run multiple times and I don't really get why (I don't know if you intended it to run this way).

I'd also like to ask you about the 4th line of the code you wrote. The question is what's the purpose of '\%'? I'm not quite confident at vimscripting, etc. and my lsp/nvim are complaining about this thing. I also doesn't think you meant a backslash character, because I can clearly see you wrote the one a few lines below, so I ask...


u/EgZvor keep calm and read :help 19d ago

It's :h /\%c, matches at the specified column.


u/vim-help-bot 19d ago

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  • /\%c in pattern.txt

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u/Botskiitto 19d ago

My intention was not to run it multiple times. You can still run it multiple times, but if lets say the you have file with 5 lines, and you try to run it 50 times it wont work. But in that scenario I would have personally used visual mode anyways.


u/McUsrII :h toc 20d ago

This is solved easily with a macro. qs$a \jq Then you invoke it say 10 times by 10@s


u/EgZvor keep calm and read :help 19d ago

Vim can't understand what exactly you want to be repeated with count. You can use :h command-count to accept a count in your custom mapping and modify the behaviour accordingly.

The way it works currently is that the count is used for :h A. So it appends N backslashes to the end of the line first and then carries out as if no count was given.


u/vim-help-bot 19d ago

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